Hiya peoples :D I'm Koiyaki and for whatever reason I'm writing this fanfiction. This idea basically came about after I saw a Korean comic with this pairing and I was like...that is so wrong yet ridiculously cute O.0. Just a slight warning, the characters are gonna be rather OOC...or just a little bit, depending on the character. I'm planning on making this rather extensive. I'm a bit out of practice when it come to creative writing so any input and critiques are welcome~

~All characters unless otherwise mentioned are property of Riot Games(I just mess with 'em o.o)~

Chapter One: Prologue Pt. 1: Welcome to the Shadow Isles

The evening's muggy air loomed over the desolate Shadow Isles. As the sun relinquished its place for the moon, the isles inhabitants slowly began their sinister frolicking. In this grim land of the dead, a gallant vessel makes its way ashore to the largest of the islands. The air, thick with sea salt and the remnants of spirits begin to slowly part and three young figures descend from the small ship and cautiously make their way onto the beach.

"Whoa...so this is it huh, eh Frank?" Said the tallest of the three. This sprightly young man seemed unaffected by the land's deadly aura. He smiled while examining his surroundings.

"U-uh-huh." Said another young man. "Alright John we're here, what else did you want to do. The sooner we leave the better." Better built though shorter than his joyful ally, Franklin made his disdain for their new accommodations known. On his arm a young woman shivering in fright.

"Come on Frank, didn't you say that you killed a few specters last month? Why are you so scared? I mean, the hell are we gonna see here that we can't handle?" Asked John, grin never leaving his face. He then turned to the cowering woman. "I mean Sarah was there too wasn't she?

"There's a difference between exorcising restless spirits and willingly going to the hell-on-earth they get exorcized to!" Yelled the young woman releasing her grip on Franklin. "We came to these damn islands, aren't you happy!? Let's get back to the ship, if we're not back in Demacia within two days our parents'll start worrying!" Red faced and panting slightly the young woman began making her way toward their vessel.

"What a bitch..." scoffed John as he rolled his eyes and started walking deeper into the forest.

"John...you can't be serious? We can't just leave Sar-"

"Frank, if you enjoyed being whipped, go back to the ship and I'll be back in like 10 minutes." His lips then curled into a large smirk. "Or if you wouldn't want a certain bitch to know that you nearly got your soul taken by a sexy fox wom-"

"Fine, fine whatever..." Franklin shoved John on the shoulder as her trudged into the forest alongside his comrade.

In the distance, the shrill aching moans of fresh spirits could be heard atop the small hill overlooking the beach. A dark figure with a fiery skull visage and an eerie lantern with which the muffled wails seemed to be coming from chuckled slightly.

"Oh dear this won't do. It's been so long since we had guests. I should welcome them, properly..."


The young mens' breathing became heavier and heavier the deeper they went into the forest. Moans and eerie shrieks accompanied their every footstep. The trees lining their path moved and cracked as if they were machinations of the otherworldly sort. Their vision carried solely by the light of the moon, and not a vibrant color was to be seen...let alone much of anything else.

"...The hell?" Franklin looked down to see a severed hand grasp his bare ankle. "GAH!" Raising his leg from the ground and shaking for dear life, he fell over backwards right into John. Dislodged from his ankle, the hand then trudged itself into a slightly glowing bush.

"Frank, seriously..these are my new shorts!" Exclaimed John as he stood up once more. He then started walking forward again until Franklin forcibly turned him around.

"John...a freaking disembodied hand CLAMPED ONTO ME! I am getting the hell out of this place. I don't care if you tell Sarah...she's too good for me anyway. And I'm not leaving her alone on this god-forsaken island anymore." He then turned around and began to walking back.

With a short sign John followed suit. "Never mind Sarah...you're the real bitch here." Franklin ignored his jabs, hoping only to find their way back as easily as they got in.

