It was 5 am in the morning. Sakura was standing in her bedroom's balcony, admiring the reddish hue of the morning sky. The sun was just peeking over the horizon as though it had just woken up from its slumber and was ready to light up the world with its rays. A light breeze passed through the well-trimmed garden, ruffling the leaves, drifting through her soft pink tresses and making them sway in the wind. Her body shuddered from the cold and she pulled her shawl closer to her white night dress clad body. She smiled slightly, reveling in the peaceful moment of the morning. This was her favorite time of the day. She loved waking up in the morning with the sun. Listening to the chirping of the birds, feeling the morning breeze and watching the chill and darkness fade away as soon as the sun's rays touched them. She often wondered why anyone would choose late nightclubs, booze, hangovers and cheap sex over this serenity. She shook her head slightly at the thought, coming to terms with the fact that she might never understand such people.

She breathed in one last time the morning and freshness and went inside her room. She made up her bed and took of her shawl. As she was walking towards her closet to get her night gown, her eyes fell on the calendar. She stopped in her tracks as she realized that today was 15th July. OH MY GOD! How could I forget! she thought. A shudder ran through her body. She sat on her bed to steady herself. Tears slipped out of her eyes and soon her body was wracking with the force of them.

The images flashed before her eyes. It was ten years ago when that ill-fated accident took place. She was sitting in the back of a car with her parents on her either side. She gave a dimpled smile to her mother.

"Where are we going for our vacations, mommy?" she said.

Her mother smiled at her and caressed her head lovingly.

"To Hawaii, sweety" her mother replied and her father smiled down at her.

"But won't be that too expensive" Sakura frowned.

"Uchiha sir took care of it, my darling. See, he even gave us his car and chauffer to drive us to the airport" her father replied accompanying it with a slight ruffling of her.

"But why?" she inquired.

"Because your mother and I are his one of the best employees. Fugaku sir literally forced us to take this vacation saying that it was time we spent some time with you" he finished by tickling her ribs slightly.

She giggled and gave him a big bear hug.

My very first vacation! Hawaii is going to be so exciting. I wish Sasuke had come she pouted oh well, maybe next time.

"I love you both so much" said the pink haired girl and gave a dazzling smile to her parents.

"We love you too, sweetheart" her mother replied and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Suddenly, her mother screamed.

Immediately, Sakura was pinned down by her mother and a second later, Sakura felt as if something heavy had slammed the car and shook her whole world. The car was spinning out of control. Suddenly, it stopped spinning and the car started to tip down and then, the sensation of free fall took over. She was plummeting through the sky and her mother's grip tightened around her. Just before she hit the water she looked at her mother. A piece of glass was embedded in her head and blood was spilling from her head profusely.

"Be strong, baby. I love you so much" she said and kissed her forehead.

She didn't even get the time to process it before her whole body was submerged in water. She felt her mother's arms slip away. She screamed and her lungs filled up with water. She fought to move towards her mother but it felt as if everything was slowing down. It took all her effort to move her legs and arms. She fought to breathe, fought to keep her eyes open but it felt as if something strong was pressing against her wind pipe. She tried one last time but to no avail. In the end, she gave into the darkness that was overcoming her and it happily consumed her.

Two months later she woke up in a hospital. She was confused, wondering as to what was she doing in a hospital bed. Suddenly, the images of the accident flashed before her eyes. Her mother's bloodied face, water slowing her movements, her struggle to breathe, everything.

She heard blood-curling screams. They were so terrifying, she wanted them to stop. When she felt soft arms around her and Mikoto's soothing voice telling her to calm down, she realized that those screams were coming from her. She looked at Mikoto.

"My parents…How are they?" she inquired. Her voice ragged with all the screaming she had done seconds ago.

"Sweety…..I….They….Your parents didn't make it" Mikoto's voice broke.

She stared at her as the news sank in. She felt if the earth had shattered and she was falling and there was no one to catch her.

Something warm touched her arms. She broke out of her trance and looked up to see Sasuke standing beside her bed. That was all it took, just one touch and she threw herself in his arms. She cried holding onto him as she had never cried before. She felt his arms tighten around her. One hand stroked her hair as he soothe her.

He spoke softly in her ear. She couldn't remember what he had said but whatever it was, calmed her down and she fell asleep in his arms as he rocked her softly.

