I don't own Dragon Ball Z.

The Quest for the Divine Dragon

Chapter 1 – Where did he go?

Birds chirping. Butterflies fluttering their wings. The sun sent its warm rays down as Chichi hung the laundry. Then an explosion was heard from the woods, and there went the peaceful day kaput.

The tree was on the ground, broken. A pile of limbs laid a bit from it.

"Told you not to do it."

"Told you to block it!"

"Oh yeah?!"

"Yeah! Now get off of my foot!"

Chichi ran into the woods as fast as she could, ready for anything. Then the odd sight was before her.

"I'd love to, but you're on my arm!"

"Well, you're on me more, so get off first!"

"Nah uh!"

"Ah ha!"

"Nah uh!"

"Ah ha!"

The woman shook her head.

"Boys, boys! Cut it out!"

The two looked up at her.

"Good morning, Chichi/Mom."

"Morning, boys. I see you slept in."


She approached the boys and untangled them.

"Now boys, what happened?"

They stood before her, staring and Chichi's shoes.

"Goten, honey? Trunks?"

They both started talking at the same time.

"It was his…"

"fault should've blocked it…"

"Attack too sudden…"

"Gave a warning!"

"did no!"

"Did too!"



"not!" "too!" "not!" "too!"

Chibhi covered her ears, then placed her hands on the boys' mouths.

"Quiet now. Take the tree back. Lunch soon. Move it."

There was a pause as she took her hands back. Then the two saluted and did as they were told. Chichi shook her head.



Goten cheered as Goku gave him a piggy pack ride to the dinner table. Trunks walked behind them somewhat lazily.

"Heya, Trunks."

Gohan placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"How're ya?"

"I'm fine… I'm really happy your dad's back."

"Thanks. So are we."

He went on to join his family, leaving Trunks at the doorstep, feeling uncomfortable.

"Um, I think maybe I should go now…"

"Huh? But we're just about to eat lunch…"

Goten was confused. No Saiyan born, even half Saiyan like Trunks, would ever pass for food.

"You sure you're ok, Trunks?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, just not hungry."

There were a few awkward minutes, then Trunks turned to leave.

"See you later!"

"Trunks, wait!"

Goten ran out the door, yet saw no sign of his friend.

"Where could he have gotten to so quickly?"

Trunks walked through the forest, kicking a small rock as he went along.

'Great going, idiot. Act like a complete shmuk in front of your best friend. Real smart.'

"Well, boy, what were you expecting? Anything good? Don't make me laugh! Ha ha ha!"

The boy turned around, clenching his teeth and fists, when he recognized the figure.

"Da, dad!"

Vegeta stood against a tree, his arms crossed in his trade mark way. A glare decorated his face.

"Wha, what are you doing here?! I thought you went to train!"

The boy took a step backwards, hitting a tree. Why was he so scared, he didn't know. After all, it was his father! Then why was he glaring at him like that?
"I was, then I thought, why not, train some with my son."

For a moment, Trunks felt relieved. A bit happy, even. Then Vegeta's hands began to glow, and he sent Trunks flying through some trees.

"Lesson one. Survive an energy blast. A strong one."

And he let the energy fly.

A/N: o.o first try. Be nice.