I am super excited for this! You have no idea. I wanted this to be... sorta sophisticated, I guess. I love writing for DGM, though. I just sorta thought up this AU. (With help of KappasRule, of course) It starts out with just Lenalee and Kanda. Lavi is also there, but he doesn't appear. Allen joins a little later. They still have their innocence... Eren lived in Trost, right? Right? I don't remember. Anyway, enough of me. Please review, and happy reading! OH! It's a little OOC in this introduction here. Just to put out that warning, cuz the DGM group won't be that OP in the beginning.

I own neither DGM nor SNK

There is three military corps that people can join if they desire to serve their life to protect the human race.

The Stationary Troops.

The Scouting Legion.

The Military Police.

There is one more, however, that not many people know of. Only a select few are able to join it. The group is called… the Black Order. They are the best of the best. They appear and disappear mysteriously. Their specialty is protecting the human race from extinction, which is their sole job.

Year 845, Wall Maria.

Kanda Yu stood on the confines of Wall Maria. He was supposed to patrol the area, not help the Stationary Troops with the cannons or anything. The sky was beginning to color hues of orange and yellow. His time was almost up, and he was going to leave soon.

Truthfully, he'd rather be in the scouting legion right now. It is much more exciting, but his boss, Cross Marian, decided that he'd be better suited for the wall today.

Today was awfully quiet. It put Kanda on edge.

He looked out over the edge of the wall, and saw everyone going on with their own, daily lives. It's been like that for nearly a century, people living on the inside of walls without a care in the world, completely forgetting of the threat outside the wall.

It was fine living like this for a whole century.

Not for Kanda. It disgusted Kanda.

How could people forget the threat, and just live like this? He had no clue.

Just because a century went by, the wall perfectly intact, doesn't guarantee that the wall won't break down today.

He felt a couple pairs of eyes on him. Kanda glared at the guards, using the corner of his eye, making sure they went back to work. Once they did, he turned back, and muttered, "Che."

Kanda closed his eyes in annoyance, and glanced up to the sky. He saw two birds soar in the sky. It was really peaceful.

But then behind him, a flash of orange caught his undivided attention. Then, an overwhelming shadow and the terrible smell of smoke enveloped him. The people below were staring behind him, staring with wide eyes filled with horror and disbelief.

Slowly, Kanda turned. What he saw was unbelievable. It was the giant face of a colossal titan.

On that day, humanity received a grim reminder.

Kanda stood shocked for a moment, legs unwilling to move. "Che… Move dammit!" Kanda used the 3dmg to dodge an incoming swipe of the titan's hand. The gear attached itself to the titan's arm. As he maneuvered away, he saw the titan bring back its foot, and kick a large hole in the wall.

The pieces from the wall flew out at the crowd of onlookers, immediately crushing people and houses.

That was when Kanda saw other Titans barge into the wall. They had made their way into the city, and are terrorizing the humans.

Kanda maneuvered himself around the colossal, yelling, and making his way skillfully for the titan's nape. He narrowly dodged the snap of its jaw, encircled around the front and took out his Mugen.

He was about to slice the nape apart, but then a cloud of smoke enshrouded him. "What?" Kanda grimaced. "Where did it…"


Kanda noticed he had been falling, and there was no place to send his 3dmg to. That voice that called out was none other than Lenalee's. Strong hands caught him, and he was pulled up to a more secure part of the wall. She had these dark boots, which allowed her to dash on the wind. "What happened, Kanda?" Lenalee asked urgently. She had returned from the scouting trip, it seemed Lenalee still wore the green cape which had the wings of freedom on the back.

"It just… disappeared…"

"You tried to face the colossal, didn't you?" Lenalee asked, shaking Kanda. Screams from inside the wall broke their conversation. "We have to help escort everybody, ok? If titans get in the way, you know what to do. Then, when we get the signal to retreat, I'll come get you. You have enough gas for the 3dmg, right?"


"Ok. Good luck, Kanda."

Titans were flooding in. One hundred years of hunger in their wake, their only desire to feed on the humans. Everyone ran around in panic, titans picked up struggling people, and Kanda merely stared. He brought himself together, and maneuvered his way to a nearby Titan who had a human in its hand.

Kanda sliced off the titan's hand, and caught the human before he fell to the ground. Then Kanda quickly made his way to slice open the nape. The human that Kanda rescued had not gotten up, completely fear-stricken that he had almost gotten eaten. "Che. Get the hell out of the way, baka."

