Caroline closed her eyes as all memories flooded back. How he killed Damon, how they talked, how they kissed and how he compelled her. She even told him he was a good person, ugh, understatement of the year. He probably only talked to her because she knew Elena, Ouch why did that hurt. Caroline then whispered: "I hate you." Because she rather did actually, for all the bad, selfish things he did and how he made her feel.

When Klaus said with a raspy voice that he knew. Caroline huffed and turned around closing the door behind her. She angrily walked into the livingroom. "Let me expain, Caroline." She could hear him exclaim from outside. But she shook her head and cried, tears flowed down her face. She really didn't know what to do anymore. All this pain was just too much. She heard the Klaus bonk on the door. And that's when she had enough, Caroline flipped the switch. She got a smirk on her face, one very unlike Caroline, and wiped her tears away. She walked gracefully back to the door and locked her eyes with Klaus' through the glass in the door. The hybrid watched her puzzled, trying to figure out what was different about her. He blinked when it hit him. Caroline then let him in. "I could compel you, to turn it back on, you know." He mumbled when he stepped inside the house.

"You wouldn't." She countered. Klaus raised his brows. Caroline just smiled and licked her lips. Klaus' eyes were following her every movement.

"I am going to kill you." She stated.

"Why, love, how are you planning to do that?" Klaus chuckled.

"You shall see."

"Not if I kill you first."

"Game on." They stared at each other neither of them moving an inch. Just when Klaus was about to kiss her, Caroline averted her head, purring: "I'm going hunting." And then fled the room. Klaus resisted the urge to chase her, and let out a long breath. Isn't she a little firecracker, he thought.

"Weren't you on some disgusting bunny diet?" Katherine said amused as she watched with interest how the blonde vampire fed on a guy. Caroline drained the body dry and then dropped it on the ground.

"Ah, even better than I remembered." Caroline said licking the blood of her lips before turning her attention to the doppelganger.

"Katherine, it's been a while, why the last time I saw you, you killed me." Caroline snapped. Katherine smirked.

"Let bygones be bygones, Caroline."

"You wish, you're lucky I don't care enough to kill you." Caroline said glancing around the street for another human snack.

"Yea, you're much busier thinking about ways to kill the original hybrid, aren't you?" Caroline shrugged.

"We should team up." Katherine said. Caroline just laughed, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not one to beg, Caroline, but we could make this work, you and I." Caroline raised her brows.

"Oh do tell, why is that?"

"We have the same goal. I have the knowledge of know how to kill an Original and you, you are the distraction." Katherine said. Caroline narrowed her eyes.

"Distraction, yea right."

"He has a thing for you, you can get close enough to him to stab him in the back." Caroline just wanted to say that she might think about it when she heard someone approach and then turned around to see no one else but the ripper, with blood and all.

"I'm in." He said. Katherine smirked.

"Why, we can start a club together." Caroline smirked. "Oh, and Stefan, before I forget, the man gave me my memories back, he killed your brother." Katherine looked shocked and Stefan's eyes became darker, and he tensed up. Caroline smiled her sweetest smile. "We will meet tomorrow at your house, Stef." Caroline said sweetly and walked away looking like a blonde angel of death leaving Katherine and Stefan behind.

The next day

It had taken some time for Klaus to get used to living with his family again. He was more used to living like a lone wolf. Kol and Finn still held a grudge against him for putting them in boxes, although he got in good grades with Finn again by bringing him his woman, Saige or something, hoping that Finn wouldn't cross him. Kol and Rebekah were quarrelling about something silly, Elijah was god knows where, but he would come back for supper. And Finn, he was getting laid. Klaus sighed, He put down his pencil and looked at his drawings, Caroline all over again. He wanted to make more hybrids, for he must protect her and his family.

"Are you alright miss Gilbert?" Elijah asked Elena. He had brought her to this safe place a few days ago but she only just now woke up. Elena coughed and looked up at the man in the suit with the kind brown eyes. She was wondering where she was, and how she is alive . And then it hit her, she had seen him at the sacrifice, he must have saved her.

"You saved me?" He just smiled. "Why?" She asked. He sat down beside her.

"I might am still a little cross with Niklaus and I always have had a soft spot for Petrova's." He said thinking about Tatia and Katarina.

Elena nodded, and glanced around. "I have to go home, I saw Caroline and Stefan at the sacrifice, they must think I am dead."

"They do, but you cannot go back yet, it's not safe, Elena. It won't be long."

"But my friends," Elena protested.

"Hush, I will tell them that you're alive."

"Thankyou, er..?" Elena asked.

"Elijah." He replied softly. "


"You want me to seduce him, seriously?" Caroline asked Katherine bored. Katherine took a gulp from the bottle bourbon before answering.

Katherine nodded. "You have to make him trust you,"

"He doesn't trust anyone, why would he trust me; a seventeen year old baby vampire who flipped the switch."

"Okay, not trust then, but just, live a little have some fun with him, He is not bad looking, right."

"Tell me about it, but that goes for that whole family, god, I would jump them all," Katherine narrowed her eyes.

"Elijah is off limits." Caroline chuckled.

"I knew something was going on between the two of you."

"That was a long time ago." Katherine retorted. Caroline eyed Katherine. Taking a sip bourbon.

"Yea, well, that kind of love never dies."

"Look at you two, having a heart-to-heart, didn't see that one coming." Stefan commented, before sitting down with them on the couch. Caroline snorted.

"So what's the plan?" Stefan asked, grabbing the bottle bourbon from Katherine to take a gulp himself.

"She wants us to get close to him, while she is looking for a white oak stake," Caroline explained.

"The white oak stake?" Stefan

"The only thing that can kill an Original." Caroline and Katherine said simultaneously, Stefan nodded.

"Well, cheers to that." Stefan toasted, taking another gulp bourbon.

Heyy, so Elena is alive.. What do you all think? Shall I continue this story? Feedback is always welcome. xx