Title - Crimson Night

Genre - Romance, dark, comfort, mysery, boyxboy, yaoi

Pairing : KonoShin, KuroShin

Summary : Ever since the death of Shintaro's father, the mother had to work hard for her children. Miss kisaragi worried more about Shintaro since both his father and his best friend died leaving the boy mute, unable to speak. Suddenly Miss kisaragi gets in an accident trying save a life of a boy but ends up dying. The shock makes the children sad that's when Shintaro realize he needs to act like a big brother and support his sister so he tries looking for job but everywhere he is rejected since everybody calls him curse since both his parents died and he has those strange eyes that change into red sometimes. He was suppose to have lunch with his sister when she cancel and is left alone in the restaurant, he realize he is the only male customer, later on he finds out that the people working at the restaurant are just like him and his sister.

Chapter 1

A woman in her thirties was walking around town with a bag on her side. She wanted hurry with her shopping so she could go check and see how her son was doing. Her daughter was at school so she couldn`t tell her to check on him.

"Kisaragi-san." A voice called out her name. Kisaragi turned around to see a familiar face. It was a friend from her work.

"It`s strange to see you around here." The other women said. Kisaragi didn't have time to chat when she was in hurry.

"I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry."Kisaragi replied.

The other lady tried to stop Kisaragi but she was already running away. In the woman's hand was a flyer that was handed out, the lady thought it was good for her friend to relax but in Kisaragi's mind was only thoughts of her children, since her husband died she was the only one who could take care of them.

"I wonder what Shi-kun is doing?" Kisaragi thought. She already knew the answer but said it anyway. Her oldest child hasn't been the same boy she knew he was ever since the boy's best friend died. The boy hasn't spoke a word since then.

While walking home Kisaragi saw some drink that her son would probably like so she quickly bought some and headed home. She was standing across the street with many others since the stop hand sign was on. Kisaragi looked at her watch and wondered when it was going to turn.

Finally the sign changed into a white sign with a person. Kisaragi started walking and she was half way across the street when she heard a motorbike speeding up fast. She turned and saw a young boy in the middle of the street and from the looks of it, he had fallen down. Kisaragi didn't know what to do but her body did. Her hand dropped the food she had bought and her body moved and ran and pushed the boy away but the motorbike hit her.

Kisaragi couldn't believe this was happening to her. Blood was caming down from her head. The people around were just staring at shock.

"Call the police!" One person yelled.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to take care of you Shi-kun and Momo-chan." She cried with tears rolling down her face then her eyes slowly closed.

Momo had just finished class when she got a urgen call from a number she didn't recongize.

"Hello." Momo spoke.

"Is this the daughter of Kisaragi-san?" The voice asked.

"Yes, this is her." Momo replied.

"I'm sorry to inform this to you but your mother was in an accident and we took her to the hospital but she didn't make it."

Mom could not believe the words she was hearing, her father was gone and now it was her mother's turn to leave them. Momo dropped her phone to the ground and fell on her kneel, tears rolling down her face.

A raven was on his computer doing whatever he usual does, his eyes turned crimson red, he felt something terrible had happened. Just then he heard the front door being open and footsteps coming toward his door. The door slamed opened with Momo standing there.

"Oni-chan, stay clam while I tell you this." Momo didn't know how to tell his older brother since he was a wreck when father died then his best friend died as well and then he stopped speaking. Shintaro stared at his sister in confusion. He didn't know why she barged to his room.

"Okaasan." Mom said. It was really hard for Momo to say it. "Okassan…Okaasan been in a accident and the doctors couldn't save her."

Shintaro wished that he didn't hear the words that came out of her mouth. It was just like when father died and when Ayano died as well and now…

Shintaro couldn't stop the tears from falling down. The ginger also couldn't help but cry. She ran to her brother and hugged him. Both their eyes turned from normal to red eyes. Ever since the two realize their eyes changes to red sometimes, they tried to hide it from their parents, it started when their father was still alive.

"Is this punishment for us?" Shintaro thought. Still holding onto his younger sister. How was Shintaro going to support the two of them. Shintaro then remember his mother saying the savings their father left them she never used them.

"For the time being I have to use that money." Shintaro thought.

"I'll go back to become an idol." Momo said. Shintaro shook his head. Momo quit being an Idol so she could become a normal girl.

"I'll take care of it." Shintaro wrote on a piece of paper. Don't worry."

A group of teenagers were watching the news on the televison that was just recently. All eyes went on the youngest of the group.

"What were you thinking?" The oldest of the group wasn't pleased with the way things had turned out.

"Konoha-san, clam down." The medusa of the group tried to clam Konoha but it didn't seem to work and he was yelling at the twelve year old.

"I can't believe you didn't pay attention to your surrounding and got a woman killed, who knows she migh've had family also."

"I'm sorry." Hibiya the youngest tried to apologized.

Konoha had it with yelling at the twelve year old and left the room and went back to work.

"He's angry because he worries about you." Seto said as he patted the boy on the back.

"I know." Hibiya replied sadly. Hibiya he always makes Konoha angry when he is invlove in such missons. He isn't good at it all but Konoha insisted that he learn how to control his powers.

"But what Konoha is right, that woman could have family crying over her." Kido walking toward them with Kano by her side.

