I'm going to get straight to the point, because I just wrote a long exaggerated note for Seamstress and the Prince: (if you have already read my note from Forgotten Joker, you can skip the note and go straight to the unfinished chapter since I just copy and pasted it - the note, I mean)

There are lots of errors in this story. I do not know if I can fix them in future chapters. I want to rewrite it, but I know I never will, especially with this being my final year of high school, and college rapidly approaching. I am sorry it has to be like this, and I really wish I could give you guys the story you deserve. Until I am able to do that, please take the unfinished chapter I had for this story:

Previously: Ikuto is assigned his next target, Hinamori Amu, who is forced to spend two months with him for a school project, and is about to meet her parents.


TIME: 1400


Ikuto cleared his throat as Amu gave him an amused look, having noticed his nervousness of meeting her parents, and opened the doors to the study.

"Mama, Papa, I'm home," she announced. "I want you to meet my partner for this project, Tsukiyomi Ikuto. Papa, don't cry and hide in the bathroom again, please."

Again? Ikuto couldn't but be a bit baffled as he spotted the parents of his current target.

"Ah, hello, Ikuto-kun," greeted Midori, smiling as she shook his head. "Welcome to our home." She looked over at her husband. "Dear, don't you want to say something to our daughter's guest?"

"Take good care of my daughter," said Tsumugu tearfully, clasping the assassin's hands tightly. "Make sure your own sparrows don't leave the nest too early."

Amu slapped her forehead, muttering something under her breath. Midori sighed, shaking her head. Ikuto stared at the man that was supposedly the head of the largest company in the world.

A few seconds passed before Ikuto recomposed himself and smiled politely at the odd, odd man.

"I believe there is a misunderstanding here, sir," he said finally. "I am not dating your daughter; we just met the other day. She is merely being a good sport about a poor arrangement."

Ikuto then turned to Midori and bowed slightly. "Thank you for allowing me to stay here; I know it must be awkward for a stranger like me to share your household, especially since your daughter and I are close in age."

Midori returned his smile. "Ah, what a gentleman; I admit we weren't comfortable with you staying here initially, but I see that you are a nice young man."

Behind her, Amu threw up her hands and gave her mother an unseen look.

Midori had an idea of what her daughter was doing, but ignored her. "Have you seen your room yet? Amu, be a dear and show him where his room is."

"Yes, Mama," said Amu, taking a deep breath as she ignored her father's cries of anguish from the floor and dragged Ikuto out of the room. "How did you get my mother to fall in love with an asshole like you in less than five minutes?"

"It's a gift," remarked Ikuto, smirking. "Why, you jealous?"

"Please, don't make me gag."

Amu led the blue-haired boy through a maze of hallways that would be impossible to memorize if one wasn't used to them, or wasn't paying attention. Finally, she arrived at a large door and pushed her way inside.

The room was grand but fairly simple. Much like the rest of the house, it definitely displayed the Hinamori family's wealth yet maintained a modest aura.

"Is it to your liking, Your Highness?" Amu asked, huffing as she crossed her arms.

Ikuto smirked at her. "Very much so, My Lady."

Amu rolled her eyes at the title. "Nothing fazes you, does it?"

She turned on her heel, looking back at him over her shoulder.

"Dinner is in an hour – if you need anything, ring the bell next to the door. Other than that, there's no reason to call me, got it?"

Amu quickly shut the door behind her, leaving the teenage assassin alone at last.

Once she was gone, Ikuto's playful smirk vanished and he looked around the room carefully, taking in everything.


I...had a lot less going for this story than the others. Again, I apologize for this and I hope you all will understand.