Hey there :3

Let's see if some of you are still out there ^^


Fayefox: welcome back …euhm…again? :D I'd be honoured :3 If the offer is still up, that is ^^'

Arisana803: you know I love doing that ...Every. Single. Time. :-)

whitewolf7410: I'm glad that you like it so far! But I won't say anything more hehe ~

Btw- what's your favourite animal?

Minecraft Guardiansaiyan: I could- but wouldn't that be too boring? Why should Altaïr trust him~?

raindropdew: ty for staying with me, even after all this time :3 and …who knows~?

AmercianJynx Jones: Ty so much! ^-^ well…Kadar is dead :/ but hopefully you'll take a liking to Khalil ~

Ezio: OI – you're not supposed to be there yet! Don't tell the readers D: it's a surprise

LumioniusMoonRay: Yeah! Again, just a 'few weeks', right? O:-) and the boy actually lives! :'D and Desmond is just a little emotional …I guess …maybe… :-)

Jo: I will try my best, ty! ^-^

Tree1112: I'm so happy, that you like it :3 If you're still here with me- pls enjoy chapter 5!

The Forgotten Reader: AWW. 3 Ty :) well ..I am back, again! :'D

Sss: Yes, Sir!

Guest: +1 for your name. :'D I hope I am not disappointing you, even though I described less details this time .

nirvana -af: Ty very much! xD

Echo the Ice Tiger: yep, this another chapter – no worries! ^-^

nessa11997: hehe~ ty ! :3

Ethan Illinois Jones: …this is your lucky day – they will have a close, brotherly relationship – with Malik, as well :'D

Fuchs: well …meet Khalil! We don't know much about him yet …but eyo~ *glares back*

The Best Guesst: Here's the next update! Btw, was 'The Best Guest' already taken? xD

Dragonlight1: yes, yes, yes I am :'D ^-^


Here's my 5th chapter – pls enjoy :3

Where fallen angels' curses leak

on purest bud, on whitest seed.

Where morbid hands taint empty ground

and rivals' love will cause no sound.

- The Second Part

~ The eyes of a scared young novice now looking up to mine. ~

Dark brown eyes stared right at me.

As I looked closer I noticed that he was all covered in blood, with several wounds yet to be taken care of. The little boy in front of me was no older than ten, maybe eleven but nevertheless he seemed to have a well-trained body.

Or at least used to have…

Now he was just skin and bones- His small hands were holding onto a piece of bread, not seeming to let go.

For how long has he been here?

Whatever was happening here it was definitely not normal. The small amount of guards, the obviously missing Altaïr. The whole place actually.

All of this seemed so suspicious. But what had this all to do with this small boy?

Knowing that thinking too much about it wouldn't get me any answers, I decided to first get this boy out of here. Who knows, maybe he'll prove to be of any use to me after all.

But that was probably easier said than done. Not only did I need the keys but I also had to somehow convince that little guy to trust me.

Hell, not even I would trust myself looking like this. Snorting at my own comment I looked right back into the novice's eyes, also noticing the fear they held. I knew that I had to refrain myself from making any abrupt movements now. Therefore, I slowly knelt down with my hands up, trying to look less threatening. Now I only had to -


Within seconds I realised that I wouldn't be able to speak with him. So far, the Animus had always translated everything into modern English. But since something was wrong with my connection to it, I kinda doubted that it would kindly translate my words into Arabic.

Which in turn meant that I would have to use my, of course, excellent Arabic knowledge -

in other words, the two or three words I actually knew myself.

"Euhm..." Great start, really. I wouldn't be surprised if that had only made things worse.

"الفرار ...and... جواب …," was all I managed to say. I wasn't even sure if what I said made any sense at all. For all I know I could have just insulted his whole family.

The boy just stared at me, his eyes wide and tearful.

I really did make it even worse, huh.

I figured that I should be careful not to just use some random words that came to my mind.

"لا أقصد أي ضرر !" that was my last try. If I wasn't mistaken, it meant something close to 'meaning no harm'. Altaïr used this sentence once and I made sure not to forget it, since it was the only humane thing I had ever hear him say. But to my dismay it didn't have the desired effect.

