Well, as promised, here is your last and quite steamy chapter! I really enjoyed writing this story for you and I hope you enjoyed reading. Thank you so much for accompanying me and for leaving me such wonderful reviews! I truly loved reading them.

Just warning y'all that this is a very very NC-17 chapter. Very. And if it affects you the way it did me, I apologise to those of you who do not have a partner who can help you out with that (I feel you lol). I hope you like it!

Take care, all the best, and thanks again!

Olivia opened the door to her apartment, grinning when she got inside. She wasn't upset with Alex for not waiting; in fact, she thought it was really hot that the woman had been touching herself just moments ago. However, she wasn't about to tell her that. She knew that Alex was turned on by the idea of having someone else take control, and Olivia had been thinking about that confession from the moment Alex had said it. Here was the perfect opportunity to fulfil her fantasy and she wasn't about to pass it up.

She took off her coat and tossed it on the chair. She turned around to face the hallway and saw Alex standing there, naked. Her head was resting in her hand, arm bent, leaning against the wall. She was staring at Olivia, her lips swollen and red. Her hair was disheveled and she looked so damn sexy that Olivia's breath hitched in her throat the moment she saw her. Her stomach dropped and her eyes raked over Alex's delicious body.

"See something you like?"

"Yeah," Olivia husked out, licking her lips. "I do."

She immediately walked over, grabbed Alex by the hips, and crushed their lips together. Alex wrapped her arms around Olivia's neck, pulling her close. The brunette swiped her tongue against Alex's lips, and when the blonde opened her mouth, she immediately sought out her tongue. Alex moaned against her when their tongues met. Olivia trailed her fingers down to Alex's ass, grabbing it and yanking her up. Their kiss broke, but Alex immediately resumed it after wrapping her legs around Olivia's waist.

The brunette turned and pressed Alex hard against the wall. Alex gasped against her mouth when her back pressed flush against the cold wall, but Olivia pressed their lips harder together, refusing to break the kiss for a second time. She held Alex up with one arm, moving her right hand up to start pinching the woman's nipples. Alex moaned again, a wave of pleasure shooting between her legs when Olivia started palming and squeezing her breasts. It was so good, so hot, and Alex could feel her desire building up in her stomach.

She pulled away when Olivia started actively grabbing her breasts, slamming her head back into the wall as the woman worked her body. She started to move her hips, that familiar tingling starting deep in her belly.

"You're so fucking hot, Alex," she growled in her ear, nipping at her earlobe. "I have been thinking all day about how badly I want to fuck you."

Alex bit her lip and groaned at the way Olivia's voice, laced with arousal, sounded in her ear. The detective let the woman slip from her embrace until Alex was standing on her feet. Then she dropped to her knees, placed Alex's leg over her shoulder, and began gently kissing and caressing her inner thighs.

Alex buried her fingers in Olivia's hair and moaned, tilting her hips forward. When she tried to pull Olivia closer, the brunette nipped at her skin. Alex grunted in protest.

"I want you, baby."

Olivia shook her head, pressing her cheek against her thigh and laying the faintest of kisses against Alex's sex.

"You should have thought of that when you didn't wait for me. Now, I decide when you get to be touched."

Alex moaned, desperate for Olivia's mouth.

Olivia smiled, taking her time and slowly exploring Alex's thighs. Then, she poked out her tongue and lightly traced Alex's slit. The blonde groaned in response, jerking her hips forward and letting out a frustrated growl when Olivia pulled away.

"Ah ah."

"Please, Liv. I want you to..."

"You want me to what?" she asked, her tongue tracing over Alex's lips.

"I want you to," she paused, swallowing hard. Her throat was so dry. "I want you to make me come."

When Olivia made no move to continue, Alex added a "please." The pleading tone in Alex's voice made Olivia's stomach drop with arousal. Alex obviously wanted it bad, and so did she. She reacted instantly, leaning forward and pressing her tongue hard against Alex's sex. She slipped her tongue inside, quickly finding her clitoris and stroking it.

