Hello everyone! Now I'm presenting to everyone chapter 6! The Millennium powers are awakening soon! What's going to happen to them in this chapter?! We'll find out soon! Without further ado, let's start!

Normal POV

Aichi was now stuck inside the glass sphere, asleep and could only wake up when the Millennium Moon appears. Dias stood in front of the device, watching Aichi.

" Now then... He'll not awaken until the Millennium Moon appears tonight... But... What should I do with his pesky friends, I wonder...?" Dias thought

He pondered about it until he figured out a perfect place.

" I know. The deepest place on Cray where it's said that nobody can get out of once they fall in... Eternal Hole... I should get the arrangement done before tonight..." Dias chuckled

He walked out of the room as he proceeded to the other room where Kai and the others were.

" What did you do to Aichi?!" Naoki ask

" Don't worry. He's currently asleep and cannot wake until the Millennium Moon appears tonight. But don't you think you should worry about yourselves? I've been thinking of getting rid of you people since you can be such a bother... That's why I'm sending you people into the Eternal Hole..." Dias said

" Eternal Hole?!"

" I'm sure the units know about it. Spend your last moments here as much as you can. Eternal Hole is a no return place after all." Dias said

He laughed menacingly as he walked out of the room.

" Eternal Hole... Of course, what a good place to try to get rid of us." Blade said

" What is that anyway?" Kamui ask

" Eternal Hole is a gigantic hole that opened up on Cray one day. It's said that people that enters the Eternal Hole will never be able to get out for eternity." Alfred explained

" It really lives up to its name..." Miwa said

" We can't give up here! We need to figure out a way to get out of here!" Yuri said

" Yeah! We need to keep going! We can't let Dias destroy the universe!" Leon said

" Right!"

They continued to try to break out but most of their attempts kept failing.

~ A few hours later~

They panted as their attempts were no use in their circumstances.

" No good... I can't break this thing..." Naoki panted

" Keep going... We can't give up..." Misaki panted

" Yeah!"

That was when they noticed a few soldiers coming into the room. Junko and Junichi appeared.

" It's you two!" Kamui said

" Now, let's go to Cray now. Teleport us!" Junichi ordered

" Sir!"

They started to teleport as they appeared beside a gigantic hole where they couldn't see the bottom.

" This is Eternal Hole...?" Shingo said

" You won't get away with this! We'll definitely save Aichi! We won't let you people get in our way!" Miwa said

" And saving him... Is what we want to as well." Junko said

" Huh?!"

The surrounding soldiers were suddenly pushed into the hole and never to be seen again by Junko and Junichi.

" What the..."

" Don't worry. We can still make it before night falls. There's still time before the Millennium Moon appears." Junko said

Junichi took out a remote and pressed it as the three capsules opened and the others were free.

" Why did you help us?" Suiko ask

" We are not who you think we are. In fact, we were never part of Dias's army in the first place." Junichi said

" What?!"

" Nice to meet you. I'm Marie and this is Edward." Marie said

" Ah! That means... You two are the professors that were on Cray before!" Naoki exclaimed

" Yes. We can talk on the way. We know the way back to Dias's base without teleporting there. It's the best way in Cray." Edward said

" Yeah..."

They arrived at an old place as they rode a big boat and entered a giant cave.

" Are you sure this is safe?" Naoki ask

" Yeah. We tried this when we were controlled after all." Marie said

" What?"

" You see. We couldn't have been freed if it weren't for Amaya. She beat me in a cardfight and I was free. But I had to pretend that I was still controlled to understand what Dias intended to do. Unfortunately, I was unable to prevent the Messiah of Light from being captured. So I had to try the next best thing and free Edward instead. We planned out the next best strategy but it didn't work. Then you guys came and we thought it was best to try to get you guys free as well." Marie explained

" How did you guys get controlled in the first place?" Misaki ask

" Well, we had came upon the most important breakthrough of our research when Dias found us controlled us." Edward replied

" What was it?" Shingo ask

" It was about the Messiah of Light. We understood every single thing about him and wrote every details into that book you have. We saw the Messiah floating into Earth here on Cray. Then, we found out about the Corrupt Army and their mind controls. To tell the truth, we found out that there's no way to stop the Messiah of Light... Unless we break the spell that controls him..." Marie said

" No way..."

