Sandy brown hair, straight gleaming teeth, and one bouncy curl on the middle of her face. Playfully bobbing up and down, up and down. Her body- perfection, her feet tiny and her toes cute. Her nose freckled slightly, her hair highlighted redish blonde in the back, one shade of highlight, right in the middle. Her thin lips, and her caramel eyes. Today she was wearing her hogwarts Uniform without the robe, and her high gray socks only showed her perfectly shaved knees. Stop! thought Draco to himself . But those adorable ears... Stop! She's a mudblood. And she's coming toward me now, he thought.

She couldn't believe it. Making an official (not illegal) love potion, partnered with Draco Malfoy, due next week with 9 parchments worth of report. She took a deep breath and walked slowly to the silver wide eyed dragon, who was biting his lip. What's the matter with him now? "What do you want, Granger?" he asked rudely.

"Look, since we're paired up, there's no use arguing. We both know you're a slimy a git, and I'm not that keen on working with you for very long. So I'll collect the information, you get the ingredients, and we'll get done sooner, alright?" Hermione snapped. Draco's face turned red with anger and his eyes darted foward.

"No mudblood controls a Malfoy." he sneered.

"Fine, then Malfoy, what do you want to do? Sit around, watch me do all the work with pictures of fucking Pansy Parkinson?"

"I wouldn't kiss that bitch if Julia Roberts seduced me."

"Well, wait....Did you just say a muggle movie star?" asked Hermione in surprise.

"I don't know what you're talking about, you little mudblood."

"Interested in muggles, huh?" asked Hermione, almost beaming at him. I can't believe it! she thought to herself.

"For once, mind your own buisness, would you Granger?!You little bitch!!!"

Some people (mainly Slytherins) snickered. Hermione bit her lip to keep her from cursing. "Potions classroom. To work on the project. And if you don't co-operate, I may just tell your secret to everyone. Our old Pure blood interested in muggle materials..."

"You do, Granger, my father will smash you into peices." Draco threatened, a hint of fear in his voice.

"Wouldn't your father like to know?"

Draco bit his lip. Hermione walked away, smiling secretly, daring herself not to turn back-little did she know, Draco was looking after her.

Oh darn, he had missed his chance. The little sexy mudblood had already walked out. Why had he called her that? I must not fall in love with a mudblood. He took a deep breath and smiled. He had humilated her, but suddenly, he realized that what he felt for her was not love, it was only one thing that was even more worse. Lust.

*** "Oh come on Granger, lets get this over with." he muttered under his breath, waiting for her to come into the classroom so they could start up on their project. The empty classroom. Him and her alone. Of course, nothing would ever happen. What could? That Granger had hated his guts since they had arrived to Hogwarts. They were both sixteen now, and Granger showed more interest in a hamster (Potter too, which was the same thing to Draco) than she did to Draco.

"Sorry." gasped Hermione as she ran into the room, with an armful of books. Draco told himself not to let his eyes widen. What was she wearing for god's sakes! Black leather trousers, and a white tank top that, when she jumped up and stood, made sure her belly button was easily into veiw.

"I've got some books here by Machmillian. Turns out he's famous for love's desire. Okay, I got Lust's Bride, What your heart desires: Make it easier and Destesting Souls: The New Edition to Advanced Wizard Potions Level, includes curses,love spells and materials. "Did you get the ingredients?" Hermione asked, her two ponytails clinging together as she jumped around, like an excited teen.

"Got them." he mumbled, still looking at her legs.

"Let's get started." Hermione said.

"What? All we gotta do is mix the ingredients together, write 4 parchments each and 1/2 each then...." said Draco.

"Draco! We've got to do research!" she informed him.

"Oh, please, Granger. You don't think the only reason I get good grades is because of Snape do you? I do things fast, while you hover away on your useless books."

"Dont you dare insult my research! They correct mistakes!"

"Shut up, Granger!"

"Make me."

