It's my first Tenth Doctor story and I've made it a whump and full of fluff! I'm sick at the moment so I decided to make him suffer. MWA HA HA!

Note: I'm American, so forgive me for saying words like "apartment" and stuff.

Disclaimer: Hurky doesn't own Doctor Who or anything else that's copyrighted.

"Doctor, please!" Rose Tyler pleaded with the Doctor with the most puppy dog eyes of puppy dog eyes. "Come with me to visit my mum! It'll only for one day!"

"For the last time, Rose, I don't want to be anywhere near your mum!" The Doctor protested. "Not since the last time I saw her, when she sprayed me with water!"

"She thought you were the neighbour's cat," Rose explained with a lighter tone in her voice. "She had been having problems with it for a while, but I think they keep it indoors now!"

"No means no," The Doctor flatly said, flicking switches and pressing buttons. "Now, I'm going to leave you at your mum's while I do some work and that's final!"

Rose huffed a sigh as she plopped herself into the pilot's chair. She felt bad that her mother and the Doctor didn't get along very well and wished they got along more often. She didn't blame her mother, however. The Doctor taking her young daughter on long trips into time and space, leaving her alone and worrying about where her daughter was or if she was okay.

The Doctor stifled a cough into his sleeve of his brown pinstripe suit. Rose didn't think nothing of it at first until the coughs began to increase as time went by.

"You alright?" Rose asked worriedly. "Do you need some water or some tea?"

The Doctor waved her off. "Nah, I'm fine," he said, voice suddenly raspy. "Just need to fix the air quality in here."

This made Rose raise an eyebrow. "Your voice..." she pointed out. "It's hoarse..."

"Horse?" The Doctor rasped again. "Are you kidding me? I do NOT sound like a horse!"

"No!" Rose shouted. "Your voice is all raspy, like you're losing it. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I told you, Rose Tyler, I'm fine!" The Doctor denied.

The TARDIS shook and made her creaking landing sounds, indicating they had reached their destination. The shaking sent Rose grabbing onto the panels until it stopped. She smiled and took the Doctor's hand.

"Come on!" she said. "At least come in and say hi!"

The Doctor sighed. There was no way of getting out of facing Rose's mother, Jackie. A blonde like her daughter, but very fiery tempered and overprotective. He followed Rose out of the TARDIS and to the flats of the Powell Estate, where Rose happily did a secret knock on the door.

Please don't be home, please don't be home...The Doctor thought as they waited. Oh, for the love of Rassilon, PLEASE don't be-

The door swung open and out stepped a blonde haired woman wearing shiny pink lip gloss, a t-shirt, yoga pants, and slippers. "Rose!"


"Hi Mum!" Rose greeted happily. "We're back!"

"Rose, you had me worried!" Jackie immediately began. "You know how long it's been since I last saw you? Four months! And that's the shortest amount of time I've gone without seeing you since you met this man!"

She burned her glance at the Doctor, who felt burning hot at the moment.

"You! You didn't get her infected with any funny alien diseases, did you?"

The Doctor raised his hands in defense, only for Rose to come to his rescue.

"Mum!" Rose screeched in embarrassment. "Can we come in for a cuppa?"

"Of course!" Jackie exclaimed excitedly, ushering them in only for the Doctor to stop in his tracks.

"It's fine," he said as he held up his hand. "I need to get going."

"But Doctor-" Rose began to say until the Doctor shushed her.

"Really," he said. "Go on. You need your mother-daughter time."

Rose nodded in understanding. She did miss her mother and would have liked to catch up with her, as much as she loved traveling with the Doctor. "Be safe."

The Doctor smiled and began to walk away while Jackie closed the door to her flat.

"Well!" Jackie began as she began to walk to the kitchen only to be interrupted by the sound of crashing outside.

"What was that?" Rose asked in alarm, swinging the door back open.

"It's probably just Mochi," Jackie said with a wave. "That nuisance of a cat was finally locked up in his flat recently but he must be back to his shenanigans!"

Rose hoped it was a cat only to find a man lying on the ground, face down. She ran over to him only to find that the face was familiar. "DOCTOR!"