Part 1

And so, the special day came.

The celebration was big. The preparations had been carefully crafted to make the school beautiful. High school students surely are something. All of the regular school curriculum and club activities happened in the morning to attract students prospective middle school spread out to visit the whole place under the instruction of the school's students. A certain transfer student was supposed to be a guide, but she carefully refused not because she didn't know what to do but thought that she didn't have right knowledge to bring someone on a tour. So in the morning she mostly stayed on the school's rooftop to keep the schoolyard under check and to find herself a quiet, peaceful place.

When the afternoon came, they had one more hour till the the festival started. The only thing left to do was hang the big sign that said, "Welcome to our school's 20 years anniversary festival." The one they hanged this morning was ripped off by someone. So they had to run around to find a new one.

Mikoto didn't know why, but all the boys had gone somewhere. So she, of all people, was the one on a ladder, hanging up one side of the sign with a hammer and nails in her hands. The problem was not the sign, the ladder or the not so girly job, but the problem was the someone who was hanging up the other side of the sign- Kamijou Touma. God sure knew how to play with her. And she thought she didn't have to face him today.

Mikoto just wanted to get down as soon as possible. She could jump down and ignore the fact that the distance between her and the 'soft' ground was 3 meters (if that could save her from this situation), but she had things to do. Mikoto clenched her teeth,sped up her work, while counting every second.

While she was deep in thought, she suddenly felt a warmth moving beside her.

There were things stuck between the poster and the wall in front of them, which made Kamijou reposition his ladder closer to her.

He didn't call her. Even if she could safely reach out. He was like didn't want to waste a word on her.


They continued to work without looking at each other.

Part 2

Such misfortune!

5 minutes earlier.

Shiba-san was going around in the schoolyard. His tendency to be careless was why he didn't have anything to do. Shiba-san would definitely ruin it all. So he was walking around the schoolyard playing with the baseball in his hand.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a certain long brown hair girl sitting on a ladder, hammering some nails into the sign.

"Tch, they still have a sign left. My effort was wasted"

He looked at the girl with an evil smile. He would not accept her.

With the baseball in his hand, he knew what he had to do.

He got into position and prepared to throw. Even when he was going to hurt someone, he still wanted to look fabulous as if he was a professional pitcher.

No matter how 'professional' he could be, he would've been fired from any baseball team after that throw.

He had put too much force into it.

If one throws a baseball at someone's head, no matter at what velocity, it is considered dangerous.

And he had thrown it at the wrong target.

Kamijou didn't enjoy this situation either. Sure he wanted to talk to her but he's wasn't sure how.

Finally, Mikoto seemed to have finshed her part and was climbing down. As Kamjou started to feel relieved, Kamijou felt something hard hit his head. He soon became unstable.

The first thing he knew, he was hit on the head.

The next thing he knew, he was falling.

The final thing he knew, that this fall was gonna be painful. No one would be there to catch him. So he shut his eyes.


Unexpectedly, he was on-top something soft and small.

As if his head was being wrapped protectively.

With an arm.


Still dizzy after the hit and fall, he slowly came back to his sense. Kamijou realized that neither his back, not his head, actually made contact with the ground. Kamijou was protected by 'something'. He opened his eyes and looked at his surrounding. He saw people starting to run toward him. There were two ladders lying on the ground.

Wait. Two?

Then he felt an unnervingly familiar figure beneath him, so he rolled over to look at his savior and was beyond words.

It was Misaka Mikoto.

It was Misaka freakin' Mikoto who saved him from the three-meter fall.

She lied on the floor, unmoving, with her face hidden under her hair. She looked like a broken doll.

By protecting him, Misaka Mikoto had fully absorbed the fall for him. Kamijou Touma was speechless.

He gazed at her delicate figure for a moment and blinked his eyes. Then he tried to call her.

"Misa... Misaka ... Hey"

He expected her to wake up, push him away or something like that. But he received no answer.

