Chapter 4. Stalking a Predator

Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, kept her fingers together in front of her as she continued to listen to the mission report that Kakashi and Naruto were currently giving her in her office. Whenever she had to listen to, and think over, something serious she often adopted this pose because it helped her concentrate. And as the leader of Konoha she knew she needed to now.

When she had sent out Kakashi and Naruto on an assassination mission earlier in the week she didn't expect them to come back with half of Team Anko and news that unidentified ninja were attacking her forces. And considering the Intel reports she had read recently, and the bad luck she was sometimes subjected to, she couldn't help but feel that these two events were connected somehow.

"And that's everything up to our return to Konoha, Hokage-sama." Tsunade nodded once as Kakashi finished the report. Shifting her eyes from Kakashi she looked at Naruto to see if he had anything to add at the moment.

Naruto took that as an indication to speak. "I have nothing to add as of this moment Hokage-sama." The form of address he used would have normally had Tsunade worried that something was wrong, but she knew that was how he acted now when the situation was serious.

Tsunade let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes, and pinched the bridge of her nose with her left hand. Things are getting pretty serious, but what can be done? Tsunade needed an answer fast.

Contemplating the information at hand Tsunade found herself remembering something Jiraiya had once told her during an argument they had. And while she couldn't remember the specifics of the argument his response was clear as day. 'I provide the information so those in command can make informed decisions'. Tsunade allowed a small smile as she pictured Jiraiya's face as he spoke.

Before she could dwell any further on the past though a low scoffing sound interrupted her thoughts. Opening her eyes she leaned forward and locked eyes with the person who made the sound. Naruto stared back at her intently but then looked away towards the windows lining the left hand side of the office. What the hell is his problem?

"Is there something you would like to say Naruto?"

Without even looking at her Naruto responded. "I'm just curious if you've thought of naming a successor yet?"

Tsunade blinked once at that. Why is he asking about a successor? Confused she looked at Kakashi and noted the brief look of disbelief in his lone visible eye. Odd. Tsunade then looked back at Naruto, who was now looking at her again, and saw the small smirk on his face.

Instantly it hit Tsunade as to what Naruto meant. Jumping to her feet fast, the chair she was in pushed back into the wall behind her, Tsunade slammed both palms down hard on the desk in front of her.

"Listen here brat! I'm the Hokage and I will not be spoken to in such a manner. Do I make myself clear?" Using a bit of killing intent to punctuate her question she noted with satisfaction that it wasn't just Naruto who was wary of her now but also Kakashi.

"Yes Hokage-sama!" Seeing both of them salute and speak at the same time had Tsunade smiling a bit on the inside. However she didn't let that show.

"Good. Now I have some questions that I need answered in order to clarify some things." Tsunade pulled her chair back towards her and sat down as Kakashi and Naruto nodded to confirm they were ready to answer.

"Now about the base you infiltrated in order to rescue Anko. It was built upon and around an old abandoned building, correct?"

"Yes Hokage-sama. Naruto and I noted that while some sections of the base looked completely new, other sections looked patched up." Tsunade nodded at Kakashi's answer.

"And the ninja in the base, while having a clear chain of command, had no visible village affiliation?"

"Correct Hokage-sama." Naruto's answer brought her attention to him, but Naruto didn't wait for a prompt to continue. "I noted several times while moving around the base that the ninja were all wearing headbands with a slash through the village symbol to indicate missing-nin status."

"What villages, and was there more of a particular village?"

Tsunade watched Naruto contemplate her questions. "I noted Suna, Iwa, Kumo, Hoshi, and Oto headbands. There wasn't a particular village represented more than another."

"I see."

"Hokage-sama, if I may?" Tsunade nodded at Naruto's question to speak.

"Kakashi didn't mention this because he was outside the base, but as I was walking around trying to find Anko I noted something strange."

"And what would that be?"

"There weren't as many Jounin level ninja as I thought."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at this. "And why would that be something of concern?"

Naruto continued. "In Hyuuga Hanabi's report on the ambush of her team she noted that they were attacked by two squads of Jounin level ninja. Obviously because the enemy ninja were trying to capture herself and Anko they sent a bigger force to overwhelm Anko's team. However I can say that I definitely didn't sense that many Jounin's in the base during my infiltration."

"They could have easily been in another part of the base or out on patrol."

Kakashi interrupted the conversation. "I don't agree with that Hokage-sama. While it's possible they could have been somewhere else in the base, we were there for almost a day and I spotted no ninja on patrol higher than Chuunin. That was one of the reasons we were able to execute the rescue successfully."

Tsunade thought about that for a moment. A large number of Jounin level ninja that execute an ambush but don't guard the base they take their prisoners to. I think I see where this is going.

