Sorry guys. I have failed this story... I know I said I would never give it up, but I have hit a writer's block (and the cold I caught isn't helping any with ideas). Terrible excuse, I know. I have tried to think of something to happen and I didn't get that far. I don't want to leave you guys hanging so I will give you the overall outcome I was aiming for and the portion I managed to squeeze out before the writer's block kicked in.

What I wanted to happen in the end was the Jutsu that Makito used on Deidara to run out of Chakra and suck him back to his home world. In the event of this, Toph was hugging him (in a sibling way) and gets sucked with him as well. When the two end up in the Narutoverse again. However, there was a huge time skip in his absence. How big? Tsunade is Hokage and Sasuke had just defected and Naruto hasn't gone with his two and half year training with Jiraya yet. Toph and Deidara wonder around the Shinobi Nations for awhile. I was planning a sequel where the Akatsuki find the duo and fail to recruit them because Itachi "gets owned" by Toph and Deidara (Mostly Toph and Itachi is faking defeat).

I may come back to this story one day, but until then, I hope you continue to enjoy my works. :)

Reviews I can Reply to Truthfully:

Kuroyuki the Ryu: I like Deidara as well. Too bad Kishimoto had to kill him. I told everyone I had a surprise for those who were upset that Deidara lost to Azula. He learned her strength and used it to his advantage by using a lightning rod. Thought it was mostly inspired by the fact in the canon, Deidara brought a sword to act like a lightning rod. I do my research where it fits for realistic parts. :)

ultima-owner: It maybe fun for Deidara, but our most favorite icing on the cake for us.

Guest; chapter 14; October 26: Glad you love it. I had to take a bunch of things into consideration, in the end, it worked out just fine. And thank you.

Now for the piece I got done.






All of those words lead to a common synonym that could describe how everything turned out in the end.


Avatar, The Duke, Haru, Appa, and Theo traveled along the high up sparse plateau. With Appa exhausted from flying, they had to walk, or Theo's case, use his wheel chair.

Deidara had no idea how much more humiliation he could take. Same goes for how much he could stand about Sokka complaining about the blisters on his feet and the occasional potty break callings from everyone. Despite his ability to mop the floor with Azula this time around, he couldn't shake the fact that the overall invasion was a mess.

After the long hike, they came to where the plateau ended. Toph perked up, blind eyes filled with excitement.

"We're here!", Toph said, "I can feel it!"

A pregnant pause hung in the air. Everyone looked around the horizon to find what Toph spotted in the vibrations of the ground.

"Toph, I think your feet need their eyes checked.", Katara said.

Aang stepped forward, eyes looked down the cliff side that was in front of them.

"No she's right. We are here.", Aang said.

"Wow...! It's incredible! It's on the cliff's side itself!", Toph said in awe.

"Let me see, un!", Deidara said and immediately ran down the cliff, with Chakra flowing to his feet keeping him from falling off the cliff.

What he saw was architecture never seen before by anyone in the Shinobi World. He had no idea that buildings could be put in such improbable areas. What was impressive was how well intact the temple was intact, despite being abandoned for a hundred years. All he could say was, which ever Airbender designed this temple must have been quite a creative person. He had heard of buildings made of sand, also creative in it's own right, but buildings hanging from cliff-sides were an impressive feat.

Deidara snapped out of his admiring daze. His eyes closed halfway.

"It's nothing too special...", Deidara said, defending his pride and creativity, "Could use some improvements."

In Deidara's mind, the Air Temple's inside was just as good as its outside. The rooms were also mostly intact. The beds had held their firmness and softness despite the years of dust collecting as they waited for something or someone to lie down on them once more.

Since the blond bomber didn't have anything else to do, despite still having a bunch of clay left over, he decided to look around the Temple and nearby wooded areas on his own. He knew Aang would kick his rear end if he even dared to blow up a single molecule of the Temple. Deidara shuddered, it was frightening to admit, Aang was scary in the Avatar State. However, the good news, he wouldn't be going Avatar State on him for awhile due to Azula's lightning and something about space.

