Here is the chapter you've all been waiting for. Remember, this my very first lemon. If you have suggestions on how to improve just tell me. I hope you all enjoy!

[What do you mean?] Amber asked, tilting her head.

"You know," James said nervously as he looked away from Amber for a moment."How do we 'DO' it exactly. We are from two different species."

Amber thought hard for a moment, trying to figure out what James meant. Finally she realized what he was talking about and her eyes widened. [Oh! You mean mating] Amber said.

"Yeah. How do we 'mate'," James smiled awkwardly.

This time Amber blushed with embarrassment and looked away. Her checks was a lighter red then the rest of her body. While most people wouldn't notice that small detail, James had lived with her long enough to know that. [W-well I thought you knew. I haven't mated before] Amber stuttered as she tapped her finger together nervously.

"What? You're a virgin!" James shouted in surprise.

[Quiet!] Amber snapped as she covered James's mouth. [I don't want you telling anyone else!]

"Mmph mm," James muttered before removing Amber's hand. His mouth was filled with the taste of honey. No doubt because Amber forgot to wash her hands from making so much honey earlier. "So anyways your a virgin?"

[Yes] Amber said, as if that was obvious. She crossed her arms and looked at him sternly. [I have not mated with another. I assumed that you would know how to mate]

James chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. His palm was slightly sweaty from talking about this subject with Amber. He had no experience tailing to ladies what so ever. Talking about having sex with a pokemon just made things more awkward fro him. "Well, funny thing is, I'm a virgin to," James said, looking away from Amber.

[Well then it seems that we're both clueless on how to mate properly] Amber sighed in defeat as her as she uncrossed her arms. She lied down onto her bed and rolled onto her side. She looked at the window, gazing at the stars. [And here I thought that this would be a quick procedure] Amber muttered to herself.

James looked back at Amber as he sat a little closer. "That doesn't mean we can't try, right?" James said, placing his arm on Ambers shoulder. "What can go wrong?"

[Well I guess] Amber said as she rolled over, facing him. [But how would we start?]

James looked at Amber with confusion as he scratched his head. "What do you mean start?" James asked.

Amber got up and looked at him. She looked around nervously, as if she was afraid that someone was listening to there conversation. [I mean how do we start mating] Amber whispered. [Surely your kind has a procedure for such things]

James chuckled nervously. "Well from what I know, we humans usually start with kissing," James said.

Amber tilted her head. [Kissing?] Amber said as if that was a foreign word. [What exactly is kissing?]

"Well, er, a kissing is," James stuttered. The way Amber's eyes looked into his made him more nervous. "It's hard to explain. What do Vespiquens do?"

Amber blushed as she quickly looked away. [Its kinda embarrassing] Amber whispered.

"Well that is it? I'm pretty sure it can't be that bad," James smiled. "I'm here to help you."

Amber sighed as she faced James. Her eyes glinted with determination, but also with a hint of uncertainty. [Promise that you won't mind?] Amber asked.

"Promise," James replied. Before James barely finished speaking Amber lunged at him, wrapping her arms across how chest and pressing her lips against his. James was taken by surprise and fell backwards. The kiss lasted for a few moments but for Amber it lasted for eternity. Now she could finally express her feelings for the one she cared for most without fear. Amber then pulled back smiling at him, her eyes full of satisfaction.

"What just happened?" James asked in confusion, his brain still processing what just happened. His mouth was filled with a sweet taste which reminded him of honey.

[I just started the mating process] Amber said slyly. She put one hand on James's chest to keep him done and caressed his face with the other. [This is what I want, and this is what i'll have]

James smiled weakly as he looked at Amber. Part of him was afraid of what might happen next. But another part wanted to have that experience again as he kissed Amber. That feeling made him feel warm inside and excited. Amber looked down as she felt something poke her near the abdomen. Something rose from James's pants that wasn't there before.

[What do we have here?] Amber said as she removed her hand from James's chest. Her attention was now completely focused on what that bulge is, and what it could do. She slowly hovered over his pants so she could have a better view.

"Hey, ah, Amber. Mind if you stay away from that area. It's kinda private," James said nervously. Amber ignored him and and decided to give it a poke. The bulge twitched in response and Amber smiled. James gave off a light moan. Amber heard this had an nasty idea.

[Intriguing] Amber said as she begun to pull down James's pants.

"H-hey! Amber stop that!" James protested as he tried to pull back up his pants. Amber swatted his hands away as she gave him a seductive look.

[You wanted to help me remember?] Amber said rubbed James's cheek softly. [Now let me help you] Amber quickly pulled off James's pants and threw it across the room. His underwear quickly followed and Amber was left staring James's penis.

[Is this what I think it is?] Amber asked James. She looked at it from all sides, occasionally given it a poke. James tried hard not to moan every time Amber touched it. When ever it twitched, Amber became more interested on what it could do.

"Y-yeah," James stuttered. "What are you going to do?"