"The ninja who captured Anko and Hanabi were from a different base."

"Or bases Hokage-sama. It fits with everything we both saw while there. Clear organisation of forces. Good relations with the populace of the surrounding area."

"And even after Hyuuga Hanabi almost botched the mission by attacking the base, an action that should have had every ninja attacking her in seconds, we were all still able to make it out and away relatively easy." Kakashi gave Naruto a strained look at his interruption.

Several seconds passed as Tsunade mulled over the new information provided. Everything was pointing towards an organisation of missing-nin operating several bases within allied territory. An organisation that was able to coordinate missions between forces in different areas and attack ninja from other villages. And as Hokage Tsunade knew she couldn't allow such a situation to continue and needed to act.

However she also knew they had no solid evidence, except for a mission report, at the moment and they would need more than that before asking for cooperation from the Damiyo of Hot Springs country in investigating, and eliminating, any threat.

We need to act according to the terms of our alliance with Hot Springs country, but we can't let things get too far out of hand.

Lifting up the coffee mug on her desk Tsunade drank the last of its contents before speaking. "This is what we are going to do. Everything about this rescue mission is classified for the moment until I say otherwise, right?" Kakashi and Naruto both nodded. "In the meantime I'm going to send a letter to the Damiyo of Hot Springs country letting him know that a team of my ninja were attacked within his borders but they were able to get away. Got that?"

Kakashi nodded. "Sure"

"Why the lie?"

"Because Naruto, by telling the Damiyo this version of events I can see whether or not he is aware of what's going on by his response."

"Provide incorrect information to see if a friend is actually an enemy?"

"Correct. And by telling you, Kakashi, and eventually Anko and Hanabi, what's going to happen, all our stories match up just in case." Naruto nodded in confirmation of Tsunade's explanation.

"What about the attack on our ninja?"

Tsunade sighed before answering Kakashi's question. "At the moment all we can do is notify all ninja leaving the village to be on high alert for attacks."

"Business as usual then?" The edge in Naruto's voice told Tsunade where he was going with the question.

"No. I'll have Intel look into the attack and any other encounters, past and future, that may tie into it. Once we get some more evidence we'll be able to do something more than sit and wait."

Naruto nodded in acceptance. "I understand Hokage-sama."

Sit and wait. She didn't like the idea of her ninja being attacked by an enemy force, especially since she couldn't do much about it at the moment, but she could minimise the risk to those under her command. And while it could lead to an undesirable outcome they now had a clear course of action.

"Now that that is taken care of for the moment, I just want to say that you two did well out there. I don't think anyone else could have handled both missions as well as you did."

"Thank you."


Tsunade stood up and moved around the desk to stand right in front of both Naruto and Kakashi. "I want you both to get a check-up at the hospital. You," Tsunade looked at Naruto, "are dismissed until further notice." She then looked at Kakashi. "I want you back here tomorrow morning at nine."


"Will do Hokage-sama."

Naruto turned around and starting walking towards the door to the office while Kakashi disappeared in a swirl of leaves. Watching them both leave caused something to click in Tsunade's mind about something Naruto said earlier. I don't believe it.

Seeing Naruto opening the door Tsunade called out to him before he could go any further. "Hey brat."

Naruto turned around. "Yeah?"

"Thanks for getting me back on track there."

It took a second for Naruto to understand what she was saying and then he answered. "Sure thing Baa-chan. Old age can make it hard to stay on track sometimes."

"Why you littleā€¦" Tsunade watched as Naruto, now smirking, ducked his head as the paperweight she threw smashed into the door to the office.

"Geez baa-chan, your aim is even suffering. Maybe you should think of retiring sooner rather than later."

The next item Tsunade threw, an empty coffee mug, soared through the air faster than the paperweight due to the extra force she put in throw. She noted with satisfaction the brief look of surprise from Naruto at the velocity of the object, however she was left disappointed again as Naruto quickly opened and closed the door before it got to him.

The next few seconds were silent as Tsunade calmed herself down. Her eyes drifted from the door to the floor where the coffee mug she threw was now laying in several pieces. A small sigh escaped her lips.

"Damn it, that was my favourite."

I just want to make a quick note in regards to some reviews and feedback I've received. First, thanks for the feedback so far. It's much appreciated. Second, I don't want to spoil too much about the story by saying whether this pairing or that pairing of characters will happen. I do feel a bit bad saying that but I really want the story to be an engaging read that will have an element of surprise to it. However I also will admit that the reader in me is a bit annoyed I haven't made some things clear from the outset. So if you want me to write up a brief outline showing character pairings, timeline, and changes from the canon, let me know in the reviews section. Depending on which way the responses go I'll act accordingly.