'I wonder if the rumors of people looking stupid when they pick fights with the Avatar are true. I hate to be one of them...', Deidara thought.

Deidara climbed out one of the windows and began walking up the cliff and began heading for a wooded area. Maybe he could make some art there. It's not like he would be blowing up anything important to Aang. Maybe with an exception of a few trees, but that would be 'accidental'.

After a bit of walking in the forest, and fiddling with a chunk of clay, he smelled some smoke. This perked his curiosity.

"I thought they were staying in the Temple, not camping outside it, un.", Deidara said, not very amused about the idea.

Deidara approached the bushes that hid the smoke. He peered through the bushes to see no other than Zuko. Deidara's eyes widened before narrowing. He remembered Zuko, the one who sided with Azula.

Flashback Montage...

"So you must be Zuko, un."

"And that makes you the Avatar's new friend."

"We could leave you here to rot if us saving you doesn't sit well with you."

Zuko fumed at what Aang and Deidara said and began to lunge at the Avatar.

A red-orange fire blast slammed into Azula. Behind Azula was Zuko.

Zuko began to move towards Azula, with his palm forward and fist drawled back. The fist was aimed at Aang. Zuko punched forward, unleashing a powerful fire blast at the Avatar.

Azula and Zuko were about to close in with a final blow when Iroh jumped in between the trio and royal siblings.

End of Flashback Montage...

That day had been etched like a carving into Deidara's brain. From the looks of things, Zuko was camping and talking to a large frog. Deidara tried not to snicker at the sight of someone who helped the person he despised most win the battle in Ba Sing Se that fateful day actually holding conversation with a frog. What caught him off guard most was the fact Zuko was talking to the frog as if it was Aang. It was priceless to watch, especially with how Zuko made gestures for almost every single word he said and how nervous and unsure he sounded.

"Well?! What's your answer?!", Zuko yelled at the frog.

Deidara's snickers became harder and harder to contain. A few more snickers escaped when the frog hopped onto Zuko's head and bounced away.

"Yeah... I would say that too.", Zuko said and then grabbed his hair, "Ugh! How am I suppose to convince these people I am on their side!?"

That's when this got weird. Too weird for Deidara, who knew weird perfectly well. Deidara's snickers slipping snickers became more evident as Zuko moved to the worst imitations he has ever heard of. First was one of Iroh and the second was one of Azula. After hearing Zuko's impersonation of Azula, he lost it. Deidara promptly fell onto the grass laughing his butt off very loudly.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!", Zuko shouted, obviously he heard Deidara's laughing.

Deidara rolled away from the bush he was next to as it caught on fire. He looked at it, unfazed by the fact he almost got barbequed by Zuko. Looking from over the bushes, Zuko was hovering above. He had his arms crossed and and unamused look on his face.

"Hey Scarface, un.", Deidara said, trying to be nonchalant as possible.

"Why are you here?", Zuko asked, "How much did you see?"

"I was just wandering around. And I saw all that I needed to see.", Deidara said.

Zuko blushed, knowing Deidara saw the embarrassing practice conversation he had with the frog. At that moment, the frog jumped back onto Zuko's head and croaked. Zuko hung his head in embarrassment.

"So what's with you and practicing with frogs, un?", Deidara asked, "Girls not good enough for you?"

"Shut up! It's not that!", Zuko snapped.

Deidara smirked in amusement.

"Relax, it was just a joke.", Deidara said, "You can tell me what you were talking about with the frog, unless I was right..."

"I am not in love with a frog!", Zuko shouted the tried to calm himself down, "I am not sure what you think about me, but listen."

"I am all ears, un.", Deidara said, "As long you don't bore me to death."

It took effort for Zuko not to attack Deidara for the snide and tongue in cheek comments. Zuko breathed a bit then released it slowly.

"I want to join the group. I have done a lot of terrible things..., and I feel bad about them.", Zuko said, still unsure about his words, "Like trying to capture Aang, taking Katara's necklace, sending an assassin after you guys-"

"You sent the cheat rip off after us?", Deidara asked.

"Cheap rip off?", Zuko asked, a little confused by what Deidara called the assassin.

