"Some hope that the Three Rings, which Sauron has never touched, would then become free, and their rulers might heal the hurts of the world that he has wrought. But maybe, when the One has gone, the Three will fail, and many fair things will fade and be forgotten. That is my belief." - Elrond in the Council of Elrond (LOTR book)

Elrond was in the Hall of Fire, when the One Ring was destroyed, and although no one had brought them a message that Frodo and Sam had come so far on their quest, he felt it when they succeeded, he felt his strength and might being ripped from him in a mere five seconds and sank quickly to the ground.

To Elrond's luck, Erestor was near and caught him before his head met the cold and hard stone. Almost instantly, Erestor checked the Half-elf's pulse finding it too slow and surprisingly very weak. Elrond looked weakly into Erestor's eyes seeing the anxious and concern look for his best friend in them. He wanted to say something, say that he was going to be ok, that the war was finally over, but he lacked the strength. He weakly lifted his arm and laid it on Erestor's shoulder and whispered one word: "Frodo."

He could not bring his body to say more, for he fell unconscious shortly after he said it.

The Elves in the Hall of Fire looked to their unconscious Lord who hung limply in Erestor's arms. Everyone was concerned for him, Elrond had never fainted without a reason, their lord was strong and no one had ever seen him so weak.

Glorfindel ran towards Elrond and Erestor, and lifted Elrond in his arms and carried the Half-elf to his rooms and laid him own his bed.

Erestor stayed at the Half-elf's bedside until he awoke and then he gave give him some Miruvour. As soon as Glorfindel saw Elrond was alright he went back to the Hall of Fire to ease the crowd's concern for their lord.

As he arrived he could hear their whispers:

"Is our lord fading?" "What are we supposed to do if we lose him?" "Was he poisoned?" "Is he dying or just exhausted?"

Glorfindel tried to explain to the anxious crowd what happened to Elrond and what they were going to do now, although they were not sure what to do, as the crowd suddenly went quiet.

Elrond came in the hall and although he looked exhausted, the crowd relaxed visibly as they saw their lord. Erestor came running after Elrond obviously trying to get him back to bed but Elrond did not seem to care about him. He ordered:

"Gather all people of Imladris together; I want to speak to them in less than thirty minutes."

Orders were shouted and everyone moved to the great hall to comply with Elrond's order.

Elrond went to the great hall too, to see that everyone had indeed come to listen to him. He put one hand up to silence the crowd and as it went silent in the hall he spoke:

"As some might have noticed, I collapsed in the Hall of Fire this afternoon and instead of telling you a lie, I decided to tell you the truth, or at least the part of the truth I am allowed to tell." He paused to let the people take in what he just said and soon continued:

"I didn't collapse this afternoon because I was exhausted or ill in anyway. The One Ring is destroyed, I felt it's power and Sauron leave Middle earth forever. The lack of Sauron pulling on the edges of my spirit to get to Imladris and detect its location was so surprising and overwhelming that my body shut itself down. I'm assuring you that I am fine now and there is no need to worry anymore."

Or at least he thought so.