THIS CHAPTER IS SUPER FLUFFY AND I DON'T EVEN FEEL KINDA BAD ABOUT IT. But i went with fluff bc i just couldnt come up with a prologue. lol I tried so hard and failed miserably.

so yeah, fluffs and stuff.

Also, i researched everything in here from Tolkiens essay on Elven life and Customs. I was going to link it bc it's all really interesting, but now i cant find it again. SOML.

And also happy Mother's Day if i have any Moms reading! Yesterday was my first Mother's Day and it was awwwwesomeeeee. :)


Chapter 10

The host of men had run out the orc's, those who survived fled north, back to the mountains and caves the orc's came from. The Fellowship did not return to Gondor. The Great Eagles had found Frodo and Sam, and Caladwen and the others made great speed to meet them at Rivendell.

Frodo had awoken not long after his arrival. It was a beautiful reunion, the Fellowship was together again and the listened to his story as he recanted his journey of the past months.

After hearing of their return, it did not take long for King Thranduil and Galadriel to arrive in Rivendell. Thranduil was not pleased with Caladwen's decision to accompany the fellowship. She was a woman of royalty, betrothed to the Prince of Mirkwood, and she had to act like it.

"She has gained esteem from every clan in Middle Earth, Rohan and Gondor included. She has shown such bravery in a time of war." Legolas and Caladwen met Thranduil, Elrond, Galadriel and Celeborn in the great hall. He tried desperately to defend her to The King but Thranduil was stubborn and he felt disrespected. "The northern woods have friends now in men and dwarf alike because of her."

Caladwen smiled at his words. Legolas looked at her, smiling as well. Thranduil stood taller, watching each of them intently.

"I care not for a friendship between elves and men and I care even less for an alliance with dwarf kind." Thranduil spat quietly. He regained his composure, clearing his throat. "Lord Elrond, what is there to be done about this?"

"I'm sorry, your Majesty but I don't quite understand." Elrond replied, confused by Thranduil's words.

"What would you like be done about this?" Galadriel asked from where she stood, her eyes not leaving Caladwen. Caladwen looked up at her grandmother questioningly.

"Caladwen Amdirvaethil is reckless and she is selfish. Mirkwood needs a queen, not an adventurer looking for another quest." Thranduil hinted. Legolas went rigid beside Caladwen and Caladwen's heart sank. What was he saying? "I no longer approve of this union."

"This union no longer needs your approval, Thranduil King." Galadriel said calmly, staring at him intently. Thranduil raised his eyebrows at her, challenging her. Galadriel approached her granddaughter slowly, majestically, taking Caladwen and Legolas' hands in hers. "This union has been foretold and is many years in the making." Galadriel looked over her shoulder at King Thranduil. Lord Elrond shifted, taking a small step back from The King of the Elves. "Or do you wish to defy the desires of Eru?"

Thranduil was silent, and like any petulant child he did not look directly at his son, nor Galadriel. He was angry, and Caladwen could tell. Celeborn joined Galadriel next to Legolas and Caladwen.

"Thranduil is making his journey to the Gray Havens, as are we young one." Celeborn spoke softly, smiling at his Granddaughter. Caladwen felt a pang of sadness in her chest, she did not want her grandparents to go. "Our time in this land is over, it is now time for our successors to make the most of what they have won from death and destruction." Gracefully he pulled the ring off of his right index finger, and Galadriel did the same.

"This union is your choice as it has always been." Galadriel spoke softly, smiling at her. Thranduil cleared his throat behind her, but Galadriel paid him no heed. "The arrangement was to help you see it." Caladwen smiled, as did Legolas beside her. "These rings were a sign of our oath to each other, as is customary of a pledge of marriage."

Galadriel took Legolas' hand, placing her silver band in his palm. Legolas watched Galadriel, a bemused smile on his face. Celeborn followed his wife's lead, placing his ring in Caladwen's open palm.