"The way he makes art is so bland, un. It has no meaning or life to it!", Deidara said.

Zuko's confusing grew. A part of himself was curious at learning Deidara's thought on art, but the other part told him he doesn't want to know and that it was irreverent to the situation.

"Can you give me an... Example? If I knew what you were talking about then maybe I could understand better.", Zuko said, knowing he was going to regret saying those two sentences.

Deidara's grin grew in an unsettling way. Zuko was already regretting before ever knowing. He watched Deidara pull out a tiny chunk of clay. This made Zuko frown.

"I sent an assassin after Aang, not a sculptor.", Zuko deadpanned.

"Just watch and feast your eyes on the true beauty of art.", Deidara said and let his right palm mouth gobble up the clay, grossing Zuko out.

Zuko covered his mouth, ready to barf. His good eye twitched as he watched the autonomous mouth chew up the clay and spit it up. What added more shock value was that the clay began to shape itself into a highly detailed butterfly. Zuko was starting to think it was getting ridiculous when the clay butterfly flew up and landed on Zuko's nose. Zuko cringed, knowing where that butterfly came from and it's uncanny resemblance to a real butterfly. What happened next took the cake. It blew up right in his face. Zuko gave an enraged look at Deidara, who just laughed at Zuko's reaction.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!", Zuko shouted.

"It was too hard not to do, un!", Deidara said between laughs.

Zuko groaned in annoyance. He knew deep down, if they let a bomb happy brat who was an arsehole join, they might let him join. It was a small glimmer of hope in a very annoying situation, but it was something that Zuko could try to grasp for once.

"Nevermind that!", Zuko said and pinched the bridge of his nose, "If you are saying your 'art' is blowing stuff up, I think I get the idea of who you are talking about and I am going to try to stop him."

"Sure, whatever. At least he's an actual threat.", Deidara said.

"Can we get back on track?", Zuko asked, getting impatient with Deidara's detours.

"Alright, alright.", Deidara said, "So why do you want to join? I thought you were the kind of person who would kiss their younger sister's feet, un."

That got a fire blast to the face. Thankfully for Deidara, he dodged it just in time. Deidara smirked.

"Pulled a nerve, didn't I?", Deidara asked.

"I. Don't. Beg. For. Mercy. From. AZULA!", Zuko yelled, causing the flames that landed on the ground to flare up in power and rage.

"Sheesh. Someone has anger issues...", Deidara mused.

"And you don't? What do you call raging over Azula leaving the battle in the caverns under Ba Sing Se?", Zuko asked.

Deidara tried to think of a come back and failed to. He just didn't know Zuko well enough to make one.

"The reason I want to join is because I want to teach Aang Firebending so he can beat my father.", Zuko said sternly.

"Nice reason but sorry, I am not the one you should talk too.", Deidara said.

Zuko blinked, surprised that Deidara said that.

"What do you mean?", Zuko asked, slightly confused.

"After the stunt I pulled on Katara, I am currently under probation.", Deidara said, "I am just lucky they didn't take my clay away again, un."

Zuko face palmed. Deidara questioned him that much just for this. Deidara seemed to enjoy the annoyance that wavered off of Zuko. That little jerkarse.

"Also word of advice, don't bring up the fact you sent an assassin after us.", Deidara whispered, "It's bound to be just as bad as making Katara thinking she murdered someone. Luck for you, I will teach you how to win them over easily."

The smug grin that was forever plastered on the bomber's face had just became more unsettling for the Fire Nation Prince. He didn't like what was about to happen next.


Aang landed on one of the outdoor platforms that on the temple grounds. Katara, Sokka, and Toph followed as they got off of Appa. They were still trying to get Aang to talk about finding a Firebending teacher. So far, they had no luck in getting Aang to even think about the subject. Aang seemed to rather explore the temple for his first time in a hundred years rather than discuss the daunting fact he didn't even have a teacher to help him master Firebending.

Just as Aang tried to drag everyone into the 'All Day Echo Chamber', Toph detected someone.

