Hey there new and old readers! Guess who is writing a new story? Hahaha I just can't help myself, I feel so empty without writing something! I'm going to post another chapter every two to three weeks, so keep your eyes peeled! So yeah, I hope you enjoy this!



I never thought I would be a father. Not in a million years. But now that I see this precious miracle in my arms, feeling its soft skin on my rougher exterior, I wouldn't have it any other way. I caressed his cheek with the back of my hand as he lay cradled in my arms. His face twitched at my touch, but he didn't seem disturbed by it at all.

I pressed him closely against my chest for a few moments before I placed him on the grass next to me. He made a quiet moaning sound before he settled down in a more comfortable position. I let out a relieved sigh, glad that I did not wake him up.

I lay sprawled out under the afternoon sun, nestled between the curving green grasses. They waved like flexible ribbons all around my body, tickling me with each gust of wind that blew over the luscious valley. I stared at the quiet fishing rod at my feet. It didn't attempt to make a move and I sighed. The fish weren't eager to bite today. At least I caught two big ones already; that will be enough for dinner.

A sharp gargle sound escaped my son's throat and I instinctively turned my attention to the noise. I felt more relaxed when I saw the even rising and falling of his chest. He was only snoring. I reached my hand out toward him.

Everything about him was so small.

I extended my fingers and touched it with his. He wrapped his entire hand around my thumb comfortably, even though his eyes were shut, like he knew the path to me instinctively. I smiled. A warm feeling spread through my entire being and I couldn't believe that I fell in love with this tiny human so quickly.

I pouted at the thought, not precisely human though.

He had the most interesting mixture of DNA that I could ever imagine together in one person. His veins flowed with the genetic makeup of both human and Saiyan species, some of the most advanced races in the known universe. His Saiyan-blood will be the giver of his more aggressive nature, advanced speed and strength abilities, passion for fighting and the unique aptitude to increase power after every battle fought. His human genes on the other hand, will be the contributor of heightened emotions, feelings, advanced intellect and natural survival instincts. He can become a great warrior someday. Like me. It is in our blood after all.

Saiyan. That is what I am and what my child is partly.

My name is Kakarot, but the Earthlings know me as Goku.

I was sent to earth as a child, not yet six years old, with only one mission forced in my mind: destroy all. I was told by my superiors, the most ruthless purgers in the universe, one of whom was my father, to wipe the planet clean of life. The gem of the Northern Quadrant was supposed to be sold to the highest bidder. They were also supposed to come and get me again after a year, but they never did. As far as I knew, they forgot about me, or more realistically: they're dead.

So I had no choice but to remain on the planet, try to build myself a life here, but it suited me just fine. I never really had the intention to rob the planet of all its life in the first place. I let my mind wander, thinking back to the brief time I actually spent with my real family on planet Vegeta.

I wasn't like them. I wasn't like other Saiyans. For lack of a better word, I was nice. I loved fighting, but the desire to constantly wreak havoc didn't burn inside of me. And that clashed greatly with the instructions I was given before I travelled to this world:

Rule number one. Don't destroy the planet. Wipe it clean of all living beings, and report back to your superior.

Rule number two. Do not, under any circumstances reveal your true identity. Never apologize, and never explain.

Rule number three. Stay only for as long as necessary, and not a moment longer.

Rule number four. Be ruthless.

That was a long time ago and I couldn't be happier as an Earthling. Raised by a well-respected local martial artist who took me under his wing after he found me in the woods. He was the first person, ever in my life, who treated me with respect. He made me feel like a human being, and not the Saiyan creature I hated being.

But he's dead now.

My eyes traced the linings of the greying clouds as the last of the sun's image poked over the horizon. I frowned, it was later than I had thought. I unearthed my fishing pole and pulled the nearly invisible line out of the river. I held the pole in my left hand, along with the two fish.

"It's time to go buddy, Mommy is probably worried about us by now." I whispered into my son's ear before I scooped him up into my free arm. He groaned as he started to wake up. Sleep decorated the ends of his eyes.

"Daddy?" He croaked and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands.

I smiled down at him and tussled his hair. He giggled musically. "Hey there squirt." I greeted him lovingly. "Did you have a nice nap?"

He nodded. "I'm hungry now."

I chuckled. "Me too!" I exclaimed. "But don't worry, I caught us some dinner." I held the fish up high so he could see them. He looked at them and smiled. "They look good, don't they?"

