[ ] pokespeech

I don't know about you people but I've always thought a vespiquen looked beautiful, if not deadly. And since I made the promise to write at least one story for all those "ignored" pokemon out there I figured I would make a lemon story for vespiquen. Is it the first of its kind? I'm pretty sure it is, so hurray for me! *people cheers*.

It was a wonderful day in Floroma town. The sun was up in the sky and the sweet aroma of flowers filled the air. Starly's and staravia's flew across the sky and beautifly's fluttered about from flower to flower. Amidst the field of flowers near the outskirts of town was a young man. The man appeared to be 18. His black hair was covered by a red hat and his blue eyes shone with curiosity as he looked from flower to flower. He wore a simple grey shirt and blue jeans. He hummed a soft melody to himself as he placed flowers into his bag, which was slung over his shoulders. The man was so busy looking at the flowers before him that he didn't notice a soft humming sound coming from behind him.

"This one looks nice," the man whispered to himself as he held a small yellow flower in front of him. The small flowers petals shone in sunlight and he could see his on reflection from them. He then noticed a shape behind from the petals and quickly turned around.

"Oh there you are Amber," the man smiled. "I was beginning to worry about you."

Amber the vespiquen crossed her arms in annoyance. Her red eyes shone like rubies and her face was both deadly yet kind. Her body was covered in red and black stripes, unlike the typical yellow and black stripes one would normally see on a vespiquen, showing her that she was a shiny. Like the man, she too had a bag filled with flowers over her shoulders. The bag was positioned in such a way so that it did not hamper her ability to fly. [You never let me sneak up on you anymore James] Amber muttered.

"Don't be so mad about it," James smiled. "So do you have enough flowers?"

[But of course] Amber replied as she took off her bag to show James. There were so many flowers that the bag was filled to bursting. [I do know my flowers after all]

James walked closer to Amber to inspect the flowers in her bag. James slipped the flower he was looking at earlier in his pocket as he looked at the flowers in Amber's bag. He then picked one of the flowers and examined it closely. The flower had a vibrant shade of blue, but the stem had a brownish tint on it.

"This one's not good enough to be placed in the store," James muttered as he put the flower back. "Should be useful in making honey though."

[Then why wait? Making honey is one of my specialties. After all, I am a vespiquen] Amber said as she fly towards floroma town.

"What up!" James shouted as he ran after Amber.

[ Catch me if you can] Amber smirked as she picked up speed. 'There's no way that he could possibly catch up to me' Amber thought to herself. Amber chuckled to herself at the thought of James trying to catch up to her as she fly into town. While normally most people would freak out and call the authorities about a pokemon flying into town, the residents of floroma knew Amber well. Amber worked in the flower shop with her trainer James, who was the store manager. She was also wildly known for her honey, which was considered the best honey in all of Sinnoh. Some people waved at her as she flew past them, while others smiled. Someone even said hello to Amber as she flew by. Amber stopped temporally to wave before continuing her journey to James's house.

As Amber neared their house she turned around to see is James was anywhere near by. She didn't want to get ran into again when she's about to open the door. Confident that James was still in the field somewhere, Amber entered the house quite smugly.

[It should take at least 3 minutes for James to make it here so that leaves me just enough time to-] Amber said to herself when suddenly someone stepped into the room.

"Enough time to do what exactly?" James said with a grin.

Amber was stunned to see James her and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. She quickly turned around to see if James didn't sneak in through the windows (wouldn't be the first time) but all the windows were shut. [But didn't I... You were still... I flew... What?!] Amber stuttered.

"Yeah I took a short cut," James smiled. "And you thought you could beat me home again?"

[You're a cheater] Amber pouted as she turned her back to James. 'And here I thought I could start making that syrup'

"Don't worry about it," James said as he gave Amber a hug. "Next time I promise I won't take the short cut."

[Promise?] Amber asked as she looked up at James's face.

"I swear upon Arceus himself," James said. "Now come on. We have some honey to make and I already have everything prepared and ready."

[Fine] Amber sighed. [Let's get this over with. I want to play the Xbox]

"Well that took longer then I expected," James sighed. His face and shirt was covered in pollen and his hair was stuck up in all directions.

[I wouldn't have taken so long if you had just given me the ladle sooner] Amber snapped. [ Because of you we wasted a perfectly good batch of honey!]

