~ I dont own Glee, All stories I write are dedicated to Cory Monteith ~ READ AND REVIEW

Mainly for Cory and All the Finn fans! :) Love you guys!

For Centuries, Witches and Hybrids have roamed the earth going unnoticed while living peacefully among the humans. Many have adapted to another source of living hunting animals, going to blood banks those sort of things that doesn't harm anyone...while others choose to haunt and terrorize the cities. The Witches have made it known for centuries that they do not want any Hybrids alive...call it what you will a war between two super naturals..or just pure hatred.

Rachel is sitting in on the College Campus bleachers at Lima University she decided to do her homework while enjoying the sun she set her pen on the notebook and wiggled her fingers and the pen started writing by itself she smiled as she put all her thoughts on paper with just the wiggle of her fingers.

"Seriously? You could get caught."Tina says Rachel giggles and snatches her pen. "Are you waiting to watch the foot ball team?"Tina says

"What of course not I just wanted some fresh air plus I already told you Im not looking for a boyfriend this year."Rachel says

"Rachel your powers are increasing and yeah thats a reason to focus mainly on yourself and keeping control but you still need to enjoy life. Go have fun we're Juniors in college for Christ sakes and you haven't even sex."Tina says

"Must you be so blunt. I told you...Im waiting for Mr. Right..losing my virginity is a big deal and what would happen If I lost control."Rachel says

"You'd have an orgasm?"Tina says Rachel rolls her eyes. "Not what I mean."She says

"You only lose control of your powers when you're super upset you've gotten a handle on that for 8 years..I think it's time for us to get you a guy."Tina says

"No one interests me at this school."Rachel says

"Mike's best friend is coming into town maybe we can all hang out you may like him he's tall handsome, he has sexy arms."Tina smiles at her Rachel laughs

"I will accompany you guys but just as friends okay."Rachel says Rachel sighs and nods

"Alright Fine..by the way Im suppose to give a speech in Psych today..could you help me out with my outfit."Tina says Rachel laughs and sits up she taps her chin and chants a spell then wiggles her fingers. Suddenly Tina's plain yellow shirt and black leggings were turned into a yellow blouse and black skirt with Yellow heels.

"I love that you know how to do that saves me more money. I haven't shopped since you told me you were a witch. See you tonight!"Tina says

"Fine I'll see you and Good Luck."Rachel laughs.

After school Rachel makes her way around the town she drives over to the coffee shop when she hear a pop and she skids to the side of the road.

"Please don't be a flat tire...please...please..please"Rachel says she gets out of her car and surely enough Flat tire Rachel closes her eyes and shakes her head..she didnt know any spells for fixing a tire...she didn't even touch her tires.

"Great and my triple A expired last week."Rachel says

"HEY do you need some help hot stuff."A Fat man holding a soda says

"NO I'm fine..thanks."Rachel lies

"You know baby I could give you a lift why not come over here I'll buy you lunch."He says

"NO my boyfriend is on the way actually."Rachel says

"I'll wait a fine thing like you shouldn't be alone."He smiles as he gets out of the Suddenly Rachel sees a tall handsome young man walking over to them.

"Is everything alright?"The Tall man says Rachel gets distracted...this man was beautiful..she had never seen someone so handsome in her life.

"HI!.."Rachel says "Please just play along..I dont want to be left alone with other creep" Rachel says in her head smiling The Tall man gives her a confused look then looks over at the other man then back at her...it was almost as if he read her thoughts.

"Hi Babe are you alright."He says Rachel smiles brightly and the Fat man sighs and rolls his eyes "I got it from here Man thanks for keeping my Girlfriend company."The young man says The man nods and gets back into his car.

"Im sorry about that..he wouldn't take a hint..Thank you for saving me."Rachel says The Tall man nods and looks at the tire. He whistles "Man you must have ran over something sharp that tire is completely wrecked..its okay though do you have a spare?"He asked

"In the back.."Rachel says The young man nods and Rachel follow him to the back of the car and points He picks it up with ease and sets it down Rachel watches as he almost nearly pulls off the broken tire and replaces it with the new one.