Later Mikoto told her that though she hadn't suffered much injuries but her lungs had gotten filled up with water. She was suffering from pneumonia when she was brought to the hospital. The doctors had worked really hard on her but she was very critical. After several hours, she was declared to be in coma. But she had surprised them all by coming out of her comatose slumber within two months of the accident. Luckily, Mikoto and Sasuke had come to visit her and as soon as they heard her screams, they had rushed into her room.

Sakura Haruno, now 22 years old, still found that experience to be taxing on her. She walked to her closet and took out her floral nightgown and wrapped it around her. She opened the door of her room and went down the corridor. She took a right and was greeted by the cold metallic stairs. Her slipper clad feet descended the stairs softly.

Her parent's funeral had been a quiet affair she remembered. Apart from the Uchihas and some of the household servants, there was no one. And why would there be? Her father was a butler who worked for Fugaku Uchiha and his family. Her mother was a maid at Uchiha's mansion. They both had met there and fallen in love with one another. They had been the most trusted employees of Fugaku. He trusted them with his life and they had served him with theirs. Fugaku was really hard hit on hearing the news of the death of one of his most valued friends.

She made her way to the kitchen. She switched on the light. A sterile and spotless kitchen came into light like the ones which looked like that no cooking had ever been done it. As if it was brand new. She knew how much effort it took to keep it that way.

She went over to the coffee maker and poured some water in it. Something caught her eye. She looked towards her right and saw light filtering through the bottom of the study's door. She smiled to herself and added some more water to the coffee machine.

As she waited for the coffee as her thoughts went back to Fugaku. Fugaku was a very kind and a generous man, even after being one of the richest man in the world. He had taken the responsibility of her education. She and Sasuke attended the same school. Heck, she and Sasuke had been best of friends until high school when their group of two had become a trio. Naruto Uzumaki was a very loud mouthed person but reasons, unknown to both Sakura and Sasuke, he had become their best friend. His laughs were very infectious and even now she couldn't help but smile when he laughed. He loved to play pranks, a nature which was shared by Sakura. They both had a hell of a time pranking Sasuke. She smiled as she remembered the good times.

She poured the coffee in two cups. She added milk and sugar in one of them. She placed them on the tray. She carried it from the kitchen, across the dining room, to the study. She knocked lightly on the door.

"Master Uchiha, may I come in?" she asked softly.

There was no answer. She repeated her actions. Still there was no reply.

She quietly turned the doorknob, finding it unlocked. She opened wide enough to take a peek inside.

She was greeted by the sight of Sasuke, shirtless, his head cushioned by his arms which were resting on the wooden sprawled with papers. His mouth was open slightly and his hair ruffled slightly each time he exhaled. He looked like a child, so vulnerable but as a man too, so desirable. He was a sight to behold. Too bad he was her employer. She walked over to him and put her hand on his shoulder. She lightly put some pressure with her fingers and shook his shoulders slightly.

"Master Uchiha" she said timidly.

He did not budge. She increased the pressure of hand and shook his shoulder again.

"Master Uchiha" her voice slightly louder than the last time.

His body jerked and he groaned. His eyes fluttered open. As onyx met green, she realized that she was fighting a losing battle. For a second she let herself imagine waking up to this sight after her night of lovemaking but immediately she quelled her immoral thoughts.

He stretched and fell back in his chair.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Sakura. When we are alone you don't have to call me Master Uchiha" he grunted.

"Maste…." he gave her a look "Umm…. Sasuke, I brought you some coffee" she stuttered and offered him the tray. He took the black coffee and took a sip.

"Just the way I like it" he smirked, making her shiver in the process, which went unnoticed by the raven haired man enjoying his drink. She placed the tray down on the desk. She picked up her coffee cup and took a sip.

"Pulled another all-nighter, Sasuke" she asked and leaned against his desk.

The said man cleared his throat and replied, "Yeah, I had to work on some papers regarding the acquisition of Pan Consolidated".

"I don't get it. You have over 100,000 employees working for you and even then you have to pull an all-nighter over a few papers which even your secretary could have done." she said.

He surveyed her over his cup of coffee. "Well, there is not one employee who I can trust as I trust you." he smirked.

His comment put a blush on the pink haired girl's face.

He finished his coffee in one last gulp and set the cup aside. He stood up and stretched a little.

"What is the date today?" he asked.

"15th July" she replied solemnly.

