I dedicate this story to all the fans/likers of the page Creepypasta that has the admins "RaZor" "Hipster Unity" "Windows" "Dusty" and i cant remember the other admin's names but you can identify the page by the admins... ANYWAYS ^.^ the point is that i dedicate this story the the fans of that page. :D enjoy reading

This is a Slenderman and Sally story mainly. It is not a love story, there is no sex or anything like that (wow shocker, all my stories have M rated content in them :P ). It is about how Slenderman is basically Sally's father and how this happens and their relationship. Different problems that arrize from this relationship and really Sally's life in the creepy pasta mansion. It is how the Sally you know today became that. Slenderman is not a pedo in this story at all.

The little girl awoke and bolted up sitting in the woods with a start. Her head darted around as if looking for someone, her face etched with fear. She was in the woods, cold wet and muddy. The frightened girl's hair was matted in different places with mud and blood. Her pink nightgown torn and stained. A light drizzle rained through the trees, blending in with the girl's tears. The small child whimpered and hugged her knees close as a fog rolled in and night became haunting.

Close by a man watched. Tall, thin, and faceless. He observed and young girl crying and whimpering, sitting on top her own body. The man thought to himself 'she does not realize she is dead…'. The Tall man stared for a bit longer then decided to make himself known. He gracefully walked through the trees silently.

The traumatized girl Looked into the forest and called out, "go away….I don't want to play your game anymore…" and began to cry even more.

The Tall man became mildly confused. He gently moved the hanging branches and leaves to the side and revealed himself.

"Wh-who are you…" the scared child stammered.

"I am Slenderman. What is your name child," he replied without a mouth.

"M-my name is Sally…" the girl mumbled nervously wiping her eyes.

"That is a very nice name Sally."

The girl giggled in reply, "Thank you."

They both stared at each other for a short time, both curious of the other when the young girl spoke.

"Where am I Mr. Slendyman?"

"In the forest," He replied calmly, mildly amused by her pronunciation of his name.

The little girl looked around upset then responded back, "I want to go home Mr. Slendyman."

The Slenderman looked at the girl and was saddened by the fact he was going to have to tell her she was dead.

"Child…look behind you…"

The girl looked at him confused and scared then quickly looked behind her only to give and ear-piercing scream. She began to cry again.

"No no no… no… No Mr. Slendyman….no…."

The Tall man watched the girl squirm and cry as she tried to deny the inevitable truth. He watched upset but did not move.

"Mr. Slendyman... I want to go home…"

The man nodded and slowly and elegantly approached her. He stood infront of her and held out his hand. Sally stood up, wiping her eyes and took the hand.

"Mr. Slendyman. Can you carry me. My legs hurt…" Sally mumbled feeling the pain in her legs from the many cuts and bruises.

The tall man picked her up into his arms and held her gingerly.

"Say goodbye to your old life Sally." He said to the young girl.

Sally turned her head and looked down at her dead body. "Bye bye old life," she waved slowly.

The Slenderman nodded and held her as he walked gracefully through the forest, allowing the young girl to nap on his shoulder.