"Alright Miss you're all set, next time try not to drive so fast you could have gotten into an accident and judging by man who was trying to take you out on a date I'd be more careful next time..its a good thing your boyfriend showed up."He smiles Rachel laughs and blushes

"Thank you again..for everything."She smiles The Tall man nods and she says and extends her hand "I'm Rachel Berry.." The young man takes her hand and shakes it suddenly Rachel's eyes clothes and she gets a vision of a young woman and some type of Creature...the woman is screaming and the creature with bright yellow eyes stares at her suddenly the next vision is a baby boy... Rachel gasps and The young man looks at her confused.

"Are you alright Rachel?"He asked

"I uhm..I think so..."She says He nods and gives her a heart melting half smile "I should go I have to get to work nice meeting you."He says and walks away Rachel shakes her head and gets into her car she then realizes something.

"I never got his name.."Rachel says putting her palm to her face...but part of her hoped she would see him again.

~At the auto shop Mike and Tina are walking hand in hand Tina smiles and pulls Mike into a kiss "Looks like no one is here...what do you say we sneak into the backseat of this Suburban and get frisky."Mike wiggles his eyebrows

"And I'd say put some ice on it you horn dog."A tall young man smiles as he rolls out from under the car

"Damn it...you're early."Mike laughs Tina smiles "Babe this is my best friend Finn Hudson. Dude this is my lady Tina Cohen Chang."Mike says Finn smiles "It's nice to finally meet the woman who has tamed my best friend Thank you for that."Finn chuckles Tina laughs

"You know my best friend would love you, you'd definitely be her type."Tina smiles

"Ah Finn doesn't date."Mike says

"Oh are you gay? I usually have strong gaydar..and I dont sense it from you.."Tina says Finn and Mike laugh

"No Im not gay..Im straight it's just..uhm past relationships ya know."Finn says Mike pats Finn on the back

"I plan on finding him a girl though!"Mike smiles Finn rolls his eyes Tina looks around the shop and looks at an old car she leans over and touches the door the car is so old and rusty that she cuts her finger. "Oh shoot...Baby do you have a band aid." Finn quickly turns his head and Mike looks alarmed he looks over at his bestfriend and sees his eyes turn to a bright yellow.

"Yeah I do why do you go wash it off and I'll get it for ya."Mike says Tina smiles and kisses his cheek walking towards the bathroom Finn looks into the mirror and sees his eyes turning bright yellow his fangs coming out and the veins in his eye pop.

"Hey control it remember Finn...being half human half vampire has is urges and you tend to lose it when it comes to blood."Mike says Finn closes his eyes and breathes then his face turns back to normal.

"There you go.."Mike says Finn shakes his head.."Make sure she's okay."Finn says "She'll be fine..but will you be?"Mike asked.

"I was born this way Mike..what do you think."Finn says and walks away he walks outside and runs his hand through his hair taking a deep breath he sighs and then kicks a boulder making it go 3 feet away from him.

He closes his eyes and rubs his temples "This isn't a lifestyle anyone hopes to have...immortality is a curse Finn and you will learn that over the years." Finn shakes his head and reaches into his pocket revealing a pocket watch inside was a picture of his Mother...and the words "Be the person I know you are meant to be" and the date 1856. Finn sighs and sits down and looks up I only wish I could have saved you Mom...being alive for 158 years just feels like hell now.."Finn says Mike walks behind him and taps his shoulder Finn turns around and Mike holds up a blood bag for him.

"Your Vampire side is stronger than ever now Finn.."Mike says Finn nods "I dont know what it means...usually I dont have cravings for human blood .."Mike shakes his head and shrugs

"You'll be fine you have been for over a hundred years."Mike says Finn nods and he pats him on the back.

what do you guys think so far!?