"Hn" he grunted, "Well I better get ready".

"Bu-" she started but he had already left the room.

He stopped in his tracks as he looked out of one of the windows of the dining area. He turned around and looked at her.

"What is the time?" he growled quietly.

"Its 6:00 in the morning" she replied and gave him a dimpled smile.

He looked aghast.

"What the hell did you wake me up for?" he replied sounding confused.

"Well, to tell you to take your sorry butt up to your room and sleep there not in the study room. As the name suggests the room is meant for work and not sleep. So, go on now, go to bed. I will wake you up at 8:00. You still have two hours" she completed with a huff.

He just groaned in reply and started ascending the stairs to his room.

She chuckled and headed out to the garden through the door in the back of the kitchen. She loved spending her time in the garden. It was her favorite place in the whole world. She watched the tulips, petunias, roses, sunflowers, dandelions, and various such assortment of flowers swaying merrily in the wind. She smiled sadly. Her thoughts reverting back to her past. Fugaku's money helped her through high school. Those were the best experiences of her life but as much as she wanted life had a way of getting itself known. Naruto went to college to get a degree in architecture. On the other hand, Sasuke joined the Uchiha business. As the time passed and Fugaku grew older, his business had started to take its toll on him. As much as he tried he couldn't handle the entire Uchiha Empire himself so he had asked his oldest son, Itachi, to take over half of the business. When Sasuke passed out of high school he took over the other half of the business allowing Fugaku to retire peacefully. He was more than happy to leave his business in the hands of his two capable sons.

Though Sasuke had joined the business line much later than his older brother, he had still managed to lift the business to the heights which neither Fugaku nor Itachi had been able to do. And Sakura? She wanted to become a doctor. She had always been fascinated by medical sciences and had the capability of becoming one too. But she saw that Fugaku's health was deteriorating day by day. Also, medical sciences required a lot of hard work, time and of course, money. She felt that she was already indebted due to the kindness he had all these years and she couldn't ask for more. So when the kind man asked her about her future plans. She declared that she wanted to go in the same line as her parents, i.e., become a maid in the Uchiha house.

Fugaku was furious. A huge discussion took place over the issue, in the end, Sakura just said that she should not forget her place. He had done enough for her and it was time she gave him something back. Though Fugaku was pained but he had accepted her decision. It had been 4 years after her high school graduation and she was happily taking care of the Uchiha household and Uchihas themselves. She was the head maid as one could say it. She monitored and controlled each and every activity that took place in the Uchiha manor. All the maids, butlers, gardeners, security etc. looked up to her. She was very kind to each and every one of them, whether old or new.

She came to a stop near the Olympic sized oval pool at the end of the garden. She gazed down at the clear and pristine water. She was content with her life. Although she would have loved to be a medic, she was satisfied by looking after the people she loved, Fugaku, Mikoto and Sasuke. Due to the nature of his job Itachi lived in London and conducted his affairs from there. While Sasuke was content with working from his birthplace, the United States.

Suddenly, she felt strong arms wrap around her and she was pulled against a strong and a broad chest. She stiffened at the initial contact but as soon as she realized she relaxed and sighed slightly. Sasuke bend down and put his chin on her shoulder.

"You okay, Sakura?" he inquired quietly. His voice tickling her ear and she shivered making the man tighten his grip around her. She was hopelessly in love with him.

"I know that today…" he continued, "I mean, today is your parent's death anniversary."

"You remembered" she mumbled.

"Of course I do, Sakura. You are my friend first and then my employee. Don't ever forget that." He said in her ear. Sakura was feeling hot all over. She just didn't know what was in that man that made her feel this way. She just melted into a puddle whenever he was around and his arms around her waist was feeling so good.

"So, what were you doing out here when I interrupted you so rudely" his voice carried a hint of a smile.

"Nothing much." she replied, "It is so peaceful here in the morning. I was just marveling the simplicity of the nature. It is beautiful, isn't it?"

Sasuke straightened but his arms were still around her waist. He looked at the morning sun, the light clouds drifting with the wind, the colors splashed across the sky and then, at Sakura. Her peaceful expression, serene smile, her dimpled cheeks and her sparkling green eyes which took in the scenery in front of them greedily.

"Yes, it is very beautiful" he replied looking at her. He placed a kiss on her head. They stood there in that position like that until they became aware of the movements starting to take place in the house.