"Ah fuck, Liv," Alex gasped out, bucking her hips against Olivia's mouth. The brunette gently moved her tongue around before lightly sucking on Alex's hardened clit. The blonde tugged harder on Olivia's head, pulling her closer. She moaned loudly when Olivia moved her tongue down, swiping and licking at her entrance. When the detective slid her tongue inside, Alex cried out and slammed her head back, hips grinding against Olivia's tongue.

Olivia slowly slid her tongue up and down Alex's sex, taking her time and licking around every inch of her. She loved the way the woman moaned and gyrated her hips around her mouth. Fuck, it was sexy to see Alex react to her touch this way. She opened her mouth wider, her tongue giving short, quick strokes against the length of Alex's vagina. The blonde held her close, panting and grinding against Olivia's tongue. Fuck, she was so good at this…

Suddenly, the brunette pulled away and stood, causing Alex to whimper from the loss of contact.

"Turn around," Olivia commanded.

Alex groaned and did as she was told. She wondered how long she'd be able to last once things starting to get more heated… She was already so close now.

Olivia pressed against her back, hands coming up to grab at her breasts.

"I love your body. I love that it's mine to touch whenever I want to. Sometimes I fantasize about storming into your office, locking the door, and taking you right against your desk."

Alex couldn't answer. The images flooding her brain, Olivia's husky voice in her ear, her hands working their magic on her body, it was all too much. She bit her lip in response, head flying back and pressing into Olivia's shoulder. She was now actively squirming and moaning in her arms.

It was taking everything in her not to drag Alex to the bedroom and fuck her senseless. She couldn't though, because she wanted to take this slow. Although they hadn't been having sex for that long, she had quickly learnt that the longer she made Alex wait, the harder the other woman came.

"I can't wait to feel you shake and scream when you finally come against me," she whispered, a hand snaking down to slide between Alex's legs. She slowly moved her fingers up and down the woman's sex, careful not to hit any of Alex's sensitive spots. She wanted it to feel good, but she didn't want to help her closer to orgasm.

"You're so wet for me, baby."

"Can you fucking blame me?"

Olivia chuckled.

"It's not funny. I want to come now."

Olivia kissed Alex's shoulder as she slowly grazed her clit with her index finger.

"Not yet, honey. I told you you would be punished for not waiting for me."

Alex whimpered.

"I think I've been punished enough."

She gasped loudly and jerked forward, grabbing the wall when the Olivia's fingers pressed into her entrance.

"No," Olivia started, pressing inside slightly before coming back out to stroke her clit. She repeated the motion several times, staying just as slow as the first time. "You haven't."

Alex started shaking against her, spreading her legs and trying desperately to speed up the touches. She loved this torture, but she hated it too. She wanted to come, needed to, but it felt so damn good and part of her didn't want it to stop. There was a deep fire burning in the pit of her belly, and every short stroke Olivia gave just added to it.

"I love the way you feel, Alex. So warm, so soft. I love touching you like this."

Olivia slowed her movements even more, eliciting a frustrated groan from the other woman. She leaned down and sucked on Alex's throat, dragging her fingers up, swirling around her clit, before pressing back down to her entrance. She pushed in slightly, loving the way Alex gasped and jerked, then moved up again. She circled her clit a few more times before finally pulling away.

Alex slumped forward, her forehead resting against the wall.

"You can't keep stopping like this. You're killing me."

"No," Olivia said, grabbing her breasts. "I'm teaching you a lesson."

She palmed and squeezed her nipples, then circled her palms over the hardened buds. She flattened her hands and ran them up and down Alex's front, then brought them around and paused on her hips. She leaned forward and kissed the back of Alex's neck before pulling away. She ripped off her top and her bra and then yanked down her pants and underwear. She pressed up against Alex, hearing the woman groan when her breasts pressed into her back.

"I love the way you react to me."

Alex bit her lip and turned around. When she saw Olivia's breasts, she immediately leaned forward and pulled a hard nipple in her mouth. She brought her hand up to tug on the other, thoroughly enjoying the way they reacted to her touch. Olivia leaned forward, breathing heavily in her ear. The sound made her even wetter, if that was possible, and she moved her hand to reach down between Olivia's legs. However, the woman caught it and pulled it away.

"Ah ah."

