He needed an escape. An escape to a world where no one could judge him. Everyone at school played video games. Yet he got picked on because he played a bunch of kid games instead of Call of Duty or Team Fortress 2. So what if I'm sixteen, he would always think.
One day everything changed though…
He was lying in bed just thinking of the best way to beat Cooking Mama, then he realized even he didn't like that game and decided to get rid of it as soon as he could. But there's was a loud CRACK and a flash. He sat right up and in his open closet was a swirling vortex of blue and white with a black dot in the middle. The wind started picking up and he was freaking out as all his windows were closed. His feet were starting to pull towards the edge of his bed and he realized he was being sucked into the vortex. His blanket flew across the room. He turned himself over on his belly and clawed at his mattress trying to keep hold of his bed. The suction was too strong though and he let go of his bed and got sucked into the vortex.
Wind rushed through his face. He tried opening his eyes, but failed as the gravitational pull was too strong. "What's going on!" he yelled but his voice was sucked through the air and he couldn't hear himself. He was in the sky, going through cloud after cloud with a soft POOF. He started wishing one of the clouds would be like a pillow and end his fall. This is just some horrible dream he thought. He tried to open his eyes again and spotted islands. He was really confused because there was no water. As one of them passed above him and he saw more islands on his decent, realized that all the islands were floating. WHAT THE CRAP IS GOING ON! he thought. Finally one of the islands was directly below him. This is gonna hurt he thought as he screamed at the top of his lungs. The island got bigger underneath him as he rushed faster and faster through the air. Within seconds the island came too close and he landed with a loud BANG and then he blacked out.
When he woke up, he was in pain. His back was sore and his head felt like two tyrannosauruses were playing racquetball with his brain. The odd thing was, he felt skinnier. Granted he was always a small person, but his midsection felt almost... none existent. He groaned his he got up. When his feet came into view, he almost squealed. Where his feet should have been, there were metallic blue boots with golden vine designs on it. The worst part was, coming out of the boots were bones for legs. Not figuratively. Where his legs should have been were actual leg bones. He looked at his waist and there was only a hip bone and a small view of some vertebrae also caught his eye. Then he looked at his chest and there was a blue chest plate with similar golden vine designs as his boots. Then he looked at his arms where there were also bones and his hands were covered by metallic blue gloves. Lastly, his head felt way different. He tried to feel the top of his head, but was interrupted by a thin crest.
"What is going on?" he said aloud and gulped. His voice was replaced by a robotic and deathly voice. "Where am I" he said when his sanity finally recovered. Finally he looked around him. He was at the bottom of a short, grassy hill and around the hill were rocks covering the outer edge. He couldn't see past it and decided to see. He got up, expecting his legs to give since they were only bones, but some how he felt stronger. He walked over to the rock-covered edge. As he peered over his legs gave from the shock. There was nothing. Only a cloud filled abyss. He looked around the sky and spotted a few more islands like the one he was on. He turned around and looked at the hill. He decided to get on top of it and look around. Once he reached the summit (of the very short hill mind you) he looked around. He spotted a small pond. Ooh, water he thought. He slid down the hill and looked at the pond before he took a drink.
He screamed a robotic scream when he saw his reflection. His blue face looked slightly skeletal, but it was clearly a robot type head. His eyes had no pupils, they only glowed a bright neon yellow. His mouth was a circle with to horizontal half circles. He guessed they were his lips. He opened his gate like mouth and only saw the bright neon yellow as his eyes. His forehead had a golden band around it and a neon yellow stone in the middle of it. His mind thought of what Indian women had on their foreheads. On top of his head was a blue crest shape that went up from the front of his head, and curved downward into the back. It was outlined with gold and the top of the crest was completely covered in gold. He noticed something on his back. He reached behind him and pat himself only to find a flat tipped object and a rounded object. He pulled them from straps on his back that he had no idea he had only to find a one-sided sword and a blue and golden shield that matched his body. He put them back on his back not knowing what else to do with them.
He noticed something to his left. A blueish circle on the ground glowed with energy. His curiosity killed him and he went over to it. Not knowing what to do, he slowly put his foot on it as if he were testing the temperature of a pool. The circle burst at the touch and his leg flew behind him with such momentum that it sent him into a back flip and he landed on his back. "Ok, so it's some sort of bounce pad" he thought to himself. He got up and then jumped both feet on the blue circle. With a similar burst, he immediately shot up into the air and he felt a rush of adrenaline. "WOOOHOOHOOHOO!" he shouted in excitement. He landed back on the ground and collapsed. "That was awesome!" he yelled with a fist pumped in the air.
He sat up and noticed a balloon like shape floating towards him. He didn't care thought. Wherever he was felt amazing. Soon, the balloon floated over him and landed on the hill that was on the island. The door of the basket to the hot air balloon fell and a creature came out. It was a cat like figure with airplane goggles on his forehead, a brown aviator type jacket with brown cargo pants and a red scarf around his neck. "YO, Chop Chop! I've been looking all over for yah!" His booming voice said.
"Woh, woh, woh." He said to the creature in his robotic voice. "Who the heck is Chop Chop?"
"How do you not know who you are? But WHATEVER, Kaos is doing an evil dohicky as he always is and we need you to come back to help fight!" the cat-like creature said.
"Kaos? Who is Kaos? And who are you anyway?" he asked.
The creature gasped in aspiration. "You don't recognize me?" he shook his head no. "Wow, you must really be hurt. Well just so you remember again, I am Flynn, the best pilot in all Skylands. You are a sky-"
"WOHOHO! Stop right there!" he said to Flynn with his arms in a stopping position. "Where did you say we are?"
Flynn looked at him, clearly a little annoyed that he didn't finish his speech. "Skylands?" he said. "You're a Skylander, remember? Fight trolls, bring Kaos down?" Seeing his blank face, Flynn added, "Slice and dice?" After a few awkward seconds Flynn finally said, "Ok, come with me. Maybe Hugo and Eon can make heads or tails of this situation."
Coming out of his shock, he finally said, "Skylands? As in the video game?"
Flynn looked at him. "Uhhh, what's a video game?"
"Never mind."
"Ok, so even if you don't know who you are, you are called Chop Chop, got it?" Flynn asked.
Chop Chop nodded. "Ok, let's ride!" Flynn got in the balloon basket again and the person called Chop Chop reluctantly followed.
"Wait, why am I called Chop Chop? Because that is a dumb name. Is it because I have a sword." Chop Chop asked.
"Duhh," Flynn was clearly dumbfounded. He finally recovered, "You know even in my awesomeness there are somethings even I don't know."
The balloon began to take off from the hill. Chop Chop, or rather the person who had no idea why he was Chop Chop, started to wonder why he was here and why he was in a video game. "Well Chop Chop, or whoever you think you are," Flynn said. "Welcome to Skylands!"