"Make me." Hermione said stubbornly, looking into his cold dark gray eyes that led to memories, memories of murder, death, and angst. But she soon forgot that when Draco's silvered hair fell on to his eye, for once his hair didn't look like it had been run over and flattened, and suddenly, Draco did something that Hermione never intended him to do. He made her shut up. With his own lips.

His kiss was rough and hard, not at all of what she expected her first kiss to be, but she felt a tingle down her spine. He was so close that Hermione realized his hair was so different because he had just taken a shower. His hair smelled like the expensive wizard shampoo her mother had bought her, which smelled like a strong scent of rain. His skin smelled like lavander colored soap.....

What am I doing? I am smelling his whole body for god's sakes. Oh Lord, WHAT AM I DOING? Hermione pulled back. Draco looked at her with a shocked expression. "I have to go now." she mumbled, and leaving everything behind, she ran outside of the room, breathing hard against the hard wooden closed door. She ran to her bedroom, and lay on the bed, breathing hard because of what she had never expected.

He had made her leave. What was he thinking? He kissed her. And even though he found out soon enough that Granger was not very well experienced, he didn't even expect himself to do that. A hot flush had gone over her skin when she ran away from him. She's scared of me... Draco thought. If anybody ever found out he kissed a mudblood, his reputation would be ruined forever!

He had ruined her chance of doing homework, and he had ruined her night. Not that he gave a damn anyway, but he couldn't believe what he just did....

Oh Lord. Malfoy's got a crush on me. Am I attracted to him? Hermione thought, squirming. She had fallen asleep and awoke only to be filled with the memories of yesterday night. She finally forced herself to get out of bed and groaned. Malfoy would probably make up a rumor that she had been the one to kiss him, or perhaps they'd never speak to each other again, and she'd fail...

The idea made her feel dizzy. Robes, Robes. she thought. She found them in her small drawer and suddenly felt another object she had never kept in there. She pulled it out, and snorted. What in the devil's horns? she thought, raising her eyebrows at the insanity.

It was a Barbie doll.

"Whats wrong, Draky?" asked stone faced Pansy, leaning over Draco's shoulder. Geroff me you little slut! he thought, but said nothing. He was watching Granger's every move and for one second, she had looked over and gave him a look in her eyes. He didn't know what it meant-she looked away very quickly-but he was going to find out.

Hermione went downstairs for breakfast, with puffy eyes. "Anything wrong?" asked Ron, mouth stuffed with food. "You should know!" she snapped. "Whats wrong Herm?" asked Harry with concerned eyes. "What are you guys trying to pull? Putting a bloody doll in my drawer, going through my personals I bet..." Her voice was so high that she saw Draco Malfoy look over at her from the Slytherin Table with amusement. Hermione's heart sank when she noticed something wrong.

"What?" sputtered Ron.

"Never mind." she retorted, sitting down to eat breakfast, trying to ignore any eye contact with Malfoy. He had sent her the Barbie doll, of his muggle collection. Why in the world would he do that? She caught his eye only once, giving him a look that clearly said You're insane, and quickly turned away.

After a few minutes later, someone tapped Hermione on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Draco Malfoy. "Whattya want, Malfoy?" sneered Ron.

"Obviously, I am talking to Granger here, so no need to get all bitchy on me, all right, Weasel?"

Ron looked as if he was about to punch his guts out, but Hermione gave him a warning look. "What do you need, Malfoy?" her voice in a frightened whisper.

"Scared, Granger?" he said smugly, leaning over.

"Don't you dare tell them." she said through gritted teeth, trying not to be heard by her two friends.

But they were too fast for her. "Tell us what?"

"Tell us what?" The Weasel spluttered. Draco grinned at Hermione, his eyebrows raised. Hermione had a look of terror amongst her face.

"SHUT UP!" she screamed, and pressed him against the wall. Before Draco could attack her, she shut him up. Right there, with Weasel and Potty watching. Her lips against his, right there.

"Oh Lord." she said, looking around. Almost everyone was looking at her with wide eyes. Draco didn't say anything as she ran out of the The Great Hall. He gulped. Before he knew it, Weasley had lunged at him, sending him to complete utter darkness.