"Twinkle Toes, that little chamber of your's is going have to wait.", Toph said, "Deidara brought someone here."

"Who did he-", Aang began as he turned around to blink.

Right next to Deidara was Zuko. A wave of shock passed over Aang, Sokka, and Katara. That was followed by a torrent of anger.

"Hello... Zuko here.", Zuko said as casually he could.

"Deidara! What are you thinking?!", Sokka yelled dramatically as he pointed an accusing finger at Zuko, "What possessed you to bring him here?!"

"Alright, remember what we practiced, un.", Deidara said to Zuko.

Zuko's cheeks became three shades of pink as the daunting and most dangerous mission was about to commence. Deidara gave quiet chuckles.

"What's so funny?", Katara asked with slight venom in her voice.

Zuko had the most embarrassed look on his face that no one had ever seen before. The young prince fell on his knees and knitted his fingers together in a pleading fashion. Zuko opened his eyes so wide that they teared up. Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Katara gave weird looks at what Zuko was doing. Deidara tried to keep his chuckles silent as possible.

"Please, accept me into your group!", Zuko shouted in the most overly dramatic way possible, "Forgive me for all I have done to you! I pledge on my mommy!"

This confused Aang, Katara, Toph, and Sokka immensely. Deidara struggled to keep his laughter suppressed.

'My little game is playing out nicely. Who knew Zuko was so easy to persuade!', Deidara thought.

"What the heck are you trying to do?", Sokka asked, "Are you just a cry baby?"

Here came the fake tears part. Despite acing this part of it in the practice, he decided to end it right then and there as Deidara spilled his laughing guts out for all to hear. He got up and walked over the Deidara's laughing form that was all over the ground. He gave an intense glare at the bomber.

"You said this would persuade them easily not make me look like a baby, you little jerk!", Zuko shouted.

"I couldn't resist, un!", Deidara said between laughs.

Zuko's right eye twitched in a highly irritated fashion. Zuko pulled back a fist. Deidara briefly stopped laughing as he saw the fist coming at him. Aang, Sokka, and Katara gave angry looks to both of them. Toph on the other hand just didn't care, she just wanted to see them kick each other's butts. Zuko threw his fist forward, sending out a violent stream of fire. What really surprised everyone was that the fire was not aimed at Deidara at all. It was aimed at a pillar behind the blond. Everyone was confused.

Katara was baffled by this the most, she had no idea what to even say about what just happened. Zuko was in the perfect position to severally injure Deidara. Yet, Zuko didn't take it at all. A small part of her thought that Zuko had changed, but majority of her being thought of it as another trick. It was confusing because here Zuko could be slowly giving them false information and security just so he could strike. But the fact Deidara got him to do something completely stupid and demeaning was a huge shocker. Was Zuko really that desperate to to join?

"What just happened?", Aang asked.

"That's what I am asking...", Sokka mused.

Zuko panted angrily. Deidara blinked at the enraged Firebender, wondering why Zuko failed to try to land a fatal blow.

"Why didn't you try to kill me for making you do all of those embarrassing things, un?", Deidara asked.

"Because, that would make me a villain instead of the person I have became recently. I hope you learned your lesson. But don't ever make me do pointless things like that again or you will be needing a healer.", Zuko said, "Got that?"

"More or less. As if you could ever hurt me!", Deidara boasted just for Zuko to toss a tiny rock at Deidara's face.

"Could someone please tell us what's going on and why neither of you are fighting?", Toph asked out of boredom.

Zuko stepped away from Deidara and came forward towards Sokka, Katara, Aang, and Toph. A determined gleam shined in his eyes with sincerity.

"Look, I truly do want to join your group. Deidara ran into me while I was practicing this conversation with a Badgerfrog.", Zuko said, feeling the pink blushing tint return to his face, that was soon replaced by annoyance, "He told me if I did what I did, you would unconditionally accept me into the group. I had no idea it was for his personally enjoyment."

Deidara tried to look innocent in the background, receiving questioning looks from the others.

"Okay, I might have told him to do some of those embarrassing things...", Deidara said.

"How do we know you aren't tricking us again?", Sokka asked.