Pain. Pain is something awful and cruel but still we endure it. It's human nature. But their are some people who endure pain more than others. Abuse isn't a joke, it's a serious matter. One that could put someone's life a risk. But I've learned to ignore the pain over the years. It still hurts but I don't scream anymore. I stopped after she left us. Dad isn't home yet so I'll be okay for another three hours, unless he stays late at the pub but one is never sure.

I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Annabeth Chase, sixteen year old depressed girl, at your service. I rinse my fresh cuts in hot water from my sink. They sting but I stay silent. I've learned not to make a fuss. I dry my hands and walk back to my small attic room. I have the bare essentials, a twin bed, a small shaky desk, a lamp, a bookshelf piled high with my books and my computer. As a teenager, I bet you were expecting me to have a mega large flat screen tv in my room or a massive walk in closet... Sorry to disappoint. It's late and I don't want to be awake when he's home, so I guess is should call it a night.

"Goodnight mom." I whisper to the sky and climb into my bed. I slowly drift off into a reckless sleep filled with horrid nightmares.

I wake up and feel eyes on me. I jump when I see my already drunk dad looming over me. His cold stare burns into my flesh and I shiver.

"hi dad." I mumble. I grabs my shoulders and pulls me out of bed.

"it's 7:00, get ready for school freak." He spits, literally. I wipe my face from his flying saliva and do as I'm told.

I take ale a short cold shower wincing at my cuts. I dry off and dress in a red plaid skirt, a white blouse and a red blazer, school uniform. And of course I pair it with my classic black converse. I tie my hair back into a high ponytail and start covering my bruises and cuts with makeup. It does little to nothing on my deep purple bruises but I do the best I can. I hear loud bangs on my door. That's my signal to get out in the next five minutes or get slapped. I grab my school bag, and my new book and walk into the kitchen. I take a turkey sandwich I put together last night and stuff it in my bag.

"Bye dad." I mumble to myself and walk out the door.

The cool autumn air hits me like a wave. I walk slowly down the sidewalk to wait for Thalia and Piper. I see her black van pull up the road. Piper waves to me out the window. Despite my mood, I wave back, faking a tight smile.

"Hey girl!" Piper squeaks. She pops the back door open and I climb in.

"Hi Pipes" I say back, looking out the window.

"what's up Annie? You seem down." Thalia says, frowning at me through the rear view mirror.

"Fine, perfectly fine." Lie. "Just tired, I was reading late last night." I lie, getting them off my backs.

"tisk tisk, Annie, see? Reading ain't so good now is it?" Thalia says.

"whatever Thals, just keep your eyes on the road." I say, she faces the road again.

we drive in silence for the rest of the ride. They can tell something's up with me... I know it. They can't find out about my life at home, it's just to much for them. I trust them, but this is seriously personal. I hop out of the car and adjust my blazer. God I hate school uniforms. Whatever happened to freedom of expression?! I decide to stop this mental argument with myself and join in with Piper and Thalia's conversation about Koalas. I sigh, I want to go home. No, not home home, the library. My true home. Nobody ever goes there so I'm mostly left alone from the bullies. And just as I say it, Percy Jackson walks up to us, smirking. God I hate him too... Why does he have to be so good looking though?!