Hi Minna-san! Im sorry I didn't update lately because I have this social studies project that I have to present on Monday. But I have time now so I will take up this time to finish the rest of the story. PLEASE R&R and NEVER IN MY LIFE WILL GAKUEN ALICE BELONG TO ME! ( WISHED THOUGH)

Normal POV

It's the day of the sleepover and everybody has arrived at Natsume's dorm. Mikan, Hotaru, Sumire, Anna, Nonoko, and Misaki has come as a group. Ruka, Koko, Yuu, and Tsubasa has come as a group. Mikan and her friends brought their things in bags and little did they know that Natsume was planning a surprise for a special brunette.

Mikan's POV

" Yay! This is the first sleepover with the boys." I cheered.

" Why is it exciting?" Hotaru asked.

" W-well because I-I-I will be with N-N-Natsume." I whispered my replied to her ear.

Natsume starred at me with a confused look. I gave him a "What" look. Hope he didn't hear it.

Natsume's POV

I have no fricken idea what Mikan said but I'm pretty sure I heard her say my name.

" Let's get this sleepover started." I said.

They all seemed excited by the look on their face.

Normal POV

They first ate some ice cream, then they have borrowed a movie from Narumi-sensei. The movie is called " Butterfly Lovers". Its about a girl who is disguised as a boy who's name is Jo. Jo goes to school with her servant who is also a girl dressed as a man. Her name is Lily. Before they head to school, they meet a boy who's name is Leon is older than her and also goes to the same school. When they get there, a man who is named the most powerful and richest man's son. He gets humiliated and tries to bully an innocent man but Leon stops him and the school headmaster troubles him. Three years later, Jo must go home but before she had left, she told Leon her seceret but when Leon takes on the news, he realizes that he loves Jo and they spend their night together before she leaves. They promised to get married and live aa happily life together. But Wen-Cai has also heard the secret and decided to head to Jo's home and ask her parent's for the approval for marriage. Jo doesn't want to marry Wei-cai but if she doesn't, her parents will go on a great war in the family. Leon discovered this and headed to Jo's home. He learns that Jo accepted the proposal in order to save her family. Leon bids good-bye to Jo forever but Jo chases after Leon before he could leave. But before he could leave, Wen-Cai and his guards warned Leon to leave and beaten him up. Leon had poor health and before he left Jo, he said he will always love and protect Jo in Heaven. Weeks later after Leon's death, Jo couldn't take it anymore and she had decided to visit Leon's grave and get married with Leon. When she arrived their, Leon suddenly showed up in lights showed down from the heaven light. Jo's family decided to look for Jo and sees her with Leon and lets Leon and Jo be together. Leon takes Jo with him to heaven and get married. A few minutes later the light appears again and Leon with Jo became butterflies spreading their love and making flowers bloom everywhere. They lived happily ever after loving each other and staying with each other forever.

As soon as the movie ended, Mikan was crying on Natsume's lap. Hotaru was smiling and facing Ruka while laying on the couch. Anna, Nokoko and Yuu fell asleep due to the lack of energy wasted during the morning. Misaki and Tsubasa somehow fell asleep while wrapping their arms around each other. Hotaru being the blackmailer, started taking pictures and smiling very happy.

Mikan's POV

That was a sad story but I'm glad Jo and Leon stayed with each other in the end. I was crying a little bit but Nastume was comforting me. I felt relaxed. I kinda liked it.

" Oh you're blushing polka dot." Natsume said.

" Mou Natsume it's your fault for touching my forehead." I replied.

" Well now I know at least you actually liked it." Natsume replied.

Natsume stood up and walked in the bathroom. I just stood up and looked around Natsume's room. I saw a family portrait and it looked liked Natsume's mother and father. Aoi and Natsume stood their and he actually is smiling.

"OIH do you like what you see?" Nastume said.

"Wha-" I turned around and found Nastume but when I turned my lips suddenly met his.

We didn't break apart but the kiss was becoming more passionately. He suddenly pulled me in closer but we broke apart for air. Then we stopped because Hotaru and Ruka-pyon suddenly knocked on the door and we had to act natural and pretend was looking at his pictures. Luckily they believed it. We all decided to head to bed. But after Hotaru and Permy fell asleep, I couldn't so I headed to Natsume's bed but it seems like he couldn't fall asleep.

" U-Um N-Natsume can I sleep on your bed tonight?" I asked

" Fine but don't do anything to me while I sleep." Natsume replied.

" I'm not a perv. Like you!" I replied soflty.

" Whatever." NAtsume said and smirked.

Normal POV

Mikan was thinking about her relationship with Natsume when somehow she found herself starring at Nastume then somehow their faces got closer to each other and their lips met. Mikan let Natsume's tongue slip into her mouth and it suddenly turned into a sweet and passionate kiss. When they were finished, they were panting hard. Mikan was stroking Natsume's hair. He suddenly fell asleep and wrapped his arm around Mikan. They both fell asleep and the next day they only wanted to stay with each other . So Mikan pretended she had the flu while Natsume just doesn't to want to go to school. Mikan stayed at Natusme's place while everybody else headed to class.

And there you have it! Chapter 4 is complete! This is the last chapter. :( I know but I will make new ones and some will be on a different anime. Please R&R and hope to see you'll read my new ones!