Hey everyone thank you for all your great reviews and telling me to keep on going. So guess what here the next chapter is for Fox and Sparx. I don't own Dc or marvel or any of the characters and shows they have created and did except for Fox and Sparx. And don't forget to review once you're done to let me know when you're done.

Dusty's pov

Waking up in the morning I felt a pair of strong arms around me, I was about to freak out but then everything came back to me on what happened. I turned around to see him sleeping peacefully.

"Your staring again," he whispered

I jumped a bit but came out of it when he opened one eye, I gave a small smile and kissed him on the lips before jumping out of bed.

"Ah come on babe if this is what I would get every night and morning then that's fine by me but don't leave me hanging," he stated

"I'm going to make breakfast, you're going to get up and get dressed so I can get the car ready," I stated slipping my underwear on and his old jersey. The look on his face as he watched me get dressed was completely and total dark and full of lust. I winked before walking out and having our dog jump on him.

An about thirty minutes later, Wally came out in only jeans. I placed the food on the table and watched him about to see but instead he zoomed right towards me knocking him and I both to the ground.

"I'm so glad that I had no food in my hand when you just did that," I laughed

"Uh sorry babe, I need to get use to my powers again, I think," he says helping me up

"You got that right now eat up," I smiled grabbing my drink and his coffee

After breakfast I got changed into a long black Maxie dress and some slip on vans.

"So Beautiful is there a reason why your hair is pink?" he asked looking at me

I stiffened and shook my head, I had to tell him what happened and I did. He couldn't believe that I made that huge crater in the Artic. He pulled on a long sleeve black v-neck and a light jacket. I slipped on my white cardigan that had angel wings on the back of them and we got in the car.

Getting to Barry's house, I got out first and Wally followed me inside. I opened the back door to the back yard to see not only Iris and Barry but Bart, Joan and Jay were there too.

"There she is," says Jay with a laugh

"Hey guys," I grinned widely

"Look at you sweetheart you're in a great mood," says Iris

"Well I have a reason to be and I got a gift for you guys," I smiled

"What is it?" asked Joan

"Come on out," I called

I could hear his footsteps when he walked down the stairs and everyone gasped.

"Hi Aunt Iris, Uncle Barry," Wally says all bashful

"Oh my…my baby," cried Iris getting up and hugging him tightly

"I knew it! I knew you weren't dead!" yelled Bart

Barry just stood there in compete shock, Joan and Jay smiled softly at him. Iris backed up and Bart shoved himself at Wally hugging him tightly and Wally laughed instead of having an annoyed look on his face. Finally letting go of Wally, Barry walked towards him tears flowing down his face, he ran the rest of the way to him and held him tightly.

"You're alive," he cried

"I'm alive Uncle Barry," he laughed

"How did you…thanks Dusty, Dick and Dusty's sister and friend," Wally exclaims.

Barry turned to me and hugged me, "Oh Dusty just when we thought we lost you, you come right back to us," he whispers

"I was never really lost Barry just a bit lonely," I smiled

"Well you know what this means," says Bart

"What," we all asked

"It's time to have a race," Bart shouts throwing his hands up

"Uh I don't know about that," says Wally

"Come on Wallman I know you can do it," I laughed shoving him forward

"Alright then it's settled, a race around the world just like you promised Wally," says Bart

"Sometimes I wish I didn't make that promise," grumbled Wally

We walked out to the front no one was around so they could run to their hearts content. I stood in front of them with my hands raised in the air, "You guys ready?" I asked

"Ya!" Yelled Bart

Everyone laughed, I watched as Wally slid his goggles down, and so did Bart.

"Go!" I yelled and off they went

I ran over to Joan, Jay and Iris they were still watching where they ran off to.

"Now we wait," says Jay

"Now we wait," I nodded my head

After a couple minutes we brought the chairs and table around front to wait for them. After a while I laid in the grass staring up at the sky with a smile on my face we had some music playing in the back ground. I could hear Joan, Jay and Iris talking softly about who would come in first. I looked at the rocks on the side walk and it started to bounce a bit, I sat up and saw one blur coming in real fast. Skidding their feet into the ground brought up a lot of dust and rocks.

Lowering my hand down, I could see the bright red hair and the googles. My small smile turned into a huge grin, "Alright where's Uncle Barry and Bart?" asked Wally raising his googles to the top of his head.

