"I pronounce you husband and wife." The Septon announced. "King Robb, you may kiss your bride."

Robb smiled at Ella before taking her face gently in his hands and kissing her softly as the sept was filled with cheering. It seemed like they were not the only ones who were waiting for years for this.

They were ushered straight to the feast, the King and Queen in the North were finally where they were supposed to be; together.

Congratulations came flooding in for the couple.

"I thought I said you would have to be married in King's Landing." Daenerys teased Ella as the queens hugged. The two kings were talking beside them.

"Does a woman not get a say in her own wedding?" Ella replied, laughing as Daenerys released her.

"Well, I thought the moment you left for Winterfell you would be married within a year. Since you came here not only have Jon and I gotten married, but we have had two children. I knew you were going to take things slow, but gods, Ella, four years?"

Ella smiled. "Everything needed to be just right, and this way, our son may be able to remember his parents' wedding, or second wedding."

"Which is something rarely a child can say." Daenerys replied. "At least not usually about both of his parents."

Ella smiled. "Special case with us."

"I can tell." Dany said.

Jon reached over to pull Ella in for another hug, squeezing her tightly. "Are you happy?"

"Ecstatic." Ella laughed, hugging him back before they released each other, and Ella put her arm around Robb's waist, looking up at him. "We've been waiting for this a while."

"Yes, we have." Robb kissed her forehead.

"Don't be sickening." Jon stated. "Or I will send you to your room right now."

"You forget, brother, I'm a king too, and we are actually in my kingdom. I will send you to your room."

Jon looked at Dany. "That wouldn't exactly be a punishment."

"Gods, now look who's sickening." Ella replied. "On your way, you two. Keep it clean, children are present."

Dany laughed. "Enjoy your wedding." She told the couple. "This one has to be better than the first."

"Definitely." Ella agreed.

Catelyn came up to them next, a six year old Ned in her arms. The young boy reached for his mother, and Ella took him.

"You're so pretty, Mama." He said, placing a loud kiss on her cheek.

Ella smiled, hugging her son. "Thank you, my little prince." She looked at Catelyn. "Did you have fun with Grandmother?"

He nodded. "She gave me sweets."

Catelyn laughed, reaching forward to tickle the little prince. "That was supposed to be our little secret." Catelyn loved her grandchild, who is still her only grandchild. "Do you want to go get some dinner?"

Ned nodded, before hugging his parents and being put on the ground by his mother.

"Have fun, my little prince." Ella told him as they walked away.

Sansa was still to be wed to one of the Freys, but since she had her choice of them, every time she seemed to be favoring one, he would die in some sort of accident. It seemed the brothers were killing each other off to be with the princess of the North. Sansa didn't seem to mind; she knew she could get out of the marriage if there were no sons in a reasonable range, since that was a part of the deal anyway.

Bran actually liked the girl he chose of Frey's daughters, Marilyn. She was twelve, and his youngest daughter. She was rather sweet and quiet.

If Walder Frey did not have another daughter within the next year, Rickon would not have to marry one of them. He was twelve now and the only one within ten years of his age was the one that Bran chose. He would be free of the pact, just as his sister, and there could not be bad feelings; it just wouldn't happen.

Myrcella ran up to Ella. She had come for her sister's wedding from Dorne along with her betrothed, Trystane Martell, his uncle Oberyn Martell and Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand.

"You look so beautiful, Ella." Myrcella told her older sister. "Like a queen."

"Well I am one, you know." Ella smiled at her younger sister.

Oberyn shook Robb's hand. "Congratulations." He told the Northern King.

"Thank you." Robb smiled.

Oberyn turned to Ella. "My daughters have been asking if you are ever to come visit Done."

"I should have met them years ago." Ella replied.

"There was a war going on." Oberyn replied. "But you must come back to Dorne soon. It will be much nicer a visit than last time."

"Well, I will definitely be coming down for Myrcella's wedding." Ella replied, an arm still around her younger sister, who now stood at her same height.

"So next year, then?" Oberyn asked.

"Yes, of course." Ella said. "And I better hear you're taking good care of her." She teased.

"How could we not?" Oberyn replied. "She is the great Ella Baratheon's sister."

Robb raised his hand. "No. No. No. No. No. She's Ella Stark now."

Ella looked at her husband. "About time, don't you think?"

"Well, Ella and Robb Stark, we will leave you. I'm sure you can't wait until the feast is over." Oberyn winked at Ella, causing her to laugh as they all shuffled along. Myrcella left with them after a kiss on her cheek.

Just as in their first wedding, there was no bedding ceremony, but Robb and Ella did leave the feast early, while getting suggestive comments from the older guests, especially Oberyn.

"Remember, he's not a dragon, Ella. Be gentle."

Ella rolled her eyes at him, but did not respond with anything else as her husband led her away from the festivities. They barely shut the door when they made it to their bedroom.

It wasn't as if they hadn't been together since the war ended, they couldn't help but cheat at points. They were young and in love, and sometimes they chose to ignore what had happened in the past. But now, all that mattered was what was happening now. They were alone, they were together. They belonged with and to each other.

