Summary: It has been two years since Nami has seen her nakama! Many things have changed since the last time they met some things are still changing. Like Nami and Zoro's relationship. All it takes is one indecent proposal... Well two years on a sky island with a bunch of old men can do that to a girl!
Rating: M (Language, Sexual Situations, Sex Scenes.)
Genre: Romance/Lemon/Friendship/Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: ZoroღNami
Chapter Estimation: 15-20
Two years was a long time indeed. Nami couldn't help but wear a huge grin on her face as she looked at each of her beloved nakama. They had all changed so much yet it felt like they hadn't been separated for more than a day. Some things never change she supposed. The navigator was feeling a bit sentimental being reunited with the others again. She smoothed her hand over the spotless surface of the ship before leaning down to press her lips against the wooden railing.
"I missed you too, Sunny." Nami admitted to the ship quietly. Straightening up she was startled by the swordsman who appeared beside her. He arched one of his moss colored brows folding his arms over his chest indifferently. "What are you doing!" Nami hissed angrily shaking a fist at Zoro who took a cautious step back.
"When are we setting out?" He inquired simply. Damn him. Always acting so calm, cool, and collected it made her want to punch him more than she already did. Sighing she let go of the urge propping her elbows up on the railing to lean over slightly.
"Soon." Nami answered the first mate glancing back over at him. As always Zoro looked totally disinterested, a yawn even passed his thin lips. The navigator wasn't even sure if it was possible but he looked more tired than usual... Where was he these past two years? She watched the swordsman walk away from her curiously.
"Nami! What are you looking at?!" A small voice surprised Nami this time. She nearly clocked the tiny reindeer over the head with her knuckles, luckily Nami was able to pull her punch at the last minute. Chopper ran across the deck over to Usopp jumping into the sniper's waiting arms. "Nami got scarier!" The ship doctor exclaimed to which Usopp agreed.
"What was that!?" Nami fumed directing a chilly glare over at the cowardly duo. They screamed of course but that wasn't the noise that Nami noticed, slowly she turned her head to make sure what she was hearing was right.
Zoro was... Laughing?
That was what Nami saw Zoro doing while leaning against the mast, he must have watched their banter. It wasn't often Zoro laughed but there he was. Their eyes locked for a brief moment before Nami turned back to the railing to avoid eye contact. Was it possible that the dense swordsman was feeling sentimental too after all this time? Slowly the navigator turned back to the mast to catch another glimpse-
"He is sleeping?!"
Nami was tossing and turning that night, she was restless of course. Though the orange-haired beauty had no idea what was bothering her. Something was just making her feel weird, she was sweating, she had caught a fever maybe? Though after spending so much time in Weatheria she had built up a tolerance to such common sickness'. Then what was it?
The navigator was still bewildered laying there looking up at the ceiling of her bedroom with her mind racing. The waves under them slightly rocked the ship that only seemed to upset her more. Maybe it was some sort of illness? But as the feeling kept getting stronger Nami discounted that theory once more, this wasn't just some random sickness in fact it wasn't a sickness at all. Nami had felt like this a few times in Weatheria.
The heat gathering between her thighs gave the girl a perfect idea of what was happening to her. This could not be happening at a worst time. Nami mused to herself desperately pressing her thighs together trying to suppress the feeling that was beginning to torture her.
Her body had matured in those two years away from the crew. She had a lot of pent up feelings as well, it wasn't like Weatheria had good looking guys running around everywhere. In fact the boys from her crew were the first people she has seen in a long time that weren't old men. The fact still remained that they were nakama! She couldn't possibly think of anyone in that way.
When her hormones would strike in Weatheria it was terrible mostly because she had no one there to speak to. But after a moment of thinking about her crew Nami realized something... She had Robin! Still the situation was embarrassing and she'd rather keep it to herself however if Nami did nothing she might drive herself insane. So after a moment of thinking it through Nami rolled out of bed deciding it was about time for some girl talk.
"Robin?" Nami hummed quietly knocking on the ravenette's bedroom door. An arm blossomed on the door in front of the flustered navigator gesturing Nami to come in. She obliged opening the door slowly peeking into the room. Robin was sitting at her desk with a small lamp illuminating the dim room, she smiled at Nami shutting the thick book in her hands.
"Nami." Robin greeted pleasantly. "Can I help you?"
