Lucy's POV

I walked into the guild with a smile on my face. "Hi everyone!"

"Hi Lucy!" most shouted back.

It was a normal day in Fairy Tail. Natsu and Gray were fighting, Mira was pretending that she didn't notice the older men fawning over her, Elfman and Evergreen were fighting, Erza was eating cake, Cana was drinking, Happy was talking to Carla, Carla was ignoring Happy, and so on. The only difference was everyone seemed to be keeping a close eye on Lisanna, even if it was discreetly.

Lisanna had come back from Edolas about a month ago. The party had gone on day and night for at least a week. At first, people had ignored me a bit, but as soon as they settled down it all went back to normal. Lisanna and I had actually become friends.

"Lucy! Come over here!" Lisanna waved me over to where her and Levy sat at the bar. Curious, I did as requested.

They were looking at a lacrima. If you just glanced at it, it would look normal, just your everyday lacrima. But upon further inspection, I saw that it had a bit of a strange aura about it. Brushing it off, I turned to Lisanna. "What is it?"

"We wanted to show you this lacrima. Levy found it at the magic shop on the other side of Magnolia. If you put your hand right here on top like this," she placed her palm directly above the orb, "then it scans your energy and tells you how strong your magic power is!" The lacrima started to glow before my eyes, when it dimmed, there was a number hovering above it.

Levy spoke up. "Wow, Lisanna. You got a twenty seven!"

Lisanna smiled. "That isn't very high…"

Levy laughed. "Hey, I only got a twenty two!"Turning to me, she explained. "The lacrima tells you where your power ranges between one and one hundred. Even if you are wearing limiters, it can still sense your full power. But one hundred has almost never been reached before. Very few are strong enough. Even the Master only got a seventy four!"

I gaped. "Only a seventy four? But he's a wizard saint."

Wow, someone must be really powerful to get a one hundred. I wonder what I would get. No! Don't be an idiot Lucy! You can't let that thing test your power! At least not in front of everyone like this!

"Your turn, Lu-chan." said Levy. Inside, I started panicking. I could let anyone know the true extent of my power. They would be so angry to know that I lied to them. I am not ready for them to know the truth yet.

I stalled. "I have to go on a job to pay my rent, so I don't really have time for-" Lisanna cut me off.

"Lucy, it will only take a second. Besides, it couldn't possibly be anything lower than ours, so what are you afraid of?"

"Nothing." Everything.

At that moment, the guild froze. At first I was confused, but then I was able to sense it.

Someone was approaching the guild, and that someone was powerful. I could almost taste the magical energy in the air. Some people in the guild looked scared, others curious, but none knew what I knew. Felt what I felt.

I started laughing, and even though everyone was giving me confused stares, I couldn't help myself. Looking towards the door, I yelled through the walls. "I know that you like to make an impression, but can't you do it without taking off your limiters?"

Now the entire guild was looking at me strangely. Not my fault that I just happen to know exactly what is going on.

Then the doors to Fairy Tail guild hall burst open wide, revealing two hooded figures. One was about two feet taller than me and had a long, midnight black cloak that looked silky, but I knew that it was made by a cloth tougher than steal. The other figure was about my height and had a similar cloak. The difference was, it was silver and seemed to have a purple shine to it when hit by direct sunlight.

I jumped down from my stool at the bar and approached them slowly. When I was about two yards away, I stopped and looked at the figures with a blank expression. The smaller figure reached up with two delicate, fragile looking hands and removed the hood. There stood a girl my age with caramel brown eyes and golden blond hair. If you haven't guessed by now, she was identical to me.

The girl and I seemed to have a silent staring contest. Neither of us blinking nor saying a word, just looking at each other. She broke first and her mouth spread into a wide, familiar grin. She ran towards me giggling and leapt into my arms. "Lulu!"

I laughed and hugged her back. "It's good to see you to, Ai."

Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see the other figure staring down at me. They still hadn't removed their cloak, making me roll my eyes. "Still cautious about whom you show your face to I see."

The figure sighed and removed their hood. I froze momentarily at the sight before mentally shaking myself and remembering who it was. Before me stood a man, about two or three years older than me. He had black hair that was even darker than his cloak and seaweed green eyes that could stare directly into your soul. And he was stunningly gorgeous.

He smirked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. I'm sexy."

I blushed and stuck my tongue out at him. Ai and I had sunk to the floor by now, arms still wrapped around each other. We sat there, me looking at him and her looking at me, for a full thirty seconds in complete silence. Finally, I realized that we were still in the guild.