"If I'm not mistaken the woman's name is Kisaragi, she was working as a nurse from the same hospital they had brought her to." Kano said putting his hand to his chin in a thinking matter.

"Where's Ene?" Marry asked noticing the second oldest was nowhere to be seen.

"She's handing out flyers." Kido said. I saw her on my way here.

The group worked in a restaurant called Crimson Night, the name was named by Kano just like their group name Mekakushi Dan. It's a group of people that have strange powers that nobody else ever notices.

Kido had decided to go find Ene and tell her it was time for her to come back and help at the restaurnt.

"Ene." Kido called out. Ene was on a bench exhausted from the work she had already done.

"Looks like I didn't have to tell her to stop since she did it herself." Kido thought.

"Kido." Ene said looking up at Kido. Hows the kid doing?"

"Konoha was harsh as usual but I can't blame him."

"I wish I could talk to him about his anger but even me being his friend since high school, I won't be any help."

Ene finally got up and walk with Kido but then she notice a boy maybe around her age or even younger sitting on the bench looking at what looked like the flyers she was handing out.

"What's wrong?" Kido asked.

"I don't remember seeing that person there." Ene said pointing at the person.

"Now you mention it." Kido said. Neither did I."

"He's holding the flyer that I was handing out but I don't remember ever handing it to him."

"Maybe you forgot." Kido said.

"There noway I would forget customer's face that easily."

"Yea yea, now let's go." Kido pushed the older girl to the front and they headed back to the resataurnt.

Shintaro wanted to be the big brother that Momo could rely on so he went looking for work but everywhere he got reject then the accident of his mother, people were talking about his sister and him were cursed since both their parents died and they had weird eyes. Most of the rejection was more of him since his best friend died to.

While he was walking around town he saw a girl handing flyers to some people. He walked up to the table where the girl was working at but the girl didn't seem to notice him at all so he took the flyer himself.

"It's only a restaurnt that opened recently and it doesn't look like it's hirng." Shintaro thought. Even if they did hire I don't think they would hire a freak like him." Shintaro sighed and then sat on a bench and noticed the same girl who was handing the flyer was sitting across the bench from his. He didn't care much and thought about what to do.

Shintaro was walking around when he heard his phone ring. He touched the screen and saw he got a message from his sister.


Why don't we go to this restaurant called Crimson Night for lunch since I have an half day from school today. My friends were saying how the food there is great and since they opened they been having a lot of customers and I want to try their food. I will meet you there at noon.


Shintaro read through and message. The restaurant was the same one from the flyer he had picked up. Shintaro pressed replied and started typing.

Alright we can go there since I don't feel like cooking anything at home anyway and I'm close to the restaurnt too.


Shintaro pressed the send button then he looked at the time, it almost the time that Momo said to meet at so he started walking to the restaurnt.

Hibiya didn't feel like working, he felt bad for the woman who died trying to save him when he couldn't died anyway. He felt really bad, he also saw the woman move her lips but he didn't hear what she was saying before she closed her eyes.

"Kisaragi, where do you think your going?" Hibiya stopped when he heard the name, it was the same name of the woman who had died. He turned to where the voice was coming from and Hibiya saw a girl with short orange hair with a small piece of hair tied on the left side of her hair.

"But sensei I meeting with my brother for lunch." Momo said.

"Since it a half day why don't you do this time to study and I'll help you." The teacher smirked. Momo didn't like that idea. Momo wished she hadn't seen her sensei when she walked out.

"Alright, let me let my brother know." Momo was disappointed but she had no choice since this sensei always gave her a hard time. Momo walked back inside the the school with her sensei.

"So that lady did have family." Hibiya said walking away with guit in his face.

Shintaro was at the restaurnt sitting alone. When he walked in he felt weird that all the customers were only girls besides him.

"What is this?" He thought. Shintaro had gotten here a bit early then the meeting time. Suddenly Shintaro heard his phone ring and he saw a message from Momo.

Sorry Oni-chan but sensei dragged me back to study since I'm not doing so well but I will make it up to you.


"What?" Shintaro's face was abit disappointed since it was Momo's plan to eat here and beside he was alone here.

"That boy has been here for awhile." Kano couldn't help stare at the boy who had entered, not just him but Seto as well.

"What are you two doing?" Konoha said when he spotted the two.

"There's a male customer and he's pretty cute." Seto said. Konoha turned to where the two was staring at and saw a boy with raven hair.

"It's strange for a male to show up." Konoha thought. Did Ene make a mistake in the flyers he took her to hand out. He would need to talk to her later.

"Anyway go deal with the customer." Konoha said as he walked toward the back.

"I'll go then." Seto said.

"I think I should go." Shintaro thought. He was about to get up but stopped when a waiter with short black hair with two green hairclaps on the right side on top of his hair. He wore a black suit with a dark green dressshirt and black tie.

"I'm Seto Kousuke and I will be your server for today."Seto smiled. He gave a menu to the raven. To start what would you like to drink?" Seto asked.

"Coke." Shintaro showed the waiter his phone. Seto was confused why the boy had suddenly showed his phone but then he understand, the boy was could not speak.

Seto went to the back.

"So how is he?" Kano asked.

"It's hard to explain since the boy cannot speak."