Hello everyone, sorry that I haven't updated in a while, to say it short and quickly, I lost a good friend/classmate in the plane crash, you might know it, flight MH17... actually since it happened I couldn't really think about anything besides that, we had come together with the class and the funeral and stuff, so I had some rough days/weeks... That's why I haven't really write or read anything, so I'm sorry, you totally have the right to hate me, I still hope you don't though XD

But well, since I finally can focus my mind on something else, I thought I could go write something :) I hope it's good, I'm still a bit depressed, so I hope it won't affect my writing!

Well enjoy reading the last chappie of: "The other side!" ;)

"Hello little princess!" A faint but thoroughly warm voice said. The door slammed against the wall, and slowly clapped back with a cracking sound.


Suzuno's heart had never knocked so loud against her chest, with her hand clamped on her shirt, her eyes wide open with tears like rivers pouring down, she looked with her teal eyes, straight into two golden sparkling eyes. Her lower lip started to tremble, deep breathing, and her sight started to shake, while an infernal squeak repeated itself in her head.

"N-Nagumo?..." She stammered, as she continued to be frozen on her spot.


"You look shocked honey." His words resounded through her mind like one of her favorite songs. "Shocked? ..." she muttered.

"Yea, shocked?" He asked questioned.

"Do you have any idea for how long I haven't heard your voice, for how long I haven't seen your golden eyes shine like this, for how long I have dreamed of this moment..."

"I know."

"Oh yeah? Then how? Cause you weren't there..." Her sobbing increased again.

"O really, so I wasn't there when you frightened Neomy in your fabulous alien uniform, or when you went all the way to the shop to buy me that special flower, which is standing here right next to me, I even wasn't here when you fell asleep right here in this bed. Suzuno..."

Tudum...Tudum...Tudum...Nagumo carefully got up from the bed, it took him quite some focus and all the power he had gathered in those few minutes, but he did it. Step for step he walked over to Suzuno, who was still frozen, but now with an even more shocked face then before. Tudum...Tudum...Tudum...

He smiled faintly, soft eyes, and a small snicker, he raised his hands slowly and lay them down on Suzuno's pale cheeks. "Suzuno... I was there with ever step you took ever since the accident. I was there and I know you've noticed it, since you sometimes talked to me all night long."

"Y-Y-You... heard me?" She stuttered, a small blush covering her face and her tears slipping down Nagumo's hands.

"I did and I remembered every single word! Because I loved hearing you talk to me as if I was actually sitting there next to you, as if none of it all happened, as if I was less lonely. Even when you couldn't see me, you showed me you never forgot, not even for a second, I love you Suzuno!"

His hand slid slowly backwards, and ended up holding her head, he pushed her gently forward and placed a loving kiss against her forehead, she felt his soft and smooth lips pressed against her skin, his warm hands now slowly slipped down to press her into a tight hug, holding her as close as possible.

At this moment Suzuno realized it was no longer a dream, this heat, this confident and secure feeling, his smell, and his messy red hair that was stinging her face, his hot breaths she sensed in her neck, and his oh so strong grip, he was really here, he really kept her in his hands, he was finally awake!

Suzuno shut her eyes, and now she also raised her arms as she chained them around his back.

"I missed you so much!I... -I LOVE YOU!" She yelled and cried simultaneously. "I have died every day waiting for you, all along I believed you would wake up, time has brought hard to me, but I never stopped loving you because I believed you would eventually return to my-.. no our side! And you did, you came back! Just as I thought, I love you too Nagumo!"

"I know this has been a hard time for you and me but also for the others, but let's start over again."

"E-Eh? Over, what do you mean?" She asked confused as they separated from each other.

"Uhm well like.." He turned around, a small blush covering his face, he walked over to the flower on his desk and got it out of he vase, he then walked back to Suzuno, and stopped like a inch in front of her. He looked down on her confused and flustered face. "W-What a-are you d-"

"Suzuno, would you like to be my girl? Mine and mine alone forever?"

When Suzuno finally understood what he meant with: 'starting all over' she started to giggle. "Of course I want to mister perfect, but..."

"But what?" He asked a little shocked.

"There are some things."


"Well first of all, never use the flower I bought for you!" She laughed.

"Eheh, I'm sorry!" He said scratching the back of his head. "It was the only one that was beautiful enough to give to a woman like you!" He smiled, making Suzuno blush.

"Hihi, Second of all..." She said but stopped her line. She closed the distance between their faces, and reached out to kiss him on the lips. But just before she touched his, she said: "Never leave my side again!"

Nagumo's lips curled up in a soft smile. "I promise Princess!" He whispered before printing his lips against hers, carrying her into a passionate kiss. Love radiated from them and without them noticing Hitomiko, Hiroto and Ulvida had entered the room, of course they were all shocked, but they thought they could better be quiet until Nagumo and Suzuno had finished their little moment together. And they were glad with their choice, since it was wonderful to see those two finally back together!

The kiss was soft and gentle, with just a light dance of tongues, it was enough to make both hearts go crazy, a kiss both lingered for so long to.

Hehe that's kinda it for the chapter, I'm sorry I couldn't find any more inspiration and I've already took long enough, so I though could better update something then let you wait even longer then you already did, if ya'll haven't forgot about the story yet!

I hope you enjoyed though!