It had only taken them about 15 minutes to get to where they were, so wishful thinking assumed that it would only take another 15 to get back. Following the makeshift trail they made through the loamy gray soil, the boys suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. They felt a deathly chill sweep over them and an eerie green glow behind them. They turned their heads and were greeted by a large robed figure. In his right hand a glowing green scythe, in the left a floating lantern emanating ghastly wails. It's face a skull floating via spectral green flames. It smiled.

"Well hello there. I do hope you forgive my lateness. You see, it has been so long since we last had guests that I've gone and lost my manners. But I guess its better late than never. As you can see, I am the warden of these isles. I go by-" A bullet phased through the specters skull and hit a dead tree behind him. John stood arm-raised with a handgun. The specters eyes turned grave. "Dear boy, hasn't anyone ever taught you it's rude to interrupt those who are speaking?"

"Heh...So this place is full of monsters. Come any closer and next time I won't miss." John face was stern, yet he had a cocky smile. His gun still pointed at the specter and his thumb resting on its trigger. Franklin stood mortified with fear, and the unnatural chill made it hard for him to breathe. "Frank, get your thumbs out of your ass and help me out here Mr. Exorcist." The specters eyes shifted slightly to get a good look at Franklin. It's mouth slowly curled into a sly smile.

"So you're an exorcist, my my my!" the specter exclaimed. "I can't remember the last time I've seen one of you here. Ah..." The specter raised his lantern and slightly shook it. Low screams and writhing anguish emerged from it. "...the memories."

"Get nostalgic on your own time monster! Now, I'll only say this once." John's face lost its cocky smile and turned into a deadly stare. "Move the fuck out of our way...Or prepare to leave this purgatory and go to hell, where all of your kind belong!"

"How rude, and such prejudice, thinking all of us poor unfortunate souls are monsters!" The specter feigned a look of insult, but its smile quickly returned. Suddenly the loamy soil burst with hands severed from their bodies, ghostly apparitions, and rotting corpses missing various appendages. The crackle of decaying bones filled the area along with the groans of the restless undead. Franklin turned white as a sheet and grabbed a large clump of paper from his pocket, holding it to his chest for dear life. John pulled out a second gun and pointed incoherently to every new crackle he heard. The undead began to slowly close in on them. "Now," the specter begun, "as you can see, my colleagues here aren't monsters. They mean you absolutely no harm." At the sound of the specter's voice John immediately pointed both guns toward its flaming skull.

"DoooOOOoon't...RuuUUUnnn" Faint voices rung in the heads of both Franklin and John. The undead stopped moving. "RuUUUuuun...NooOOw..." "DoOOOooon't ShoooOOt." "RUUUUUUUUUUuUuun!"

"See, aren't they nice. They seem to want to give you some useful advice." The groans suddenly stopped. The disembodied appendages, rotting corpses and apparitions slowly levitated one foot into the air. They remained motionless and deathly silent. "My dear boys, remember how I said not all of us here are monsters? I wasn't lying. These kind and gallant...'things' aren't monsters of any kind. But, unfortunately..." The eye sockets of the corpses and apparitions started to glow an eerie green and stared intently and the two boys. "...I...AM!"

The undead sped towards the boys at high speed writhing. John shot as many as he could with his bullets and ran, grabbing Frankiln all the while. Franklin would drop a slip of paper every few seconds that repelled the ghostly undead. " Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Yelled John trying his best to dodge the corpses. He turned and noticed that Franklin was completely untouched through the use of his seal. He then got an idea. "Frank! Head back to the ship, I'll take care of that skeleton. Make sure Sarah is ok."

"Are you crazy! Stop it with all this macho bullshit! Augh!" Frank took a handful of seals and just scattered them all around. A sharp white light emanated from them and the ghouls that were following them were no more. "John, we're safe now. You barely have any bullets left, I damn near used all my seals, this was a fucking stupid idea to begin with, and I'd like to leave here ALIVE! Now get your shit together and come back to the fucking ship!" With that Franklin continued down the bath towards the slightly in view ship. John took too steps forward. He then stared back at the forest in for a few moments. With a reload of his gun he ran back towards the clearing.

