A Cole one-shot. (Whaaat? I never do Cole one-shots!)

It's angst again *le sigh*. I've been in a terrible mood lately. DX

Btw, the cover photo is just symbolism. No one really escapes from prison . . .

Please review. (Oh, and if you don't understand the last line, PM me.)

I was too young to understand.

Too young to realize why you cried, why you screamed, why you broke down . . .

Why you left . . .

But now . . . I think I understand.

Did you leave because of him? Did he push you like he's pushed me; on and on and on even when you don't want to?

Did he force you to be perfect, every word spoken without a trace of negativity, every emotion you feel come with a smile, everything you try to do to be flawless?

Did he make you do things even legends haven't done? Did he want you to be the perfect wife, lover, mother?

Damn, I was blind back then. Young, innocent, and naive. When I'd catch you crying I'd pull on your pants leg and say, "Mommy, what's wrong?"

You'd just smile sadly and tell me you were fine. Why did I believe you? You weren't fine! You weren't ever fine!

I thought you hated me. I thought you left me because I wasn't perfect like Dad wanted me to be. But were you sick of perfection too? Caught in a labyrinth of lies with no escape?

No, you weren't stuck. I know that now. You never stormed out. You were never kicked out. You escaped.

I haven't forgotten you, Mom. And I think I know why I almost wanted to forget you.

Because there's one I don't understand, Mom, one thing that I don't think I'll never understand.

Why didn't you take me with you?

You didn't storm out and you weren't kicked out, but you sure did leave me.

You left me with a father that wanted nothing less than perfection from me.

Five years old and told to forget you and move on!

Six years old and told to write an entire song!

Seven years old and told to do the Triple Tiger Sashay!

So I ran away. I escaped, just like you. Only there was one thing that was different:

I took you with me.