The Ultimate Test

Summary: Michelle's relationship with Eldon is put to the ultimate test when she finds out that he is a ballroom dance champion and that his partner is not only stunningly beautiful, but also a force to be reckoned with in the dance world. This revelation could end up changing their relationship for the better or for the worse.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Next Step, or its characters. I only own this story.

Chapter 1: Four Solos, Two Trios, and a Duet

It was a cool, autumn afternoon in Toronto and Kate, the owner of the Next Step dance studio, walked out of her office and headed into the A-Troupe's studio. As she did, she looked up from the clipboard in her hands and smiled when she saw all twelve A-Troupe dancers stretching and warming up for their daily practise. Despite the drama that had sparked up between them every now and then during the past few years, she could not ask for a better group of dancers to represent her studio.

In one corner of the studio, Eldon was in the midst of performing a set of consecutive pirouettes while Michelle, a mere few feet away, did a tilt to the left. Riley and James, who were doing splits on the floor, were engaged in a conversation with Giselle and Chloe, whom were doing crunches next to them. In another corner of the room, Hunter was competing in a push-up competition with Daniel and West. Stephanie and Tiffany, who returned to A-Troupe after the departure of Amanda and Thalia, were simply chatting. Emily, meanwhile, was practising her side aerials in an open area of her own.

"Alright, gather around everyone!" announced Kate. "We have work to do!"

Michelle waited for Eldon to finish his last pirouette before they both walked over to Kate. James got back to his feet and helped Riley up, and they followed Giselle and Chloe towards the group forming by the door. Stephanie, Tiffany, Daniel, Hunter, and West joined the group right after. Emily, who was lost in her own little world for a tad bit longer, was the last to make it over to Kate.

"Now, A-Troupe," said Kate once everyone regrouped, "as you all know, the Next Step's annual winter showcase is coming up in a few months."

"Oh, I love showcase nights!" exclaimed Emily as she clapped her hands gleefully. The Next Step studio put on two showcases per year (the other being in the summer) to give their dancers an opportunity to show off their talents to the public (and a prestigious dance school representative on occasion), and Emily loved any opportunity to be in the spotlight.

"What's the theme for the winter showcase this year, Miss Kate?" asked Michelle curiously.

"'From the Heart of a Dancer'," said Kate. "For this year's winter showcase, you will be using your routines to tell any stories you want."

"So what are the songs that we're going to be dancing to?" asked Riley.

"And what specific genres are we each dancing?" added James.

Kate smiled and said, "Both of those details will be up to each and every one of you once you find out who will be a soloist, who will perform duets, and who will showcase trios."

"When will we find out all that?" asked Giselle.

"Right now," said Kate. She looked at her clipboard and continued, "In addition to A-Troupe opening the winter showcase, four of you will be performing solos for this showcase. There will also be two trios and a duet."

All twelve dancers looked at Kate expectantly upon hearing that only one third of them would be performing solos during the winter showcase. Being offered a solo in a Next Step studio showcase was considered an extraordinary privilege. Although it brought extra pressure on the soloist, it was a great opportunity to be the center of everyone's attention.

"Michelle and Emily," said Kate, addressing the two girls standing side by side, "you two have done tremendous work as co-captains of A-Troupe this year and, for that, I'm rewarding each of you with a solo."

"Yes!" squealed Emily, who started clapping enthusiastically for herself. "I knew it!"

Michelle, unlike Emily, was surprised and thrilled to learn she would be a soloist during the winter showcase. She smiled and said to Kate, "Oh, gosh! Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome," said Kate warmly.

Eldon smiled, wrapped his arms around Michelle from behind, and hugged her tightly. He was very happy for her for getting the opportunity to perform a solo during the winter showcase. He could not be a prouder boyfriend if he tried.

Kate grinned when she saw the smile on Eldon's face and said to him, "Eldon, your duet with Michelle during Nationals was phenomenal. You dancing has been consistently phenomenal this past year, and what better way to show off your talents than with a solo routine?"

Upon hearing the good news, Eldon pulled back from Michelle and fist-pumped the air in happiness. Michelle laughed at his reaction and pulled him back into another celebratory hug.