"They haven't come in yet," Iris hollers

Wally rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips and tapped his foot slowly.

"I'm being serious guys, are they inside getting a drink?" he asked again

"Wally they're being serious, they have yet to come back yet," says Jay

"Wait I see them," says Iris

Wally and I whip around to see them skid to stop, when the dust cleared Bart's mouth gaped open, and Barry had a smile on his face.

"No way! That's not possible did you cheat and take a short cut?" yelled Bart

"What no did you guys slow down so I could win?" Wally scoffed

"No Wally actually you passed us without even realizing it, Bart was too busy talking about how he was going to win," says Barry

Wally just blinked at Barry and then looked at Bart then back at Barry, he wobbled back and forth real quick before dropping to his butt.

"Wally! Are you ok?" I asked dropping next to him

"I'm the fastest man alive," he mumbled

"Well babe it looks that way," I giggle giving him a peck on the cheek

"Before I vanished I was the slowest out of the three of us, but now that I came back I'm the fastest out of all of us," Wally stated trying to figure this out.

"Maybe we should have Tony and Banor look into it," I exclaimed

"That would probably be a good idea," says Barry "But in the mean time I want to say Wally congrats on finally being the fastest man alive,"

"Alright cousin I want a rematch," pouted Bart

Wally chuckled and got up ruffling his hair, "Maybe next time kid I need to let everyone else know I'm alive,"

"That's right! This is going to be so Crash!" Bart jumped for joy

"Woah buddy you can't tell anybody yet," I stepped forward

"Ah come on this isn't fair I have to keep a secret," he whines

I laughed and walked in the house with my arm around his shoulder, "Bart you sound just like Wally when he was your age, of course his best friend was a troll, and your best friend is a decent dude.

"Alright babe we better get home so you can get dressed and I can feed Brucy," says Wally

"Right then, we'll see you two at the base later tonight," says Barry

I nodded my head and got into the car after saying goodbye and hugging them, I watched from the window as Wally hugged them like his life depended on it. After he got in the car we drove off back to our house.

"So I was thinking maybe we should get a house closer to the family," says Wally looking out the window

"Closer as live in central when not on the base with our team?" I asked turning my head towards him

"Ya, I mean if you want to, we have been living together for a few years now right?" he asked

"I think it would be great to get a new house, but first things let's get you back into the world," I grinned

"Sounds good to me babe," he laughed

"I'm going to ask something I think we should talk about," I state

"Alright let me hear it," he smiled

"Alright so we've kissed a few times or so when we were younger, now we've kissed a few times and now we have had sex, so are we dating?" I asked all awkwardly

"Hm I can see your point, but ya I'd say we are, if that's alright with you beautiful," he grinned while grabbing my free hand

"It's perfectly ok with me," I whispered as my face got ready

Finally home, I made sure to wear something nice which concluded in fleece lined maroon leggings, a black dress with a leather jacket and my pink hair pulled up into a pony tail, and we can't forget my black flat boots.

"You look beautiful now let's go," says Wally in the door way

I gave him a kiss before he picked me up and took off towards the zeta tube, I went through first and when they heard his name on the overhead their eyes went wide.

"You guys didn't think you could get a rid of me that quickly," he grinned

I stood to the side as they ran at him and hugged him, Dick walked up to me and leaned his arm on me.

"Hey Dick,"

"Ya what's up Dust," he asked

"I just wanted to say thank you for you know not giving up on Wally and trying to keep giving me hope," I exclaimed while not taking my eyes off of Wally

"Hey it's what friends do right? Remember the two Amigos and one Amiga," he chuckles

"I can't believe you still remember that," I giggled

"Please you would never let us live it down," he laughed

"Nightwing! Sparks! Get over here!" yelled M'gann

"Coming!" yelled Dick running over to them

I stood where I was just watching Wally be happy with the rest of our friends and family. I loved Wally so much I was just not ready to say it yet until he is ready to say it again but this time by himself instead of his uncle.

"Babe are you coming over or not!?" yelled Wally with a bright happy grin on his face

"Ya Wallop I'm coming," I laughed running over there

Everything is alright…

Well there ya guys go I hoped you liked it, please review and let me know what you think just please no hating.