" And there's one more problem... The Millennium Moon doesn't appear exactly at night. It appears in the evening which is an hour away from now." Edward said

" Isn't there a faster way back?!" Miwa ask

" I'm afraid not. This is the only faster way back to Earth, however it takes more than an hour since the road is long..." Marie said

" Darn it!" Naoki said

" How much more time do we have now?!" Kai ask

" 50 minutes. We won't be able to make it in time to stop the Arc from arriving, but we have enough time to reach there before Dias puts him under mind control." Marie said

The handle of the row boat suddenly broke.

" Oh darn..." Edward said

" You're kidding! Edward!" Marie said

" Sorry... I guess I used too much force..." Edward said

" What should we do now, genius?!" Marie ask

" I'll try to figure out a way now!" Edward said

Sweat drop...

" Aichi..." Kai thought

Meanwhile, the time started to draw near as the Millennium Moon started to reveal itself slowly in the sky... Aichi slowly opened his eyes as he felt the dark aura dissipating...

" What's going on...?" Aichi thought

" You're awake." Dias said

Aichi turned to see him.

" Dias!"

" There's no one coming to save you anymore. I've sent your friends to Cray and by this time, they should be pushed into Eternal Hole already." Dias said

" Eternal Hole?"

" A hole where once you drop into it, you'll never been able to get out ever again." Dias said

Aichi gasped.

" You're lying! You can't do this!" Aichi said

" I just did. The Millennium Moon is close to revealing itself. Soon, you'll feel some power flowing into you and once I activate the device, the Arc will be drawn to you." Dias said

" Like I would let you!" Aichi said

" Oh?"

A black tentacle appeared and wrapped itself around Aichi as it brought him down to Dias. Aichi struggled as Dias lifted his chin.

" After you gain the Arc, I would make you my little, obedient servant. With that, you won't even be able to resist against me ever again." Dias said

" I won't! You can't make me!" Aichi said

" We'll see. Now then, it's just a few minutes before the Millennium Moon fully appears. How do you feel?" Dias ask

" I won't answer you." Aichi said

" Fine then." Dias said

Aichi was put back into the device again as he knocked on the glass. He turned to the sky to see the Millennium Moon starting to fully appear.

" Five minutes before the full appearance. I better get this ready." Dias said

He pressed a button as the rings started to rotate around the device. A shockwave shocked the glass as Aichi was lifted up by an unknown energy. The Millennium Moon reacted to Aichi as it glowed.

" Millennium Arc! Here's the Messiah of Light! Reveal yourself now!" Dias said

Aichi's hands acted on their own as they reached out to the Millennium Moon.

" No... Don't appear, please..." Aichi said

The Millennium Moon started to give out its energy as a light glowed on Aichi's hand and it revealed to be the Millennium Arc.

" No..." Aichi said

" It's finally completed. Finally, I can manipulate enormous power with my own two hands!" Dias said

" No... It can't..." Aichi said

A black tentacle wrapped around his body tightly as he was brought down to Dias.

" Now... It's finally time to take control over you." Dias said

" No! I won't let you!" Aichi said

He struggled as the tentacle squeezed tighter. Dias put out his hand as black mist appeared on his hand and Aichi started to feel his consciousness slipping away.

" Stop... You can't..." Aichi said

" Oh, I can. Now, Messiah of Light, fall under my mind control and become mine!" Dias said

Aichi's eyes closed as Dias stopped the dark mist. The black tentacle released Aichi as he stood there, unmoving.

" Now then, let's rule and destroy the whole universe together, Messiah of Light... No... Aichi Sendou." Dias said

" Yes... Dias-sama..." Aichi said

He opened his eyes as they were normal but has lost their light.

" There's clothes prepared for you, go change and meet me later." Dias said

" Yes."

Aichi walked to another room as he started to change into new clothes prepared by Dias. The clothes prepared was a black short dress that reached his knees. He was wearing black heel boots with laces. He wore a long hood over his head as it covered his hair and eyes. He then walked over to the room where Dias is waiting for him.

" Good. Now, you can go anywhere in the room but come if I call you." Dias said

" Yes."

Aichi went to walk around the room as Dias smirked.

Meanwhile, the others managed to get the boat moving again using their powers to materialize things.

" I can't believe we wasted so much time! No thanks to you, Edward! Don't break that one again!" Marie scolded

" It was an accident! Don't blame me for everything!" Edward said

Sweat drop...