Draco fluttered his eyelashes open and saw the person he least expected to see. Granger. "Arghhh." he groaned, trying to get up, although it was rough to since his head killed "Granger? What happened?"

"Don't worry, I've set a memory charm so nobody will know. I nearly finished our report. After all, we present it tommorrow.It was hard to do without any help." she explained.

"Memory charm?" he asked.

"Well, I, um, kinda did, something I wasn't, erm, suppsed to do, but don't worry-only you and I know.."

"I don't head's hurting. What was it?" He grinned slightly. "Never mind about that. Just tell me where you put your Frog's Spawn and we'll have our potion finished, I've already written the report."

Granger had done the whole project. Draco was about to say something, but he sealed his lips once again. "Listen, we have to never talk to each other again." ordered Granger.


"Just don't talk to me again, alright Malfoy?"

"Why the hell not?"

"Just don't...oh" she blushed as she put something on his lap.

She left the Hospital Wing and Draco found himself staring at a half naked barbie doll.

"The Wizarding Level Desire Potion is used only in Canada, attraction met with the first person to one's eye after getting even a dot of potion that contacts through your clothes or skin. It is highly flamable..." Hermione's voice droned on and on, as Draco stood next to her, wishing he could smile at her cute nose.

Suddenly, before he knew it, one arm shoved the potion and it fell all over the classroom. "Oh dear!" exclaimed Snape,and slipped and fell flat on his face, potion dripping from his chin. Everyone tried not to laugh as they hid themselves in repulsive laughter. For once, the muggleborn's research had counted. Did I just call her a muggle born instead of a mudblood? I really am going insane. The first person Snape saw was Draco.

"Ahh Mr.Malfoy, what darling eyes you have..." he whispered, beaming at Draco. Draco backed away and Hermione hid her face in Malfoy's shoulder, laughing. "Use your own shoulder." he whispered to her, even though he liked her in this position. "Don't talk to me." she muttered back.

Luckily, the bell rang and Hermione muttered a countercurse. "So very sorry, Mr.Malfoy. You both have to clean this up. Have a nice day." said Snape smoothly, humiliated, but gained with power.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other in disgust as they went off to get sponges, waters and mops.

"Did you see Snape mooning over me? That love potion is strong." exclaimed Draco as they cleaned the floor with mops.

"I don't blame him." said Hermione with a twinkle in her eye. Draco silently took a deep breath. Did Hermione Granger just flirt with him? Or did they both get a spot of love potion? Suddenly, as Hermione was getting more water for the mop, it accidently spilled on Malfoy...

Oh dear, look what I did now. Hermione thought to herself. She was enjoying this very much, the look of anger on Draco's cute face was too much to bare. "Granger! You did that on purpose!" he accused.

"Who, lil ol me?" she asked, cutely wrinkling her nose. She was feeling lightheaded for some reason. She hoped she hadn't gotten some spots of the love potion in contact..

"I'll get you!" he cried, throwing a wet sponge at her, which made her hair drenched. "Oh, now you're gonna get it!" she shouted, running after him with a bucket of water. She shoved the whole pail over his head. His robes were drenched, and he stood there dripping, his sexy silver hair flicked over his eye. He looks rather charming, Hermione thought. His expression held murder, but his flirtious smile gave him away.

"Two can play this game!" yelled Draco, splashing water and soap all over her. Hermione squealed, and tripped over the water, and before she could feel the intense pain in her head, expecting to fall on the hard floor, something caught her.

And that something was Draco Malfoy. They were both drenched, and her head was buried in his chest, her breath going softly on his neck-did she need to mention that she was also on top of him?

It must have been the most worst moment of her life, but Draco pushed her off gently, and forced himself on top of her.

Hermione squirmed in his hard grip choking to say to tell him to stop, but she rather liked the position she was in. He leaned over, and their noses touched, sending a spark and flash of tingles through both of their bodies. Their breathing became ragged into each other, and Hermione looked into those pale blue eyes. His lips were about to come amongst her trembiling ones...until...

"Hermione? What are you doing!" said a voice behind them.