Letting the bread fall down to the cold floor, he crawled back to increase the distance between us - without looking away from me even once. Just then it dawned on me that the guards must have been torturing him up to this point. No assassin would show so much fear to a stranger unless he had experienced something so cruel that he wouldn't be able to control himself any more. Not to mention that this was just a mere kid. But now was not the time to sympathise with him. If I wouldn't be able to talk to him then that meant -

"Well fuck this. How am I supposed to get him to trust me if he can't even understand me? Fate really hates me, huh."

Sighing, I put my hands around the bars. What I really wanted to know, is why everything had to go wrong the whole time. It really seemed like there was no way out of this mess.

"Oi, kid! I know you can't understand me but I really don't have the time to just sit here and do nothing. So, could you please do me a favour and don't run away when I'm trying to save your fucking ass? Cause I'd really like t-"

"Why should I?"

"-o hurry up and get home as soon as pos-," but then I stopped myself from continuing.

He talked. In English.

My head shot upwards as I realised what had happened. Starring right at him I couldn't help myself but to ask him directly.

"You...speak English?"

"And what if I did?" His voice was hoarse as he answered with a heavy Arabic accent.

It sounded like he hadn't used it for quite some time and it also seemed like he was in a desperate need for some water, too.

Something that we have in common, actually.

At that moment, I didn't care about just how he was able to understand me as this sure made things easier. For now, I should just be happy and think about how this was possible sometime later.

"Look, boy-" "I'm not a boy." Surprised by his attitude I cocked my eyebrows. Maybe...

"Look, girl," I said, emphasising the girl part maybe a bit too much.

"I'M NOT A GIRL!" he screamed so loudly that, I bet, even all of China had heard this. In a quick movement, he had met my face on the other side of the bars. At least that ensured me that he was not critically injured in any way.

"Be quiet!" is what I quietly shouted back at him. "Or do you want to let all the guards know that I'm here to save you?"

Ashamed, he looked on the floor. "I don't need anyone to save me," he mumbled. Wha-

He sure was cocky now for almost having cried out of fear only a few minutes ago.

But at least he seemed to have slightly relaxed around me. Which led me to an idea…

"So, what are you then, hm?" I asked, whilst chuckling quietly. Within seconds, he started to blush wildly.

"I'm a proud assassin of the Brotherhood!" he said, his eyes full of determination. Well, I guess I could say that I had been right. But surely the Templars couldn't have mistaken this little kid for Altaïr….right? What on earth is happening here?

Suddenly, the boy's eyes widened. He probably just realised that it was forbidden to talk about being part of the Brotherhood. Not that I minded though.

"Well, I knew that much," I told him. He didn't seem to expect that. Genius.

"How...?" he whispered.

"That doesn't matter right now. First of all, we should get you out of here," I said. But that was easier said than done. I had never been good in lock picking and as far as I could tell there weren't any keys nearby, either. Which, of course, left only one option.

Why me...

"Do they have any patterns?" I asked. But the kid only continued staring at me, clearly confused. Sighing, I repeated myself.

"The guards – do they have some sort of pattern?" If there are any at, that is.

"Pattern…?" he asked. "I assume that they bring you food and water once in a while?" He nodded. This sure would make things easier.

"Good. And is there any pattern to that? Like… well I don't know. Maybe a special time when they come here or something?" I asked.

Because there had to be a pattern. And if I could manage to sneak up on the guard and ...get rid of him, I could take the keys and get this boy out of here. Too many 'if's' for my liking…

"There's usually one guard that comes here in the early morning. Even before sunrise."

That sounded reasonable enough. With a bit of luck, we would manage to escape this place before sunrise. The darkness should be of help.

"Okay, here's the plan. Whenever the guard comes to bring you the food, I will kill him and steal his keys. After that we should hurry and get out of here."

The kid only raised his left eyebrow, obviously having no faith in my skills.

Smart kid.

After what felt like years of silence, I decided to sit down in front of the cell.

I didn't know why but I somehow felt obliged to talk to this boy.

Now let's start this awkward conversation…

"So… what's your name, huh?" I asked with the nicest voice I could manage. Yet, the boy only looked at me, as if I had just asked the dumbest question on earth. After a few seconds, he slightly shook his head.