Kamijou and the people that had been drawn to the accident started to panic. Some of his friends went to get some teachers, while others were looking for the culprit. He tried saying her name and shaking her shoulders, hoping his voice would reach her. The spikey-hair boy was scared to death now. He didn't know what to do.

"Misaka... Misaka," Kamijou's voice trembled. "Am... Ambulance. Right. I will call for an ambulance." He reached for the cellphone in his pocket. When he was going to hit the call button, a hand grasped his arm.

Kamijou immediately looked down. He saw Misaka Mikoto with her eyes slightly opened, giving a sign. He understood, but hesitantly put his cellphone back.

"Are you... You okay?"

"What? Now you worry about me? Thanks for your concern but there's no need. This is nothing." Mikoto laid a hand on her forehead and slowly tried to stand up. When Kamijou was going to help her, Fukiyose and Komoe-sensei ran reached them.

"Are you okay Misaka-chan?! Are you hurt?! Do you need to go to the hospital?! " They both yelled.

"No no I'm fine. Just a little shaken up. I was too dizzy to open my eyes hehe."

Liar. You were passed out.

"How can you be fine?! Come on. We will get you to the hospital! "

Fukiyose and Komoe sensei tried to drag Mikoto with them but she insisted.

"I said I'm fine. Really, I have had worse. You should get back to work. The celebration will start soon. Can you send someone to replace him? I'm sure he was hit in the head by a baseball. He needs to be checked. "

"You are the one who needs to be checked here!", everyone, including Seiri, Komoe-sensei and most of students gathering around them yelled. Mikoto was taken back, she waved her hand.

"O.. Okay. I guess there's no need to," Mikoto forced a smile. She looked at people around her, "I'm sorry for the trouble everyone. You can get back to work. Haha"

After much reassuring from Mikoto, people finally went back to what they were originally doing, which left Kamijou alone with Mikoto.


"Why what?"

"Why did you catch me?"

"I didn't catch you. You fell on me so I fell along with you," Mikoto said while avoiding his suspicious gaze.

"Liar." He clenched his teeth, "I was falling behind, and you were on my left. How could I even fall on you? "

She didn't answer.


"... "


"Quiet. You are attracting attention. I do not have answer you. Now get back to work. I have to things to check."

So she hurriedly walked away.

Kamijou intended to go after her. But he was stuck with his own questions.

Why did she save me? My head should have hit the ground, not hers. Does she have anything to gain from this? Is this the reason she saved me? I don't understand. I just... Can't.

When he resurfaced from his thoughts, she had already enter a building. He couldn't see her and her pained figure anymore.

Kamijou Touma still had a lot of things to do.

Part 3

"Welcome back everyone. This afternoon will be our school's biggest festival of all time. So please enjoy yourselves. "

"Woww. This place is... "

"Yeah. While the facilities can't beat our school, this high school really is something."

"Is this your first time here Shirai-san?"

"Yeah. I have never been to a high school before," Shirai-san answered while her eyes continued to wander around the school.

"What about you Saten-s- Eeppppp!"

The girl was cut off because someone had flipped her skirt. She could saw people around her blushing or give a I-did-not-see-anything look.

Uiharu Kazari, who was in Sakugawa uniform, blushed like mad. She desperately held down her skirt.

"Today is pink with blue polka dots? I woke up this morning and felt like I was missing something. Now I'm fine!"

"Sa... Saten-san, please don't do that. You are always doing this to me," Kazari cried.

"Sorry sorry," Saten Ruiko, a girl with the same outfit as Kazari laughed. "I can't help it"

"Saten-san why are you so cruel?!"

"Please stop this ruckus!" Shirai Kuroko said as she came from nowhere between the girls. " I have to find my beloved onee-sama. She could be in the fangs of these high school students. My onee-sama is probably being harassed. I can't stand here and do nothing," A dark aura started to surround the Tokiwadai girl.