Alex released her hold on Olivia's nipple and looked up, pouting. The brunette laughed and cupped her cheeks.

"This is about you," she said, pressing a gentle kiss against her mouth. She then grabbed her hand and led the way to the bedroom. She brought Alex to the bed, guiding her up until she was leaning against the pillows. She straddled Alex's lap first, then slid a thigh between her legs. She pressed it close, the blonde groaning and immediately bucking against her.

"Spread your legs wider."

Alex immediately parted her legs while Olivia readjusted. When the blonde finally realised what was happening, she groaned loudly.

"Are you okay?"

Olivia hadn't touched her yet. Had she hurt her?

"Yes. This is so sexy."

Olivia smiled at her and lowered herself, until their vaginas were pressed together. She bucked her hips forward, causing Alex's mouth to open wide and her eyes to slam shut. Alex responded eagerly, grabbing Olivia's ass and bucking against her.

They moved against each other in unison, and when Alex closed her mouth and pressed her lips together, Olivia leaned down and kissed her. The blonde kissed her back, hard, and brought her hands up to grab her breasts. This was the first time they had attempted this position, and given Alex's reaction, Olivia was definitely going to do this one again.

She gyrated her hips, watching the way Alex reacted: biting her lip, pushing her head harder into the pillow, opening her mouth, gasping loudly, all the while bucking her hips just as hard as Olivia was. The brunette continued to move against her, but she knew she had to stop soon. She still wasn't ready to have this end. Therefore, she reluctantly pulled away. Alex groaned in frustration.

"Seriously, Olivia, if you want to remain in this relationship, you better let me finish at some point this evening."

Olivia laughed loudly at the tone of Alex's voice. She wasn't angry, but she was definitely frustrated.

"Do you think you've learnt your lesson?"

"Yes, damn it. I definitely regret not waiting for you!"

Olivia grinned and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, baby."

Alex's stomach dropped. She knew she would finally get what she wanted, and the thought brought her arousal level up even higher.

Olivia lowered herself onto her left side so that she was leaning against the mattress, while her right half was on top of Alex.

"Next time you'll wait for me?" she asked, her fingers tracing along Alex's slit.

"Yes," Alex nodded eagerly

Olivia slowly pressed her fingers inside. She curled them forward before slipping back out and slid them up Alex's sex. She nipped at her earlobe as her fingers sought out the blonde's clit.

"When I say you're not allowed to come without me…"

Alex grunted, moving against Olivia's fingers. "I'll wait for you."

"Good," she said, pressing her lips against Alex's throat. She circled her clit, sliding under the hood, where Alex was most sensitive. Alex gasped loudly and bucked her hips, her head jerking to the right. Olivia continued circling, slowly, laying soft kisses on her lover's forehead.

"Mmm, Liv, I love your hands."

The brunette grinned to herself, sliding her fingers down and inside of Alex. She had really enjoyed taking her time tonight, torturing Alex. She thought that maybe this would be a good thing to start doing more regularly…

Alex started moaning and squirming insistently beneath her.

"Please, Liv. I really need to come."

"Okay, baby," she whispered, slowly increasing her movements until she hit a speed that matched the blonde's gyrating hips. "Don't come just yet."

Alex was breathing hard against her, her hips moving wildly as Olivia's fingers stroked her clit harder and faster.

"Oh fuck, Liv. I'm not gonna last long."

"Don't you come yet. I'm not done fucking you."

"I really need to come soon."

"Soon, but not yet," she whispered, her fingers moving down closer to Alex's entrance with every stroke.

"Turn on your side," she commanded.

The blonde quickly shifted and Olivia spooned her from behind. Alex groaned with pleasure when Olivia pressed her fingers between her legs and resumed stroking her clit. She shifted and pulled Alex's right leg over her own, spreading her open for her wandering hand. Alex's ear was now right next to her mouth, and she decided to take full advantage.

"I love how wet you are for me baby, so swollen. Fuck, you feel so good."

Olivia slid her fingers down and pushed them inside of Alex.