"Well whoever said making honey was easy?" James shrugged. He was about to sit down on the living room couch when Amber caught his arm.

[Oh no your not! Your not sitting on anything until you take a shower] Amber said sternly.

"Why?" James asked.

[Because you have pollen all over you!] Amber pointed at James's face.

"But not on my back," James said.

[Who said I was talking about pollen?] Amber said crossing her arms.

James turned around to look at his back. When that failed he placed his hand on the back of his shirt. He felt something cold and sticky. "I have honey on my back don't I?" James said shyly.

[No duh!] Amber snapped as she pushed James to the nearest bathroom. [Now your not sitting on anything until you're no longer covered in honey!]

"Can't you just lick it off?" James asked. "Vespiquen's and combee's eat honey right?"

Amber's suddenly blushed. [N-N-No! I'm not going to lick honey off you! That's gross!] Amber then pushed James into the bathroom. As she was about to close the door James called out. "What! Can you get me some new clothes first?"

[Your unbelievable] Amber muttered to herself. Moments later Amber appeared with an arm full of clothes.

"Thanks Amber," James said gratefully as he was handed his new clothes. He then frowned when he realized that Amber forgot something very important. "Hey Amber, you forgot my under-."

[No more excuses! Now get washing, I won't have you eating with me all covered in pollen and honey!] Amber shouted as she closed the door. 'Now to get started' Amber thought to herself as she floated towards her room.

[What do I need, what do I need?] Amber said to herself as she floated in front of her book shelf. ['How to raise bug types', no not that one. 'A trainers guide on how to train pokemon' obviously no. Why would James have a book on how to raise magikarps?!] Amber then hit the book shelf in frustration. The book shelf shook from the impact and a book fell off. Grumbling to herself, Amber floated down to pick it up. As she was about to place the book back to were it belongs, she noticed that there was a flag on one of the pages. 'Interesting' Amber thought to herself as she floated down on the nearest chair. Amber then check on the title of the book, which was Everything you need to know to make the perfect honey!

'What a dumb name for a book' Amber rolled her eyes. 'Still, let's so what's so important about his book.' Amber flipped to the page were the flag was an began to read. [This is everything we already know! Why would he bother reading this?!] Amber asked herself. As she continued reading she finally came across what she was looking for. [There!] Amber whispered to herself. [That's what I need to know and the tasks are so easy! The only problem is that I need a being that I have a close bond with to make it. But the only person that could be is...]

"So I'm done!" James said as he walked out of the bathroom. He then put his pollen and honey covered clothes into the laundry bin.

'Oh crap! If James finds out what I'm doing then he'll go ballistic!' Amber thought as she quickly closed the book.

"So what'cha doing Amber?" James asked, looking over Amber's shoulder. "Isn't that a book about how to make honey?"

[Er, um yes! I was, um, trying to perfect me technique!] Amber stuttered.

"Really?" James said as he looked at the book. "Doesn't seem like theirs nothing new to learn from that book."

[Well, uh, it doesn't hurt to relearn some old things right!] Amber lied.

"Well anyway I'm going to prepare dinner? You wanna help?" James asked as he stretched his arms.

[Sure! I just need to check up on, um, my face book account! Be right back!] Amber said as she quickly flew back into the living room.

"Weird," James scratched his head. "What a minute, she doesn't have a face book account, I do!." James then ran after Amber. "Amber! You better not change my password again!"

Amber quickly looked around the room to find a place on were she could hide the book. Immediately she saw a big leather cough next to the desktop. The chair was to heavy to move quickly and was far away enough from the wall so the book could fit nicely. Plus, as a added bonus, James never sits there. Amber quickly hid the book underneath the chair. Confident that James could not find it, Amber was about to go help James prepare dinner before she found him right behind her.

"Amber, I know what you did!" James shouted.

[You do?!] Amber cried in shock.

"Yes! You changed my password again didn't you!" James said pointing a finger at Amber accusingly.

[Ah, no?] Amber said confused.

James looked at Amber intensely for a few moments before walking away. "Okay, I believe you. But if I suddenly find that I can't login your in big trouble!" James warned.

Amber let out a sigh of relieve when James walked into the kitchen. She then looked back at the chair were the book was hidden. [I will make that syrup by today] Amber told herself. [Even if I have to force James to help me make it]

So how was it? Was it good? Was it bad? How should I know?! Tell me what you thought about it by reviews or by PM if you have an account.