Title: He's Just There
Summary: Never gave a single thought for who he is. He doesn't even consider the thought of what he is to others. And to them, he's just there for them, an unknown presence that can affect them in the slightest. And when you rid of that presence, a hole, a void pops up-right at their hearts. A void that's can't be filled, unless by him.
Kuroko is this special being where he goes to the Generation of Miracles and help them with their problems, which you will see in later chapters. But as stated, he leaves when he's not needed anymore and such, hence the Generation of Miracles void. But… more will be revealed in later chapters, if you still don't get it in the next chapter, then I'll just explain it then.
Prologue: I'm Just There, nothing more and nothing less –Kuroko Tetsuya
"Lacking to the human eyes, do I have a real meaning?"
What I'm about to tell you is nothing but the truth; but it also could be a lie. It's just up to you to believe it. They are beings with a single purpose: to fix up the tattered heart. They hold the purest of souls, and if they died, their memories of their past never left the soul. They only appear to those who really need them, and leave when not needed anymore. Till one day, one certain being could never leave. For the humans he cared for, had a heart unbendable, unless it was by him. And the gods didn't like such a thing, but they listened to his pleads. So until they realized they needed him, he will wait centuries, just for them.
After school, when I get the chance I would just sit here. Sitting abundantly at my assigned desk, stationed at the back of the classroom, listed as the last desk. Shadowed by the sun's parting goodbyes; orange ample, almost no room for the shadows. The room staid vacant, a quietude befalling over it; the usual room full of earful noises seemed too unreal to become such a state. Lone to no friends to exile my life with, not even a classroom to confine too, I don't find my life typically boring. Usually, to pass the time, I would check out a book from Teiko's library. A variety books lay out from rows and rows of shelves, holding even old classics. If I didn't read a book, I would go to club activities- the basketball club. It's the club, which they attend. My spot gazed down, getting the exemplary view from this point; I could watch them every day. They were playing at the outside court with an atmosphere to extract for my likelihood, but there was no denying they were happy. With the swishing of the white net, the steady dribble of the orange ball, or the almost too perfect, long-ranged shot to be called a miracle. Their style of play amused me, but I get an unfulfilled desire to join them. But that was probably to frugal to ask such a request.
The many young-men played substantially on the court. Their looks and roles seemed to be the most astounding thing. Lavender-long hair, violet eyes and an abnormally tall teen for his actual age, reigns over his team's hoop, guarding it. His specialty was guarding, though he has the ability to reach 100 points in a game. Though even as tall as he is, he has fast reflexes. His taste buds usually consist of unhealthy snacks on the menu. It's probably one of the many things you usually see him without. Because of this childish characteristic, he was probably babied by the young-man with red hair. Shortest compared to all of them, but probably taller than me by a few inches. Spiky red hair with bangs, larger red eyes with vertical pupils, he probably was the most intimidating out of them all; countering the tallest fellow's abnormal height. But besides being intimidating, he has a caring, suggested personality. Almost a 'mother' to the others four; teaching them the right way to do things, eat right and take care of their body, and he seems to have complete faith in his team mates.
Once again, he nags as the blonde from down below. The blonde- he's quite the popular one out the groups, especially with the ladies. They constantly scream for his attention, staggering, he does part time as a model. He has long eyes lashes, golden eyes and a piercing in his left ear. He is a care-free spirit, the outgoing-type, and a flamboyant personality. Though, he takes a game seriously, much to my liking. He has a way of speaking that's rare, like adding a, '-cchi', to people he respects. Or '-ssu', a habit he obtained. Though he may act displeasuring to some, I could see he's really trying to become friends with everyone. Then the other, has a tsudere-like personality, he's usually reserved, and has no need to fooling around. Quite the confident type, acting all high and mighty, and has a good insight on things. He's different from the rest; he has his own beliefs, and sticks with it. I kind of admire him for that, but I find his zodiac-signs, horoscopes and "lucky items" to be quite frivolous. He has a strong being with 'Faith' in mind. He has dark green hair-slightly parted to the left, and the second tallest out of the group. Eyes that are light green, and wear glasses. He has taped fingers and is very studious, king of opposite of the navy-blue hair, darker skin man. He usually has a frown on his face, all except when he plays basketball. He was also outgoing and very friendly, though if I can relate closest to everyone else in basketball, we would have the same intensity and passion for the sport.
Sometimes their appearance on the court would go obsolete because of training and tournaments. Four of them were the famous fresh-men that got into first-string, the blonde came weeks after. The first-string is where the official Teiko's basketball players belong, they can go to tournaments, and play at official matches. Each year, Teiko would rein, supreme, keeping it's, "Winning is everything and loosing is unacceptable" stand tall. But more importantly, they were not only the famous first-string freshmen, but also the renown, Generation of Miracles. Though, it's not like I don't have a part to play into this, being the sixth man I am. The funny thought of the Generation of Miracles was their rainbow colored hair, though I guess that doesn't excuse my light-blue hair. I twirl my bangs at the tip of my fingertips.
