A/N: I'll be posting my shorter one-shots into this collection simoly because they're more ficlets, than actual fics. Want me to write a philinda ficlet? Send me a PM with a prompt!

Anon prompted: Philinda family fic!

(I'm taking the members of the Bus as the family.)

Learning Mandarin

By Alasse Fefalas

"I heard Simmons asked you for Mandarin lessons?" Coulson asked as he sat down beside May in cockpit.

May turned to him slightly and raised an eyebrow.

"I heard her and Fitz downstairs complaining about how hard Mandarin is."

May snorted slightly. "You should have heard them trying to speak it."

Coulson cringed. "Was it that bad?"

"Skye's worse."

"Not as bad as me, I'm guessing," Coulson chuckled.

May cracked a small smile. "No one's worse than you, Phil."

Coulson shrugged. "Hey, at least I managed to learn a few words." He leaned in close to her ear and whispered, "Wo de airen."

May pressed the autopilot button. Turning to him, she cupped his face and pulled him close, their lips brushing each other's. "Ni ye shi wo de airen," she breathed as she kissed him.

A/N: My mandarin sucks too. Oops.

Wo de airen = my lover.

Ni ye shi wo de airen = you're also my lover.

Prompt me?