(A/N Hey everyone I'm back and way more awesome than before... actually that's a lie I'm not as awesome as I was before. This fanfic will be my way of figuring out if I still can make entertaining stories. I'm not sure how it will turn out but I'm hoping for the best. Now some information, this will be a NarutoxHarem fic. (I'll put a list up soon) A few characters will be genderswapped and some of the characters are different in terms of personality. One character who will change personality wise will be Naruto of course. He will act differently when it comes to different people. So yeah be ready for that and sexiness throughout the story. Ok then let's get started. Please review and give me some constructive critiques, flamers are not allowed. I can't stress how much I don't need you guys at the moment.)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any other anime or movies. Rated M for language, lemons, and violence.

~Chapter 1~

~Konoha: 6:10PM~

Reddish-orange clouds loomed over Konoha, dusk was here. Villagers made their way home but a group of them: about twenty-five of them in total weren't going home. They were in the middle of a chase, who were they chasing? Well that would be Naruto Uzumaki: fifteen year old chūnin-level ninja of Konoha and jinchūriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune.

Because Naruto held the Kyuubi within him, the villagers saw him as the Kyuubi. Because of this they have attacked Naruto since he was born. Along with trying to kill him they also glare at him, picked on him, or use any other forms of abuse they can think of. At the moment the mob of villagers chasing him were hell-bent on hurt him. Naruto found himself running down alleyways, jumping over walls and fences and leaping from roof to roof as he tried to get away.

When he finally lost the mob for the moment, the blonde teen found himself going in the right direction towards his home. If he could make it there he would be safe. As he turned the corner he didn't see the woman walking towards him until they bumped into each other. The woman landed on her butt and Naruto fell back a foot or two"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." As the woman looked up, Naruto recognized her. It was Mebuki Haruno: the mother of his teammate Sakura Haruno.

"Oh that's quite alright Naruto. I wasn't looking where I was going ether."

As he held his hand out to help her up Naruto noticed that she was beautiful, far more than he had remembered from seeing her three years ago though that might be because he was so focused on learning Jutsu at the time that he did not notice. She was a voluptuous beauty even for her age; she has large breasts, juicy hips, and a luscious plump ass. She has shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair with a single bang which falls down over her face. She also has green eyes and wears a white qipao dress with three red circular designs at the bottom of the front of her dress as well as the back. Underneath the dress, she wears pink pants that stopped before her shins along with brown sandals. Her clothes did all they could to emphasize her voluptuous body. She looked so different from Sakura! He hardly believed they were blood relatives.

Naruto helped her to her feet, Mebuki then dusted her dress off before she asks "If I may ask, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"Oh I was..." Before he tells her, they interrupted. "Damn it! Where did that demon go, we have to find him and kill him." A member of the mob shouts as they near the area where they are at.

"Shit they are getting close!" Naruto said out loud in a panic as he looked back towards the alleyway he came from, he then turns back to Mebuki and says" I'm sorry but I have to go." as Naruto was about to take off running again, he felt her hands catch his sleeve effectively stopping him from going anywhere. Looking back at Mebuki, Naruto saw that she had a look of worry on her face.

"Wait Naruto! What's going on?" even her voice held a vast amount of worry.

Looking from her then to the alleyway he just came from, Naruto briefly debated whether to tell her but in the end as he gaze at her beautiful worry filled green eyes. He felt like he had no choice but to tell her.

"I'm being chased by a mob hell-bent on ether severely hurting or killing me because of the Kyuubi no Kitsune sealed within me." Mebuki brought one of her hands up to her mouth. She had forgotten about that, he was the jinchūriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune and because so many people died. The villagers had come to hate Naruto who held it within him. Unlike the rest of the villagers though she didn't hate Naruto. She knew that Naruto wasn't the Kyuubi that was held inside him. He was himself and nothing else!

"What are you going to do Naruto?" Mebuki asked in a worried tone.

"I going to go back home. It the safest place for me now." he said as he took one more look back into the alleyway.

"Then you should go right away if that is true, it will be better than risking yourself out here." she said as she now gripped the front of his jacket, worry still noticeable in her voice.

"Thank you for worrying about me but there is something else that is worrying me?" Naruto says as he looks at her in her eyes.

"It's just that those villagers chasing me might do something to you just because you are in the same area as me. S-so I would like it if you could come with me!" he said in a softly, concerned voice. He knew what these villagers were like when they formed a mob, they would stop it nothing to kill him and if someone stood in their way they would deal with that person. The few people who had tried to help him in the past had been hurt severally for doing so.