"What about your age then," but he only shook his head once again. He obviously wasn't going to tell me anything.

"Got anything to tell me then?" I tried. But the only answer I got -surprise, surprise- was him shaking his head.

Go figure. This conversation sure was one-sided. Apparently, I needed something that would attract his attention.

"So…you said that the guard 'usually' comes here in the early morning, right?" I asked quietly. He nodded.

"But I thought they just caught you recently?"

"Eh?" was all I got. However, I was really curious. Who did they capture? Was it Altaïr? And if so, how did they manage to capture him? The great eagle of Masyaf? But the kid stopped further thoughts and answered my question.

"He was my brother. Unfortunately, he died from his injuries."

Turning my head into his direction, I carefully analysed his facial expressions. Even though the boy desperately tried to hold back his tears, I noticed the small shivers and his pained expression.

"The assassin they captured. He was your brother?"

"Not by blood," he answered. So he was talking about a member of the Brotherhood.

"But he was a dear friend. He deserved better."

"I am sorry," I murmured, but the boy only looked to his left with tears slowly running down his cheeks. Well at least I got him to talk.

We probably stayed like this for a couple of minutes before he slowly looked right back into my eyes. His expression confused me.

"But we are all prepared for that. His death is nothing special to be remembered."

"Nothing special...," I quietly repeated, not believing what I just heard.

Suddenly, all my hatred for the Brotherhood returned at once.

"Is that what they taught you? To be emotionless bastards who don't care about the loss of someone they held dear?" I coldly asked him.

Every single stupid rule of theirs and their superior behaviour, made me happy that I decided to leave them.

"The Brotherhood has never changed even once. You're self-righteous murderers. Nothing else."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Oh hell yes I do. I was born into a family of assassins, trained to be one of 'em. Until I decided to escape the hell they called 'home'," I spat into his face, regretting it immediately. This person was just a boy. On top of that, I knew that it wasn't his fault. It wasn't him that I should get angry with. But I just couldn't stop myself. In a quiet voice, I continued cursing all the assassins and their existence.

"So you're one of us," the boy stated with amazement written all over his face.

"No, I am not. I used to be, but that is long in the past, you hear me?"

Well actually the future… Not that I could tell him that, though.

"Is that why you're helping me?" he inquired. I was actually pretty surprised about his question, as I didn't know the answer myself. Did I even have reason?

"What? I guess yes? Ah, no- well I guess I was looking for Altaïr-," but before I was able to finish my sentence, the boy's eyes darkened.

"How do you know about him. What do you want from him?" he asked in a low, threatening voice. It seemed like mentioning Altaïr had definitely been a bad idea.

"Whoa – easy there, boy," I said, trying to calm him down. "I heard some guards talking about capturing Altaïr. I came here to help him. Instead I'm helping you now." But this didn't calm him down at all. With a swift move, he dashed right to the bars, angrily holding onto them. Only after a few seconds, his grip loosened.

"Why would you help the people you hate?" the boy asked, clearly wary.

"Look, kid-"

"I'm not a 'kid'!" he said annoyed.

"Look, oh mighty assassin of the Brotherhood. I would really love to tell you the whole story now, eating cookies, drinking some hot chocolate and all -," the boy looked at me, completely confused," but it seems like we have a visitor not too far from here. So if you could please shut up now and let me save you."

I could tell that he was anything but happy, but at least he complied.

Like before, I was able to hear steps coming towards us. Seems that my hearing training actually turns out to be of use. Quietly I made my way over to the dark corner, close to the boy's cell.

After a few minutes, I saw a middle-aged man walking towards the boy. He wore only thin armour and carried an old sword with him. The interesting part, though, hung on his left hip.

The keys.

When the guard reached the boy's cell, he started talking in Arabic. I couldn't understand a single word, but I noticed the mocking undertone he used. Slowly, I made my way over to him. I knew that I had only one chance. If I'd fuck this up now, I would probably end up dead very soon. Moreover, they would kill the kid, as well.

Oh gawd…

Nervousness crept all over me and my hands started sweating. Trying to unsheathe my short sword as quiet as possible, I sneaked up behind the now laughing guard.

It's now or never.

