Hiccup's POV

It was probably been a week or so since I have last seen Jack Frost and frankly he was the reason why I couldn't sit still for a moment. The fantasies of Jack Frost ever since I was a child came crashing down to me like an avalanche, I needed to let it out of my mind. I looked at the canvas that practically used most of the room's space. After days of restless nights, I was almost done. It was a master piece. It was a memory of the night before I've last seen Jack Frost. In the cove where Manny casted a heavenly light, the lake where Jack stood. And Jack. It was so hard to achieve him, especially when you were just counting on you're memory.

Jack Frost. I have always believed in him when I was a little, well... 'littler'. I've always believe in him even when everyone would say that he was just an expression or wasn't real. My beliefs didn't fail me seeing Jack was like talking to Man in the Moon all over again. I had remembered the time when I first talked to Manny. It was years ago, back in the cove too. I sat there, alone and cold as ever. I had a fight with my dad, again. He didn't listen to what I was saying, so I ran to the cove. I kept talking to myself until a voice responded me, I looked up and saw the moon glowed over me.

'i'll listen'

I remembered the first sentence Manny told me. He was real, and he was always there for me. Just like what my mother would do. Just like my mother would do. A wound opened my heart at the statement.

just like my mother

I hate it when I accidentally think of something, then it would lead into an unexpected twist making me more depressed. these were one of those times.

I looked at the canvas before me, my daydreaming shifted me away from my actual goal. I gripped my paintbrush tightly as I reluctantly moved away from the canvas.

I needed to clear my mind. I needed to get away from the depression that lingered inside of my heart, from the grief that I knew would take more than just a couple of years to mend. I needed to rest, that's what I told myself. I had laid myself on the bed, hoping to get some shut eye. My chest tightened as my mind played back all my memories with my mother. I closed my eyes tightly, twisting and turning on the bed, hoping that the ugly depressing thoughts would recede. and it did. Only by then the darkness ate me away, seeping me out of my consciousness.

"Sandy, knock him out" Bunny said like it was a matter of fact. Sandy nodded, cracking his knuckles fully intending to literally knock the kid out with his punch.

"Huh?" Jamie said, clearly confused.

"With the dream sand, you gumbies!" Bunny grunted, resisting to roll his eyes at the Sandman. The commotion that the guardians brought up stirred the greyhound, who's first sight was Bunny. The greyhound growled at Bunny, carefully in between his human and the six foot high of a Bunny.

"No, stop! That's the Easter Bunny! What are you doing, Abbey? down!" Jamie warned his dog, who paid no mind and continued to growl at Bunny.

"Alright, nobody panic," Bunny putting his bag of choppers down with one hand and the other was to the greyhound as if trying to calm the creature.

"But that's a greyhound" Jack stated, pointing at the dog who was preparing to pounce.

"Do you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?" Mischief was Jack's middle name. He couldn't help but snicker at the thought of Bunny being chased by the said greyhound.

"I think he's a pretty safe bet he's never met a rabbit like me." Bunny shrugged moving a step towards the greyhound. Sandy looked at Bunny mockingly as he summoned a ball of dream sand, it was one way to end the other.

"Six-foot-one, nerves of steel. Master of tai-chi and the ancient art of- " Jack rolled his eyes finding a way to end the Bunny's long-listed praise of himself and struck his staff to alarm clock, which triggered the hound to snarl and pounced at Bunny tipping Sandy's balance off in the process. "Crikey!"

"Stop! Sit! Down, girl down." Jamie ordered, Bunny was now hopping away from the greyhound who chased him off clumsily. Sandy was aiming at them, not that he was sure of who he'd hit.

"Sandy!" North exclaimed and at that moment Bunny blew past him and the greyhound knocked him of in the process as the ball of dream sand bounced out of his hand. The dream sand hit Tooth and Baby Tooth and knocked them off to sleep, bouncing all over the room then landed on Bunny's face and then to the greyhound and lastly to North, who miraculously found his way to bed sending Jamie flying to Sandy's arms. Jamie beamed a smile at Sandy who smile back before knocking him out with a gust of dream sand.

"Whoops" Jack sat by the dresser as he looked over the catastrophe.

"Oh, I really wish I have a camera right now." Jack bit his finger trying to hold his laughter, but it just actually muffled his laugh. Who wouldn't? Imagine a dream sand of a carrot growing out limbs and dancing with a candy cane! Sandy looked at Jack mischievously but then changed when he saw a nightmare peering into the room. Jack took notice of this as he turned around, the nightmares were startled by the spirits inside the room and started to gallop away from the room. Jack was getting all jumpy debating where or not to fly after the nightmares but it didn't take a matter of milliseconds to put a grin on Jack's face, he flew after them.

