I do NOT own Twilight Saga or any of the characters. They belong to Stephenie Meyer and Summit Entertainment

I kept wondering if I should upload this story or not, but in the end I thought: "Why not?" so here it is^^ I hope you all like it.

Summary: Set after New Moon and before-during Eclipse. Bella caught Aro's eye the moment she came to Volterra, she was an interesting human, a different one. She would have a great gift when becoming immortal, but the powerful vampire leader seems to have something more personal than that. Could he have feelings for her? Will he ever be able to make his way into her heart? Will he admit how he truly feels for her? More important who will Bella choose?

Note: Jacob is very upset and has become more distant towards Bella since she rejected him for Edward.

Aro was sitting bored in his throne, still intrigued by the human girl he had met. She certainly was different, everything about her was. Oh how could Edward leave her? Aro knew she was depressed, or at least sad, despite the fact he couldn't read any of her thoughts. But she would've given up everything, even her life to save the young mind reader after he left her. But Aro couldn't get her out of his mind, her features, her face, and her very tempting blood smell was clouding the Volturi leader's mind completely.

After a few hours of thinking about her, Aro decides on one thing. Going to Forks to follow her and maybe get to know her. Sure she was a danger to the vampire world, but he was hoping he wouldn't have to kill her. She had kept their secret so far, but you never know with humans, well, he would soon see that for himself.

"Brother, the human was a danger, why did you allow her to live?" Asked Caius, apparently angry with Aro's choice.

"She will become one of us, brother, soon, I will take care of that" replied Aro calmly.

"I don't trust the Cullens" Said Caius, still upset with the choice of allowing Bella to live.

Thoughtful, Aro replied again "Neither do I brother, especially the young mind reader, Edward. But I will make sure they keep their promise. I will leave to their town".

Caius didn't agree with the idea of Aro going to see what will happen with the young human, so he just says "The guard can certainly handle it".

"Of course but I would rather see to it myself" Said Aro with a grin and rose from his chair, gesturing towards Felix and Demetri to come closer.
Once they did, he simply said "Make the preparations, you two, Jane, Alec and myself are leaving tonight"

By nightfall, the Volturi private jet was ready to take off to the Washington airport while Marcus and Caius remained in Volterra.

Back in Forks, Bella awoke from a nightmare only to be calmed down by Edward, who assured her he would still be there when she woke up. But when Edward said they could find ways to keep the Volturi in the dark so Bella didn't have to become a vampire, she got up and went to the Cullens' house, asking them to vote for her either to be changed into a vampire or not. It was a good thing most of the Cullens agreed, but Isabella Marie Swan did not get the vote from the person she considered to be most important in her life. Edward. Bella wanted Edward to be the one to change her, not Alice or any other Cullen. She was disappointed in Edward's disapproval of changing her, but she would keep insisting. She wanted to spend more than just a human life with him, she wanted to spend forever. Still… did Edward also want this? If so why didn't he change her? Why was he hesitating? It was her choice, not his, and she wanted him. Forever.

Meanwhile, Aro arrived in Washington and found an expensive hotel to stay in. He ordered the four members of the guard to give him some privacy, and as each of them had their own room, they went there. Aro just sat in an armchair, waiting for the night to come.

After Bella spent the entire day with the Cullens, or at least half with them and half trying to convince Edward to change her, she was unsuccessful again. He offered to drive her home so Charlie wouldn't worry and she agreed, while Edward didn't come inside the house, they shared a kiss and he said goodnight, leaving in his Volvo while Bella watched him leaving. Unknown to her, as soon as Edward left someone started watching her. Aro had been waiting for her to be alone and he was looking at her from the shadows, watching her entering the house. Soon a police car parked in front of her house and a man who seemed around 40 years old enter her house, which Aro recognized as Bella's father from Edward's thoughts. He was tempted by his blood, but Bella wouldn't appreciate that and even though he wouldn't admit it, not even to himself, Aro didn't only care about Bella's potential power...

Not knowing about a very powerful and dangerous vampire's presence there, Bella started preparing dinner for herself and her father, happy about being with Edward again, but disappointed about him refusing to turn her into a vampire.

"What's up Bells?" Asked Charlie.
"Nothing much, dad, just an usual day." Bella replied, lying to him about Edward.
"You still meeting Jacob?" Asked Charlie, curious about his daughter's actions.
"No dad, he… he's just in a difficult period." Bella said, trying not to sound suspicious, but Charlie wasn't pleased with her answer and simply said: "And that's exactly why you should be there for him, remember, Bells, he helped you when you needed him.".
"I know, but he really doesn't need me right now, he said he needs some time alone" Bella replied.
Charlie became suspicious this time, but he let it go after mumbling something and then just sat down on the sofa, watching TV while Bella went into her room.

Unknown to both of them, Aro had heard the entire conversation. Oh how he regretted he couldn't read Bella's thoughts, she was such an interesting human. He will have to get to know her personally, he had to, since this girl was a mystery, even to him.

Meanwhile at the Cullens' house, Carlisle is talking to Edward about Bella's transformation. Edward seemed reluctant about changing Bella, and despite Carlisle's efforts, he still didn't agree to change her.

"I won't give her this life. She doesn't know what it's like." Protested Edward, sure of it.

"You've chosen not to live without her, we have no choice." Carlisle told him.

"No, we can find ways to keep the Volturi in the dark." Edward said, not wanting to change Bella.

"We can't keep them forever, they will find out in the end, and as long as Bella is comfortable with the idea, we can change her. Edward, you love her." Carlisle said, but Edward, stubborn as usual said "That's why I won't give her this life. I want her to have a human life, as normal as possible". Carlisle sighed, but just said "You should let her decide, instead of you deciding for her", after that he went upstairs to talk to Esme, while Edward hits the wall, upset with Bella's decisions and everyone accepting them.

Back at the Swan house, Bella was in her room sitting on her bed and looking at some pictures of her and Edward, while Charlie comes into her room, dressed for work and apparently worried.

"Dad?" Bella said.

"That Cullen kid is clouding your mind completely, can't you just let him go? You have Jacob…" Charlie said frustrated.

"Dad, it's not that simple." Bella said, trying to get him to understand in vain.

"I don't want to see you suffer again, Bells." He said honestly.

"Dad, I'll be okay, I promise." Bella said confidently.

"I hope so, because I can't stand seeing you in that state of mind again." He said.

"Why are you dressed for work?" Bella said, trying to change the subject.

"I got a phone call from work, I have to be there, that's what I wanted to tell you. I hope you don't mind we can't spend time together or…" Charlie said, hoping his daughter wouldn't get mad at him.

"Dad, it's okay." Bella said, reassuring him.

With a nod, Charlie turned around and went out the door. Bella got up from her bed and headed towards the window. She watched Charlie leave in his police car, then she looked up into the trees and for a second, she thought she saw a dark silhouette and red eyes looking at her, but when she looked again it was like nothing was ever there.

Despite being a little suspicious, she went to bed. It was quite late and she was tired; she could rarely get any sleep because of the nightmares she was having lately and needed to try and get a good night's rest

Did Bella really saw someone in the trees? If so who was it? ;) Please let me know what you think in the comments/reviews section below :). This first time I'm writing a romance fanfic, so that would help me^^. I never wrote anything like this, but it's never too late (and never too early) xD.
I know there are loads of grammar mistakes, to those who notice, I'd be grateful if you'd let me know about them :). Constructive criticism is also very much appreciated :D