Disclaimer: WOOOHOOO I OWN HARRY POTTER YEAHHHHH! Dumbledore: Ms. Black, is there something you wish to tell me? Me: Er, I, um, yeah. Sorry Professor, I don't own Harry Potter…..

A/N: So, this is sadly the last chapter I'm soooooo sorry for not updating earlier, but I tried to make this chapter nice and long (in my opinion) to make up for it. Tell me what you think! Sorry, but to fit the plot, I'm making a sudden change so this will be the summer after their 6th year, so it will make more sense when Lily finally says yes to James. Hope you guys don't mind!

"I'm sorry Leila, but I will never date Potter," Lily said stubbornly, crossing her arms over her chest. Leila stared at her, annoyed by her childish behavior. She knew that Lily fancied James; she had been her best friend for more than 6 years, she could tell these things.

"Says the girl who has to stop herself from drooling every time he walks into the room," Leila muttered. Lily, however, caught on and spun to face Leila.

"Look who's talking!" Lily defended, and Leila looked horrified.

"Ew, no! I don't fancy James! He's like a brother to me!" Leila cried, and Lily rolled her eyes.

"Not James, I'm talking about Black," Lily corrected, and red automatically filled Leila's face, much to Lily's pleasure. Leila started stuttering before frowning and looking at Lily questionably.

"What?" Lily asked.

"That's the first time I've heard you call him James," she said, cocking her head to one side. Lily's cheeks turned pink, before replying, "Well, he has changed. I guess he deserves some respect."

"What do you mean?" Leila asked.

"You haven't noticed? He's less cocky, less arrogant, and has stopped asking me out," Lily explained, and Leila thought about the words.

"Well, maybe puberty finally hit him and he's turning mature," she joked, and Lily chuckled softly.

"Maybe," Lily said quietly. Leila frowned at her again, before shaking her head and standing up.

"You coming?" she asked Lily, who looked deep in thought.

"Woo, earth to Lily," she said while waving her hand in front of Lily's eyes.

"Wha?" Lily said, looking up and the concerned Leila. Leila studied her for a moment before putting on one of her trademark smirks.

"Looks like somebody was in Jamsie-land," Leila teased and Lily jumped up from the chair.

"No I wasn't!" she retorted.

"Mhm," Leila replied and Lily started chasing her around. Little did they know that the 3 Marauders happened to be outside the door, eavesdropping on their conversation since they had been walking by the girl's room and heard the word "James." They all exchanged looks before sprinting back to James' room, where Sirius and James started doing another victory dance, each for their own reasons. Remus sat on the bed looking thoughtful. Leila fancied Sirius? No, that couldn't be right, he must have heard wrong. He would just have to watch more carefully and find out for himself.


"Leila?" Remus asked his sister uncertainly, pulling her over once she had dismounted her broom. They had all been in an intense game of 2 on 2 Quidditch, as Lily didn't play. He had been watching her over the last few months, and had concluded that his twin did like his best friend. He knew about the rule where you're not supposed to go for you're mate's sister, but he didn't know if Sirius did. He had figured out that Sirius liked his sister too. He had already talked to Sirius before the game, and he could say that he had never seen the boy play a better game of Quidditch in his life. He was positively thrilled when Remus said he approved and Sirius could hardly wait to ask Leila out after Remus talked to her. He had sworn on his life that he would never hurt her, and Remus had seriously warned him that if he ever did, he would have to sleep with one eye open every full moon.

"Yeah?" she replied, placing her broom on her shoulder casually. Remus looked nervous, she wondered what was wrong.

"Er, well, I've noticed that you seem to be, er, looking at Padfoot a lot, and I, um, well I know he likes you back, and uh, well, I just wanted to say that, I," Remus stuttered and Leila watched her brother patiently. There was no point denying it, Remus was her twin, he knows everything about her. She waited and didn't interrupt while the boy made a fool of himself.