My mind contradicts with itself, for if my life really has a meaning to theirs, I would be down there with them. I try not to speculate my position, and my part in their everyday lives. Even though I'm here, my appearance would soon become nothing. My thoughts are becoming a nuisance, I'm reading too much for my own good. Giving myself too much hope, for myself; I'm probably not much to them, when the time comes, even so I want to stay with them-each of them, because I'm tired of waiting. It's already been two centuries, do I have to continue and wait?
"I'm just here, but it doesn't mean I'll always appear."
The final bell of the school rang; it echoed threw out the school. Students shuffle out of their classroom, eager to get home or hang out with friends. Some stayed, heading towards class activates and clubs, or just staying after school because it was time for their due of the class cleaning. But five certain individuals stood out, because they all had something in common. They were all heading towards 'their' place, and when I mean 'their', I mean that special place that would see or meet him.
A blonde hair model was sitting in his respective homeroom; the classroom was bleached over with a soft-orange glow, filling every corner and crack in the room. He sat in his desk, situated right in the middle of the classroom. He pulled one of his legs up, resting his chin upon it. His eyes covered over with his bangs, he smiled; a solemn smile. "Kuroko-cchi, I finished my questions early today." He turned his head towards the seat situated next to him; his golden eyes gleam with a spark. "C'mon, say something Kuroko-cchi." He smiled at the seat, the vacant seat with no one there.
The cafeteria door would usually be locked, the lunch ladies gone and everything kept safe. But someone opened the latch towards the door, undoing the seal he created on the locks. He opened the door, the room usually bustled with people was now ominous and empty. The only lights in the room were from the door he has opened, he walked in, making sure to duck his head from hitting the door. He walked towards one of the tables, latching the door open. He settled down into the seat, pulling up a chair to sit in. The sound of rustling plastic, his bag of unhealthy snacks was placed on the table. Opening up the bag, he grabbed a bag of potato chips, opening the bag open. He grumbled, taking a chip out of the bag and eating it. He continued to eat, before stopping in his tracks. He looked at the seat next to him, and smiled. Going back into his bag full of snacks, his smile grew when he found what he was looking for. He pulled it out, the bag silvery-shine, and it showed its brand on the top, special big letters with "Vanilla". He pulled the sides together, opening a whole in it. He settled the bag full of vanilla flavored candy, next to him. "It's your favorite Kuro-chin, its vanilla." He started to eat his chips again, but more in a cheery mood. "Kuro-chin, you're not eating your candy at all." The purple haired giant pouted, looking at the empty-seat next to him.
A green hair, megane wearing teen was walking down the halls. He passed many students, walking his way towards the library. The library stayed open in case of after school students needing something or the teachers could get a book. He entered in, greeted by the usual person. He walked towards the shelves, looking through books to read. After choosing a book or two he walked towards check out. "I would like to check these books out." He waited slowly, waiting for the books. "So Kuroko, have you finished the book I recommended?" He asked the person checking his book. But as he continued to talk, there was no one checking his books in and out.
He walked down the street, no crowd of any. His altitude laid back and didn't give a care in the world. He lazily enters his usual place, every day he would get popsicles or anything to keep him busy. He was greeted by the cashier, he grunted as his acknowledgment of his welcoming. He walked towards the freezer part of the market, and opened it up. He felt the cold chill form the freezer, but ignored it with ease. Reaching out to grab two popsicles and heading towards the cashier. He paid for the frozen treats and left. He continued to walk, eating his Popsicle. "Here Kuroko…" He handed the other frozen treat and handed it. "He sat in front of the store, chewing on the food. "Hm…" He eyed next to him. "Not up to eat any today?" The dark blue haired teen said. On the cement floor was an unopened Popsicle, melting slowly in the bag.
His hair a short red and eyes a red and yellow. He sat at the main seat of the meeting room, the room vacant. His eyes were closed shut but if they opened, they would have gleam a beautiful color. He had his hands covering his mouth, his mind in deep thought. Once he has recollected his self, he opened his eyes. He looked at the far seat in front of him, a memory clouded his thoughts. Something there was now gone. "Tetsuya..." He sighed, seeping into his seat.
Minutes later, everyone has left their special place. Later on the day the five have met each other, and they realized they had something in common. They sat at the food joint, nobody speaking to each other even though they were the famous, Generation of Miracles. The only one really making any noise was the tallest one eating some food.
But everyone had the same thoughts…
How do they know him?!
Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroko no Basuke/Basket; all rights go to Fujimaki Tadatoshi. All I own is this fan-fiction plot line.
A/N: This is the first time I'm doing a multi-chap fan-fiction of Kuroko no Basuke. Sorry for any miss-spelling or sentences. Sorry for any OOC, and please enjoy. Oh! Please review, favorite and follow. A shout out at EternalWaltz, and alongside with her KNB-fic. "Shatterproof".
黒子のバスケ© Fujimaki Tadatoshi
He's Just Here © Made2352