No – your eyes are not deceiving you. I'm back to finally put this baby to bed.
A barrage of superior weaponry and yet another blast of stale cold air and raining shudder of ice. The entire base rocked upon its' foundations. Han clung to a service pipe and swayed on his feet. Scrambling bodies and powder white air. Screams and screeches.
Just another day in The Rebel Alliance.
Holy Sith. Come on… think Han ole buddy. Think.
As team of ground staff shuffled by as best they could in the deluge, eyes white and widened with fear, one of them threw over his shoulder…
"Command has been hit…we're done for."
Han groaned. Leia was always the last to leave so he set off, stumbling on down the corridor, now and then lurching haphazardly under the now constant barrage of laser cannon. It was so bloody unfair. When were the gods going to give her break? How did they end up here…again…?
Rounding the corner of a corridor and finally bursting into the room, Han stopped short at the site of utter carnage.
No. Not again…never again…
Anxiously scanning the room in spotted asmall and feminine form leaning over a monitor, Threepio hovering. Nervous and useless.
Thank The Maker. I'm too old for this.
Letting out all the air in his lungs, finally acknowledging his mouth was feeling dry and pasty, Han nevertheless refused to have his bluff called and scrambled over toppled consoles and tangles of sparking electrical wire towards the pint-sized bundle of trouble.
Get her out. Get her safe.
"Are you all right?"
Stupid. Of course she was all right. For now. She was Leia. But she still needed him from time to time as insurance.
Her clear and crisp voice, was barking last second orders, but she threw him a glance that said the usual - You again.
"Why are you still here?"
Han wanted to spit out – 'Why are you?' But they didn't have time for a slinging match.
Clearance? I'll give YOU clearance.
When it was apparent she wasn't immediately packing a bag and turning off the lights on her way out, he decided a demonstration in what evacuating should really look like was in order.
Hopping from one foot to other and clambering over unrecognisable shrapnel he was just reaching for her as she slipped around him with surprising stealth, barking more useless orders, eating up her precious remaining time.
What the?
Another terrifying boom.
The crackle of the com interrupts.
"Imperials troops have entered the base… Imperial troops have - " then chilling sound of static.
Yeah. Not good.
He firmly enclosed the curve of her upper arm and swung her around to acknowledge his presence .
Hurry, hurry. Not again. Never again.
"Come on- that's it."
Leia was stood stock-still. Huge eyes sporting pinprick pupils were the only indication she understood the implications in choosing fight or flight. In desperate times like this, and in the silent seconds their eyes met and held, the safe and predictable performance instantly dropped.
What was unsaid was always their truth.
You're coming with me.
I can't. You know I can't.
I'm never letting you out of my sight.
Don't –
Don't? Don't what? Don't care?
Just don't.
You care too.
It's not just that. Stop rescuing me.
Then let me help you.
Just let go Han. Let this – whatever it is - go.
Not when there's a breath left in my body –
You mean it… don't you?
I've always meant it.
…I know.
So - we're doing this?
A slight nod.
All right then.
Leia turned to the communications officer... duty always first.
Get her away from here…
"Give the evacuation code signal –"
Find somewhere safe.
"- and get to your transports."
You're done. Come on Sweetheart.
Urgently grasping both of her arms from behind, Han awkwardly assisted her to the door. It was like dancing a beginner's two-step. He knew he was being handsy. Heck he'd been accused before for good reason. But they didn't have time for him act the gentleman. He was worried she'd been leading him on and grab an opportunity to slip out of his arms and charge off to another command module before he could tackle her to the floor.
Nope. She wasn't going anywhere but straight her transport. And he was escorting her every single step of the way.
His fears were immediately put to rest when they hit the open access tunnel. He let go and glanced back to spot Leia behind him, her expression fixed and determined. Good. Her survival instinct had finally kicked in.
A mad, drunken, gallop towards the transport bay commenced as they were thrown constantly of kilter under the bombardment of enemy fire above. Precious seconds stolen as they crashed, stumbled and fell, picking themselves up again and again, instinctually reaching out to each other, grabbing hands and arms to regain balance and reorient themselves after every explosion. The constant pumping, whirr of his hydraulics and pleading of Golden Rod frantically blocking their way grating on already raw nerves.
Hurry hurry hurry.
He couldn't let Vader get his hands on her again. She was the strongest person he knew, but even she couldn't be expected to face that again. Were they doomed to keep doing this? Running and dodging death together? So be it.
A deafening screech of artillery searching for its target screamed from directly above. Han guessed that from its trajectory, it was going to land just ahead of them.