I gathered all the strength I could muster and stabbed the guard right into his neck. The plate he held fell down and created a loud noise that echoed through the whole underground base. Soon after, the guard lifted his hand to his throat whilst coughing up more and more blood. It only took a minute until he finally fell down on to the floor. Dead.

Within seconds, I realised that I had actually killed someone. Guiltiness overcame me, as I watched the blood making small puddles.

"We should hurry. Weren't those your words? I heard a small voice say.

I knew that he was right. Feeling guilty wouldn't get us out of here. So I knelt down and grabbed the keys. Seventeen keys, to be exact.

"Do you know which one is yours, by any chance?" The boy only shook his head.


I randomly tried one key after another. After having used almost half of them, I finally found the right one. Turning it slowly, I listened to our surroundings, but it seemed like no other guards were nearby.

There was a soft 'click' and the door opened. As if on cue, the boy jumped forwards and flit through the small gap between the bars and the door.

"Let's go," I heard him say. As I turned around I saw him waiting for me, only a few metres away. All of a sudden, fear overcame me.

"You're not trying to kill me," I quietly said. I somehow expected him to distrust and attack me. Even as a small kid – why should he trust me? If he didn't try to attack me, he should at least be running away now.

"I have no reason for that." But how could he be so sure?

"Furthermore, I wouldn't stand a chance."

"You would," was all I could answer. That was the truth. I wouldn't manage to fight off this kid. It's been so long since my last training and I was also missing a certain mindset. When I killed the guard, I felt guilty. It's is true that I also felt almost alive, since it's been years since I sneaked up onto someone like that. But actively fighting someone who defends himself was another matter.

Suddenly, the boy said something that I couldn't understand. Raising my right eyebrow, I looked at him, hoping he would repeat himself. But he didn't. Therefore, I went back to analysing the situation. When I looked down at the corpse I realised that we should do something about it. If somebody were to follow us, it would be safer to keep them in the dark for a little while longer. Slowly I knelt down, grabbed the corpse by the shoulders and started lifting it up. Then I dragged it into a back corner of the cell, leaning it against the wall.

Do I really want that…?

My idea was to put my jacket on the corpse. On one hand, it could deceive other guards for a second longer, since the hood looked similar to the assassin's robe. On the other hand, I loved this jacket way too much to just leave it here. Especially at a time like this, where I couldn't even be sure if I'd ever return to the real world.

Lost in my thoughts, I flinched, as the boy suddenly touched my shoulder. His eyes indicated that we had no time. And he was right.

I quickly took off my jacket and put it on the corpse. However, I kept my back towards the boy the whole time. I figured that showing him my face would only cause him to become wary. Standing up again, I put on my sweater's hood and turned towards the boy.

"I know a safe way out. Follow me," he said, before running towards a small corridor. I didn't question, but rather chased right after him.

Might as well trust him, huh…

It didn't take long until we reached another big room with lots of prison cells. However, all of them were empty and there were still no guards to be seen. I knew for sure now that something was off.

"Where are all the other prisoners?" I quietly asked.

"There are none." Well thanks for that Captain Obvious.

"But why? And where the hell are all the gua-?"

Suddenly he stopped in front of an empty cell. As he walked towards the bars, his hands started shaking. Looking closer, I noticed that the cell was not empty at all. There, in the back corner, lay a young child, no older than eight. His body was covered in blood, wounds everywhere. Looking back at the kid next to me, I realised that that must have been his friend who died from his wounds. I slowly walked behind the kid and raised my hands, careful not to scare him. When he didn't move, I softly put them over his eyes. He didn't resist at all. Instead he leaned against me. In return, I didn't say a thing, even as hot tears touched my skin. We stayed like this for a couple of minutes, not doing anything else. Then he raised his arms and took my hands of eyes. It didn't take another minute, before he let go of the bars and went right towards the next corridor, being quiet the whole time.