She couldn't help but squirm awkwardly under Robin's piercing gaze, for some reason Nami had the feeling the ravenette knew why she was there. Pressing her plump lips in a firm line the navigator felt a warm blush start to color her face. She felt on fire at that moment, her mouth was dry yet words continued struggling to escape her.
"I- I just- I wanted to talk-" Nami started and stopped a few times. How would she be able to word such a thing? "I have a problem." The girl finally decided to leave it at that for now until she regained her composure.
"That doesn't sound very good at all." Robin comforted the navigator softly turning her chair to face Nami. "I'm sure I could give you some advice if you are willing to tell me. Feel no pressure to confide in me right away, take your time." Robin reassured with a small smile.
"I-It is just I have needs." Nami stuttered out nervously tapping her fingertips together refusing to meet Robin's gaze. "If you know what I mean..." She decided to add that last part after a short pause in case the ravenette didn't quite understand what she was trying to get at here. A small chuckle escaped Robin's mouth then and she nodded. Nami wasn't sure if she should be relieved Robin understood or angry she laughed at the situation.
"So you have gone through this too?" The orange-haired navigator managed to ask weakly.
"I can't say I have." Robin shot back. It felt like an arrow had been put through her, if Robin hadn't been through this then what sort of advice could she give? Nami hunched over some feeling like sulking for a while, Robin continued before Nami was able to do so. "I was on the run for twenty years I never had the time to worry about such things. But I still have a woman's intuition."
"That's true." Nami mumbled hopefully perking up a bit. "What should I do?"
"Take care of it." Robin told the woman in front of her bluntly. It felt like another arrow had been shot though her again Nami felt deflated. That answer didn't help her at all. Nami had already tried taking care of it herself multiple times in the past, nothing she did worked in the slightest. "I'm sure one of the boys would be eager to help." The ravenette finished her statement after a moment.
Nami's jaw nearly dropped at the boldness of Robin's words. Had she completely lost her mind? Nami was aware of Robin's overactive imagination but this time she felt the older woman had completely crossed the line. What she had just suggested was so wrong on so many different levels. After the initial shock of hearing the statement Nami recovered.
"I can't possibly-" Nami began before quickly cutting herself off. "I can't." The navigator finished simply instead of ranting for a few minutes like she felt like doing. The blush on her face had gotten warmer and darker from the brazen suggestion from her fellow woman. A mischievous smirk danced across Robin's lips as she leaned back into her chair folding her legs.
"Just think about it." Robin offered one last time before turning her chair back to her desk and reopening the book in her hands. "Better your nakama than any devious gentlemen in the New World."
Nami thought about it alright, she thought about it longer than she'd like to admit. It was true that if given the choice she'd rather the experience be with someone she trusted. She wasn't the type of girl to find a stranger to use to fulfill her increasingly urgent needs. Still the choices among her nakama were limited.
Chopper, Brook, and Franky were out immediately for obvious reasons. Nami might have considered Usopp if the long-nosed baka knew how to keep his mouth shut. The last thing she needed was for the whole ship to be aware of her new endeavor. Sanji was considered briefly before she thought it best not to play with the lovesick cook's heart. There was Robin of course but Nami couldn't muster the courage to go crawling back to her after the embarrassment she endured a few minutes ago. Luffy was her captain and she doubted that the lovable fool even knew anything about what she wanted.
That left Zoro, not the worst choice obviously. She had known him the longest and trusted him as much as anyone else. Zoro wasn't the type to go talking about it, he was easy on the eyes, and it looked like he could satisfy her. A shiver ran up her spine at the thought. Was it wrong that she suddenly felt so excited about the idea?
The navigator's mind was made up at that moment, she quickly started out onto the deck towards Zoro's room. It was chilly outside but Nami didn't mind it knowing what was about to come. Climbing the ladder up into Zoro's nest she found him sprawled out on the ground next to his massive weights. Her heart was beating a thousand miles a minute as she shook him awake weakly.
"Zoro..." She whispered down at him. The orange-haired beauty wasn't sure why she was whispering, it wasn't like anyone would hear them out here. Maybe it was her own anxiety and nervousness messing with her. "Wake up..."
"Hm?" The mosshead grunted turning over slightly his one good eye squinting opened at Nami. The girl who was knelt beside the sleepy swordsman took a deep breath before she made her proposal as blunt as possible.
"Fuck me."
Zoro peered up at her for a few moments through the darkness. Nami waited for something anything, something came but it wasn't what she expected.
He fell asleep!
.oO To Be Continued Oo.