I apologise for the lack of action again in this chap but WinterRain36 suggested this and I really wanted to write it. Anyway hope you enjoy. And OMG! That episode, I have no idea what I am going to do after next Wednesday.

He had his hand grasping her shoulder, again. Her eyes were trapped looking at his touch, again. "Trust me Felicity, you'll be fine. You won't be hurt."

"It's you I'm worried about, what if I lose control."

"All the more reason to do this, you need to practice." Oliver let go and moved away "Besides, this will be good for you trying to control considering you recently seem like you have it out for me,"

"When have I ever not got it out for you?"

Oliver kind of scrunched up his face with a smirk.

"Alright come on, let's do this."

"You go first, I'm not sure if I can actually start this."

"Just do it,"

"It will test out my reflexes if you go-"Just as Oliver went to hit her Felicity grabbed his arm and twisted it strongly behind his back. Before it reached breaking point, Oliver managed to kick the bottom of her shin causing her to lose her balance, she began to fall but in doing so she managed to clamp her legs around Oliver's ankles and flip him over as she smoothly backward rolled back onto her feet.

"Wow," she gasped as she looked at Oliver, who was just getting back to his feet. "I don't I've ever been able to do that."

"Fair to say that your reflexes aren't a problem, but remember neither are Slade's." The man walked over to the nearby table and took a sip of water. "How are you feeling anyway?"

Honestly, Felicity felt empowered. She wanted to go again; the only thought on her mind was to beat Oliver but no intention of physically harming him, she can do this. The shoulder-touch must have softened her up a bit.

"I'm great; I mean I just took the infamous arrow down, who would have thought huh?" She was smiling, practically glowing so Oliver knew she was telling the truth. He has seen the expression she gets when the Mirakuru plagues her.

"Hey, I was making it easy! Of course I wasn't going to try and hurt you." He smirked at the girl, who gave him the reaction he was expecting.

"Rematch. Now."

And they did, they began fighting again. Oliver did step it up after he realised the potential Felicity's new strength gave her, he had to remember it wasn't like the days where Dig, Sara and himself tried to teach her basic self-defence in the foundry. They went on for a while; she was actually giving him quite the work-out when something snapped in Felicity.

The power she felt grew and grew as she fought Oliver, every time she blocked a hit or manage to take him down it just blossomed to the point where she thought of Slade. Slade explaining to her that she can have this power and more if she stayed with him and with the way she was feeling at that moment, the arrow never stood a chance.

She grabbed his wrist and twisted it round, unaware to his pleas and grunts. His 'Felicity' fell on empty ears as she elbowed him in the face. He tried to retaliate but she kicked him in the stomach with such a great force that he travelled to the other side of the plane, way out of their designated training spot. He lay, grunting as the pain in his stomach began to slowly decrease, and it hadn't fully disappeared when he decided to get up with his back to Felicity; this was a terrible mistake as it was obvious she was out for blood.

She was over so quickly he didn't have time to think before she grabbed his twisted wrist, flipped him and pushed him to the ground where his head and body smacked the dusty, rocky terrain. He tried to get up but he felt a heavy weight on top of him making it impossible and soon his arms were pinned down to the ground, at either side of his face. Felicity was on top of him, her eyes full of anger.

"Felicity remember who you are and who you are fighting, it's me." Oliver panted in desperation to get her back and as he struggled under her weight "It's Oliver."

After a second or two her face started to soften as relief washed over Oliver. They just stared at each other, Felicity fully taking in their compromising position and Oliver, hyperaware of how close she is. Her face was next to his-he could feel her heavy breaths on his face- her hands wrapped around his wrists and her chest almost flat against his.

The tension lifted when Felicity started to laugh.

"What?" his forehead knitted in confusion unable to see the funny side of this situation, true be told he was nervous.

"I'd never thought I'd end up being like one of they girls." Was all she stated, with a smile still playing around her lips.

"What girls?"

"The ones who end up straddling Oliver Queen,"

This made him smirk "Hey, it's an elite group. I don't like losing dominance"

Felicity rolled her eyes "I can imagine." She wasn't expecting him to answer so light-heartedly, he's been tense the full time she has been with him on the island. "Not that I have imagined you, like that, I just know you are like this- I haven't imagined-"


Again she was grateful; she didn't want to keep falling down the spiral of embarrassment.

They hadn't moved at all. "Hey, how are you in such a good mood? I just went physco on you about two minutes ago."

"But you came back." He was smiling at her; his answer was quick like he didn't even have to think about it. She smiled back; she loved when Oliver was like this. The amount of time they lay like that, with Felicity on top of him should have become awkward and tense but it wasn't, neither of them tried to move. She didn't know what he was thinking but she sure as hell knew what she was feeling, a feeling that doubled now due to the Mirakuru. She cursed it and she cursed herself, confused as to why she lets herself get hurt like this, the wanting of an unattainable man.