" Darn it! We wasted the whole one hour trying to do this! There might not be enough time!" Naoki said

" We might not be able to make it in time!" Miwa said

" There must be a way!" Chris said

Ren thought of an idea and went to the back of the boat.

" Let's go full speed ahead!" Ren said

Edward sat down as Ren used his mark on the boat and the boat started to speed through the water.

" What is this?!" Naoki exclaimed

" A high speed motor boat! This will be a success and we'll arrive on Earth in no time!" Ren said

They screamed as the boat continued to speed through the water. When they arrived at a portal, they got off shakily.

" Remind us never to let you do that again..." Kamui said

" Come on. Once we enter this portal, we'll arrive at where we want to go. Which means, Dias's base." Marie said

" Right!"

They entered the portal as they arrived at the familiar base. They hid as Naoki used his mark to check the base again.

" Weird... It's quite empty without any security around. Not like before... What's going on?" Naoki ask

" Odd... Usually they would have security all over the place so that they can protect the Messiah of Light..." Marie said

" Should we go in? It might be a trap." Miwa said

Kai just ran in without anyone able to stop him as they shrugged and followed him.

" Aichi. Where are you? Aichi!" Kai thought

Kai continued to search. What he didn't know was that Dias was watching the whole scene on a screen he made.

" Dias-sama. We have an intruder?" Aichi ask

" Yeah. Don't worry. He's nothing much." Dias replied

" Do you need me to dispose of him?" Aichi ask

" No, there's no need. Let's just watch his progress." Dias said

" Yes."

Kai continued to run as the others managed to keep up with him.

" Kai! Stop running around! You might not be able to find Aichi-kun if you keep recklessly running around like that!" Ren shouted

Kai stopped as they panted.

" Jeez! We have Marie and Edward here! They'll know where's Aichi for sure!" Naoki said

" Fine."

" Let's see... He should be kept at the top floor, so let's look there for now." Marie said

They nodded as they ran around the top floor until they arrived at the room. Marie opened the door and they saw the device there.

" Aichi's not here..." Misaki said

" Where could Dias have taken him to?" Naoki ask

" Maybe... Come on! Follow us!" Edward said

They followed him to the room where Dias and Aichi are as they cautiously opened it. As expected, Dias was sitting there waiting for them with Aichi standing beside him, however he was unrecognizable because of the long hood.

" You've come." Dias said

" Where's Aichi?!" Kai ask

" I don't know... Why don't you find out yourself?" Dias ask

" Shut it! Just tell us right now!" Naoki said

" That aside first... Junko, Junichi. I can't believe you two could break my mind control." Dias said

" Quit naming us with those names! Tell us right now where he is!" Edward said

" Well, you can say he's somewhere inside this room." Dias said

" Where is he?!" Blade ask

" Don't be rash or I won't guarantee his safety." Dias said

Blade withdrawn his sword as Kai stepped up.

" Oh? I guess the trick didn't get to you then." Dias said

" Where is Aichi?" Kai ask

" Don't know." Dias said

Kai charged at him with his own sword as Aichi intercepted and blocked Kai's sword with his own.

" Looks like you've recruited another good fighter." Marie said

" This fighter is more than just a fighter." Dias said

" Kai! Dodge it!" Naoki shouted

Kai dodged the incoming short daggers as he clashed swords with Aichi again. When he saw the familiar eyes, he could feel his face flushing after realizing that he might have a correct guess about the person behind the hood, who was Aichi. But... Imagining Aichi wearing that black outfit almost caused him a massive break down.

" You..." Kai said

" You noticed? Fine then. I had enough fun watching anyway. Remove your hood." Dias said

" Yes."

Aichi removed his hood as Kai totally flushed red and was trying to keep in his nosebleed while the others were equally surprised.

" Aichi!"

" We've been looking for you!" Naoki said

" Wait, Naoki. Look closely at his eyes." Misaki said

Naoki looked over to Aichi's eyes as he noticed the disappeared light.

" Looks like we were too late to stop the mind control." Luke said

" Dias... You're... Into cross-dressing people, aren't you?" Hideaki ask

" Whatever." Dias said

Sweat drop...

" Aichi. Dispose of them already." Dias said

" Yes."

" There must be another way to bring Brother back to normal..." Kamui said

" Aichi! Fight me! I'll definitely bring you back by winning this fight!" Kai said

Kai took out his deck.