He nodded his head like a bobbing-figurine. "Yeah…" His voice trailed off dreamily and I laughed at his cuteness. I studied his appearance. He had something of both Chi-Chi and I in his face. He had her nose and mouth, and definitely her peachy skin too. But his big brown eyes and wild ebony hair were all a gift from dear old dad.

We walked up to the house and entered through the front door. The living room light was on, even though it wasn't that dark yet.

"I was wondering when you guys were going to come home." Chi-Chi stood in the middle of the room with her arms crossed over her chest. She tapped her finger impatiently on her arms as she waited for a response.

"The fish were stubborn today." I covered with a sheepish smile. "You know I wouldn't just stay away from home without a good reason hon."

She scoffed. "Unless you were training all day again!" She pointed an angry finger at me.

I blinked quickly, not knowing what to say. She always knew. Always. "Only a little, but that was when Gohan was sleeping."

Her eyes widened at the mention of our son's name. "You let him sleep?!" She nearly yelled.

"He was tired…" I stated. "I couldn't just force him to be awake."

"Sure you could have!" She argued. "Now he is going to be up all night again." She complained. "Didn't you learn from last time?"

I scratched the back of my head with a goofy expression on my face. "It wasn't that bad Chi."

She sighed and shook her head. "I wish I could stay mad at you." She said defeated and turned toward the kitchen. She looked over her shoulder. "Goku, bring those fish and skin them for me please." She smiled as she turned her attention to our son. "Gohan, some of your toys are next to the TV, why don't you get them and play here where we can see you."

"Okay Mommy!" He exclaimed enthusiastically and hopped up the stairs to his room.

I helped Chi-Chi prepare our dinner and we ate about an hour later. The sun was long gone when we finally placed the dishes in the sink.

Chi-Chi poked me on my arm to get my attention. I turned to her and she pointed at Gohan. I followed her gaze and saw Gohan dozing off in his chair. His head fell a little forward.

"Isn't he just precious?" She asked with a squeal.

"Adorable." I agreed.

She placed her palm on my chest as she moved away. "Do you mind taking him up to his room?" She asked sweetly. "While I get a start on the dishes."

"Not at all." I gently lifted Gohan from the chair and walked up the stairs. When I placed him in his crib he was still sound asleep. I shut the door quietly behind me and made my way through the house to where I felt my wife's Ki radiate youthfully from the kitchen. My heart fluttered as I saw her shadowy silhouette move from the fridge to the table. I have never laid eyes upon such a beauty as her before, neither came across someone like her ever. The pink dress she wore today sat very flattering on her. The little tummy she had two years ago as result of the pregnancy was long gone by now, and the soft dress clung to her slender stomach like a second skin. Her peachy skin glowed against the bright satin fabric of her clothes and her long ebony hair fell loosely over her back, uncombed with tangles visible.

I walked up to her, standing behind her. She was unaware of my presence. I smirked and slowly placed my hands on her hips and she jumped in surprise. I spun her around and looked deep into her dark brown eyes as I smiled at her. She smiled back and then I kissed her.

"How's our little bundle of joy?" She asked sweetly as she pulled away, her arms still lingering around my neck.

I smiled. "Sound asleep." I said lovingly. I pulled away from her after another kiss and dried over to the dripping wet dishes next to sink. I dried and put away everything while Chi-Chi washed.

"I'm happy Goku." Chi-Chi said out of the blue after she made us each a cup of coffee. I sat down opposite of her by the kitchen table. I took her hand as she sat down too.

"Me too."

She squeezed my hand before taking it away, holding her cup of hot liquid with both hands. "Don't you miss your friends?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not really." I replied. "I feel their Ki's every day, it's like I am hanging out with them." I took a sip of my coffee. It was still very hot and I burned my tongue. I placed the cup back on the table, angry at its content. "Besides, you and Gohan are my family. I want to spend all my moments with you guys."

Chi-Chi smiled. "That is very sweet honey, but nonetheless, I think you should see the gang again." She caressed the mug with her index finger. "Maybe we could invite them over for a visit, or you can go surprise them…" Her voice trailed off. "They probably don't even know you have a son!" She exclaimed in horror.

I chuckled. "No they don't. I don't think they are aware of the fact that I can reproduce."

Chi-Chi laughed. "The poor creatures must think you are very daft."

I nodded grimly. "They do." I shot her a peculiar look and drank my coffee. It cooled down. "Sounds like you are trying to get rid of me." I observed.

She shook her head. "On the contrary, I think a little social influence will do Gohan good." She stated. "I don't want our boy to grow up with us as his only friends."

"We are not that bad." I reasoned. "Anyone should feel honoured to be inside our friendship circle."

