Hi there! This is an AU Jelsa fic. Sad things to come, I apologize. This prologue will be the shortest part of this story, but please review, and enjoy!


The one thing that Jack could remember as a child clear as day was his Uncle's funeral. Jack was five, and yet the image of the procession of men in uniform, all adorned with their shiny metals, seemed to stick in his mind. It was the same uniform his father stood in, and the same uniform that he hoped to once day wear. Specifically what his Uncle had done in that uniform he did not know, though he knew he had died serving and defending his country. It was at that age that Jack had made a life-changing decision. It was the respect show from the guests that helped that decision to formulate in his mind. It was a decision that would change his life forever.

It had started in a fifth grade class room. Two boys had been seated next to each other and made partners, though they didn't realize that partnership would last for many years. One of the boys, Jack, was teased endlessly about his pale complexion and platinum hair. The other, Jamie, was teased endlessly about his name. These two boys had a special bond that made them feel like brothers, and together were able to ignore the rude commentary of their classmates.

Jamie had come from an adopted family of two retired military members, while Jack himself spent years watching his father coming in and out from deployments. These two boys spent years trying on their fathers uniforms, playing war, and only imaging that the name tags read their names. Right out of high school graduation, their dreams became reality.

It had been with their families' support that they had enlisted, but when their enlistment entered it's second year, they began to regret their decision. In January of 2012 their unit was sent out for deployment, and a hell full of sand became their new home.

The camouflaged M16 was cocked and pointed towards the target at hand. Jack Frost couldn't feel more at home than he did wearing that uniform and holding that gun. A hand signal from his peripheral vision signaled his motion forward, and onward he jogged to the next position. He stopped in his tracks.

One shot, one kill straight to the head,

"Damn Frost... are you ever going to miss?" The voice of his best friend Jamie rang out, loud and clear and Jack let out a laugh.

"If I missed, I wouldn't keep getting promoted now would I?" Jack replied grabbing the target he had struck. A hole shown light right through the head of the black figure on the paper. He held it up, showing his comrades the paper as well as his cockiness.

Jamie approached him, patting him on the back. "Now, the question is... if that were a real person, would you still get that lucky?"

He was always challenging Jack. To them, everything was a competition from the day they joined. As seriously as they took their jobs, they took the opportunity to work together as a chance to brighten their days.

They walked back together to their tent kicking up sand. Jack took the chance to give a rebuttal. He didn't speak but dropped his equipment, grabbed Jamie, and wrestled him to the floor.

"I could hit the target and still kick your ass!" Exclaimed Jack, putting Jamie (who struggled) into a headlock.

It wasn't until they heard a loud, "SOLDIERS!", that they broke apart and stood, hands tight at their sides. They both let out a, "YES SIR!".

Their sergeant approached them, his stern face unchanging. "When you boys are done playing with each other, we run a patrol tonight."

Their groans echoed in unison.