Author's note: so this is my new story, "Meeting You Again". It's going to be a different story. But a good different. I was going to wait to publish this but, a friend *cough* *cough* ALAINA *cough* told me I should do it now. Now, updating for this story is probably going to be every two weeks, but if I get a lot of reviews maybe once a week. Here's chapter 1 of, "Meeting You Again" I don't own the show that got a season 4.

Flashback 6 Years Ago Austin's POV

"Nick, can you please take me to the park. Mom won't let me go alone." I beg to my older brother.

"Come on Mom. The kid is like 11." my 16 year old brother, Nick said.

"Which is why you need to go with him. Please, I'm busy with the store." mom said.

"Fine. Come on, Austin." Nick said.

I hop into the front seat of Nick's car. Technically, I'm still supposed to be in the back but, I'll be 12 in like two weeks.

Once we get to the park, I run to the swing set. Nick is probably sitting on a bench, on his fancy brand new 4th generation iPod Touch. I sit on a swing set next to a girl with wavy brown hair and melting doe shaped chocolate brown eyes.

"Hi, I'm Austin." I say introducing myself.

"I'm Alexis, but everyone calls me, Ally." the girl, who I now know is named, Alexis nicknamed Ally said.

"Alexis, that's a nice name." I say.

"Thanks, sometimes I wish I could change my name." Ally said.

"Me too. You DON'T want to know my middle name." I say.

"Tell me." Ally said. I knew this was coming.

"Only if you tell me yours first." I say.

"Fine. It's Harmony." Ally said.

"That's really pretty." I say. Wow I sounded girly.

"Thanks, now tell me yours." Ally said.

"Fine, don't laugh but it's, Monica." I say.

"That's not that bad. My twin brother's middle name is, Taylor." Ally said.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yup. Aaron Taylor Dawson." Ally said.

"Hey, Alls. Why haven't I seen you before?" I say.

"Alls, I like that. And I live in California, but I'm staying with my older sister, Nicola, for the summer. I haven't seen her since last summer. She got accepted into UM. University of Miami." Ally said.

"What's this?" I pick up an old brown leather book with an "A" on the front.

"Don't touch my book." Ally grabs the book away from me.

"Okay. Sorry." I say.

"It's fine. It's just that book has some really personal stuff written in it." Ally said.

"I understand. My sister doesn't even let me look at her journal." I say.

"What's your sister's name?" Ally said.

"April Dylan. She's 9." I say.

"Was she born in April?" Ally said.

"Yeah. She was born on April 1st. When my parents first told my family that was her name, they thought it was a joke because she was born on April Fool's Day. But once they saw the birth certificate they believe my parents." I say.

"What's your brother's middle name because I think I'm seeing a trend?" Ally said.

"Harley. Why?" I ask.

"Because, Monica is mainly a girl's name. Dylan is mainly a boy's name. And I have a cousin who's a girl and her first name is Harley. Plus my best friend's cousin just had a baby boy, whose name was Harley." Ally said.

"Wow." I say.

"Alexis Harmony Dawson, we're leaving." a girl about 19 said.

"That's my sister calling me. Bye, Austin." Ally said.

"Ally, wait. I live on the apartment building on Cole Street. 3rd floor, 3J." I say.

"No way, my sister is 3C. I guess I'll see you soon." Ally said.

"See you soon." I say.

The Same Flashback No One's POV

Throughout the whole summer, Austin and Ally were inseparable. They spent every minute of every day together. They grew closer and closer. Almost every weekend one of them would spend the night at the other one's apartment. At the sleepovers there would always be pancakes, pickles, and video games. Yes, secretly Ally loved to play video games on her pink Nintendo DS.

If Austin and Ally could describe their summer in one word it was be, "Perfect". Austin and Ally knew there was something there, they just couldn't figure it out. Austin and Ally got to know each other. They learned about Ally's songwriting and how Austin is a performer. All they would do is eat foods that start with the letter "P", make music, and attempted to beat each other in Mario Cart.

Ally even got to meet Austin's sister, April. Ally and April got along great. They would always do girly things that Austin would never do with Ally. Austin didn't mind. In fact he was happy that his sister and best girl friend were got along.

This summer was the best thing to ever happen to Austin and Ally. They met their best friend. As, August 22th neared, Austin wanted to be with Ally, even more. But that meant Ally had to deal with Austin wacky, silly, stupid, but hilarious best guy friend, Dez. Eventually, Ally grew to not get that annoyed with Dez. For Austin's sake. But she and Dez became good friends. Dez even told her about his super-secret project he was working on. It was a short film.

Even Nick and Nicola grew closer. Their brother and sister were best friends. Austin and Ally swear they saw them kissing. Okay, maybe Nick and Nicola got too close. But, hey, when their siblings are practically glued together, what are you going to do?

Austin and Ally even started to white songs together. Austin's favorite was, "Not a Love Song" and Ally's was, "The Way That You Do". They had so much fun making music together. Austin just wish the summer would never end. Ally wishes that she could go back in time to start this summer over again. A never ending summer.

The Same Flashback August 22th Ally's POV

"Come on, Alexis. You have a flight to catch." Nicola said.

"Do you have to go so soon?" Austin said.

"Austin, you know that I was only going to be here for a couple of months." I say.

"I know. It's just, Ally you're special." Austin said.

Austin and I hug for one last time.

"Bye, Austin. I'll never forget you." I get into my sister's car.

Austin starts to head the other direction. Then her runs back with a little blue box in his hand, "Ally wait!"

I get out of Nicola's car, "What is it, Austin?"

Austin stands behind me. He puts something around my neck. It's a silver locket.

"So you'll always remember me." Austin said.

"I love it. Thank you." I say.

"I knew you would." Austin said.

"Here." I hand Austin my spear pink Nintendo DS. I bring it on vacation while my other one stays at home.

"Ally, no I can't." Austin said.

"Yes you can. I have another one at home. Plus, I put, "Mario Cart" in there. I know you'll never forget me. And this proves it." I say.

"Ally, I…" Austin says.

"Thank you, for the best summer ever." I say.

"You too. Bye, Ally." Austin said.

"Bye, Austin." I say. I get into my sister's car one last time.

Austin waves to me. I wave back as Nicola pulls out of the park's parking lot. Before I left, Austin and I swung on the swings. Just talking. I'm going to miss Austin. I grab at my locket and open it up. On one side is a picture of Austin. On the other side is a picture of the two of us. Sitting on the swings. Laughing. Nicola must have took this and shrunk it down. Then, I notice on the outside of the silver locket, in craved was, "Forever" in cursive. I can't believe that Austin did this. He is so sweet. I hope, someday, I'll see him again. I know I will.

So that's my new story. I am aware that the locket in the story doesn't match the locket on the cover. I couldn't find one to match and I though this locket had the same meaning as the one in the story. So yeah. I don't own anything you recognized. I hope you guys really liked it. And I'll know only if you review. So please review it up.