"I don't think you have right to say that Shirai-san"

"Shut up," Kuroko yelled in English, catching everyone's attention. "I'm the only one who has the right to touch onee-sama's skin, to hug her in bed, to adore her. I, Shirai Kuroko, am the only one who deserves her," Shirai-san said while she hugged herself and dreamt of perverted thoughts. Needless to say, the students passing by looked at her like she was some kind of psychopath.

"O... Okay. We should go now so we can find your onee-sama Shirai-san," Ruiko sweat dropped.


"What's wrong Uiharu?"

"Nothing. But it says here that they... They have invited Aoi Sakura san to perform at today's festival," Kazari excitedly exclaimed.

"Aoi Sakura? Wait, is that the famous violinist?" Kuroko and Ruiko were shocked and also looked at the poster.

"No way. Even Hittosui Hajime is coming with a lot of other performances? There's noway I'm gonna miss this," Ruiko's eyes started to sparkle.

"Come on, we should go now. I dont know if I could find onee-sama with so many people here."

So they went around to find that 'onee-sama'.

But they couldn't find her anywhere. They had agreed to meet at 2 p.m. because the speeches in the morning might be boring and she had work to do, but it was 4 p.m. and she was no where to be found. She didn't answer her cellphone either. Knowing her, this didn't mean that anything had happen, but she might have got herself into trouble. That was not her school after all. And that was their concern.

So Shirai Kuroko, Uiharu Kazari, Saten Ruiko and their friends, Kongou Mitsuko with 2 other girls who they had just met, were standing under the sunset waiting for the last performance.

Part 4

In the infirmary,

Misaka Mikoto was sitting on a chair near a table full of medicine. Her right wrist was bandaged.

After the fall, Mikoto was in constant pain, so she had to go the infirmary even though she didn't want to admit it. Luckily there was no one there or her pride would have been shattered.

She tiredly looked out of the window, the sun shined on her face. She wished she could sleep if not for the pain in her head that still had't gone away after more or less three hours.

THREE hours?

"Wait. What time is this?" She panicked and looked at the clock hanging on the wall in the infirmary. The Tokiwadai girl was shocked.

"I totally forgot it. Damn me. I hope they are not worrying"

Mikoto quickly returned all the medicines to the cupboard but still kept some pain-killer in her skirt pocket. She stormed outside, hopefully she could make it. The Tokiwadai girl tried her best to run but she couldn't with the pain still stabbing at her head. So she slowly took every step.

"... do you mean she can't come!?" A familiar voice said.

"I'm sorry. She had met a traffic jam," said another voice.

"So we will cancel it?"

"It seems that way."

"Ughh... please kill me. We have put so much effort into this. It was your idea Fukiyose. You wanted this festival to be successful so you kept on inviting that Aoi Sakura girl until she agreed. The principal was hoping for a lot too. How can we cancel it?!"

"So what do you propose we do instead? There's no way to solve this "

"I... I will do something. I won't let anyone cancel this performance"

"Wait. Where are you going Kamijouuuuu?! Danm. That idiot "

Fukiyose Seiri called out for Kamijou Touma who was running out of her sight. "Argh" She put her hands on her hips, totally defeated.

"Fukiyose-senpai. Are you okay?" Mikoto said and poked her head out of the door.

"Oh Misaka-chan? Where have you been? It seems we to cancel the main performance. Haha," Fukiyose suprised at Mikoto's apeareance then laughed dryly.

"I have heard that." Mikoto then stepped out.

"Uwha... What's wrong with you? You look terrible. Was it because of the fall? Are you okay?" Fukiyose yelled like she had seen a zombie.

"I'm okay. Just my wri... ah there was nothing. I just got some sleep." Mikoto was relieved that she had taken off her bandage earlier or she would be sent to the hospital.

"Oh I see... Anyway I have to tell them that the performance will be cancelled. I'll see you later."

"Wait Fukiyose-senpai!"

"Yes what is it?"

"Actually I..."

Part 5

Kamijou was running across the schoolyard, thinking of a way to solve this situation. He stepped on some people's foot, quickly apologized to them, and continued on through the crowd.