He halted and pushed Leia backwards. There was no time for him to do much else but turn and enclose her in his arms, instinctually shielding her from the onslaught with the only resource he had. His body. She shrieked and he dived, hunching over her, grasping her tightly. Pushing her down and bracing against her, encompassing her small body with as much of own as he could, his head resting against her neck, shielding her face from possible shrapnel, one hand grasping her waist the other wrapping around her forehead.
Both of them panted hard with eyes squeezed shut and waited in the agony of the next second for the familiar pain and inevitable blackness, Han grimaced at the bitter irony. They had only succeeded in escaping one death-trap for another.
But perhaps the famous Solo luck would still be on his side?
He didn't expect the odds to always tip in his favour, but somehow they did. Han was wise enough to know Lady Luck was fickle lover. One day the stakes would catch up with him. Well that day may well have arrived.
He was honestly surprised to wake up the last time this had happened. And it took him a few tries for it to sink in. That terrible, wonderful day of what he had now named Leia and The Tunnel.
He vaguely remembered being in sick bay. Fighting and screaming his way to consciousness. Colours and shapes were too loud and bright, his head spinning from the thick heaviness of painkillers and anaesthesia.
Then blackness again.
The second time he'd woken up – this time from a drug induced stupor and yelling her name, Chewie appeared above him, growling Leia was ok and to shut up so the doctors could work.
She's ok? She's not hurt?
Chewie nodding and sticking the thumb of a hairy paw over one huge shoulder. Even in his highly befuddled state, Han's brain registered the still figure of Leia being placed on the gurney next to his, her head tilting back in unconsciousness. Before he could barely register the joy that she was still alive or could scan her for blood and broken bones, a curtain was unceremoniously thrust between them. Another needle stuck in an arm.
Ah heck… give a guy a break
His mouth suddenly feeling like it was full of cotton, Han drilled his eyes into Chewie's silently begging.
Promise me she'll be ok.
Chewie growled again, "On my life debt. Shut up and sleep. See the little princess when you wake up. "
Satisfied for once in his life, Han had complied.
The last the time he came to, he'd woken feeling refreshed. All was quiet. No pain, his head relatively clear and un-sedated. No Chewie. In fact, no-one at all.
But like a moron, he dreamt he was still in that damned tunnel. Perhaps enjoying the last few blissful moments of holding Leia as his spirit moved to the next realm – whatever that was…if you believed in that stuff.
But feeling blessedly warm… so death was kind after all.
Yep. It felt great. Just like a cosy bed on a freezing cold planet.
He then smoothed a hand over a blanket
and blinked his eyes open in astonishment.
Hang on… I am in a bed. What?
Oh yeah that's right. I'm not dead after all.
For a couple of seconds all was good in the world. Then he remembered. Leia. The tunnel. The collapse.
But Chewie had promised she was ok. He believed him, but he wanted to see for himself.
Tuning into his surroundings, Han observed that it was dim and now blessedly still in the infirmary. Only the sounds of another busy day on the base echoed. There was just enough light illuminating the shadows of the privacy screen for Han to perform some expert surveying. No bed next door. No Leia.
Bracing his hands and raising his torso slightly, he scanned his position and location through the gaps of the curtain. As suspected, no one was around. Good.
His strength was shaky and the bacta patch sitting across the ridge of an eye was pinching like mad, but Han was on a reconnaissance, so he sat up and instantly regretted it as a flood of wooziness threatened to abort his plans.
Closing his eyes and counting to ten until it passed, then grabbing and wrapping himself in his bed blanket, he then swung both legs over the side of the bed and stood on the frigid floor, plotting his next move.
Peering thorough the gloom and down the endless rows of empty torture devices the rebel alliance infirmary laughingly called 'beds', he noticed there was one in the far corner that also had a privacy screen surrounding it. It was in was the Women's Section. Bingo.
Han paused and checked if he was being observed. A table with a cold cup of caf sitting on it was the only company he had. The night nurse must be on a break.
Han mentally slapped himself.
Ah heck.
This was ridiculous. He felt like he was 10 years old breaking into his first warehouse again. So in defiance, he began marching with as much swagger and bravado as possible, considering he was wearing a hospital gown, scratchy blanket and freezing bare feet.
It seemed like the longest walk of his life.
She had to be ok. And he had to see for himself.
He paused yet again when he reached the billowing curtains and considered his next move. He'd never officially "called on Leia" before – especially for the sole reason of just saying hello and checking she was in one piece. Every previous sojourn appeared to be an accident or coincidence. But Han knew they were carefully orchestrated on both sides…
"Hey Princess… fancy seeing you in the engine bay...fancy some crappy caf?"