" Vanguard. You wish to fight me?" Aichi ask

" Yeah."

" Fine then." Aichi said

He took out his deck as well. A fight table appeared in front of them as they prepared their starting Vanguards and decks.

" Stand up, Vanguard!"

" Stand up the Vanguard!"

" Perdition Dragon, Tinder Spear Dracokid!"

" Star-vader, Butterfly Effect!"

" That's...!" Naoki exclaimed

" Link Joker?!" Kai exclaimed

" I ride Mana Shot Star-vader, Neon. Butterfly Effect moves back. Turn end." Aichi declared

" Draw. I ride Dragon Monk, Gojo! I call Perdition Dragon Knight, Sheer. Sheer attacks!" Kai declared

" No guard."

" Gojo attacks! Check the drive trigger. Critical trigger! All effects to my Vanguard!" Kai declared

Aichi checked his first damage. No trigger.

" Second check. Heal trigger. I heal one damage." Aichi declared

" Turn end."

" How did Aichi get back that Link Joker deck?!" Naoki exclaimed

" Whatever it is, you better don't lose, Kai!" Kamui shouted

" Stand and draw. I ride... Star-vader, Astro Reaper. Call. Stronghold, Bolt Line. Stronghold, attack." Aichi declared

" Guard!"

" Astro Reaper attacks." Aichi declared

" No guard."

" Drive check. Draw trigger. I give the power to my Vanguard and draw." Aichi declared

" Check the damage trigger. Draw trigger! I draw one card." Kai declared

" Turn end."

" Aichi! Why are you using a Link Joker deck?! How did you get it?!" Kai ask

" That's none of your business." Aichi replied

" Then I'll just get it out of you! Stand and draw! I ride Perdition Dragon, Whirlwind Dragon! Call! Perdition Dragon, Menace Laser Dragon! Sheer attacks Stronghold!" Kai declared

" Guard."

" Whirlwind Dragon! Drive check. No trigger. Menace Laser!" Kai declared

" No guard. Damage check. No trigger." Aichi declared

" Turn end."

" While Kai's fighting, we should take this chance to strike Dias." Mizuki whispered

" Yeah!"

Aichi took notice of the secret conversations as he took out the Arc. The mirror shone as the others were instantly surrounded by energy spheres as they tried to break out of it.

" No use... What is this thing?!" Naoki exclaimed

" I won't let anyone get close to Dias-sama. Stand and draw. Wipe out all their hopes with your invincible power of darkness! I ride Star-vader, Garnet Star Dragon!" Aichi declared

" What's that?!" Kai exclaimed

" I call Radon. Radon, attack Sheer." Aichi declared

" No guard."

" Garnet Star Dragon attacks!" Aichi declared

" Guard!"

" Twin drive check. Second check. Critical trigger. I give all the effects to Stronghold. Stronghold attacks." Aichi declared

" No guard... Damage check. Second check. No trigger." Kai declared

" 3 damage... Both are tied at the same damage..." Naoki said

" They are neck and neck right now. But the fight can turn either way..." Misaki said

" Yeah..."

" Stand and draw. Lead to destruction with a flaming whirlwind! Ride! Perdition Dragon, Vortex Dragonewt! Here I go, Aichi! Seek the mate!" Kai declared

Four cards went back into his deck as a card flew out of his deck.

" Its roar opens a path where none exists. Those flames burn everything in this world to nothing! Stand in line, purgatory dragons. Legion! Legion skill! Reduce that savage soul to ash with your swirling purgatorial flames! Trinity Crimson Flame! One!" Kai declared

Stronghold was taken out.

" Two!"

Bolt Line was taken out.

" The third flame. Crimson Flame!" Kai declared

Aichi's Vanguard was taking damage.

" Even my Vanguard?!" Aichi exclaimed

" You'll need to check for damage. But Crimson Flame also burns away the effects of triggers." Kai said

" Damage check. No trigger." Aichi declared

" Call! Whirlwind Dragon, attack!" Kai declared

" Intercept."

" Vortex Dragonewt, Whirlwind Dragon! Legion attack!" Kai declared

" Perfect guard!"

" Twin drive... Second check... No trigger. Menace Laser attacks!" Kai declared

" No guard."

" Turn end."

Aichi had held onto four damage as he started his turn.