"Now it is your turn. Will you decide to do the same?" Celeborn asked, kissing his granddaughters hand as he closed her fingers around the small, silver piece of jewelry.

Legolas turned to Caladwen, taking his hand in hers, and gently placed Galadriel's wedding band on Caladwen's index finger.

"Guren bed enni I gi melin a go-vestatham aen. Man gure bed? (My heart tells me that I love you, and I pledge myself to you. What does your heart say?)" Legolas spoke quietly, kissing Caladwen's hand. Caladwen's breath caught in her throat. Now that she knew that it was always their decision brought an entirely new dynamic to their relationship. There were butterflies in her stomach as she stared at the ring, taking in what Legolas' gesture truly meant. She dared to look up at him, and she was met with his smile. Caladwen felt tears stinging her eyes but she blinked them away, smiling up at him.

"Guren be 'ureg… (My heart is yours…)" Caladwen replied, her words no louder than a whisper. Slowly, as if afraid he would disappear under her finders, Caladwen placed the silver band on his index finger. Legolas gently grabbed Caladwen's chin, tilting her head to look at him. Slowly he leaned forward, placing his lips gently on hers.

"Nai Varda tintalle hlazuva elloi Legolas wa az Caladwen's wa, az na Eru alyuva tet. (May Varda, star-kindler, hear Legolas and Caladwen's call, may Eru the Father of All bless them.)" Galadriel said, smiling. Thranduil cleared his throat behind them as he too stepped forward.

"Nai Manwe, Thulimo Tiruva Legolas az Caladwen az nai Eru alyuva tet. (May Manwe, lord of wind, watch over Legolas and Caladwen, and may Eru the Father of All bless them.)" Thranduil said, giving his fatherly blessing. After a moment he smiled at his son, clapping him gently on the shoulder. Caladwen watched him warily, afraid to receive another tongue-lashing, but he only smiled at her.

Lord Elrond watched the ceremony intently, a smile on his face through out it's entirety. Once the vows were said he clapped, excited for them.

"There will be a feast!"

Caladwen excused herself from the excitement of it all. She slipped away quietly, searching for the one person she hadn't seen since her arrival in Rivendell. Arwen had been missing and she was afraid for her cousin.

Arwen could not have died, it just is not possible. Caladwen thought to herself as she hastily made her way to Arwen's chambers. There were two guards on duty as she arrived outside of the princess's room. They watched Caladwen silently and she bowed to them.

"I have come to visit with Lady Arwen." The guards eyed her carefully and then looked behind her. Caladwen heard footsteps down the hall and she turned to see Aragorn approaching. The New King stopped, seeing all eyes on him.

"I'm sorry. I will leave you to visit." He said turning around to leave.

"Don't be silly, Elessar." Caladwen smiled using his new name. She held her hand out to him, gesturing for him to join her. Aragorn looked from her to the guards, taking cautious strides. His eyes fell to her hand and then finally to the ring she wore so proudly on her finger.

"You have made your oaths?" Aragorn asked, taking her hand to look at the ring on her finger. Caladwen smiled, nodding. "I am happy for you, My Queen." He said bowing deeply. Caladwen shook her head, forcing him upright.

"No need to bow to me, Aragorn." Aragorn smiled, nodding in understanding as they again faced the door. The elven guard watched the pair cautiously, but did not stop them as they entered Arwen's chambers.

The room was dark and cool, the only light in the room coming from candles that had been placed around the chamber. Caladwen looked to Arwen's bed, where the princess lay with her eyes closed. Caladwen's breath caught in her throat and Aragorn went still beside her.

"Arwen, Gwethil… (Cousin)" Caladwen's voice was quiet. She knelt at her cousin's bed, taking her hand tightly. Arwen's eyes fluttered open, dancing wildly before settling on Caladwen. Arwen smiled at her cousin, adjusting her head to better see her.