"I hate to ruin the moment," said Kate, raising her voice slightly, "but I still have one more solo to give out."

Eldon and Michelle separated and, along with the other ten A-Troupe dancers, turned to look at Kate once more. Occasionally, several of the dancers would look around at each other and wonder who the last soloist for the winter showcase would be.

After what seemed like forever, Kate eyed one of the remaining nine dancers in particular and said, "Giselle, you were promoted back to A-Troupe for a reason. Take this solo and show the public what you can do."

Giselle looked as though the winter holiday break came early for her. She nearly choked in happiness, but managed to clear her throat and say, "Thank you very much!"

Riley and Chloe, who were happy for Giselle's big opportunity, reached over and sandwiched her in a group hug.

"Now, as you all know," said Kate as Riley and Chloe pulled back from Giselle, "Eldon and Michelle did a wonderful job with their duet at Nationals."

All of the Next Step dancers nodded in agreement, except for Emily, who rolled her eyes.

"However, they are not the only pair of dancers from this studio with chemistry between them," continued Kate. She turned to Riley and said, "Riley, you and James will bring your chemistry to the stage in the form of a duet."

James let out a whoop of excitement and, before Riley could blink, picked her up and spun her around. Riley, whose arms were wrapped securely around James, was thrilled and the large grin on her face showed it.

"That leaves the trios," said Kate, turning to face the six dancers who have yet to be assigned a performance for the winter showcase. "The only question that remains is...which trio can come up with a better routine?" She paused for dramatic effect, looked at Daniel, Hunter, and West, and said, "The boys?" She then turned to Stephanie, Chloe, and Tiffany, and continued, "Or the girls?"

Stephanie laughed and, with a daring look at Hunter, said, "I would say Chloe, Tiffany, and I have this trio in the bag."

"Oh, yeah?" said Hunter with a smirk. "Bring it on!"

"Hey, save it for the winter showcase," said Kate with a laugh. "Does anyone have any questions?"

Michelle raised her hand. "So, to clarify, we're allowed to pick whichever genre of dance we want to perform and which song to dance to?"

Kate nodded and said, "Yes, and you also have control over your costumes, your hair, your props if you're using any, and anything else you will need for your performances. You have complete control over creativity for this showcase and I can't wait to see what you all put together. Remember to pour your entire hearts into your dances."

"Can we get started?" asked Emily eagerly.

"Absolutely," said Kate. "Feel free to spend the rest of today and this weekend brainstorming some ideas for your routines. Next week, we'll start choreographing the opening number for the winter showcase. Oh, and be sure to let me know your song and dance genre choices two weeks before the showcase at the latest, so I can include the details in the program."

"Will do," said Michelle, speaking for the entire A-Troupe.

Kate smiled and said, "Well, I'll let you all get to work. I'll be in my office if anyone needs me."

The entire A-Troupe watched as Kate turned and headed out of the studio. Once she entered her office and shut the door behind her, Michelle turned to face the other eleven dancers and said, "Alright, everyone. The showcase is in a few months. Let's get to work."

The twelve dancers nodded before they all went separate ways. Hunter gestured for Daniel and West to follow him into a corner of the studio to start brainstorming ideas for their trio, while Stephanie, Chloe, and Tiffany did the same with their trio in their own little corner of the studio. Riley pulled James into another corner to start discussing what kind of duet would best highlight their chemistry as a couple and Emily, deep in her creative thoughts, started pacing in the middle of the studio. Giselle went to lean against a wall to gather and started organizing the ideas that were running through her mind.

Michelle and Eldon walked over to a bench against one of the walls and sat down on it, side by side. Michelle leaned her head against Eldon's right shoulder, while he draped his right arm around her.

"Congratulations on getting a solo," said Eldon, smiling down at her. "I'm proud of you."

"And I'm proud of you as well for getting a solo," replied Michelle, smiling back. "Do you have any idea on what to perform for the showcase yet?"

"Nah, I'm still trying to take it all in," said Eldon. "What about you? Got any ideas yet?"

Michelle shook her head and said, "No, I'm too excited to plan right now."