Once there, there was nothing but the holes in which the undead emerged. Slightly cursing to himself he swiftly turned to to be met with a flaming skull. He immediately raised both his hands, but the guns he were holding fell to the floor. He felt cold. "Dear boy, I'm sorry if your parents never taught you how to respect someone when their talking, but I suppose it's never too late to learn." Lodged inside Johns bowels, the specter twisted his scythe at a 90 degree angle. Then swiftly yanked it out and held John up by the collar of his jacket. "Let's try this again. I am the warden of chains, many know me as Thresh. It is a pleasure to meet you."Thresh smiled as he shoved a gauntlet into Johns chest. Letting go of his collar he let Johns body slide off of his hand, leaving a green orb in his palm. Thresh lifted his lantern and whispered, "Welcome, to the Shadow Isles." The orb was forcibly absorbed by the lantern followed by an agonizing scream of the young man.


Franklin approached the ship to find Sarah surrounded by seals with a surly expression. "You guys are unbelievable..." She started walking towards him when she noticed something amiss. "Where's John?"

Frank turned around to find none behind him.

"That stupid bastard! Com'on Sarah, we gotta catch that idiot before-" Frank was stopped when Sarah ducked behind him. He turned to find the chain warden chuckling in front of him.

"My, what a pretty lady friend you have there. Dear lady, no need to be so scared." He continued to chuckle as he looked over the two of them. Still with a smile on his face, he continued. "Dear children, I hope you enjoyed your stay at our precious isles, but I suggest that you return to whence you came. This is a land for the living dead, and where the living come to die. Speaking of which..." Thresh turned and picked up a heavy pile with brown hair. He then haphazardly tossed it towards them and the two jumped slightly backwards. Sarah then screamed at the top of her lungs. John's wide eyes blankly stared at them. Blood soon stopped flowing though the holes in his chest and stomach. "Think of this as a kindness." The warden said as he pointed to the body. "I usually give the remains of...'difficult' visitors to a good friend of mine. But you good sir," he motioned to Franklin, "are an exorcist of good taste, and I respect your strength. Keep this favor in mind for your next visit...if you ever dare to return that is." The warden chuckled once more and then phased back into the darkness, leaving the fear-filled coupe to deal with the body of their lost friend.


The warden appeared at the door to his premises. Eerie and brooding, the large doors loomed high over his form. He opened them and entered his dark abode. Filled with the muggy air of the dead, his 'home' was decrepit and disheveled. Obviously retrieved from a previous owner (by force or otherwise), the warden has seemed to not make use for the vast area above ground. Rather, he spent most of his time in the mansions dungeon quarters. Walking down the many steps underground, path lit only by his ghostly lantern, he arrived at his destination. Opening the wooden door revealed a grand torture room. Unlike the rest of the mansion, the room was well lit with white and yellow torches and completely organized. The wall were decorated with a vast array of flogs, axes, saws, and spiked hooks all connected by a woven pattern of ethereal chains. A spiked coffin was at one corner and a marble table with dried blood in another. Patches of hair a bone here and there were scattered on the floor. The warden approached a table with shackles in the middle of the room. He then pulled a small cart with sharp needles, hooked embalming tools, and multiple scissors of varying sizes. Taking his lantern, he raised it from the ground and it opened as his gauntlet clad hand entered it. Groans emerged from the lantern as his hands fumbled for a few seconds. He then pulled out his hand with a green orb. He returned his lantern and placed the orb on the table. It floated for a few seconds and then slowly formed a ghostly body whose arms and legs were bound by the ethereal shackles. Its eyes opened and attempted to speak, but no sound emerged.

"Good evening my dear boy. Are you comfortable? I wouldn't want those shackles to be causing you any pain." Thresh then approached the ghost's face. "Because that, dear John..." He then put the pointed end of his scythe into Johns mouth, "...that's my job." He swiftly pulled down...

As you can see this prologue completely complies with the story's romantic-comedy genre :D...Yea not really...Well, prologue will prologue. Please tell me how I did. Unfortunately I won't be updating consistently for a bit, but I will be updating this soon. Thanks a lot for reading~