The man had gotten to his senses, and stood, thanking Kanda for saving his life. Then he left running for the boats heading for Wall Rose.

Kanda took down a couple other titans, and then he spotted Lenalee. "There's too many of them!" Lenalee cried. "We have to retreat!"

Just then, an armored titan swung a fist at Lenalee. She expertly dodged, and Kanda swung around with his 3dmg gear, slicing at the muscles. The titan then stood up, struggling a little, but it's muscles were healing quickly. It swung at Kanda, nearly hitting him.

Lenalee grabbed Kanda, and ever-so-swiftly retreated to Wall Rose. Causing Kanda to protest a little.

Kanda saw that there were people stuffed into boats, and crowded around them. Not everyone was going to make it to wall Rose.

He also saw soldiers being consumed, soldiers hiding, and soldiers just being completely useless at this century-old threat. This is what he hated most, how everyone was completely helpless against the titans.

How could the human race be reduced to this? Kanda thought. The soldiers are cowering! They should fight!

"Lenalee!" Kanda yelled over the cries of the people below. Lenalee made no move of letting Kanda go.

Eventually he was released, because of his squirming and protesting. They were in a more abandoned part of town, in which people had already evacuated. There were titans here and there, and a collapsed building or two.

Kanda skidded to a stop. He spotted two children by a collapsed building. They were trying to lift a column that flew from the wall, though that was impossible because of how small both of them were.

"Even if I were able to escape… my legs are crushed." Kanda heard.

"Then I'll carry you!" The boy protested.

Another thing; there was a titan just around the block, and getting closer. "Che." Kanda muttered, turned, and used his 3dmg to make it to their help as fast as they could. Lenalee protested, but once she saw what he did, stayed quiet.

"What's wrong?" Lenalee asked as soon as they got there.

"Help us, please!" The boy begged.

Kanda turned around to make sure that he could tell how close the titan was getting. "Our mom, she's stuck!"

"No…. please, take my children to safety…" The mother pleaded.

Lenalee looked torn, but tried to lift the ruins along with the kids. The titan was just down the alleyway. "Lenalee." Kanda warned.

She turned, and once she saw the titan, she paled. Then she shook her head, and ushered the kids to Kanda, who immediately picked them up and took off toward the boats. "Eren! Mikasa! Stay alive, please!" The mom called off. As they reached the end of the alleyway, the mom called again, "Wait! No!"

The kids cried and protested, especially the boy, as their mom was picked up by the titan, and placed in between its teeth.

After they rounded the corner, the boy, presumably Eren, elbowed Kanda in the pressure-point of his neck. "What the hell?" Kanda yelled, dropping the kids.

"A few moments longer, and we could've saved our mom!" Eren yelled back. Kanda slapped him, leaving everyone a little shocked. This boy was testing Kanda's patience.

"No, you couldn't." Kanda growled. "You're too weak."

"Why couldn't you face the titan, huh?" Eren protested, tears running down his face. Lenalee stood in front of Kanda before he could say anything. She knelt down in front of Eren, her eyes watering too.

"Because… Eren… we lost our courage. For that… I'm really sorry."

Kanda and Lenalee reached the boats just in time, before the boats reached max capacity. Lenalee embraced them, and ushered them through the crowd. The recently saved children's faces were emotionless, with their tears dried out, as if they'd seen hell.

"What on earth happened?" Their boss, Cross Marian demanded as soon as Lenalee and Kanda arrived. "You were supposed to not let the titans take over Shiganshina district!"

The Black Order HQ was a secret place underneath the city. They were in Cross's office, lit only by firelight, and littered with books and empty beer bottles. "That was your only job!"

"Sir," Kanda protested. "There was a colossal; it just appeared out of nowhere."

"It broke the wall." Lenalee explained. "The titans poured in, there were too many."

Cross sighed. "I guess it can't be helped, then. You killed some titans though, correct?"

Kanda and Lenalee nodded. "At least you saved some lives.'Cause that's also our job. Protecting humanity, you know?"

Lenalee's thoughts trailed back to the two kids, who had to watch their mother get eaten by one of those titans. Humanity, huh? Lenalee thought. "This won't ever happen again, sir." Lenalee bowed.

"You better hope not. Dismissed." Cross said, turning away from them and leaving the room. Probably going to spend money somewhere.

Kanda just left without another word, leaving Lenalee alone in the messy room. Lenalee wondered why Cross didn't ask how her original mission went.

Then again, she was glad he didn't. It failed too, and most of the Survey Corps team had died.