Uchiha Sasuke was a proud man today but you'd have to look very closely to see it. He felt prideful and even more egoist than usual but who wouldn't if they were in his position. Today- June 4, 2010- Uchiha Sasuke became an official member of the ANBU. Sure it took him five more years than his brother and he was stuck with his loud mouth best friend all over again but it was worth it. It was worth it.

At the moment, he was getting ready to leave the Uchiha compound and head over to the Hokage's tower to be assigned his very first mission as an ANBU. His darling Kaa-chan was poking her head into his room with a worried look on marring her features- he was her baby boy after all. "Sasu-chan." Mikoto remarked looking at the younger Uchiha boy, "Please be careful." Sasuke looked at his mother a bit annoyed by her behavior. He knew how to take care of himself during missions. He then sighed and caved. "I will kaa-chan." Mikoto smiled.

Sasuke arrived at the kage's tower not bothering to knock the door as he entered the room. Minato- their current kage- was speaking to a woman. Sasuke first noticed the waterfall of pink locks dropping to her waist and how her voice was seemed to mare a tone of authority. His entry pause the conversation.


The woman turned on her heel giving Sasuke a full view of her ANBU uniform and strict features. He observed quietly. She was shorter than him maybe reaching just below his chin. She had jade eyes but it was obvious that these eyes had seen death too many times and dulled out into a dull jade color with no expression. He could see the remains of injuring decorating her body with tiny scars. He took it all in especially the pair of pink lips pressed into a thin line and the eyes that watched him like a hawk.

"You." She said suddenly surprising Sasuke, "Who you do think you are?" Sasuke controlled himself from lashing out at the woman for interrogating him. A heavy thick atmosphere entered the room and the woman snorted. She turned to Minato, "Please tell me he's not on my team." She asked through a clenched jaw. Minato was sweat drop and refused to answer the question. The woman growled and looked up at Sasuke with fury in her eyes,

"Okay gaki listen you're the fresh meat to the ANBU and I swear if you mess this up your ass is going all the way down to a permanent rank as a genin." She remarked. "Now, now Sakura-sama." Minato remarked hoping to calm the pink haired woman, "You don't have the authority to do that." The atmosphere thickened with hate and anger. Minato gulped.

Her hands slammed into the desk making it tremble under her strength. "I don't have the authority?" Sakura asked pressing on each word with a dark tone. Minato was too paralyzed to answer her. "In case you forgot I'm second in command of the ANBU. I have a lot of authority." She purred out.

Let's just say Minato hated being Konoha's present kage.

The ANBUs started to flood in after a few short minutes. Sakura was still standing in the room with Sasuke with her arms crossed. As the last member walked in and the door was closed shut she spoke up.

"Okay maggots today you're officially in training to become ANBUs." Sakura said. She paused as she saw a hand fly up, "What?" she asked annoyed. The ANBU blinked twice before asking, "But aren't we ANBUs now?" "NO!" Sakura bellowed making them jump. She appeared in front of the man who just asked the question and held him by his collar, "You aren't even close." She hissed out as the man trembled. She dropped the man before continuing.

"Listen here you little brats!" Sakura shouted stomping around the room, "You are not at ANBU level yet. That little test you took to get here was just the icing on top to the real deal." Some men gulped. "Right now NONE OF YOU has what it takes to be AN ANBU!" She paused letting the information sink in, "Which is why you're here today." Sakura smirked and looked at the ANBU in front of her, "Your mission for the next two months is to train until you cry blood of tears and in the end only a handful of you will become ANBU."

She paused to allow the information fully sink in and then smirked. "Okay your training starts in 0900 hours." Pause, "Which is in five minutes. Gear up and meet me at the gates." She made a soft chuckle and then looked at the all ANBU, "And if you're late you can kiss goodbye ANY chances of becoming an ANBU."

A gush of wind flew out of the Hokage's room and Minato blinked twice before realizing that the room was empty he turned to Sakura. "Wasn't that a bit harsh?" he asked. Sakura looked at him with an arched eyebrow. "No." she replied casually, "They need to learn everything that is required of an ANBU." With that said, Sakura puffed away in a puff of smoke leaving the scent of sakura blossoms in the room. Minato just sighed again and prayed for the new maggots of the ANBU.

Sasuke was already at the gates with three minutes to spear. He might have taken longer if his darling Kaa-chan wasn't out shopping. He was sure his mother would have clinked onto him and made sure he could kiss goodbye any chances of becoming an ANBU. Sasuke did however, leave a note for her summarizing the training ahead.

By this time, everyone was coming towards the gates. Sasuke observed how some looked terrified and kept glancing around to see if they were late or not. Other tried to put on a cool façade but failed miserably. This made Sasuke feel smug and his ego grow two times bigger. He could already see that his chances of staying as an ANBU were very high.

"Oi teme!"

Frown. Twitch. Twitch. Twitch. Twitch.

That is until his best friend shows up.

Uzumaki Naruto waved at Sasuke and plastered a huge grin on his face. He could already see that his bastard of a best friend was not pleased when he saw him. Naruto tried to call out Sasuke again but the younger Uchiha still gave a cold shoulder to Naruto.

Frustrated, Naruto stepped forward (forgetting that his bag-bright orange mind you- was on the ground right in front of him) and tripped. Okay more like tumbled and then CRASH!

Poof! Surprised jade eyes. Snicker. Snicker.

Sakura attempted to put on a serious expression but the mirth was showing clearly in her eyes but she couldn't help it.

Sasuke and Naruto were pretty much tangled up together with Naruto on top and Sasuke below. Both faces were beet red although you could see it more with Naruto than Sasuke. The two boys also seemed shock to the sudden appearance of their captain who was looking at them very seriously (or was trying to.)

Sakura cleared her throat and looked carefully at the two boys thinking about what she wanted to tell them. She when down on her knees looking at both of them in the eye and said, "If you want to show you affection for each other…" Pause. Allow the shock and embarrassment to drown them, "Do it off the clock."

Suddenly a blonde blob was flying up in the air and Sasuke was getting up acting as if the pervious events did not occur. Sakura looked at him a bit impressed that he was able to pull himself together so quickly. Her best guess was because he may have been use to people questioning his sexuality interest. Sakura then waited for a few seconds for Naruto to return and then started to do a head count.

Previously she had ten new maggots, now she only has eight. A large smirk spread across her face. "Good. Good." She thought to herself, "Its beginning." The rest of the remaining ANBU looked scared when they noticed the creepy expression on Sakura face.

"Okay maggots!" Sakura shouted, "If you look in your bags you will find scrolls. These are maps which you will be using to get to our training location. There is a time limit and lots of lovely traps along the way and there's a very high possibility that YOU WILL GET KILLED." Sakura smiled sweetly at the remaining ANBUs who were sheet white and trembling. Sakura clasped her hands together and continued, ". Oh and you'll have to be there by tomorrow at 0800 hours. So all the best of luck" Pause. Eyes narrowed. Atmosphere becomes thick and ominous. "You're going to need it."

Sakura then disappeared in a puff of smoke and everyone fell on their knees. They then all thought the same things, "That woman is CRAZY!"

Sasuke somewhat collected what remained of his pride and began to look at the map. He already knew that his type of training was going to be hell.

"Oi teme!"

Oh and crap his best friend was still here.