"Sandy, come on! We can find Pitch!" called Jack, the poor Sandman had to argue with oneself whether it was a good idea or not but Jack must be far by now. So the Sandman took off.

Jumping from one roof to the other, Jack chuckled with delight as he chased the nightmares by his side was Sandy who too was enjoying it. Twisting, turning, free falling absolutely ecstatic about a scared nightmare. Sandy caught one of the nightmares delighted that black sand into it's original form. Jack turned down to an alley preforming a half somersault with his staff that boosted him, giving one last just as he landed on the building rooftop and blasted the nightmare with ice.

"I got it!" Jack flew up and scratched the frozen nightmare with his staff, "Sandy, did you see that?" Jack looked around as he looked for nightmare-hunting partner.

"Frost?" Pitch was absolutely not happy for the neutral party to intervene. Jack turned around surprised, but then he attacked Pitch who vanished into the shadows.

"you know, for a neutral party, you spend an awful lot of time with those weirdoes." Pitch reappeared to another top of a building just beside the one Jack was in. "This isn't your fight Jack."

"You made it my fight when you stole those teeth" Jack hissed as his grip around his staff began to tighten.

"Teeth? Why do you care about the teeth?" Pitch questioned. Pitch looked at his side and saw an irritated Sandy beside him. Frightened, Pitch stumbled away from the Sandman and then chuckled nervously.

"Now this is who I'm looking for." Pitch gestured at Sandy. Sandy threw sand whips at the Boogeyman, who ungracefully dodged them then brought up his own sand scythe and lashed it to Sandy. Jack dived to the ground trying to avoid the scythe that carelessly swung around as the fight continued. The whip found Pitch's wrist and wrapped itself as Sandy pulled it back along with Pitch then threw him up leaving him up in the air for a few seconds and pulled Pitch back to the ground, whipping him around as if he was a toy. The whip lost it grip sending Pitch to the streets landing on a car and rolling to the streets. Sandy dusted his hands scornfully.

"Remind me not to get in your bad side" Sandy beamed a smile as they flew their way down to where Pitch laid powerless over the Sandman.

"Okay easy. You can't blame me for trying, Sandy." Pitch sat up, scooting away from the Sandman

"You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated. It was stupid of me, to mess with your dreams." Pitch staggered as he found a way on his feet, still backing away.

"So I'll tell you what. You can have them back." Pitch was brimming with confidence as he stood straight and tall. The nightmares neighed as they emerged from the shadows. Everywhere they look nightmares appeared, gaiting towards them as if they were a prey of a hunt.

"You take the one's on the left, I'll take the ones on the right?" Jack suggested unsure of what to do as he looked at Sandy waiting for a confirmation.

Hiccup's POV

I have seen no light, the darkness devoured me the moment I fell into the deep sleep. Just when I saw the light, it was there a dragon so big like a mountain, it's talons reaching for me. the life of me was sucked out directly, but I ran. Ran through the void, through the endless darkness with all my efforts were most likely useless. It was completely useless as the dragon's talons swooped down and lifted me high up from the dark ground. The dragon opened it's mouth, throwing me in with no regrets. then again, I plunged into darkness but only this time it was different. It was as if I was stuck in the dragon's throat, chocking it.


I squirmed around like a chipmunk but the longer I stayed inside the dragon's throat my senses were dulled, my body going numb as if a poison stung me from hel know's where. There was silence, a silence so dull it was as if it was splitting my eardrums into bits then I heard my heart beating so loud that I drummed against my ears, I saw the light again.

I saw my mother in the light, squinted my eyes to really take hold of the figure that reminded me of my mom. Then she turned around, reached out to me as I took her hand. The next thing I knew we were in the car with my cat Toothless. In the back of my mind I felt like I have experienced this scene before, but I just couldn't pin point it. Deja vu, but I ignored it and enjoyed the pleasing warm feeling that I had never felt for so long. It was all down hill from there, the moment I remembered what happened to the scene I was already too late.

It happened so fast, I needed to stop this from happening again.

