
By: Liv-x-Case-Benson & FemslashPrincess

Ch. 4: A Night Out

That night, Casey had just returned to her office when she noticed that the light was on.

Olivia sat on the couch.

Casey grinned when she opened the door. "Do I know you?"

"You should," Olivia said.

"Where have we met before?"

"Oh, you know, around the office..."

" look a lot like a former detective I know.."

Olivia leaned against the front of Casey's desk. "Hmm..."

Casey smiled and walked over to her wife.

The brunette leaned into her wife, wrapping her arms around her.

"Hi," Casey murmured, the spicy scent of her wife's cologne tickling her nostrils.


"How was your day?"



Olivia nodded. "Casey, I think it's time we told people. We've more than proved we can work together and be professional. Besides, Rollins really wants to blackmail me with it. Well, I mean, we should say something anyway, but..."

"Wait. She blackmailed you?"

"She hasn't yet, but she wants to because I've basically stuck her to her desk unless I'm backing her up. And this isn't just to the guys, Case... It's IAB..."

"So we invite her into our home and she has the nerve to threaten us?" Casey shook her head in disbelief.

"Yeah, well, I mean, I can't blame her for not wanting to sit still. But she's the one who made the mistake. Then today she was interviewing and she had to be pulled out because the suspect threw her addiction in her face, And yes, she wants to help, wants me to trust her, but people aren't just going to forget. She's going to run into that roadblock for a long time," Olivia sighed. "I have an obligation to the squad, the people of this city. I'm not a veteran "detective" anymore."

Casey sighed. "So you think our best option is to come out?" She sat on her desk, worry clouding her emerald gaze.

"Not only because of that though. It's going to come out one way or another."

"What if we lose our jobs? What if your detectives refuse to obey a lesbian? What if every defendant uses it against us?"

"Casey, my detectives won't care. I'm still the same person. And to everyone else, it's really none of their business."

Casey looked away. "What if they don't think I'm good enough for you?"

Olivia hugged her tightly. "Casey, I don't care what anyone else thinks. I love you and that's that. The rest of the world can...well, I don't feel right saying it here, but it is one of my favorite activities with you..." she said with a smirk.

Casey managed a tiny smirk. "Oh, babe, I love you too!" She wrapped her legs around her wife's waist.

Olivia purred in her ear, hugging her tightly. "I love you so much!"

"So...what else did Miss Cardshark say?"

"Well, not much, other than preaching that I "never got in trouble with Cragen" which was such crap. I got in trouble and was on desk duty just like everyone else."

"Where does she get off? Between her and Amaro..their disrespect shocks me."

"I know, but hey, Fin's got my back if nothing else..."

"I suppose." A crimson curl fell into Casey's eyes.

Olivia brushed the curl from Casey's eyes. "Have I ever told you that you've got the most incredibly soft hair I've ever felt? And it's so deep that I can't believe it's natural..."

Casey blushed. "You know I love it when you say such things."

"I only say them because I mean them," she said, kissing her gently. "Now, I don't even know how to go about this with IAB."

"I don't know either."

"Well...any idea who might know?"



"You want to come out to a judge?"

Olivia sighed. "Know a better way to go without this nipping us in the ass?"

"I don't know. I have never disclosed an inter-office relationship."

"Casey, she can't fire you anymore. And we have been professional. That's why things haven't unraveled yet. I don't know how else to go about doing this. We need advice."

"She can't fire me anyway. That's discrimination. I would simply be transferred if they thought it was a conflict of interest."

"But it's been years. There is no conflict of interest. We make sure of that."

"All it takes is one coworker to share a misunderstood moment. Rollins seems to have a plan."

Olivia nodded. "I know."

"I don't trust her."

"So we beat her to it."

Casey sighed.

Olivia hugged her gently.

"I'm scared," Casey murmured.

The brunette nodded. "I know honey, but I do think it's better if we say it first."

"What if you lose your command?"

Olivia raised a brow. "They're not that shallow, Casey. But...if I did, you'll always matter more."

Casey smiled softly.

"Casey, I really doubt it'll matter to them."

"You don't think they'll make lesbian jokes?"

"Big deal. I've endured worse," Olivia said.

"Good point. But if they ask who the man in this marriage is..." Casey smirked. "The answer is my sexy captain."

Olivia smiled. "Should we go home and I'll prove that to you?"

"I wish. But I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I made us a dinner reservation."

"Hey, that's even better. Where?"


"Love it."

Casey smiled.

"What time is our reservation?"


"Why so late?"

"What time is it now?"

Olivia checked the clock on the wall. "Seven."

Casey smiled. "I want to go home and change."

"And I could use a shower."

"Then let's get going." Casey began to file papers into her briefcase.

Olivia smiled, waiting for her.

Casey smiled back at her. "What's that look for?"

"Nothing, just waiting."

"I'm ready." Casey grabbed her keys.

Olivia nodded, walking out after her.

Upon getting home, the brunette quickly jumped into the shower.

Casey joined her, smirking.

Olivia smiled, kissing her passionately.

After their shower, Casey dressed in a new outfit she had bought. The black dress skimmed her knees, hugging her body. She sat on the bed, buckling her favorite heels.

Meanwhole, Olivia actually considered slipping on a pair of jeans (which wasn't something she often did), but, because the restaurant they were going to was so elegant, she opted for a pair of black slacks and a light blue blouse that dipped just right, pairing it with heels (another thing she rarely did anymore), and a gold necklace before applying makeup..