She scoffed. "He'll grow to hate us." She looked out of the kitchen window with a faraway look in her eyes. "Goku?" She turned to me with big eyes and I responded by raising my eyebrows. "Let's go for a walk outside; summer is almost over." She breathed.

I smiled and downed the rest of my coffee. "I'm right behind ya."

I was honestly surprised that she asked me to take a walk with her. The last time we snuck out alone was when she was pregnant. We walked past our lawn hand in hand to the picturesque open field by the river near our house. Our home was still in sight and I could detect Gohan's Ki nicely from here.

The grass was cool on my butt as I sat down, but not unpleasant. Chi-Chi already had a pile of flowers in her lap and was tying the stems together. I chuckled beside her as I leaned back on my hands and sighed. This was nice. I smiled to myself as the brisk breeze kissed my cheeks. The night was beautiful; the clouds from this afternoon were gone, and the skyline was completely clear. All the stars brightly decorated the night. I was happy that I was spending this time with my wife. It was nice to sit and talk about nothing; simply just finding satisfaction in each other's smiles.

"There. Finished." She declared, dusting her hands off.

I looked over and saw her tie two ending stems together in a circle before placing the white ornament on top of her head, smiling widely at me.

"No fair!" I laughed. "I wanted a crown too."

She raised an amused eyebrow. "A flower crown?"

"All men secretly desires one!"

Chi-Chi laughed and began picking more daisies around her as she started to work on another headset. I flopped back in the grass as I stared up at her. She always came across as being girly: cooking, cleaning, fussing with her hair, contemplating what clothes to wear, and taking forever when she shopped. But that was not the entire her. That was not the complete Chi-Chi. She was a tough woman. Very complex. She even scared me sometimes!

"Hey Hon?" I asked to get her attention.


"Why did you start fighting?"

"Martial arts?" She enquired.

I nodded.

She paused at tying two stems together and blinked at me twice before smiling. "Oh that's simple." She stated. "My dad wanted me to learn to defend myself. You remember how it was back then; lots of people wanted to see me beheaded to get to Papa." She returned to weaving the daisies together. "It would have been a disgrace if a dire situation came, and I had to play the part of a pathetic damsel. Don't you think?"

"Well, yeah, I guess." I scratched my cheek before folding my hands behind my head again. "But why did you continue to practice it? I mean, you could have stopped after all the danger disappeared?"

Her expression turned sombre. "The danger never really disappeared." She cleared and shrugged as she continued to twist flowers together. "I guess other than that fact…" Her voice trailed off. "I fell in love with it." She smiled down at the half-progressed flower crown. "I felt things when I fought. It gave me a rush. It made me feel powerful, not like a weak little princess everyone perceived me to be. I was complete." She smiled at me. "Back then, when we weren't married yet, I was the princess. I was always trying to please everyone. Martial Arts; that was something I did for myself."

I watched with a new wonder as her coal-coloured eyes drifted shut and she smiled so very softly.

"When I fought, the world just became kind of quiet, and it was only me and my opponent. That was all that mattered. I wasn't Princess Chi-Chi, or the Ox King's daughter. I was just Chi-Chi. And there weren't a lot of decisions to make or things to do. There were just two choices. Win. Or loose. There isn't a better feeling in the world."

Her eyes opened and she glanced down at my open stare before blushing and laughing. "Oh I'm rambling. I must sound so confusing."

"No." My voice was soft as I took her hand. "I understand exactly what you mean."

Chi-Chi nodded once before twisting the two final stems together. "Okay. It's done."

I sat up and gave my famous grin as she put the crown on my head. "Yes, a crown for me!" I exclaimed.

She laughed and stood up, extending her arm to me. "Down tiger." She teased. "Let's go back, it's late."

I nodded. "Translation: you feel uneasy being away from Gohan so long."

She chuckled as she rose to her feet, holding an eager arm out toward me. "You know me too well kind prince."

I smiled and took hold of her hand and allowed her to pull me up. We walked back to the house in comfortable silence. We checked on Gohan first before we headed to our bedroom.

I was exhausted when I went to bed that night. I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. But I didn't sleep well at all; nightmares haunted me.

I want you. Only you.

I jerked upright as the sudden authentically sounding voice washed over my mind. My instincts flared when I sensed the close proximity of an extremely dark and evil aura near me. My hands balled into automatic fists. If I had a human side in me, it would have convulsed and retreated away from this ghastly presence, but my dominant Saiyan nature wanted to fight until there was nothing of that evil left.