Turning, I saw a million eyes on me. Or rather, on us. The Master walked up and looked at me. "Lucy, would you mind introducing us to your friends?"

I smiled at him and stood, helping Ai to her feet. Looking at my guildmates, I threw one arm around her shoulders and spoke. "Everyone, the human box of charms over there is Hayato." My voice was dripping with sarcasm but even though it had lightheartedness to it, I could practically feel his glare burning a hole through the back of my head. "And this is my sister, Aimi."

The guild froze, the simultaneously shouted, "Sister?!"

I giggled and Ai looked at them with a smile. "Twin sister, actually."

While everyone else was still trying to get it through their heads, Master spoke gleefully, as if this kind of thing happened every day. "Well then, Hayato and Aimi, nice to meet ya!"

Hayato walked up and slung his arm around my shoulders casually. "Nice to meet you as well, Master Makarov."

Seeing his actions, Natsu and Gray both jumped out of their seats and ran over, pulling me away from him and growling. Hayato growled back as I wiggled in their grip.

"Hayato, these two bakas are Natsu and Gray. Natsu and Gray, this is Hayato." I managed to struggle out of their grip. Said boys were having a glaring contest and none of them seemed as if they would be giving up any time soon.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Ai. "Come on, Ai. We need to escape this pool of testosterone while we still can." She followed me with a skip in her step.

When we got to the bar, we ignored the stares that we were still receiving from the guild. "We have so much catching up to do!" I said to her.

"Actually, Lulu, there is something that we need to talk to you about." Ai's face suddenly turned serious.

Realization dawned on me. They actually did it? Or did they fail? "We will talk at my apartment later."

Ai nodded and changed the subject. "So, Fairy Tail huh? That must be interesting. You know what is coming next, so prepare yourself."

I did know what was coming. Ai was going to interrogate me on everything that I had done in the four years that we have been separated. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, just to humor her. Opening my eyes, I nodded, signaling her to continue.

"First and foremost. Which one of the guys currently staring down Hay-chan is your boyfriend?" Of course that would be at the top of your list, Ai.

"Neither of them. They like to act like protective older brothers." I said truthfully.

"Protective older brother, huh?" Ai giggled. "Remember when we were thirteen and that was Hay-chan's job? He scared the hell out of Nick Sanderson. And it was right after he asked me out!"

I followed suit. "Yeah, I remember. That was the first and the last time that you had a boyfriend."

She stuck her tongue at me playfully. "Well, I wasn't the only one that he was protective of. Remember James Gorou? Hay-chan beat him to a pulp for trying to kiss you."

I crossed my arms defensively. "I didn't care one way or another!"

"Don't play games with me, sister. You were going to kiss him back."

"Was not! He wasn't even cute."

"Your right, you never thought he was cute. I specifically remember you describing him as 'Hottie lamotie with a smoking body'. Girl you had it bad!"

"I was twelve when that happened! And I had my reasons."

"Translation: 'I was trying to make Hayato jealous'."

"If I remember correctly, it was you who had a crush on Hayato."

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

A voice behind us spoke jokingly. "Ladies, ladies! I get it; you both had the hots for me. I am irresistible. Next question."

We turned to see Hayato with a cheeky grin on his face. After sharing a look, we jumped out of our seats and attacked him. Ai was smacking at his chest and kicking at his shins while I had jumped on his back and was covering his eyes with one hand and pulling his ear with the other.

Maybe it was a bad idea, because we both made ourselves vulnerable. Since we were both technically relying on him to hold us up, all three of us ended up on the ground.

After about five more minutes of wrestling with him, Ai decided to turn on me. Throwing her hands up in the air, she shouted, "Snake!"

I stopped attaching Hayato and whipped around. "Where?!"

Ai and Hayato jumped me from behind and used my greatest weakness against me.

I had forgotten that I was ticklish. Squealing, I ended up lying on my back screaming and laughing until my throat heart. After several more minutes of unsuccessful attempts to escape, I finally gave in. "Alright! Alright, I yield!"

They immediately stopped and all three of us laid there panting on the guild floor. Everyone had sat back and watched, amused at our antics. I didn't know how long we stayed there, but at some point Mira walked up to us.

"So, are you two going to join the guild?"

I hope you liked it! I will try and post again soon. I know that this is only the first chapter, but I want to work some romance in there. I already know that I want to put Lucy and Hayato together, but I am still working on a guy for Ai. Should I pair her up with Natsu or Gray? Please review or PM me with your vote. Until next time!