[Nothing out of the ordinary] Amber replied as she gave it a lick. She used both her hands to make sure that it wasn't going anywhere as she continued to lick James's cock. Her long thin tongue was specially designed to reach the nectar from flowers. For this task, it was just as effective.

Amber used Lick!

It was super effective!

James groaned in pleasure as Amber continued to lick his cock. "A-Amber, you can stop at any time," James said. "You don't have to do this you know."

Amber giggled as she looked at his red face. [Don't worry yourself on such things honey. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the show] Amber said as she continued to lick. Every time Ambers tongue curled around his cock, James felt a wave of pleasure. His will to fight back crumbled as Amber continued to lick his cock over and over again. He was in bliss, and he had no intention to stopping it anytime soon.

After a few more moments, Amber decided to try something new. She then put his entire cock inside her mouth. James moaned in pleasure as Amber wrapped her lips around his man hood as she slowly began to bob up and down. Amber saw the face James was making and smiled. She then began to move her head faster and faster. Amber then felt a certain wetness around her nether regions. Amber took his cock out of her mouth as she began to slowly stroke it. James looked up, wondering why Amber stopped.

[Honey? Could you do me a favour?] Amber panted. The smell of James's cock as well as her own juices was starting to cloud her mind, preventing her from thinking straight.

"Yeah?" James panted. He had never had sex with a girl before. What Amber was giving to him now was pure heaven to him.

[Try to make yourself useful] Amber said as she turned around so that her abdomen was facing James.

James looked up to see a thin line of pink on Amber's abdomen. The area around it glistening with a clear liquid. James got the idea as he licked Amber's pussy slowly. This time Amber moaned in pleasure as she felt his warm tongue move across her sensitive region. Determined not to be outdone, Amber continued to suck on James's hard cock as he worked on cleaning her wet pussy. Amber's juice tasted a lot like apple and James began to viciously eat away at Amber's pussy. Amber squealed in pleasure as she gripped onto the bed sheets, trying to hold herself together.

She then pulled away her pussy from James's hungry mouth. [Enough games] Amber panted, a wild look in her eyes. [Now it's time for the main course]

Amber removed her bee hive dress and threw it alongside the James's pants and underwear. She alined her pussy with James's cock as she slowly began to lower herself. As the head of his cock touched her wet pussy, Amber shuddered with pleasure. Slowly, her pussy covered his cock inch by inch. Amber then stopped halfway, her body paralyzed from the pleasure she was feeling.

"Let me help you with that," James panted as he pushed Amber onto her back. He then thrusted himself completely inside her. Amber gave a long moan of pleasure as she felt him inside her.

"Ready?" James asked. [Ready] Amber replied as she clung onto his shoulders.

James then begun to thrust wildly into Amber's wet pussy, sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout their bodies. Amber moaned as his hard cock entered her pussy over and over again. Her walls closing on his cock every time he pulled out, trying to prevent his cock from leaving. She could barely withstand the pleasuring that she was feeling as he thrusted into her again and again. James was in bliss and he continued to fuck Amber's wet pussy. The way she moaned every time he pounded her pussy drove him to thrust harder and harder.

[H-honey!] Amber panted as her mind slowly began to fog up from the pleasure. [I-i-i'm going to cu-u-um soon!]

"T-then let's do it together," James replied as he began to move faster and faster. Soon he was a blur, pounding into Amber's warm wet body. Amber looked up at James, her eyes filled with pleasure, before locking lips with him again. Their tongues battled for dominance as they both reached their climax. They broke free of their kiss as they looked into each others eyes lovingly.

[I'm cumming!] Amber cried as he pussy tightened around James's cock. James grunted as he shot load after load inside her. Their juices mixed together inside Ambers body. Exhausted from their furious sex, James began to pull out of Amber before she stopped him.

[Leave it there] Amber panted, a smile on her face.

"Whatever you say, darling," James smiled as he gave Amber a light kiss on the check before lying beside her. "Just one question though."

[Yes?] Amber replied dreamily. She wrapped her arms around him firmly.

"How come you didn't tell me that you could remove your dress?" James asked.

Amber giggled to herself. [That's complicated]

The two lovers then faced each other as they drifted off to sleep.

"Try our newest lemonade!" James called out as he gave people some free samples. Work at the flower shop has never been better after they made love with one another. Now sales were through the rough, with people all over the region coming over to their store buying their new special brand of lemonade. Amber could barely keep up with the orders and people swarmed to by their newest drink.

"This is delicious!" one customer exclaimed. "How did you make it?"

"Thats our little secret," James smiled as looked over at Amber.

"What makes your lemonade so special?" another one asked.

[We use a very special ingredient] Amber smiled. [One that is very hard to get]

"And what is this special ingredient you speak of? Do you buy it or do you make it yourself?" a reporter asked.

"We make it ourselves," James said proudly. "And we promise you, its sweeter than honey."