Mebuki found herself slightly shocked, he was actually asking her to come with him. If this was a normal situation she would politely refuse but this time was different. She understood the situation, she could see that Naruto was in trouble and she would be too but most of all it was the way he said it. It was very clear that he was afraid for her safety, he wanted nothing to happen to her and that touched her heart deeply.

Nodding her head Mebuki says" Ok Naruto I will come with you. I also thank you for worrying about me."

Smiling Naruto extends his hand again, Mebuki looks at his hand for a moment before she hears him explain" I'm going to use the Shunshin no Jutsu to get us out of here but the thing is I still have not perfected it yet so you are going to have to trust me and hold on to my hand." Naruto expected her to at least hold his hand if not that his arm but to his extreme surprise she moves closer and wraps her arms around his neck. He blushed instantly and intensely when felt her large breasts against his chest, it wasn't help him at all. Especially since a certain part of his body was starting to grow in his pants, he tried to will it away but it was no good it wasn't going anywhere. Just as troubling Naruto felt it rub against her, he held in a moan which almost got out. He had never been this intimately close to a woman he barley knew before. It was a new experience for him.

Mebuki blushed as well as she could feel herself getting aroused but then when she felt her chest rub against him, it made her even more aroused. That wasn't it though when she felt that part of Naruto's body press against her, she barely managed to hold in a moan.

It has been so long since she has been this close to a man, having divorced her husband two years ago, she has not touched a man in such an intimate way since then. So it was difficult to not answer the urges now that she had such a handsome man as Naruto so close to her. Mebuki made sure to suppress those urges as she got comfortable and held on tight. Naruto wanted to get going soon, so with one hand on her back and forming the hand sign with his free hand. Naruto and Mebuki disappeared in a shower of sparks before the mob that was chasing him turned the corner...

~At Naruto's house edge of Konoha~

In front of his house, Naruto and Mebuki arrive safely, upon noticing that they had arrived. They both separate, unknown to the other they were both feeling somewhat disappointed at the loss of each other. They both stare at one another for a few seconds before Naruto says" Now that we are safe I guess it would be a good idea if you head home before it gets dark." her house wasn't far from his, if she left now she could get home in about ten minutes.

Mebuki nodded but made no move to leave, she actually thought that what he said was wrong.

"I don't think that's the right thing for me to do Naruto, what if they had seen me when we left. If they know where I live they'll head for my house." Naruto frowned as he heard this, she could be right. What if they had seen her, they could head to her home and wait for her and if they get their hands on her, no he didn't want to think about it. It was a good thing Sakura was doing some training at hospital so she wouldn't be coming for the next few days.

Shaking his head to rid himself of those thoughts Naruto spoke up.

"I think you might be right it's too dangerous for you to go home...s-s-so if it alright with you, you could stay h-here. I mean if you want too of course; I won't force you if you don't want to stay but I do have enough rooms. So it wouldn't be a problem if you wanted to stay!" Naruto's nervousness caused Mebuki to smile, he was so cute when he was like this. She could now see what her daughter Sakura had said about him being cute was true. She had no problems staying with him at his house. She trusted him more than ever now plus she wanted to take a shower to relieve the stress of today.

Putting that thought aside Mebuki could see that Naruto was waiting for her answer, so she nods before she says" That would be fine Naruto." They smiled at each other before Naruto lead the way to his front door...

Now inside, Naruto and Mebuki both made their way to the living room, seeing as there was still some daylight left they decided to talk a bit before going to sleep. They were both sitting on one of the couches in the living room.

They began to talk to each other.

"So Naruto what were you doing before everything happened today?" Mebuki asks in a curious tone.

"Oh well I had finished my training for today so I was on my way home." Naruto replies.

"Oh what type of training were you doing?" Mebuki asks eagerly as she wanted to know more.

Naruto was a little caught off guard by her eagerness but he felt happy for some reason.

"Well I'm training on my Jutsu specifically Fūton and Suiton Jutsu; I don't have any of those type so I decided to learn some."

"Wow Naruto you can train on two types of Jutsu in a single day. That's amazing! Can you tell me which ones you are learning?"

"Oh well the ones I'm learning are the Fūton: Renkūdan and the Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu."

"Wow those are high level Jutsu Naruto! Do you have any trouble learning them?" Mebuki says/asks with concern and awe in her voice.