On our way outside I found some coins lying on a small table. As I took them all, the boy only rolled his eyes at me, but quickly made his way over to a small door. And when I say small, I really meant small. It took a while until I managed to get through, but the moment I was able to see where we ended up, I gasped. It seemed like the underground prison passed right under the whole city. Somehow, we found ourselves back at the poor district of Jerusalem. Not too far away from the Bureau in the rich district…

The sun would soon rise, but for now everything was still covered in darkness. I followed the boy, as he carefully walked to another, narrow alley. When we reached a -hopefully- safe spot, he let himself fall to the ground, deeply breathing in and out. He probably didn't expect this to go this well. Or maybe I was the only one, who thought that this escape was suspiciously easy. As a sudden wave of exhaustion overcame me, I decided to sit down next to the boy. Maybe these recent activities were just a little bit too much for me. Closing my eyes, I let my thoughts flow. What was I to do now? I managed to free this kid and it seemed like Altaïr hadn't been caught. There was not much left for me to do. Of course, I wanted to find a way back to my world. Therefore, I should try and find some cues on how to get back. But I had no idea where the hell I was even supposed to start searching for such cues. What was I even looking for?

"It is not safe here for much longer. We need to get going," I suddenly heard the boy whispering. When I turned my head to the side, I saw him starring right back at me. "I have a good friend nearby. We can go there and see what happens next."

Oh hell no. There was only one person the boy could mean. And meeting that one person could cause me more problems than I already had.

"I should probably take my leave now. Should I accompany you to your friend's house, anyway?", I asked him, trying to straighten my intentions of not going with him. But the boy had other intentions for me.

"Where do you wish to go now?" he asked. It felt like he knew that I had no plan whatsoever. "I will try to find my way back home," I answered honestly. I couldn't exactly tell him the whole truth, though. The boy watched me carefully as I averted my gaze, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Maybe we can help you? Where is that place you call 'home'?" But I didn't answer this question. He would have to accept it. Since he asked no further questions, I figured that he did. "Then stay with us, even if only for a little while?"

"I can't," I harshly said, once again looking right at him.

"Why not?" He didn't seem to understand. But I couldn't blame him for that.

"Your friend or rather mentor would be enraged if you'd take a stranger with you, no?"

"But you're one of us." Seems like he completely misunderstood. Sighing, I leaned my head back against the wall.

"Yes and no," I told him. "First of all, I am no longer an assassin. I fled. And secondly…," I said, but stopped midway. The boy wouldn't understand if I told him that I was not an assassin from Masyaf. But what else was I to tell him? No risk, no fun, eh…?

"…I am not from Masyaf. My Brotherhood originates from somewhere else." I honestly expected him to become wary and run away. But he didn't. Instead he was trying to analyse my face. Therefore, I turned my head and looked at the ground.

"There are no other Brotherhoods," he coldly stated.

"What about the Egyptians?" I sarcastically answered, "maybe you just don't know about the others?"

"And maybe you are trying to deceive me."

"Maybe," I answered honestly. I knew that if we'd continue like this, we would just be wasting our time. Interestingly enough, though, the boy suddenly smiled. A true smile.

"You are not from Egypt. You do not speak Arabic." Well, he was right about that. But he was still smiling. No indications for anger or distrust. It seemed like he accepted the idea of the existence of other Brotherhoods. This change of attitude sure was sudden…

"You will not tell me why you are here, will you?"

Instead of answering I just slightly shook my head. I still hoped that he would just leave me all alone here now. It would be for the best. But it would also lessen my chance of finding some leads.

"I will talk with Malik. He trusts me and my judgements," the boy said in rather soft voice. Then he stood up and walked a few steps away from me, waiting. Sighing I stood up as well and made my over to him. I knew that I was going to regret this.

"If he kills both of us, I will blame you, kid," I told him. But the boy only laughed.

"Deal!" is all he said before he started walking away even further.

On our way, the boy started talking about his early childhood. At first, I was utterly surprised. But after a short while, I decided to listen. Apparently, he lost both of his parents shortly after birth. An assassin found him and took him to the Brotherhood. Since then he had been living with the Brotherhood and was trained to become one of them. From the way he talked, I knew that he deeply loved the Brotherhood and considered them to be his family. He told me many stories about how he always messed up things and how his mentor had a rough time teaching him how to control his emotions. But they still always took care of him. He also talked about his friends that he played tag with, whenever they had some free time. And that he was sad that he had to stay in Jerusalem nowadays, with Malik, whilst his friends were on missions all the time. But he didn't mind being with Malik at all, as he 'respected' him. He told me that Malik recently lost his younger brother, Kadar, and that might be the reason, why he was so kind to himself. And that he maybe cared about him. And maybe considered him as a younger brother, as well. Judging from the fascination in his voice and the happy expression, I could tell that he also deeply cared for Malik.