A cough jolted the pair from their trance-like state and Felicity practically jumped off Oliver.

"Oh John, we were just fighting. You know, testing my new strength and reflexes, that kind of thing and also it helps me control my sanity for when I join Slade, because I can't seem to control myself around Oliver." Felicity nervously rambled, annoyed for the way the last sentence sounded but Dig just smiled and looked between the two, the male of which was just getting to his feet.

"I managed to shoot these two birds for something to eat and I couldn't see any cameras or anything that could tell Slade of our whereabouts. He must have something on his boat that saw us land on the beach." Dig informed the team "Anyway I still need to head out and get firewood. These birds are heavy man and I've only got two hands. I'll leave you two to it"

As the older man put down the dead birds he has been holding and went to turn away Oliver stopped him. "I'll go get firewood, its better if you stay here and spar with Felicity. We haven't done that yet." He threw two sticks to his friend, passed the other two to Felicity and away he went with his thoughts on the close call with Felicity.

It was night before the morning in which she was taking Oliver to Slade and she was scared. She had been laying on her back listening silently to Dig's loud snores, letting all the worst case scenarios play out in her head for hours now.

"Oliver, are you awake?" She whispered into the darkness, not wanting to awake Dig. She needed to talk to someone, to reassure her and she knew Oliver hardly ever managed to sleep.

"Yes." His voice was soft and echoed in the darkness.

"I'm scared," She had to tell someone, she was driving herself crazy.

"Me too," He reached out his arm and his strong hand touched her shoulder which made Felicity jump. One, she didn't even realise he was laying so close to her and two, she never expected for him to admit his fears.

"I'm sorry," His voice was defeated; he sounded like when he was giving himself up to Slade the first time.

"It's not your fault; Slade only took me because he could. I couldn't fight back." She turned onto her side facing in towards him trying to find his face.

"That's not it Felicity, you know that's not it." She found his eyes, blue and sincere through the darkness. "Why did he bring you here? If he wanted to hurt me why didn't he just kill you in Starling City?" The slight anger in his tone faltered at the word, kill.

Felicity remained silent for a moment before finally deciding to tell him Slade's initial plan for her. She watched his face grow cold as she explained the Voodoo Doll plan. Hatred and repulsion erupted from him as he punched the ground and groaned, she grabbed his face and told him to calm down. "I know, Oliver. I understand." She locked her eyes with his "I know what happened here."

"If you know what I have done, then why are you still here? Why do you still stand by me?" It was a genuine question and she could tell that it was tearing him up inside that she knew the full horrors.

"Because I know who you are, now. I know what kind of man you are, and you are not who you think you are. You are not Slade. You had to do whatever it took for you to survive; you have saved so many lives Oliver, mines included. I believe that you can do this; you can stop Slade and return to save your city. I know it's in ruins, I hear you and John talk about it but still you leave it behind for me."

"There was no choice, Felicity. There is never a choice." The girl's heart swelled as it reminded her of that time she was saved by the count. She knew that she wasn't just some IT girl to Oliver but it was times like these that make her believe that she is something way, way much more.

"You are a hero."

"I have to kill him, there is no other way. He was my friend and now I have to kill him," His voice was sad but determined, she couldn't understand what he was going through at all, she couldn't even imagine.

They were still lying close to each other, facing inwards. "He isn't your friend anymore, he isn't that man he once was, and he is a monster Oliver." She tried to release him from his guilt. She didn't agree with killing but there is nothing else to do now that he has been injected by 'the cure'.

"What if it doesn't work? What if I lose control or he's knows we are lying or Dig doesn't get there in time or what if he is actually wearing his mask?"

"Hey, hey it'll be fine." It was Oliver's turn to put his hand on her cheek "You just need to remain calm and remember Dig and I are both there but you are positive he didn't have that mask?"

"He never wore it once and I never saw it in the cave."

"You can do this; we won't be able to do it without you." It was the confidence that she needed

"I know, sometime us heroes need our pep talks. God knows how much you've needed them from me." Felicity quietly laughed and so did he.

"I've needed a lot more from you than pep talks."

He was so close now, his hand never moved from her cheek. Felicity's smile fell when she became aware of how close the man's face was and it made her heart quicken. She slowly felt the tip of his lips on hers as she closed her eyes. Oh god this is happening. This isn't the way she imagined it but it was perfect just the same. But before they had time to make it a proper kiss and not an accidental graze Oliver quickly moved away and turned round. Felicity's eyes popped open. "Diggle's awake," become the answer to her silent question. It was true; Diggle's snoring came to a stop without Felicity realizing. However, if Diggle was awake and heard Oliver, he made no reaction.

Reviews are golden. Next chapter will probably be the conclusion