Eldon chuckled and said, "Well, we should get started on brainstorming at least. Just you wait, the few months will fly by and the winter showcase will be here, and Miss Kate will have a cow if we each don't have our solos prepared."

Michelle laughed and said, "Wouldn't want that happening now, would we?"

Eldon shook his head and answered, "Nope, it wouldn't be pretty at all." He paused briefly before he continued, "You know, getting solos for a Next Step showcase is a big deal. We should go out tonight and celebrate."

"I'd like that," said Michelle, interlocking the fingers of her right hand with his of the hand resting on her shoulder. "What do you want to do?"

"How about dinner?" suggested Eldon, "say…at our favourite little eatery in the heart of Chinatown?"

"It's a date," said Michelle, smiling brightly. "Shall we go after practise?"

"Yeah, sure," said Eldon with a smile.

Eldon was about to say something further when his cell phone vibrated from inside his short pocket. He pulled back from Michelle, reached into his pocket, and pulled out his phone to answer it. "Hello?" There was a short pause, and then Eldon continued, "Yeah, hold on one second." He turned to Michelle and said, "Excuse me for a minute."

Michelle nodded again as Eldon stood up and briskly walked across the studio and out the doors to take the call in the privacy of the hallway. Before she knew it, Riley and James had walked over to her. Riley sat cross-legged on the floor in front of Michelle, while James sat next to Michelle on the bench.

"Congrats on your solos," said Riley. "Your solo as well as Eldon's."

Michelle smiled and said, "Thanks." She looked from Riley to James as she spoke. "What about you two? Did you pitch any ideas for your duet yet?"

James shrugged and said, "Sort of. We're considering something contemporary."

"I'm sure it will be fantastic," said Michelle kindly. "It suits both of you as a dance partnership."

Riley smiled at Michelle and asked, "What about you and Eldon? Have you two decided what you both will be doing for solos?"

Michelle shook her head. "No, not yet; however, we did decide on is where we're going out for dinner tonight, which is how we're going to celebrate earning our solos."

Riley laughed and said, "Well, it's certainly something worth celebrating."

"Where are you guys going?" asked James curiously.

"There's this little eatery in Chinatown that we love," answered Michelle. She paused for a moment and then added, "Why don't you both join us? We can make it a double dinner date."

"Oh, that's nice of you, Michelle," replied Riley, "but James and I don't wish to intrude."

"I'm inviting you two, so you won't be intruding at all," said Michelle warmly. "I'm sure Eldon won't mind. The more the merrier."

Riley smiled and said, "Well, I'm all for it if James is."

James grinned and said, "Why not? We're going to have quite an appetite after dance practise anyway."

"True," said Riley. She turned to Michelle and said, "Count us in."

Michelle grinned. "Awesome!"

"What's awesome?" asked Eldon, having returned from taking his phone call in the hallway.

Michelle scooted over on the bench, so Eldon could sit down next to her. Once he did, Michelle explained, "I hope you don't mind, but I invited Riley and James to join us for dinner tonight."

"I don't mind at all," replied Eldon. He turned to smile at Riley and James and added, "It'll be fun for all four of us to hang out together."

"I can't wait!" exclaimed Riley excitedly.

Michelle turned to Eldon and asked, "Who was on the phone, Eldon?"

Eldon paused and said, "Oh, just a friend."

Michelle raised an eyebrow at him. "A friend?"

"Yeah," said Eldon. "Wanted to make sure our plans for the next few weeks didn't change." He stood up again and offered his hand to Michelle. "Want to start brainstorming some choreography ideas for our solos?"

"Um, okay," said Michelle, extending her arm and allowing Eldon to pull her onto her feet and lead her towards an open area of the studio.

Once they had plenty of room, Michelle backed up when Eldon started experimenting with a few dance moves that had come to his mind. As Michelle watched him, she thought about the phone call that he got from a friend of his and wondered why he did not going into any further detail than that when she asked. She shook her head, silently scolded herself for wanting to be all up in his business, and instead decided to focus on working out the details for her showcase solo.

Chapter 1 Up! Questions? Comments? Should I continue?

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