Casey raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you wear high heeled boots?"

"It's not like I really get the chance with the job."

"But you hate heels."

"And I want to dress up, not wear work clothes. Though, I'd rather be in boots than heels like yours," she said.

Casey smiled. "You look hot."

Olivia smirked. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Casey twirled playfully.


"Why, thank you!"

"You're welcome. Anytime," Olivia said, holding her hands and kissing her cheek.



"Can we go out tonight? I mean dancing and drinking?"

"Before or after dinner?"


"If it's not too late, sure. I'd rather not be out all night. I'd love to spend the rest of the night wrapped up in bed."

Casey smiled. "Alright."

"Should we head there early?" Olivia asked.


"Unless you had other plans for before we got there?"

Casey smirked. "Nope. No sex for you."

"Just thought I'd ask," Olivia said, standing up. "You seemed disappointed."

"I'm not...I'm fine."



"Are you really ok?"


Olivia stood, holding her close. "Casey, please talk to me."

Casey sighed. It all poured out of her as if her mind was determined to say everything at once. "Amanda is ruining everything. She interrupted us, and is now threatening to come out for us. When the guys find out, they will say they thought it was Cabot. I'm not ready to hear that again and I am worried and I don't feel good enough now."

Olivia nodded. "Ok. I see your point, but no matter what anyone says, I love you and it's you I'll come home to. We can hold off telling them as long as possible, ok? It is scary. But I believe in us. And I love you."

"Did you come out with her?"

Olivia shook her head. "It didn't feel right."

Casey smiled softly.

Olivia kissed her softly.

"I'm ready now. Thank you...I um...needed that reassurance."

Olivia nodded, holding her close.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry too. I should've asked you about it. I just didn't see another way..."

"I know."

"I love you."

"Love you too."

Olivia kissed Casey gently.

Casey moaned.

Olivia slipped her tongue into Casey's mouth.

Casey purred. "Mmmm.."

"Mmmm... sexy."

"Careful..I said no sex until later. I want to dance tonight..let my hair down.."

Olivia smiled, pulling back a bit. "I know, but is it too much to steal a few kisses?"

"Never. I love your kisses."

"Should we go?"


Olivia took her hand, leading Casey out.

After dinner, Casey and Olivia visited one of their favorite clubs. No one there knew them, and Casey needed the opportunity to let her hair down as she had promised. After a couple of drinks, she smiled. "The dance floor is practically empty," she hinted.

"Slow or fast?" Olivia asked, sipping her drink.

Casey choked on her own drink.

Olivia wrapped an arm around her, patting her back. "I meant, do you want to dance now or wait for a slow song?"

"Oh. I don't know. What are you in the mood for?"

"I'd prefer a slow song."

"Me too. It's more romantic."

"My arms around you as I twirl you around the floor."

Casey smiled.

Olivia smiled back. taking her hand and kissing it.

As the two woman enjoyed the quiet company of their corner, a slow song eventually began to play.

Soon after, Olivia stood, offering her hand to Casey. "Dance?"

"With you? Always." Casey took her wife's hand.

The sergeant led her wife to the middle of the floor, wrapping her arms around Casey's back, swaying slowly.

Casey laid her head on her wife's chest, sighing contentedly.

Olivia held her tightly. "You look fabulous in this dress, Case."

"And that blouse looks fantastic on you."

The brunette smiled. "Thank you."

Casey smirked.

"This really is a nice place."

Casey nodded. "We have been here many times, but it seems better each time."

"Yes it does."

As they continued to dance, Casey snuggled into the older woman, enjoying her wife's strength and love.

Olivia smiled, holding her close, kissing her cheek.

"Olivia, my master..."

"Master, huh? We may need to test that nickname..."

"Oh? How?"

Olivia smirked. "Will you be my little kitten tonight?" she whispered.

"Absolutely," the redhead purred.

Olivia smirked. "Are we done here or should we stay longer?"

"I want to dance some more."

Olivia held her closer.

"I love you.."

"I love you."

Casey smirked.

"What?" Olivia asked.


"Sexy..." she purred in Casey's ear.


Olivia rubbed circles in Casey's upper back.

"Olivia, you drive me crazy," the redhead purred.

"You said you wanted to stay longer..."

"I do..."


"No buts." Casey smirked as a new song came on. She pulled away from Olivia and began to dance seductively against the older woman.

Olivia smirked, her hands, running Casey's sides.

Casey moaned.

Olivia was amazed that Casey was being so seductive in public.

"Is there a problem, Sergeant?"

"Oh no. Not at all," she smirked. "I could sit in a chair."

"What? Why?" Casey pouted. The alcohol had gone to her head already. "I told you we should have fun tonight."

"I mean, I could sit down if you want to dance for me."

"Oh, I want to dance for you, but I would love to do so with you sitting!"

Olivia smirked. "But maybe we should do that somewhere else..."

"Somewhere else?"

"Yes. Like home?"

Casey, no matter how intoxicated, would never sacrifice her professional reputation by doing anything worse than dancing in public. Her head spinning, she nodded. "As you wish.."

Olivia smiled, paying for their drinks and leading Casey out, helping her into the passenger seat.

Author's Note: Things are going to go a little crazy in the next chapter - just a friendly heads up. Hope you'll keep reading.

Reviews: katvrah, dragonsprit, tummer22, helly1bradleywyatt & Guest