Danm it, Fukiyose has been trying so hard. She was so excited for this day. It was her giving the idea to invite a violinist to play for our school. Why the hell is this going to be cancelled because of a stupid traffic jam?

When Kamijou ran off, he said that he would look for help. But actually, he didn't have any idea of what to do. So He started thinking that he should go to the violinist's place and bring her here. But where was that? He didn't know. The idea sounded more and more stupid as time went on.

Suddenly, he felt his cellphone vibrate in his right pocket. It was an incoming call.

"Fukiyose? What is..."

"KAMIJOU Where are you running to?" Seiri nearly shouted.

"I... I'm trying to fix this. I think I should go and get her." Kamijou stopped running.

"Idiot. There's no need to. We seem to have a... back up plan... I guess. So anyway get your butt over here"

"What? Did she arrive or something?" Kamijou didn't understand one little bit.

"There's no time to explain. I have to prepare for the upcoming performance now. You can stay in the crowd and watch. It doesn't concern you anyway."

"Wait! What? Fukiyose?"

But the call had ended. All he heard was a long beep on his end.

"I should get back to them" Kamijou decided and once again found a way through the crowd to have a good view of the stage.

"Everyone, please gather. This will be the last performance of the day. Please welcome Aoi Sakura-san. She will perform a violin solo for our school's today celebration."

So she has come? Kamijou was confused but relieved at the same time.

That was when he saw Fukiyose Seiri ran on the stage, whisper somethings into the MC's ears. The MC's eyes started to widen. She looked at Fukiyose with an are-you-sure face and Fukiyose nodded at her with a ' now-or-never' expression. Then Fukiyose left the stage.

"Okay everyone. It seem we have some trouble. Aoi Sakura-san won't be performing today."

The crowd was super disappointed. There were some people that started to leave. Can't blame them. The people that came today as guests were not only students, but also some of them are Aoi Sakura's fans. Hitotsu Hajime for the beginning was great. He made the festival lively and attractive. But it was becoming late afternoon. People wanted to here something... gentle, something sweet.

"Luckily," the MC suddenly spoke up, ''We still have someone to replace her today. She is a new student, she's two years younger than us and comes from Tokiwadai Middle school. Please welcome Misaka Mikoto-san."

"WHAT?!" Kamijou shouted.

Part 6

The crowd was dumbfounded. Most of the students that came from Kamijou's school were surprised that the new 'delinquent' went up on stage? Those who didn't know Mikoto were confused. What was a Tokiwadai's ojou-sama doing here anyways? And there were some students, probably younger than Kamijou, wearing a familiar uniforms, that were as shocked as him. But soon smiles appeared on their face. They looked like they wanted to give a shout of support, but they had made the decisions to remain silent.

Does she know how to play violin? Does she intend to ruin the celebration and shame my school? If she doesn't, then why is she doing this?

Those questions kept appearing in his head while Misaka Mikoto, still in her Tokiwadai uniform walked on the stage.

She looked a bit pale. Her steps were a little unstable. And she was... trembling?

"Is she scared?"

Mikoto bowed her head slightly and smiled to everyone.

With the neck of the violin in her left hand and the bow in her right hand, she rested the violin on her left shoulder. The bow started being drawn and the strings vibrated.

It was a beautiful sound.



"Yes. What is it," Fukiyose quickly answered.

"Actually I have an idea"

"You do"

"Yes. I can replace Aoi-san's position"

"Really?! You know how to play?"

"Just a little though. I have been learning since my first year in Tokiwadai. I might not be good, but i think i can handle this situation."

"I'm glad to hear but... your condi-"

"I'm fine Fukiyose-senpai"- Mikoto cut Seiri off.

"But you look like you are going to pass out in any minute."- Seiri worried.

"It doesn't matter Fukiyose-senpai. As long as this celebration succeeds, I don't mind having some small injuries. I have been through worse so you don't have to worry hehe," Mikoto laughed. " We have put a lot of effort into this festival and I don't want it to be wasted like this. I... no, WE want to enjoy this together"

"Misaka-chan... "

"Anyway, do you know which song she was going to play?