"Mmm, you're so tight. I love the way you feel. I can't wait to hear you come for me," she said, shifting her hand so that her palm was pressed right against Alex's clit. She moved it in circles against Alex, while stroking her fingers in and out of her. She knew Alex was desperately close. A few seconds later, Alex panted out:

"Liv, I need to come." Everything she was doing to her, the words she was saying, it was driving Alex mad. She could feel her orgasm pressing in her stomach.

"Yeah?" she asked, nipping at her shoulder. "Then come for me, baby. I want you to."

"Ah fuck."

Hearing the words come from Olivia's mouth sent another wave of pleasure right to her core. She leaned further into her, digging her fingers into the sheets and breathing hard. She bucked and gyrated her hips until that familiar pressure pressed down into her clit.

Olivia knew she was about to come when she heard Alex's breath hitch in her throat, so she moved her hand faster, plunging in and out of the woman, whispering in her ear that she wanted her to come hard. Alex cried out, tensing for a second, then gasping and moving her hips against Olivia's hand. She came hard against her, her stomach bearing down, her entire body shaking with the strength of her orgasm. She felt it crash over her in waves, gasping and crying out with ever jerk of it.

When it finally started to subside, the brunette refused to let that be the end.

"Again, Alex. I know you can come again," she husked, nipping at her shoulder.

Alex moaned loudly when Olivia's hands continued their exquisite torture, bringing her once again to the brink. She cried out a second time, grinding hard against Olivia's hand before falling limp against her body.

Olivia slowly pulled her fingers from Alex, causing the woman to let out a disappointed moan. The brunette kissed her cheek in apology. She reached over and grabbed a sheet, covering them with it. She held Alex close, waiting for the woman to come down from her high. She loved cuddling her this way, after they made love. She felt like it reinforced how much she cared about her, how much she loved her.

She heard Alex let out a content sigh before turning in her arms. When the blonde looked up at her, she smiled.

"Hi," Olivia whispered, laying a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Mmm. That was fantastic."

Olivia nodded her head. "I agree."

Alex leaned forward and pressed their lips together, kissing her softly. When she pulled away, she looked back into Olivia's eyes.

"I really liked what you did tonight."


"Mhmm," she murmured, nodding her head and snuggling in close. "I came really, really hard. My stomach is still tense."

"Good. I like that. I remember what you said that night on my couch, that you liked the idea of someone taking the control away from you. I'm more than happy to make you do what I want, counselor, especially in bed."

"Counselor," she repeated, chuckling. "The only time I'll allow it, detective, is when we're being intimate."

"Allow? I'm pretty sure you didn't allow anything earlier. I was the one doing all the allowing."

Alex chuckled again.

"I'm being serious," Olivia said, trying to hide the humour in her voice. "Or are you going to tell me I still don't have enough evidence? If you want, I can-"

"No!" Alex shrieked, giggling, her hand jerking out to grab Olivia's wandering fingers.

"I rest my case."

"You know this isn't over," Alex said, yawning. "I have all the time in the world to get you back."

Olivia smiled and pressed her lips to the blonde's forehead.

"Yes, you do. I love you, baby. So much."

Alex closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around Olivia's body and giving a gentle squeeze.

"I love you too, Liv. I've never been this happy with anyone. Thanks for being so good to me."

"There's no need to thank me. I love you, Alex."

She squeezed the woman back, rubbing her lower back gently.

"You're the best thing that's happened to me. I'm glad we finally got together, although I wish it had been under different circumstances."

"I don't think it would have happened otherwise. We needed something to push us together. And if nothing else, that experience showed me just how loving, supportive, and protective you can be."

"That'll never change, babe. You're always going to be safe here."

Alex smiled against her shoulder.

"I love you, Liv."

"I love you too, Alex. Get some sleep."

"You had better get some too, because when we wake up, it's my turn to be the boss. I can't wait. You know how I love to take control…"

Olivia grinned to herself, giving Alex one last loving squeeze. They soon fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms. Olivia's final thoughts were that she was definitely looking forward to a lifetime of letting Alex be the boss...


A/N: I know it wasn't SUPER Olivia taking control, but I figured since it's the first time she does it, it would be a little unrealistic for her to go super S&M on Alex haha! I hope you enjoyed the read :) I'll miss having you around!