"Captain Solo, I take it you'll be at the supply run meeting today? There are a few things I need to speak to you about privately."
"Eh Chewie, ask her Royalness if she's free for the card game tonight. I can't find a fourth."
"Excuse me, Captain Solo. Would you mind signing that release form some time today? Come by the mess hall during lunch when you are free if you like."
Feeling an idiot and glancing over his shoulder to check again he wasn't caught lurking by Leia's bed like a creep, Han scrubbed his face and gave himself a stern talking to.
Just bite the proverbial bullet you big lump. What are you afraid of? You almost died and you almost lost her. Just say what you want to say.
Yeah…. But just what did he want to say?
Ah heck. I'll just wing it.
He couldn't knock, so he did the next best thing -
"Hey honey, you awake in there?"
Nothing. So he soundlessly drew the nearest curtain back and finally hummed in relief.
Ah, there's my girl.
Once again, she was curled on one side. The curve of dark lashes and a gentle rise and fall of her chest, confirming she was deeply asleep. One tiny hand tucked under the pillow, the other resting on the bow of a hip. The smooth lines of her profile were glowing in the shadows and relief created from the warmth of the lamp, shining above her.
Han sucked in a breath.
Her hair had come loose and was spilling in glorious disarray.
Apart from the fresher pipe incident, he'd never seen her hair down. It was always as tightly wound as her temperament. And back then it was dirty, wet and ropey. Now it was falling in gentle cascades, curling at the ends. Rich, gleaming and irresistible.
People no doubt thought Han was a boob, backside or leg guy, and he'd let them think that. Not to say didn't he appreciate such delightful female attributes. But secretly, he'd always had a bit of hair kink. And now a feast was before his eyes.
Han's gaze roved slowly over the river of ebony tress. Mesmerised by the silky ribbons, streaking everywhere. Flowing over rounded shoulders in soft undulating waves, dipping across the creamy roundness of tender cheek. Her hair was so long and thick it was tumbling over the side of her mattress.
How beautiful she was. How fragile, encasing all that strength.
It seemed too intimate seeing her like this. An invasion of the fiercely private side of Leia who was only seen from behind closed doors. A woman he had yet to meet. She was always so full of spark and spunk. A powerhouse of sparking words and energy, but he couldn't bring himself to tear his eyes away from the shape of her quiet and vulnerable form.
Maybe he had earned her trust by now? She'd already stepped over her own carefully erected boundaries several times in the tunnel. Surely she wouldn't blame him for just looking, Han reasoned?
Sleeping Leia was….so very sweet.
It was then that Han spotted a dainty foot. Perfectly polished toenails in a charming cherry red, he noted with a slight whimper. They were peaking out from under the soft blue comforter that was pooling around her hips. Han didn't usually notice feet. Especially when every single pair on the base was encased in sturdy snow boots. But this was Leia's foot – and it was such perfect, feminine and exceedingly pretty foot. The smooth arch alone was… innocently alluring.
Now, just looking at that foot, he ached to touch and tease her. Maybe by running a finger up the underside bow to see if she was ticklish… or pinching each toe gently… perhaps sinking his teeth into plump pads one by one -
Woah mate… keep your cool. It's just her foot.
And it was cold. Feet lose warmth quickly he argued, as he slowly and carefully cradled her slim ankle to tuck it back safely underneath the blanket. He stalled, unable to resist admiring the shape and faint blue veins running just underneath the delicate pale skin, the curve and contours of each graceful line.
Maybe I should add 'Foot Kink' to the list…
Leia let out a sigh, her eyes fluttering open and swinging instantly to rest on his face.
Han froze as quickly as a rebel alliance speeder in a blizzard… Sprung.
Her expression was astonishingly candid. Her voice just a whisper. As if she couldn't quite believe he was there. The Princess rarely used his name, but now she was looking at him so gently and openly. He took another step forward.
"Hey there" he whispered.
"Hey" she murmured back
Silence as they locked eyes. Drinking each other in.
Han cleared his throat.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes. Are you?"
Saying the words helped.
Then they both began to smile. It was so different from any smile they had shared before. This one was utterly sincere and unashamedly happy as they celebrated the fact they were in one another's company, safe and whole once again.
Then she frowned and looked down.
"What are doing?"
Han glanced at the forgotten foot and looked back up again.
She wasn't cross, just puzzled.
"Err… checking for frostbite?"
