Frozen is © to Disney and... whomever else. No profit made, no infringement intended.

The wincest is coming! If not your thing, please look elsewhere.


"Anna!" Kristoff's voice, calling for her; breathless, frightened and somehow higher in pitch than usual. Maybe because of the cold.

Oh Gods, the cold. It was everywhere, in her and around her; her steps slow and wobbly and her hands held tightly to her chest. Even the edge of her vision was freezing, but she was so close. If she could just reach him – and he was running now because the blizzard was suddenly gone and they could see each other – then maybe she'd be alright.

Maybe. Heaven knew the two of them cared for each other, but was it enough? She wasn't sure, but it was her best chance at saving herself, and so she stumbled onwards.

Another step, and then another, and she could make out his features now, then the color of his eyes, and then-


Anna was far too cold to process thoughts at her normal speed, and it took precious, precious fractions of a second before the metallic sound registered enough that her addled brain found it odd, and instructed her to stop and turn her head.

"... Elsa?"

No... No, oh heavens, please no...

She glanced away, her eyes briefly settling on Kristoff's running form. Save herself, or save Elsa?

It was the easiest choice she'd ever made, and with a soft, scared groan, Anna turned away from Kristoff, and somehow managed to will her freezing legs into a run. She almost fell during the very first step, but her eyes were locked on the scene in front of her; on her sister's crumpled form, practically exuding despair and Hans – DAMN Hans – swirling his gleaming sword as he approached the stricken queen.

Closer and closer, and Anna could feel tears escaping her eyes and freezing solid immediately. Oddly, she wasn't sad that she was going to die; she wasn't even sad that her sister had been the one to inadvertently kill her.

But the fact that's she'd never get to see Elsa again, talk to her, hug her, build a snowman, and so, so many other things? That was making her already stuttering heart clench weakly, and a stumble set her ice-blue fingers against the frozen fjord to keep herself moving as Hans' sword raised.

Odd, she considered somewhere in the back of her mind. She'd never been able to keep her balance on ice before.

I'm sorry. At Kristoff. Olaf. Sven. Everyone.

Don't you TOUCH her! At Hans.

I love you. Please forgive me. At Elsa.


Everything stopped. Her body stood firm in front of Elsa – directly in the sword's path - and she felt the blood freeze in her veins a single, weak heartbeat after she willed her hand up. She saw Hans' sword strike her and splinter; saw him thrown back by some mysterious force. Heard her sister's weak, sorrowful sobbing.

If she could, Anna would have smiled peacefully. Elsa was safe.

Then, there was nothing.


Author's note:
So I watched Frozen after a rather… effusive... recommendation. (You know who you are!) Now I'm the proud owner of the movie on blu-ray, and lord above, these two just need to get on with it.

Nothing we haven't seen before in this short chapter; basically just Anna's thought process during the end. Next chapter will be Elsa's POV of the same time, and I recommend some sort of protection, because I am gonna kick you people SO hard in the feels. After that, some good ol' angst. And fluff. Fluff FTW.

I started getting scenes from this fic while watching Oh Land during a live performance of Cherry on Top. If anyone's curious, the official MV is available on YT; just skip to about 2:15 for the song to start.