Shaking his head Naruto says" Well the Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu is giving me a few problems but I don't have any problems learn the Fūton: Renkūdan. I think it maybe because of my affinity for Fūton and not Suiton."

Hearing that he was having trouble with his Jutsu, Mebuki started to wished that she could help him but her only affinity was for Doton so she wouldn't be much help plus it didn't help that she hasn't been a Ninja since she gave birth to Sakura.

"Isn't there someone who could help you Naruto? I would hate to see you have problems with your training."

"No there is no one who can help me, my Sensei is on an extended mission in the Land of Claws but I like train on my own so it's not so bad."

"Oh ok Naruto well I hope you overcome the problems with Jutsu."

"Thank you I hope I can too." Naruto replied before they both settled into a comfortable conversation. They talked for a long time, long enough that it was getting close to midnight. Looking outside they both noticed this and knew it was time to get ready to go to sleep.

So Naruto asked Mebuki to follow him to her room so she could sleep. They went out the door leading into the hallway and towards the stairs at the end of the hall. Going up the stairs they end up in another hallway with rooms on either end. From this hallway they go left and stop at the second to last room. This would be her room, opening the door they come into a big bedroom.

It has a king sized bed, a cabinet for clothes off to the side, a door leading to the bathroom, and a window which looked out to the forest. As Mebuki began to look around Naruto says" You can use this room for tonight, the bathroom is through that door if you wish to take a shower also there is some clothes for you to wear in that cabinet. Well I should leave so you can get some rest." Naruto says then begins to leave.

Turning to speak to him Mebuki smiles and says"Thank you Naruto and good night."

Stopping to turn Naruto smiles before he says" Good night Mebuki."

~Next morning~

The next morning Mebuki and Naruto were on their way to her house but since he couldn't be seen walking with her to her house, he at least wanted to escort her out of the forest. As they walked through an old forested path, they talked again and Mebuki decided to bring up Sakura.

"So Naruto how's your relationship with my daughter?" Mebuki was unsure of what their relationship was like, she knew they were friends but she didn't know much more than that.

Naruto began to blush, before he says"Well I know we are friends."

Mebuki could tell by his blushing that his feelings for Sakura were deep.

"You like my daughter don't you" Mebuki asks which causes Naruto to blush even redder before he looks at her. As he did, he knew he couldn't lie so he told her the truth.

"Y-Yes I do but she likes someone else so..." Naruto smiled but Mebuki could see that it was a sad smile.

'Oh Sakura why can't you see that you have such a good person right next you.' She thought sadly.

Grabbing his arm Mebuki stops him, Naruto turns to look at her as she says" Naruto I'm sorry that Sakura can't see your feelings for her. I believe she is making a big mistake. To be honest If I was her I wouldn't ignore your feelings." Hearing this Naruto smiled before he takes her hand in his and says." Thank you Mebuki."

They stared at each other for a couple of minutes, before Mebuki saw Naruto blush then gulp and say"M-Mebuki c-can I ask you something?" Mebuki couldn't help thinking he was cute again. She nodded her head as a feeling of anticipation came over her, she didn't know where it was coming from.

Naruto lets out a deep breath before he says"I-I w-would like to k-kiss you if I can and I know that this sounds unreasonable and out of nowhere and I can understand if you don't want too..." Mebuki blushed, she had never thought he would ask her this but she didn't find herself opposed to kissing him. He was a handsome young man and an available one at that.

'Maybe I should! He has been so kind to me and he's so handsome too. So why not!' and with that thought Mebuki caught Naruto off guard again, she leans up and kisses him full on the lips. Naruto found himself wide-eyed for a few seconds before he quickly returned the kiss. As they kissed, Mebuki wraps her arms around his neck, one of her hands tangled into his messy blond hair. She even pressed her large breasts against his chest. Naruto too wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands were on her plump ass as he squeezed and messaged it. A bold move but one that brought out moans from Mebuki.

As she moaned Naruto licked her lips, to which Mebuki opened her mouth. His tongue slide in and began a battle for dominance. After a few minutes of this battle Mebuki pulled away in defeat. Naruto overwhelmed her, between his hands squeezing her ass and his amazing kiss. She couldn't last, she had to pull away even if she didn't want to. She was in need of air and she could bet that Naruto did as well.

Gasping for air they both looked at each other with equal blushes on their faces. Smiling Mebuki and Naruto move apart but continue to look at each before they begin walking towards end of the forest, hand in hand no less...