February 27, 2015


I really haven't written in you for a long time. I really have some explaining to do I suppose. But first of all, NONE of it was my fault. Firstly, I was sabotaged in the tournament. Someone rigged my hat to explode WHILE it was on my head. It took a while for my hair to grow back.

Secondly, Christmas was THE WORST. I was a complete idiot! I may have accidently stood under the mistletoe while Samus was next to it. Zelda is still mad at me! It was an accident! She knows I would never do that to her. Now I feel guilty all over again.

Thirdly, New Year's was awesome! Even though Zelda ignored me the whole time and basically hung out by herself the whole time, I had fun hanging out with Ike and Roy. We threw empty Solo Cups at people walking by Smash Mansion. It was hilarious until Roy filled one with milk and threw it at an old lady. In short, things didn't end well.

And that brings us to the infamous Valentine's Day. I really tried to make things right with Zelda, but I apparently did everything "wrong" in Ami's point of view. Which brings us to an odd point of the day, where Ami decided to give me her so called "advice."

It was strange. She said that I had to be the one to admit I was wrong. Why should I apologize? I didn't do anything wrong! If anything, this is Samus's fault. She had to kiss me in front of my girlfriend. She didn't even have to! It's not an official rule. Ugh.

I still don't understand what I did wrong, but I'm going to try some of Ami's advice tomorrow. Wish me luck!


P.S. I know Ganondorf stole my sock! I can't find it anywhere! IT HAS TO BE HIM!