"Gwethil…" Arwen's voice was breathy, not louder than a whisper. Arwen entwined their fingers, looking down at Caladwen's hand. Her eyes found the silver band around on her finger and Arwen smiled wider. "Amin ris Vuin… (My beloved Queen.) You are well."

"War does a maiden good." Caladwen joked with her. Arwen breathed deeply, licking her lips. She was not well, her face was pale and her usual glow was gone from her. Caladwen bit back a frown. "There is someone here who wishes to see you, my lady." Caladwen stood, reaching back into the shadows. Her hands found Aragorn's and she pulled him forward.

Arwen smiled and Aragorn knelt beside her. His eyes were tear filled and sad. He took her hands, kissing each of them lightly.

"Elssar…" She whispered, smiling. "Why do you weep?" Aragorn said nothing, only sobbed into her hand. She placed a soft hand on his head, ruffling his hair. Caladwen felt out of place, like she was seeing something deeply private. She back away slowly, bowing to her cousin and to Aragorn.

"I shall take my leave." Caladwen said politely, heading for the door. She brought her hands to her face, wiping a single tear from her eyes as she left, shutting the door gently behind her.

Caladwen was dressed proper for her wedding feast in a beautiful pale rose gown. Thranduil had given to Legolas his kingly crown, trading in for more traditional headwear for his journey to Valinor. Galadriel had had a special circlet prepared for Caladwen. It was silver and beautiful, imbued with shining clear stones. The filigree was dramatic, reminding Caladwen of the Lairelosse tree from the undying lands. From the point of the circlet, right above her forehead, hung a small jewel.

Legolas had come to her room to collect her sometime later, wearing typical royal dress for Mirkwood. He looked handsome and strong, and his eyes were alight with joy. He held his arm out for her to take and she did so.

He escorted her to the doors of the Great hall, where Lord Elrond waited for them, ready t announce their arrival. Though the doors were shut, Caladwen could hear the ruckus on the other side. Everyone had gathered for the celebratory feast in the newlywed's honor. Caladwen was nervous and her stomach began to do flips.

"Are you ready?" Lord Elrond asked them. Hesitantly Caladwen nodded her, steeling herself for the many eyes that would befall her. Lord Elrond threw open the large doors, stepping into the Giant Hall. A large table had been set and at the head were two chairs, waiting for her and Legolas.

The Fellowship had been seated already, talking amongst themselves, but when Legolas and Caladwen stepped through the threshold the conversation stopped. Caladwen searched the table, finding Aragorn. He was distant and he was alone, Arwen was not in attendance. Caladwen closed her eyes, thinking a brief prayer for her cousins well being.

Frodo had grown well in the past week. The color had returned to his face and he laughed along with his kin. Gimli was seated next to where Legolas was to sit, already two flagons of ale in. Gandalf stood away from the table, leaning on his staff, watching with kind eyes.

"My Lords, people of Middle Earth. I bid thee stand, for the newly crowned King and Queen of Rhovanion!" Lord Elrond called out, gesturing widely to Legolas and Caladwen. The crowd did as was told and stood, bowing to them silently.

"Please stand!" Legolas begged, garnering a strange look from Thranduil. "Let us all enjoy this feast as equals. Let us celebrate a new age as friends!" The crowd cheered and Lord Elrond led Caladwen and Legolas to their seats, as music began to play and Hobbits began to dance.

It had been sometime since Caladwen and Legolas were wed, and even longer since she'd gazed upon the white stones of Minas Tirith. Legolas and Caladwen had arrived for Aragorn's coronation, and Caladwen could barely keep still form the excitement of it all.

Legolas reached over from his steed, taking Caladwen's hand. He brought it to his lips, kissing it tenderly, looking down to her stomach. Caladwen followed his gaze, placing his hand gently on her round abdomen. There was a kick and Legolas chuckled, again looking at his wife.