"I just, okay I know Padfoot likes you, and I know you like him back, and I would be okay if you two started dating," Remus finally said. Leila blushed furiously and nodded quickly. Remus smiled and walked off, before giving Sirius a thumbs up, who was making his way towards Leila.

"Hey Sly," Sirius said awkwardly, and Leila let out a little cry of shock and jumped around. She calmed down when she saw it was just Sirius, but the blush never left her cheeks.

"Hey Padfoot," she replied, and he smiled. Ah, that great big smile that won every girl over. He walked over to Leila and surprised her by entwining his fingers around hers. She beamed at him, and in turn surprised him by stepping onto her tip-toes and giving him a light kiss on the lips. Leila couldn't help but laugh at the look on his face after that; it was priceless! She smiled and walked over to Remus with him, Sirius left with his mouth opening and closing silently like a fish. Suddenly, Leila looked up at Remus and launched a hug upon him.

"Woah, Lei, what's all this?" he exclaimed, very surprised.

"Thank you," she whispered sincerely.

"For what?" he asked.

"I never would have had the courage to do that if you didn't tell me that he liked me," she said, pulling back and looking him in the eye. He smiled and put an arm around her, before looking at James and Lily, who were talking as they walked up to the Manor. Leila concentrated hard on sending Lily a thought; it was something they had learned to do in their 3rd year. They could have conversations without saying a word. Ah, the joys of magic! She then sent a thought to James too, giving him the go signal. Up ahead, they could see James turn to Lily.

"Um, Evans, I need to ask you something," James said nervously, running a hand through his messy locks. She turned to him and smirked at how uncomfortable he was.

"Yeah James?" Lily said and James gasped. She looked at him with a worried expression.

"What's wrong?" she asked, and he just stared at her.

"You called me James," he almost whispered, and Lily let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, I mean, I'm at your house, I think I should be on a first name basis with you now," she said matter-of-factly. James frowned, but shrugged it off.

"Well anyways, er, Lily, um, here I go. Ev-Lily, will you go out with me?" he asked, waiting for the usual "I'd rather be disintegrated by a dragon!" or something like that, but instead, Lily just smiled.

"Actually, I would love to," she said, and James' eyes widened.

"You're not serious," he said, wondering if this was a joke or not.

"No, Sirius is over there," she said, nodding in the direction of his still flabbergasted and anxious friend, who was watching the whole exchange intently, along with Leila and Remus.

"Let me rephrase, you're not joking?" James asked.

"Nope," she said, popping the 'p.' James looked at a loss of words before the largest grin ever known to man appeared on his face and he picked Lily up and swung her around.

"Yes! I promise you Lily, you will not regret this decision," he said sincerely, and Lily surprised him, just like Leila did, and planted a soft kiss on his lips. If you're wondering, that's what Leila had told her to do, in advance, as she had not wanted to ruin the moment by telling her right after she said yes. James looked ready to pass out in joy, and Leila, Remus and Sirius let out cheers and started running towards them. Leila reached Lily, and squealed in delight, before Sirius jumped onto James' back cheering "FINALLY!" Remus was watching the whole scene unfold before him, and smiled at the meaningful glances Leila and Sirius kept making at each other. Sirius jumped off James' back, and ran towards Potter Manor yelling: "MR. P! MRS. P! LILY AND JAMES ARE GETTING MARRIED!" Mr. and Mrs. Potter nearly had heart attacks when they heard this, but joined in the celebrations when they discovered the truth from Remus. Mr. Potter started cheering, and Mrs. Potter was deep in discussion with Leila, no doubt already planning the wedding. They could all easily say that it was the best day of the summer.

A/N: Well, there you go! The last chapter, and I hoped you all loved it! Again, I'm sorry for updating late, but I really hope this made up for it. I'm going to start working on a story about "Where do babies come from" and intend to make it a Marauder or Next Generation story. Probably Tonks asking, or maybe one of Harry's kids. Or an AU one where Lily and James survived. But none the less, keep posted and I'll try to get it up soon. Byeesss! ∞Therealmsblack∞