By: Z-ComiX
CHAPTER 1: The World I Only Know

Disclaimer: Do not own TWGOK or it affiliations or something like that.

My name is Keima Katsuragi. I was born June 6, at 11:29:35 and am currently 17 years old. I am 174 cm tall, 54 kg and have a blood type of B. My mother is Mari Katsuragi, an ex-biker and my father is Keiichi Katsuragi, a man who travels the world as a part of his career. When I was young, I wasn't really interested in anything. I would float around in this world; do the necessary amount of work to be considered 'normal' and repeat the cycle day in and day out. This was my life… until I saw something amazing.

When I saw it I was in awe. Its glowing screen, the images it displayed and the stories it told to me. This beautiful device entranced my eyes and excited my mind and so naturally I started to play more I asked my mom what it was. She replied that it was a game console and told me how it worked. This is when I realized I wanted to be a gamer.

The more I played the more adept I became. I would 100 percent a game in a matter of weeks, a time interval I would surpass months later, and I would absorb the information as if I were a sponge. These games gave me more than a purpose; I genuinely enjoyed going out and exploring these worlds that were contained in my hands. I should also probably mention these events happened before I even entered Kindergarten.

It was only when I interacted with others that things got complicated. I enjoyed my little world; my reality was much more interesting than the one that I was born into. The characters seemed more alive in these worlds compared to the kids in my class. Ah, my classmates… when I first joined the class people would ask me about my games, they thought it was cool, since as a young kid they were socially acceptable.

"That's so cool!"

"Oh I love that game!"

"Man, I can never pass that stage, but you did it in one go!?"

And why shouldn't they have been in awe? I had been playing and completing these games faster than anyone they had ever seen. At first I thought it was okay to talk to them about my games; I thought they would be as involved in these games as I was. So I began to discuss all the information I had learnt over my short life. But when I talked about it with other kids my age they started to pull away.

"Oh…I didn't know about that… It's kinda weird you know that much…"

"Ummm… Keima I've never heard of that actually…"

"Hey listen, lets go play soccer… no?... oh okay… well I'll see you around then…"

I went from being interesting to being weird in all the eyes of my classmates in a matter of days. They did not understand my passion and therefore shunned me; a common plot device that is based off the idea that humans fear what they do not understand. Even my teachers started to avoid me. At first they tried to assimilate me; they punished me for playing games, they did many things, but in the end they all gave up. But it was a non-issue to me because I was doing something I enjoyed. I did my work, I learnt the necessary, but I was not a part of their reality.

My reality was developing around me. My knowledge of gaming made me learn things younger kids would not know until high school. I would learn information, seek out information and retain the information I used for my conquests of games.

Information; it was my power. It was through this that I began to learn not only about the world around me, but of what was so flawed about it. These theories were proven the day my true passion was shown to me… and when it was exposed to fellow classmates.

Through research I learnt about a genre of games known as 'galge games,' or dating simulators. Of course, kids my age didn't really play these games, but as a gamer I had to challenge myself to excel. So, I bought a few of these games from a store I frequented. Since my mom usually bought the games for me, the cashier did not realize I was the intended player and therefore disregarded the ratings. As soon as I returned home, I played the first game in the stack. A few minutes in, I was hooked; I was entranced by the plotline and was captivated by the process of getting this girl to fall in love with me. I wanted to see her happy, I wanted to have her reach her ideal ending. As soon as I finished that game, I immediately started the next game and then next one. Before I knew it, I was heading off to school playing one of the games. This is when I was completely isolated.

It was time for lunch and so I pulled out my newest game and popped it into the portable. I disregarded the game case on my desk, focusing on my goal of saving the heroine from her plight. Soon a girl from my class passed by my desk and by some chance decided to look at the case. Her eyes must have widened as she saw the case and read the rating. All I noticed at the time was her talking to the teacher and pointing at me and whispering.

"Keima-kun? Is this your game?" said the teacher with a worried look on her face.

I nodded not looking up at her, too busy with analyzing the dialogue on the screen.

"Keima… these games aren't for you, there for older kids… I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take it away from you."

I looked up at her with a blank look. I was too young to really understand what the problem was and even today have trouble with some parts of this reality.