Yep. There was that little smile again.
Giving into temptation and considering she was awake, aware and close enough to kick him in the face if so inclined, Han rubbed a small circle along the delicate curve of her arch
"Anywhere else you need me to check Princess?"
She inhaled quickly and jerked away from his grasp, a slight splutter escaping.
From his words, actions, or both he wasn't sure.
"Stop that!"
Aha! The slight uptick in the inflection of her pitch confirmed everything.
Leia was ticklish. She twisted her foot in attempt to repossess it, but he was now having way too fun and his much larger hand, almost entirely encircling her tiny foot, held fast wiggling her big toe back and forth like it was a fascinating foreign object.
"Oh… what's this? Looks good enough to eat…"
"Han I said - stop that!" She poked him in the chest with the offending toe, her eyes lighting up.
Entranced by her unexpected vivacity, Han ran an experimental stroke from her heel to toe.
She actually giggled.
Leia giggling sounded wonderful. So he did it again.
Leia squirmed and an unladylike snort escaped.
And Han found himself laughing freely for the first since the tunnel collapse and Leia finally joined in -
" Excuse me Princess, the warden said…. Ahh...ahem…"
Han reeled around at the unexpected words coming from over his shoulder.
General Reeiken stood there, stock still, trying very hard to hide to the surprise on his face. A bunch of what looked like weeds sitting in a jar held awkwardly in one hand.
"Good evening Captain Solo."
His startled eyes swung back and forth between him and Leia, instantly sizing up the situation when he zeroed on Han's hand holding Leia's forgotten foot.
Leia yanked it away and a charming blush bloomed over both cheeks as she pulled her bedding up to her chin.
"Forgive the intrusion I didn't know you had…company. The night warden reported you were sleeping, but I wanted to drop by and leave these reports … and dried flowers for you"
An excruciating, embarrassed silence emulating from all parties filled up the space as they watched the General shuffle over and place the jar and data pad on Leia's beside table.
Han felt like a teenager who had just been sprung in a compromising position with his first girlfriend. It was all very innocent of course, but he nonetheless found himself scanning Reeikan to check he was armed. The slight tug turning up the corners of Reeikan's mouth, told him he wasn't going to threaten bodily harm for flirting with the Princess… still…
"I'll leave you to complete your visit Captain."
He nodded slightly toward Leia.
"Princess. "
"There's no need General Reeikan. It's after visiting hours for him. He shouldn't be here."
Han gaped in surprise but Leia was pointedly ignoring him, fixing her eyes on Reeikan who looked like he'd rather be anywhere but his present situation.
"He?" Is that was she was going to call him? He? Not even Captain? And on top of it all- in that dismissive, stuck-up way?
Flabbergasted with her cold rudeness, Han sputtered out an awkward -
"What – ? "
But Leia pressed on.
"He's leaving."
At his silence she finally looked at him.
"Right now."
Both eyes drilling into his, as if they were lined up over the barrel of laser gun.
"Weren't you?"
Han felt the blood drain from his face as he stared at Leia. Now sitting ramrod straight, she was cool, calm and expected to be obeyed. Hands folded neatly in her lap. Her face was utterly implacable despite her previous discomfort sporting the slightly patronising frown she always wore when he displeased her. The mask firmly back in place.
Reeikan hovered awkwardly. His expression was sympathetic as eyes bounced back and forth between them.
So that was her game? They were back to being the ice princess and the nerfherder when it suited her?
It hurt. He was actually hurt. Like biting down on decayed tooth hurt.
And that's when the anger rushed in.
He wanted to yell and throw things and hurt her back. Anything to make her just stop DOING that.
Did she know how it felt when she did? Cutting herself off and pigeon-holing him into the role of 'Insubordinate and Incompetent Arse'?
This is why he never bothered. Being hurt sucked.
With a flush of final humiliation, Han noticed Reeikan had read every thought on his face. He never left himself open like that. But Leia had peeled him open and exposed him as neatly as tin of nuna slices. That was Han realised he should have left this – whatever it was- months ago. No time like the present.
"Fine – Your wish is my command your Royal Princess. I'll be leaving this dump of a planet as soon as possible."
And with that he turned and threw a look at Reeikan, not even bothering to check Leia's reaction to this latest piece of news. Not that she cared.
He pushed his way through the drapes and blindly marched back to his bed throwing over his shoulder as loudly as possible –
"Maybe you can get them to remove that giant stick up your butt while you're here."
He was absolutely astonished to find his eyes were filling with angry bubbles of water and his throat was on fire …. aching.