I spun around; my first priority to make sure that Chi-Chi was okay. My eyes searched for her and I focussed on her frame. After I was sure that the only ailment she had was a peaceful expression, I automatically resided in a flawless crouching fighting stance in one motion. I bended my knees and arched my back, ready to pounce. My neck was tilted up straight, giving me the opportunity to fully see my enemy from every angle. Not one movement he makes will be unnoticed by my alert gaze.

I narrowed my eyes into slits as I moved through the room, but they slightly widened when I tracked the holder of the disastrous energy to Gohan's room.

Gohan started crying and I froze.

Chi-Chi groaned. "Goku can you go make sure he is fine, I'll get the next one." She breathed in a sleepy whisper.

"Sure hon." I whispered back from across the room, hiding the panic in my voice; I was at the door by now. I lowered my Ki as I walked toward the nursery. I was still in my flawless fighting stance as I entered the room. Gohan's cries were growing louder and I could still sense that power in the room, but I couldn't see anything.

"Gohan?" I called unsurely, while looking feverishly around for any trace of a person.

"Dad-dy." He replied with a thick voice. I relaxed my stance and walked over to him. His short black hair was a mess and his eyes were swollen. I placed my hand on his head. "What is wrong son?" I asked in a soft voice. I cringed when he lifted his arm to point at something behind me. I spun around with lightning speed, shielding the crib with my body.

My eyes flashed wider when I felt the presence at such a nearer than before; an evil power that did not belong on such a planet as Earth. Earth was too innocent, too pure, for such a presence…

The uneasy feeling didn't leave my stomach.

"I'm disappointed." My heart jumped as he suddenly spoke and Gohan started crying again. "Earth is still here."

"Who are you?" I asked with a strong voice, not shifting my defensive stance. I narrowed my eyes to try and see who he was, but all I could make out was a shadowy silhouette.

It was definitely him I have been sensing…

A dry laugh filled the air. "I am shocked that you have forgotten about us so easily Kakarot." I flinched at the mention of my Saiyan name. He stepped closer, into the patch of moonlight streaming through the open window.

I gasped.

"Do you remember me now, baby brother?" He teased with a crooked grin.

"Radditz." I said his name as a greeting. He looked just like I recall him looking over two decades ago. He was no child anymore, that was for sure, but his features all stayed the same. He didn't look that much like me; he had small eyes, a square-shaped faced and narrow lips. His black hair was sleek and slid back his head like a bunch of bananas; it wasn't nearly as unruly as mine. He was dressed in one of the Saiyans classic signature armours. Brown, sturdy, and revealing. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled and tilted his head to the side. "Shouldn't I be the one who asks you that?" He turned my question around.

"This is my home." I said firmly. "You are intruding."

He frowned. "Correction little brother, this is your mission."

I shook my head. "I think it would be best if you left."

"I just got here and you're already chasing me away?" He asked rhetorically. "That is very rude."

"Why are you here?" I repeated.

He grunted in annoyance. "If you must know, I have come to take you home." He stated. He looked me up and down with distaste. "Not that it will do us much good, your power level is pathetic!"

"Really?" I asked, really starting to get angry now. "After twenty years you decided to?"

He hesitated. "We were busy…"

"I thought you were dead."

"Don't slam the nails into the coffin if you haven't seen the body yet." He sneered, but his face changed quickly into a friendly one. "Now come with me, or I will have to take you by force." He smirked. "And that will be easy since I'm universes stronger than you."

"I don't want to go back." I said in a stern voice. "I have a life here now and like you said, I'm not as strong as you, I won't be missed."

He walked closer to me and I cringed. "Father gave me this mission. He expects a Saiyan, so if you don't come with me I will have to take someone else." His eyes travelled to the crib and my eyes widened.

"You leave him alone."

"You leave me with no other choice." He snapped and scowled angrily at me. His mouth fell open in horror after he glimpsed Gohan. I shoved him away from my child and he stumbled to the window. He pointed to Gohan with a shaky finger. "That is not a pure Saiyan." He declared in disbelief. "How dare you ridicule the Saiyan name by producing half-breed offspring?"

"I am not a Saiyan!" I spat and kicked hard against the ground, taking a long leap toward my brother. From my low position I reached down to press my hands against the ground, and then snapped my body straight up, as if I were doing a handstand. I then slammed my heel solidly into his jaw, making him tumble to the side, but not fall.

Annoyed, I used my Ki to jump back a short distance before I shot forward again, more force behind my foot as I kicked him again. His body sailed through the air like a pirate ship with a slacked, furled sail, before falling to the ground like a felled tree.