" Stand and draw. You really did surprise me with that. But... It's time. Dark purity from out of the darkness! Follow your destructive instincts and raise your voice of destruction to doomsday! Ride! Star-vader, Dark Zodiac! Seek mate!" Aichi declared

Four cards from his drop zone went back to his deck and a card flew out as he caught it.

" Let terror spread! Swallow up all light and turn it into dark despair! Star-vader, Astro Reaper! Legion! Dark Zodiac's skill! I lock two rear-guards!" Aichi declared

Menace Laser and Tinder Spear Dracokid were locked.

" It's not over yet." Aichi said

" What?!"

" Legion skill. I do an Omega lock to the two locked units." Aichi declared

" What?!"

" Omega Lock?!" Leon exclaimed

" An unbreakable chain of locks... Kai has be careful." Ren said

" Call. Photon's skill. I lock Whirlwind Dragon!" Aichi declared

Whirlwind Dragon was locked.

" The third lock. Now Kai doesn't have any rear guards he can attack with on his next turn." Naoki said

" It's powerful..." Luke said

" Photon attacks." Aichi declared

" No guard."

" Dark Zodiac... Astro Reaper... Jet-black darkness! Engulf everything standing in your way! Legion attack!" Aichi declared

" Perfect guard!"

" Twin drive... Second check. No trigger. Osmium attacks!" Aichi declared

" No guard."

" His skill activates! I do another Omega Lock on Whirlwind Dragon!" Aichi declared

" What?!"

" Three Omega Locks... Kai can only attack with his Vanguard now..." Naoki exclaimed

" N-No way!" Shingo exclaimed

" How did he become so powerful?" Leon ask

" Is it because of the Corrupted power's influence?" Ren said

" Turn end."

Kai gritted his teeth as he drew his card.

" Trinity Crimson Flame! One!" Kai declared

Photon was taken out.

" Two!"

Neon was taken out.

" Crimson Flame!" Kai declared

" Damage check. No trigger..." Aichi said

" Legion attack!" Kai declared

" Perfect guard!"

" Twin drive... Second check. Draw trigger! I draw one card. Turn end." Kai said

" Looks like it's over. Stand and draw. Go, Dark Zodiac and Astro Reaper. Take down the enemy that defies us! Legion attack!" Aichi declared

The attack went through.

" Damage check... Critical trigger..." Kai declared

" Kai... lost..." Naoki said

" No way..." Kamui said

" I couldn't bring him back..." Kai thought

Aichi used the Arc and sent them into another room with Kai now trapped in the same energy sphere as Naoki and the others. Aichi went by Dias's side again.

" Good job, Aichi." Dias said

" Anything for Dias-sama." Aichi said

" Then, why don't you rest on my lap? You must be tired from the fight just now." Dias said

" But that throne won't fit the two of us." Aichi said

" That's why I said to sit on my lap." Dias said

Aichi took out the Arc again as the throne turned into a long royal sofa as he sat beside Dias and laid his head on his lap.

" Is this enough?" Aichi ask

" Yeah. Now go to sleep." Dias said

" Yes."

Aichi closed his eyes and slept.

Meanwhile, the others were trying to break out of the spheres...

" Darn it! It's hard!" Naoki said

" As expected of the Arc..." Luke said

" And since he knew that we would be able to break out if we are together, he separated us from each other." Blade said

" But Kai... You shouldn't reprimand yourself for losing. The next best thing we should do is to figure out a way to break out of this energy sphere." Misaki said

" Y-Yeah..."

" Actually, Kai could've won the fight. But..." Ren sighed

" But what?" Kamui ask

Leon sighed as Ren leaned in to whisper to Kai.

" You were so busy with perverted thoughts about Aichi-kun because he's wearing that dress and you forgot about concentrating in the whole fight, am I right?" Ren ask

Kai whacked his head as Ren winced.

" I'm right! Jeez, Kai! I can read your mind throughout the fight!" Ren said

" Shut up! Just figure out a way to break out!" Kai said

" Alright! I got it already, meanie!" Ren pouted

Sweat drop...

" Okay, okay. All of you calm down. Let's figure out a way for now." Misaki said

" Right!"

With the continuous bickering of an embarrassed Kai and a persistent Ren, they continued to look for a way out.

And that's the end of this chapter! I am so sorry for the really late update! This is my exam month so I'm busy with exams! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading and I'll see everyone in the next chapter!