My grip tightened around Toothless who squirmed from my grip, jumping to the dashboard and then to my mom's face causing her to lose the grip on steering wheel. A stray dump truck teetered towards ours, my eyes widened with horror. I did it again, I caused this accident. The headlight blinded my eyes, the dump truck was closing in. my gut churned as the speed of the car accelerated, I felt seriously nauseous as I looked at my mom. My heart was a lemon like it was squished out of it's juices as I saw the horrified look on my mother's face. the same looked she gave me before she died. The light engulfed me as the crash took place,-

"NOOOOOOO!" I tried to catch my breath, clenching my hands against my chest. Beads of sweat ran through my temples as I looked around me. This wasn't my room. Then I heard the awfully familiar mewing of a cat.


I jumped out of my bed and scurried to the door. I followed Toothless' constant mewing, which I made me worry. Toothless never mew repeatedly, not unless he was hurt. it was hard to navigate my way into the building especially when I have never been here before and to make the situation worse the hallway lighting was so dim I have to squint my eyes to figure out where I was going. The hallway was narrow and extended to the horizon, it was impossible to me to find Toothless not with all these confusing rooms. No, not im-possible Hiccup. just im-probable. I told myself but now that I had looked around and my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, the building was kind of eerie that it sent me goose bumps and a cold touch to my spine as if Jack Frost came to touch my back bone. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate on the sound.

To the right?

no, no, no. down maybe?

a few steps in front of me I found a door and cautiously twisted it open. My hunch was right, there was a hole in the floor as expected from a run -down building. I peered down to see if it was safe fall, not that I had much choice if I have to save Toothless from whatever is attacking him. Without second thoughts I leapt down from the eight ft. high of a fall and sticking like a cat then rolled on the floor to lessen the impact. It was a thing I learned from Toothless. To the right, I noted to myself. With vigilant steps, I drew closer to where Toothless was held captive again my heart kept beating against my ear drums. My hands started to turn cold, what was waiting for me inside there?

it was obvious that Toothless was held in there, it was the only room that had lights turned on. The room casted a colossal figure. I took a step to the door and my life drained out of me.

In the room was a Toothless and my dad who looked t me with morbid eyes with a mad glint and sadistic eyes as he drew a knife a stuck it down hard -

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! no, no, no" I sat up from my bed, trembling as I

clutched my face. Breathing in and out heavily, I tucked my hair up away from my eyes. the window was open and the Manny was lighting up my room. moments later, I have calmed myself.

it was just a nightmare...

then I saw movement that lingered in the windowsill, black horse that was formed by a sand came into view. It took notice of me and galloped through the air. The nightmare that had frightened me diminished and was already replaced by the curiosity of my being. I jumped out of bed and looked out the window, my eyes searching for the sand horse in the dark. Then I saw them by every window of the neighborhood prancing about then I heard screaming, shifted my gaze to the sound and saw another one, only uglier and terrifying emerging from the window where the scream came from.

"What are those?" I was very intrigued.

Nightmares. Manny stated, then there it struck me. There were no golden dream sand floating about the sky, let alone, the Sandman. There was something really bad that was going to happen. So I darted out of my room carefully passing through the door where my dad slept soundly, then exited the house and followed the mass of nightmares as they pranced to one house to the other. Then I saw the big ugly nightmare as it galloped it's way to the woods, curious as a cat I ran after it, wondering why the nightmare was frightened when I walked towards it.

And then again I found myself running to the direction to the cove.

The three were now wide awake, fighting the nightmares off. Pitch was getting stronger by the minute, as he concentrated most of the nightmares to Sandy. The rest of the guardians were powerless against the nightmares because whenever they finished one off another would replace it.

"We've gotta help Sandy!" then North led the sleigh up and up to where Sandy fought off the nightmares but unknown to them that Pitch aimed a nightmare arrow and without a moment to lose, he let it go. with a swift move, the arrow struck Sandy's back. Sandy stop his fight and turn around slowly to Pitch. "NOOOO!" Jack left the sleigh and accelerating as he thought of trying to save Sandy.

"Don't fight the fear, little man."

The nightmare stopped as if it was terrified as I walked towards it. I reached my hand out to as if trying to calm it down.

"easy." and when it did, the nightmare nuzzled my hand, finding the fondness in the touch. and the most unusual thing happened.

The nightmare horse lost it's for as the sand begin to crawl under my skin, then after it left my body the sand took it's shape into a black sand dragon.


Sorry if this chapter was a little bit of crappy.

well on second thought it's really crappy, it sucks. It's so freaking hard to write because i'm not in the emotional character so i can't really express Hiccup's view on the nightmare. so freaking crappy.

but anyway, thank you for reading and passing me some reviews would be very much appreciated!