Using the length of my arms, I had been able to increase the power of my kick; but the attack, although very affective, caused some strain on my body as well. Gohan was quiet now and stared at our quarrel with big, excited eyes.

Radditz stood up shakily, wiping blood from his mouth as he rose, giving me chance to recuperate.

I sprung a few feet backwards, flying out the window, inviting him to join me. He followed after and matched my speed. He looked at me with a smug expression. He brought both his hands together in front of his chest and shot a wave of red energy my way. I created a circular shield around my body and jolted inside of it as the wave connected with it, making a harsh screech as it slid on the surface of the shield, sliding off and crashing into a nearby rock.

He attempted another energy wave but it had the same fate. I jumped back a few metres, standing strong on my feet. He stopped running and stared at me with challenge in his eyes.

"Not bad." He admired. "Your power level is higher than it was inside." He observed.

I smiled arrogantly. "Wait till you see this." I said, already clenching my fists next to my sides.

Standing a few metres across from each other, he shot me a daring glare, provoking me to get on with it. I didn't need to be asked twice.

A magnificent white flame-like aura surfaced from my body and lit majestically around my body. I felt power surge through my muscles and bones as I tried to surface my inner energy, making a pleasured jolt erupt through my entire body, creating light goose bumps all over my tanned skin.

My muscles grew too, as they swelled with pure power.

I relaxed my new bulky muscles; my arms crossed in front of my buff chest. I smiled crookedly as pride filled my body, floundering in my stomach as I felt the new power that surged through my body, stronger than ever.

Radditz let out an impressed whistle. "You gained the ability to mask your true power Kakarot. I must say I am impressed." His voice trailed off. "I hope I don't disappoint."

"Don't hold back."

"It would seem that we are evenly matched." His lips twitched up in a playful smile.

I scoffed, letting my arms fall to my sides. It bothered me that were standing in the same deviant position.

He uncrossed his arms from his chest and got in a casual fighting stance as he chuckled.

He scrutinized me up and down. "You have grown over the years." He noticed.

"That tends to happen with kids… They grow." I retorted sarcastically and rushed to his side. A devious smile spread on his lips as I neared him which immediately made me aware that something was up. I pushed more power to my fist and aimed it directly at his chest, but just before I could land the punch I let out a surprised yelp when I felt a deep pain arise on my right hand. My eyes travelled to my upper limb, only to see the grip of Radditz' boot bite into the back of my hand. Damn he is quick. The gravel underneath my limb stung my palm. As the pressure from his foot increased, rapid darts of pain shot through my fingers. He lifted his foot and stomped; a sickening crunch followed. I screamed in terror as the excruciating pain was accompanied by the flow of blood.

I grabbed his leg with my good hand and yanked it into a random direction with all my might. I managed to throw him off of me, giving me time to get away from him, but not for too far…

His fist suddenly collided with my cheek, causing me to bite the inside of my mouth. Blood filled my mouth, the iron-tasting pain tingling as I spit the small piece of flesh out with distaste. I looked around, trying to find a source of water, really hating the taste of blood in my throat, but nothing was close by.

I raised my arms up just in time to block his next punch. I kicked his feet out underneath him while he was still moving towards me, but I let out a surprised yelp when he dragged me down with him. We fell to the ground, arms and legs entangled, and his fists sunk once, twice into my stomach. I growled and wrapped my hands around his neck, digging my fingernails into his flesh.

He made a chocking sound, and pulled back hard. I used my leverage to grab his head and slam his temple into the rock solid ground. I watched as his eyes dilated, and blood began to flow from his head. He hastily jumped up, but seemed uncertain on his two feet.

I quickly jumped up and leaped forward to him with the fist leading the way. He caught my clenched palm in his hand and crushed down on it.

"I don't have time for this." His hissed and charged an energy in his other hand. I struggled in his grasp, but couldn't get him to budge. It was too late when I felt a warm pain shot through my stomach. I looked down to find a gaping hole in my abdomen. I was vaguely aware of my body falling down to the ground like a punctured leaf.

I lay defeated on the grass. The only thoughts that circulated through my mind were that of Gohan and Chi-Chi. A shadow appeared over my face and I tried to open my half-swollen eye wider.

"It is time to go now brother."

I don't know if it was the blood loss or if he punched me again, but everything coloured to darkness…

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

So the first chapter of the story is complete… *dramatic lightning*

I hope you guys like my new take, and plot to the story.

Remember to review!

Until the next one,