"Why?" I asked.

And then it all began. I calmly discussed with her why I should be allowed to play my games and the beauty of them. She started getting more and more worried and soon she went to get the principal. When they returned, I continued to make eloquent arguments to their responses and as I spoke more and more of the kids started listening to me talk. It wasn't long before I found myself in the principal's office with my mom, but I continued to play my game either way. I knew I was in the right, but I could tell I was in for it later. Words like "BANNED" and "DIRTY" and "TABOO" were used. I couldn't understand there views even after I had made such a great case for the games I so loved. I learnt that day that the Real world will never accept my world.

"Hey look it's that kid."

"wasn't he caught playing bad games?"

"Yeah, he so creepy! All he does is play games!"


"God! He such an Otamegane!"

Otamegane. A combination of otaku, my "geeky" nature and megane, a sign of my bespectacled face. That word branded and followed me forever. I was not apart of any crowd anymore. I was completely isolated from my class, the school, and most importantly Reality. But this was of no concern to me; in fact it was better this way. They could not and would not understand or try to understand my way of life. They were intolerant of my world, and their world would never reach my ideals. It was an impassable rift that I was happy was there. So finally I was allowed to do what I liked; I could finally play my galge games in silence.

I was like my name said. I was a knight trying to save the girl in each one of my games. I would not rest until I set every one of them free. Over the years that knight would gain power and rise from this mortal playing field and become a god. A Fallen God of Conquest. The Otoshigami.

Currently I run a modest website where I record my trails and tribulations to aide those whom seek to follow in my footsteps. Through ads and donations on my site, I am able to make enough money to buy games and then some. I am surprising how many people seem to visit my site because my calculations say that if I were to use the money as it were now, I would be able to survive off my website alone (and by survive I mean buy games, live in a cheap apartment and have one meal a day). Even if I did not do this, my future is secured since I could always work for my mom's café as a bartender. I have become quite adept in brewing coffee as I have been working in Café Grandpa with my mom from time to time. My grades are fine as well, sans physical education since of course with my gamers' physique, I am not the most athletic student. Still I get by in life and toe the baseline of an 'average' student even if my social status is that of an exile.

Do not feel sorry for me, I enjoy this life. I have chose this route since is gets me closer to my goal. I am the Otoshigami, I have no need for any of this bonds or Reality… and yet I am cursed to jump its hurdles to continue. What irony. This is my life story and as long as there are not unexpected events, I intend to proceed this way forever.

Keima Katsuragi sat at his usual spot at the top of the school tapping away at the keys on his PFP. He was reading the e-mails that the "lost lambs," as he called them, had sent to him today. One message caught his eye in particular.

To The God of Conquest

I have heard rumors that you can conquer any girl you want. That is quite unbelievable, but if that is true, there is a girl I would like you to conquer. If you are confident you can do it, then press the "reply" button.

He though about pressing the button, but after much contemplation he came to a conclusion that this must be spam since he needed to click on an unknown link. He had had this happen before and ended up losing all his save data and having to get a new PFP to replay hours of work. With that he put the message in his "DEAL WITH LATER…" folder to incur wraith of god at a later date.

Keima did not know that by throwing away this flag he had chosen to begin down a new route, a much darker and troublesome route than the world only we all know.

Author Note:

Hello and welcome to my first (and hopefully many) fanfiction story!

But first thing first, to the original author of this story, to one Z-ComiX of the Red Hawk Scan forum:


But this story haven't been updated, and I hate to see a good fic like this become a dead fic.

So if anyone can help me contact the author, then I will be your debt forever and ever.


Side note: I edited some parts of the original because it irritate me for some reason.

Can someone tell my why?

Side side note: Can somebody become my beta reader/Co-Author if I can't get the original author to update.

Side side side note: Does anyone else think that Keima should have ended up with all Goddess hosts and Chihiro?

Side note 4x: I will stopped wasting your time now, but I might include all the light novel characters and any minor characters as well as any OC I'll be asking for to mess up Keima life even farther.

Yes I'm an evil bastard and I love it! MWHAHAHAHAHA-choke-choke-cough-cough

I will stop now.