Mikey's POV (9 AM)

"Can we pwease have fantakes?" Ben asks as I walked into the kitchen, yawning. I just nod and grab the necessary ingredients before mixing them together in a bowl. After heating the skillet, I use a ladle to put batter onto it and wait for them to bubble. As I placed the smallest ones on the plate, something reflects in my eye from the sunlight.

I frown mentally before glancing down at what I found to be a huge ruby being held by a golden ring band. It had the words 'Forever Mine and Forever Loved' engraved on its inner ring. Something taps my shoulder and I whip around to find Raph on his knee, smirking.

"Raph? Why'd you-?"

"Will ya rather marry me or jump off the Empire State Building?" he asks, still looking smug and handsome as ever.

I let my jaw drop. This is…

It's something I never imagined I'd ever see projected in my direction. Someone wants to be tied down with me for life. Someone wants to be with me forever. Someone loves me. Not just friend love. Not family love. Real love.

He loves me.

He wants me.

He needs me.

He won't leave me.

"Yes! I'll marry you, ya big cheese head!" I shout before I tackle him into a kiss on the floor. I rest my head on his chest as he laughs hard. "Brat" he sighs happily. "Dippy" I groan in annoyance while smacking his hand away from my ass. He slaps it around before I kiss his neck and hug him tight. "My big teddy bear" I whine into his ear. "Duh. Who else do I belong to?" he asks before Ben flops on my back. "I put up pictures!" he cheers.

"You belong to Ben. Benny, did you finish you pancakes?" I ask as Raph carries us into the living room. "Yeah! Daddy snore loud though" He whispers to me. "I know. He sounds like a big bear" I whisper loudly. He nods, giggling like a maniac.

"I heard that!" Raph shouts as he heads towards the bathroom. Ben runs after him whining about going to the park. I change into shorts as the doorbell rings. Not caring to look through the peek hole, I unlock and open the door.

"Hello beautiful sunflower" the man purrs as he leans in the doorway.

Xever. Shit.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss. He smiles devilishly and swaggers into the living room. "You know why I'm here. I do not care if your silly bodyguard is here. I WILL have my way with you" He purrs, cupping my cheek and stroking it lovingly.

"You are asking for a death wish" I scoff, pushing him away.

He grabs my wrist and yanks me back against his chest with an evil gleam in his eyes. "Remember who gave you food when you didn't have a slice of bread to stay alive. I gave you food, shelter, clients, money and Intel. You owe me. I OWN you, Prostitute!" he shouts angrily, tightening his grip.

"Let me go now. I swear I will kill you and dance on your grave if the state even decides to bury or just let you rot in the back alley!" I growl, kicking as he tries to drag me out of the town home. I kick over a flower vase purposely and wait for Raph. We have a system where if we're in trouble, knock over a vase to let the other know when we're home at the same time.

His idea. He better recognize the damn signal or I will tape his balls to his eyelids!

Xever rips open the door and slaps me across the face. A growl interrupted any further action though Xever had his hands around my neck, chocking me. I closed my eyes as the oxygen was escaping and not returning to my lungs. I opened them again to see Raph sending Ben away and pulling out his pistol from the nightstand.

He stomps over and breaks the hold, my back hitting the floor and he sent Xever flying into the wall.

"Oh you have gotten stronger since our last encounter. But you are still a mere boy with a bb gun. You have no strength to defeat me. You are only prevailing what is to happen. He is a prostitute. A whore. A slut. A cum dumpster. He'll die from disease or murder. You cannot protect him forever. His clients will come after you, idiota" Xever snarls, pulling out a machete.

"Ya better leave him where he is and don't bring your ass back here or I'll put you in Chris' grave. I'm sure ya like that." Raph scoffs, charging at him and knocking the weapon out of his hand. Xever growls and uppercuts Raph.

"Do not speak of that fool to me. He is as idiotic as they come. Pathetic boy loves that whore" the Brazilian scoffs and dodges a swing.

"He what?!" Raph snarls and pins him with his legs, pounding Xever's chest with his fists like an angry gorilla protecting his clan.

"You dumb ass brute. You'll see in time how desperate he is" Xever laughs, coughing blood as Raph throws him out and back on the street.

"Yeah right. Go die somewhere" Raph rolls his eyes and slams the door, turning the security system on for the day.

He comes over and helps me up then examines the hand print on my face. "I'll kill him. I swear it." He growls while caressing my cheek lovingly and breathing heavy. I let him carry me and place on the couch in his lap. "Love me?" I pout, making big eyes at him. "More than ya know, brat. Just don't think it ain't there." He mumbles as he leans down and nips at my neck.

"I got a quick question" he pulls away to ask.

"Ask away, old man"

"…Do I hafta wear a tux? It makes me look like a pudgy penguin" he asks, smirking when I choke on air.

I elbow him in the chest after figuring out his little trick. The bastard tries to make me laugh hard every year for my birthday. He said that when I do, I have a smile on my face. I still don't understand what that is.

"Can we go out to eat?" Ben asks, peeking at me over the edge of the desk in Raph's office. I was using his desktop to turn in homework to Donnie. He just loves Sesame Chicken and noodles.

"Pwease, I good today. Daddy say so" he begs as he comes around and hugs my arm. I kiss his forehead and pull him onto my lap. "Okay baby boy. Didn't you and daddy play football..?"




"In the rain and mud?"


"Okay, didn't I say to stay out of the mud?"


I shake my head as he smiles big and innocent with his eyes closed tight. Raph walks in with a towel wrapped tight around his waist. "Daddy, we in twouble" Ben frowns as Raph sits on the chair next to the desk.

"Yep We got caught red-handed, buddy. I ain't scared though. That just means we get to stay inside and play" Raph smirks as he picks Ben up.

"Oh shush! Ben, help daddy get dressed. He's making my eyes water." I whine. Ben cackles loudly as he's tickled and taken to the bedroom.

The weirdos I have to put up with. Ridiculous.

A/N: This will be the last update for this week. I hope people are actually reading this otherwise I'll put this on Hiatus. I would like some feedback though. For the people who do review, KUDOS to you because you rock! I might take requests. Maybe If I get enough reviews.