Their lips were connected as they tore at each others clothes, shredding them all to the floor. Ella had been wearing a dress that was almost too easy to get off, a design that Daenerys would have worn in the Southern summer. Her legs were covered, as were her breasts and shoulders, but her stomach was showing except for an X's of fabric in the front and back. Daenerys brought it up just for her.

Every time Robb had her bare before him, he always looked at her as if he had seen the gods. That had not changed at all, no matter how many times they had lain together.

Robb picked Ella up by her thighs and carried her over to the bed. Ella wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he kissed her chest. He dropped her on the bed, getting on top of her as Ella laughed.

"Eager are we?" She teased as he kissed down her body. "I didn't think-oh!" She let out a cry as he took her clit into his mouth, sucking on it. She tangled her fingers in his hair. "Gods, Robb."

Ella could feel Robb smile against her before he slipped a finger inside her; she was already so wet for him.

"Gods, Robb." Ella moaned again, arching her back. Every time they were together, she forgot how good it was. She forgot how he worshiped her body with every touch, and would do anything to get her to say his name. She forgot how much she wanted him until they were like this.

Ella pulled him back up to her, and kissed him. She could taste herself on his lips as she turned them over so she was on top of him, and she could see the lust and love flare in his eyes.

Ella guided him into her, and they both moaned at the sensation, especially when he was all the way inside her. Their eyes were locked onto each other, never looking away. Robb's hands were on her hips, grabbing her so hard Ella thought they would leave bruises, but it felt so good that Ella didn't care. She pushed her hips forward before rolling them back, riding him.

Robb sat up so their chests collided as he kissed her before whispering, "gods, Ella."

Ella smiled, keeping her movements slow and steady as he bit and kissed her neck, teasing her skin with his tongue. His arms were on her back now, pulling her down on him harder as his hips thrust up to meet hers.

Her nails were digging into his shoulders, and his were digging into her back, but neither felt pain from it; it just made everything better. Neither would close their eyes. They needed to see each other. They needed to know that this was all real, but sometimes Ella couldn't believe she was still alive; this was heaven to her. He was heaven to her. And Ella could tell that Robb felt the same by looking at him.

They reached their release together, crying each others names, and not caring if all of Winterfell heard them. They laid down, Ella rolling off him, but keeping her head on his chest. Robb wrapped his arms around her, keeping her close like he was still frightened she would not be there.

"I forgot to say something to you when we said our vows." Ella whispered as they caught their breath, looking up at him.

"What is that?" He asked.

"I vow that I will always start over with you." She told him. "I don't care what comes at us. I don't care if we always have to start over. I will start over a thousand times. I would face a thousand wars. I would do anything to always be with you."

Robb kissed her. "I feel the same way. We will never be parted again. I will never love another. You are all I've ever wanted. You are everything to me." He whispered. "I vow to never have another. No one else will ever compare to you. If you were to die, I think I would die just to be with you. I don't want to live in a world where you don't exist, it would be too cruel."

Ella kissed him. "I love you, my king."

"And I love you, my queen."

They fell asleep together like that, bound together, Ella dreaming of a night many years ago, though they were in a similar position.

Back then, she was just a princess in the North. Not their by choice, nor married by choice. If she knew how things would have turned out, she would not do one thing differently.

Because before, she was a princess in the North, but now she was Queen in the North. Now and forever.

Long live the King and the Queen in the North.

A/N: This is the end. It's been a good time with you guys. Thank you for all my followers, favorite-ers, and reviewers. You guys are awesome.

For the impending comments on how Dany isn't supposed to be able to have children: I decided she could, and so she shall. She is having of the babies.

DarylDixon'sLover: Haha. I feel you. Thank you for your review!

Naruhina1519: Yep! And they will never part again! Thank you for your review!

DizzyDG: Yep. I'm a sucker for those happy endings. Thank you for your review!

darkwolf76: Good! Because it is happy. Yes, no more angst for them. They're tired and done with it as well. I'm your first? That makes me very happy, and I hope you find many other great ones! Thank you for your review!

ZabuzasGirl: Here you go!

alohalala: I can't be as mean as GRRM… There's no way. Most of these characters would be dead if I was him! Sorry, but all things come to an end. Thank you for your review!

Kalyle07: I can't blame you. College is much better than high school. I'm sixteen and I'm going to a 2 year college right now, so I really get it. Thank you for your review!

CLTex: Thank you! Thank you for your review!

Sparky She-Demon: Thank you! And yes, it took four years to get back to a similar place to where they were. Thank you for your review!

LunaEvanna Longbottom: Sorry! Everything's pretty much done. Thank you for your review!

starwarrior221: Well there is no other couple, but I have taken them off as a couple, even though Jon is heavily in this story (if I remember right, he is in every chapter).

Torture: Sorry, I didn't really see a need for that scene to be in it. He is dead, and isn't coming back. If I have time, I'll probably write something later where Joffery gets beheaded with Ice by Jon or something. Thank you for your review!

Purpile Panda: Thank you. He was going to die anyway, but he wanted it to mean something. Thank you for your review!

metaladdict: Thank you, and thank you for your review!

Guest: Thank you! Here it is! Thank you for your review!

One last review for old time's sake?