A welcoming party was waiting for them, including Gandalf and Gimli and the bannermen of Gondor. A host of stable boys grabbed the reigns to their horses and Legolas dismounted, helping Caladwen down from her steed.

"It has been far too long, my friend." Gimli said as he approached the pair. His eyes found Caladwen's stomach and he grinned from ear to ear. "I see thatyou have been busy since our last parting." He said with a wink, making Caladwen's face flush.

"We could not both sit around drinking ale, old friend." Legolas joked, clapping the dwarf on his shoulder. There was a whinny behind them and Caladwen turned. The final few of their entourage had entered the gates, Lord Elrond and Lady Arwen.

The stable boys helped them from their horse and Arwen walked with her father until she reached Caladwen and Legolas. Caladwen embraced her cousin, and Arwen placed a hand on Caladwen's belly, smiling at her.

"I am so glad that you could make it." Caladwen said happily. Arwen smiled at her and to Legolas.

"As am I." She paused thoughtfully. "Have you seen your child?" Arwen asked of them. Legolas looked to Caladwen and she shook her head. Arwen smiled, removing her hand and turning to walk with them. "He is beautiful."

"He?" Legolas asked, astonished. Caladwen laughed at him, hugging her belly.

"He." Arwen assured him.

Aragorn's coronation took place atop the white tower. He stood tall on the white steps, Gandalf next to him holding the crown high so all could see. Gently he placed it on top of Aragorn's head.

"Now come the days of the King. May they be blessed." Gandalf said turning to the crowd. He stepped back a few paces and Aragorn stood tall. He had grown a beard since they'd last seen him, and seeing him in white was something new to Caladwen, but he looked dashing all the same. Aragorn smiled at his people.

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us rebuild this world, that we may share in the days of peace!" He beckoned them. The people began to cheer and clap and Caladwen and Legolas joined them.

"Et earello endorenna utulien." Aragorn began to sing the song of Elendil. "Sinome maruvan ar hildinyar tenn' ambar-metta!" The song was beautiful, as was his voice. Caladwen began to cry, a single tear rolling down her cheek. It was a time of peace, the war was over, and everything was beautiful, and the song brought it full circle.

Aragorn began to walk down towards the people and they bowed to him in turn. Eowyn and Faramir bowed first, followed quickly by Eomer, the new King of Rohan. Slowly Legolas and Caladwen approached him. He placed a firm hand on the Elf Kings shoulder.

"Hannon Le." Aragorn spoke quietly, smiling at him. He turned to Caladwen, beaming at her, taking in her appearance. He gestured to her belly and Caladwen nodded, smiling at him. Gently he placed his hand on her bump. Caladwen cupped his hand in hers and he smiled at her, kissing her forehead.

Caladwen smiled at him, indicating behind her with her eyes. Aragorn raised an eyebrow and looked past her. He was confused at first and Caladwen turned to watch the reunion. From behind a banner stepped Arwen. Her eyes were wet with tears and she looked at the ground.

Gently, Aragorn lifted her face towards him, holding her chin in his hands. He grabbed her to him, kissing her passionately, a hand on either side of her face. Caladwen smiled, looking to her uncle stood ever protectively behind his daughter, watching happily.

Mid kiss Aragorn lifted her, spinning her and placing her back on solid ground. They parted, but only for a moment before Arwen pulled him to her, hugging him tightly. Legolas wrapped his arms around Caladwen's mid section, pulling her to him tightly, kissing her forehead lightly.

"Amin mela lle." He whispered, above the cheering crowd.

"Amin mela lle." Caladwen replied, pressing her lips to his gently.

Such cute, much aww.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! Look for a new story from me in the next couple weeks, if you're a fan of Borderlands and the lovable hunter, Mordecai, please check out my Borderlands Story, This Ain't No Place For a Hero , Theres only one chapter, but I think it's off to a good start.

Also, hopefully, I will be updating my Pirates of the Caribbean story in the next week or so!