"I'm sure she it was Moonlight Sonata. At least that is what she said that to me on the phone." Seiri scratched her head.

"Ahhh, a classic eh?"

"But I've just realized. You know how to play is one thing. But do you know how to play that song? And do you even have a violin here?!"


The song Misaka Mikoto was playing was indeed Moonlight Sonata.

Everyone and everything was silent.

No one said a single word. They just stood there and blinked.

The sound was too beautiful.

All of the students were shocked - even for the students who considered her as a 'delinquent'.

As was expected of Tokiwadai Middle school student.

Misaka Mikoto played the song smoothly. It was like she had been practiced it hundred times before.

Every move she made, a beautiful and gentle sound would follow.

The long hazel hair girl was playing from her soul.

But when the violin sounds and its owner should have entranced the crowd with their melody, some people started to realize something was wrong.

This performance, giving by a beautiful girl with her violin, was incredible.

This should mean that the artist was supposed to be happy.

Misaka Mikoto should be smiling.

But what they saw was the girl's trembling body.

Is she scared?

And a painful look on her face.

Is she scared?

The Tokiwadai girl broke into sweat.

Is she nervous?

Her eyes shut. Her lips tightened. Her right wrist was swollen.

Is she...

Misaka Mikoto didn't have the strength to continue. She looked like she would pass out any second.

They murmured and whispered to each other. Some students were on the edge of panic. They wanted to get on the stage and help her. But they, once again, decided to stand still.

The song hadn't ended yet.


The sound continued.


There was no change.

"Stop!" he whispered. Their distance was quite close, so it was highly possible that she might hear him.

But the strings continued to bow was still drawn.

Kamijou clenched his fists, trembling. He couldn't take it anymore. Suddenly, he saw her brown eyes open. She looked at him - tired and depressed.

They looked at each other. In one second, he could swear that he saw her lips curl into a smile and vanished. When he was going to say her name, he realized that the sound was gone. She had played the final sheets, and it tugged on people's heart string.

Even though they knew something was not right, the crowd was blown away.

But it wasn't over. Misaka Mikoto took the microphone from the speaker's hand. With the instrument still in her hand, she said to the crowd:

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to this celebration, your participation and support is much appreciated. You made the celebration successful. I want to thank all the people who allowed me to have honor to join in such a big celebration"

Then Mikoto bowed her head and quickly returned to the wings.

"Are you okay Misaka-chan? Do you need to go to the infirmary or the hospital?!" Seiri said as she ran to Mikoto in panic.

"I'm perfectly fine Fukiyose-senpai." Mikoto forced herself.

"But you were trembling out there"

" It was because I... I was scared because I had to stand in front of such a large crowd, hehe. It was embarrassing." Mikoto waved her left hand, hiding her right hand behind her back.

"O... okay. If you say so... "

"You should go Fukiyose-senpai. We still have a bon fire this evening. You should go and prepare while I return my violin"

So they parted, leaving her alone in the hallway. It seemed everyone had gathered outside.

That was when Misaka Mikoto broke down. Her legs no longer supported her. She desperately leaned against the wall. She lowered her face into her left palm. She couldn't take it anymore. Things became blurry. Was she so tired that she couldn't see because her eyes were wet? Mikoto breathed heavily and her mind was spinning. She had no strength left to even think about checking her swollen wrist. Sweat poured down her face. She looked terrible.

Why am I so weak? This is nothing to me. It was just a three-meter-high fall. How that could be a big deal? Why now I am staying here, pale, losing consciousness every second?

She stepped weakly, her right hand trying to support herself along the cold wall.

Then the world became dark.

Let say that this chapter is not so long but at least it's longer than the previous chapters XD. Even it good or bad, i just want to fulfill my imagination :3. It can be sucks but i want to be in the position of an author once to feel the feelings they have to get over with XD.

And I'm having 2 important examination. So we may wont see each other for a long time.


P/s: Two days till NT10