"Where are we heading?"

The group had been driving for a while now, though it was clear Blu and Waffles wouldn't follow them.

"And what about supplies?"Dent asks.

"Did you bring a full fuel tank and ammunition?"Al asks.

He nods. Everyone else does too. "Then we should be able to last for awhile. We're a group of semi-high tiers. We should be good enough for anything that comes our way, at least if we're careful."

"So are we a new team or something?"Ice asks.

"What if we were hippies? Or nomads? The nomadic tankers. Great name,"Jack remarks, wistfully imagining his future clan.

"The nomadic tankers? We're just scavengers then,"Ashum scoffs, and Jack gives him a glare.

"More importantly, we need to find a place to settle for the night,"Al says.

"Could we just not settle down there?"Osfe says.

They all look at him. Right in front of them is a town. "Well...That settles it."

A/N: Ashum is a tier seven T20 American Medium tank.

A few hours later, the clan finally manages to make themselves comfortable. "So who's on guard?"Al asks.

Everyone looks at each other. After a long drive, staying up half the night didn't seem appealing. "Fine. I'll take first watch. Anyone else?"Al says irritably.

"Yeah yeah, I'll do it. It's hard to get comfortable in this new Pershing anyway,"Jack says.

While the rest of the tanks drive into sheds and fall asleep, Al contemplates what to do next.

"It seems like I'm the leader….I guess tiers don't matter now,"Al mutters.

The eight tanks were made out of powerful stuff, with the lowest tier being him (embarrassingly), but everyone else would put up a fight. Everyone had experience, and knew each other somewhat well, so that would help too. Unfortunately, he could already see the tension between them. Though Waffles might not have been the best leader, he still had the authority. He was a puny French tank. Not a mighty American Pershing, nor a powerful tier eight SPG. But he was the leader right? He could be whatever he wanted.

Finally, when he checks his internal clock, it's time for sleep. He drives towards the garage and nudges Jack up, who then drives out. Al slides in his place and manages to fall asleep somewhat peacefully, the moon shining down on him.

Kat groaned awake as she shook he hull, trying to awaken herself from her deep slumber. Slowly, she turns her turret back and forth, making sure all her teammates are here. She nudges Jack away, who's sleeping besides her. I guess he fell asleep on night shift.

"Jack. Awake."

"Wha?"He murmurs and awakes.

"Oh god! Are there enemies? Guard duty!"He yells. She laughs.

"There's no danger,"she chided him, and watches him adjust himself.

"Oh hello. Kat. good morning."

He smooths down himself, and then takes a deep breath. "Sorry."

Kat lets out a small chuckle, and nudges him. "Let's go see if we can scavenge some supplies."

The two start to search the town, but can't find anything. "Hey! I found a gas tank!"Jack yells. Kat rolls into the barn. A large tank of gas sits there, along with small separate fuel tank reserves that can be attached to the rear of the tank. It's risky, as one shot, no matter the millimeter, would explode the gas tank and burn the tank.

The rest of the group arrives, and starts taking the gas tanks and refueling. "We'll be good to go, but we need to make sure nothing hit's our rear,"Al remarks.

"If anything other than a tier three or below hits us in the rear anyway we'd be low on health. Now I can be comforted that a tier 1 noob could shoot me and I'd die. He'd get so much silver and research!"Ice complains.

"Ah shut up. We need to keep moving,"Jack says.

"Guys….I've found a candidate for a new place to stay,"Al says.

They all turn their turrets towards him. "It's a place called Abbey. A village, somewhat easy to defend. It should be good."

They all check their maps, and see the little place marked with a little house. "Seems good enough,"Jack says shrugging.

"Then we should go."

"I'm afraid not. If you were going to, then you would have to get through us first. Which you won't,"a voice says behind them.

The group turns around. Two E-100s, a Maus, A Leopard 1, and an IS-2 loom over them.

"Cuz Abbey's ours."