A short and sweet update (that I meant to post on my birthday but then I got sick and life got in the way, but hey, it's technically still my birthday week so there's that) and again a big thank you to all of my readers for being so awesome :)
I decided to keep this chapter "short" since I felt the need to focus on one thing and not mix it with anything else and this chapter kinda clears the way for the final chapters which is such a bittersweet thing to say. I realized that this story and more importantly these characters have been with me throughout my darkest days and so much has happened since I first posted this story almost 3 years ago. I've been hospitalized, I've struggled financially and with life in general and I started working and studying again, all while writing on this story which is why it's kind of hard to let this one go. What was supposed to be a small story turned into many late nights and even more words and chapters and I'm grateful for both this and your support!
Now enough with the rambling and enjoy this chapter and maybe even tell me what you think :)

They went to bed early that night, with Lia safely tucked in between them but still waking up several times throughout the night, afraid of the dark and even more afraid of losing her family and only soothed by both JJ's and Emily's presence and their steady reassurances that they would always be there for her.

Emily and JJ took the rest of the week off, something that both Hotch and the team understood and supported and they spent a lot of their free time trying to settle Lia back in before Melissa came for her next and final visit before their hopefully last appointment at court.

The day of Melissa's visit, Lia was clearly upset and scared and JJ did her best to distract her while they waited for the time to pass.
She was reading a book to her when the doorbell rang and Amelia immediately curled up on JJ's lap, knowing who their visitor was and not being ready to talk to anyone about what had happened last week.

"Hello Melissa, come in", Emily greeted the social worker at the door and let her in, suppressing her own nervousness at the upcoming conversation.

"Hello Lia, how are you today?", Melissa smiled at Amelia after greeting JJ but instead of getting a reply Lia buried her face in the crook of JJ's neck and refused to talk to the other woman.

"It's okay, Lia, you already know Melissa, you can talk to her", JJ tried to convince her but Amelia was still not quite sure of the entire situation.

"It's alright, we can talk first and I can always talk to Amelia later", Melissa smiled at the girl and then JJ and Emily before she continued talking.

"So, how have you been? How is Amelia settling in at the preschool?", she asked and was met with hesitant looks from both women.

"She still struggles playing with other kids but we're working on that and try to discuss her problems with her whenever they come up. There's something else though", Emily started and knew there was no easy way to approaching this subject.

"Last week Lia ran away from preschool and the principal had to call the police and with their help and the help of our team we were able to find her mostly unharmed a few hours later.", Emily took a deep breath and JJ reached for her hand, grasping it tightly, anxiously awaiting Melissa's reaction to the incident.

"I'm glad to hear she's okay, but I still have to ask why she ran away. Was there any reason you know of?", Melissa's voice was calm but she was understandably concerned about Amelia's wellbeing.

"We aren't quite sure since she hasn't fully opened up to us yet, but we think it might be because she has listened in on us while we were talking about work one night and maybe she misunderstood what she heard.", Emily tried to find an explanation while Lia curled further into JJ's chest who soothingly rubbed her back.

"We never meant to upset her and try to keep her away from work related issues but somehow she must have managed to sneak down the hall without any of us noticing", JJ added, still feeling guilty about what had happened a few nights ago.

"I understand that you need a space to discuss your jobs and that you can't always know what Amelia hears or understands. It's not optimal that she ran away but you need to understand that it's nothing unusual among foster children. What matters is that you found her and took proper care of her afterwards and from what I can see she still trusts you and lets you comfort her and that's a good sign.", with that Melissa managed to ease their fears and both JJ and Emily let out relieved breaths, glad that she was so understanding.

"We're still trying to get her to talk to us so this won't happen again but think she's not quite ready yet to talk about her feelings and fears.", Emily quietly explained as her hand found a way onto Amelia's back as well to reassure the scared girl.

"I think it would be good if she sees her therapist more regularly now and when she continues her therapy I think there's nothing in the way of the finalization of her adoption.", Melissa now smiled at them and her words brought tears to JJ's eyes.

"That sounds great", JJ's voice was quiet and full of emotions and she hugged Amelia who was slowly calming down even though she didn't quite understand what the adults were talking about.

"As soon as I've worked on some final papers I will give you the date for the final hearing at court and until then you can always call me when you have questions or problems, alright?", at this JJ and Emily nodded in reply before saying their goodbyes to Melissa, grateful that the visit had gone so well and that Melissa hadn't pushed Amelia to talk when she was clearly scared of the entire situation.

"Hey bug, it's okay now. Melissa just came to see if you're okay and to tell us that you can stay here", JJ softly talked to Lia, hoping it would ease her fears a little.

"She not angwy?", Lia quietly asked, still afraid that Melissa might be mad at her for running away.

"No, honey, she's not angry with you, she's just making sure that you're well and have a good home", Emily reassured her once more, relieved when Lia nodded at her and relaxed even further in JJ's hold.

"I good", she whispered in reply, exhausted from Melissa's visit, and fell asleep mere moments later, finding comfort in JJ's and Emily's presence after the uncertainty and anxiety of the past few days.