When he stopped talking about himself, he turned his head to me.

"Thank you," I suddenly heard him whisper. I didn't know what to say. I didn't even know what made him thank me, as there was no reason. But the boy already answered the question for me. "For listening. Malik is the only other person, who doesn't mind listening to my stories."

Not understanding, why anyone should mind, I only nodded. Especially for someone like me who disliked talking himself, hearing someone talk in such a happy voice, was almost soothing. His stories were all quite amusing and his story telling wasn't even that bad. However, after that, he didn't continue talking. Only a soft smile was visible on his face.

Moreover, he walked significantly closer to me and continually bumped into me.

Speaking of the devil - ouch.

When we had almost reached the bureau, I remembered that the entrance was on the roof. Which meant that I somehow had to find a way to get up, since I doubted that I could still climb up the wall.

As the boy was about to turn right, I grabbed him by the arm and went to the left. Surprised, he freed himself, but still followed me as I, shortly after, turned right into another narrow alley. I knew that the entrance was on the roof to the right now. But I also remembered something even more important.

"What are you doing?" the boy asked confused. Before I answered, I continued walking further. When I looked closer, I saw what I had been searching for.

A ladder.

"No worries. I've been here before," I told him honestly, whilst approaching the ladder.

"Why would you take this way? It is easier to climb up the wall from the other side."

Laughing, I tested whether the ladder was still intact or not. I sure as hell was not going to die because of a ladder, after I had just successfully survived the recent events.

"For you maybe. I prefer taking the ladder," I answered, before starting to climb up. As I carefully turned around, I saw him watching me, still confused. Then, all of a sudden, he started grinning. Opening his mouth, I knew he was about to say something. But before he managed to mock me, I beat him to it.

"Don't even start," I said, turning around again. However, as I climbed up, I heard him snicker behind me. Cocky brat.

It didn't take long until we reached the roof. But the moment I stood up, my hood suddenly fell off. However, luckily, my back was turned to the boy. I still wasn't too sure about him seeing my face. Although, I'd really rather show him my face, than Malik. Quickly, I put it on again.

"Won't you show me your face?" I heard a soft voice behind me ask. I knew that this was going to happen at some point, even though I had desperately wanted to avoid this.

Slowly turning around, I sighed.

"Trust me. That wouldn't be wise." But the boy only looked at me, trying to see my face. He obviously didn't care about what I just said. Or he didn't even listen to begin with.

"Whatever it is, I will neither attack or run from you. I will also keep it to myself," he said with the most trusting voice, I had ever heard.

"I promise." But he shouldn't. "I could be your enemy. Promising me something like that could get you in great danger, boy." As an assassin he should know that.

"That is not quite right. You could be the Brotherhood's enemy. But not mine. You wouldn't harm me," he said, looking right at me. And he meant every word he said. I had noticed the confidence in his voice and the determination is his eyes, when he said it.

Sighing I stepped closer to him. "You should never trust a stranger," I told him. But he was right. Since when did I care about others?

"Neither should you, brother," he calmly answered. Taken aback by his answer, I stopped moving. Did he just…? This boy really was full of surprises. I didn't even know his name and before I had noticed, he had already wrapped me around his little finger.

"I won't explain anything. Just accept it," I said, still not believing that I was going to show him my face. However, I only received a nod as answer.

When I stood directly in front of him, I slowly raised my arms and took off my hood. To be honest, I expected him to freak out and start screaming or something, but he only took a step back, as his eyes widened.

"Altaïr?" he whispered, clearly confused. "Why...I don't understand!"

I didn't know what to answer. There was no denying that I looked exactly like Altaïr, but that was about it. I neither spoke Arabic, nor did we have the same voice. But the similar appearance was unusual. No sane person wouldn't be wary of such a similarity.

The boy still looked at me, as if the world had just ended. Yet, to answer his question, I only shook my head, before putting my hood back on. There was nothing that I could do. I heard small steps coming closer to me, as suddenly a small hand carefully hold on to my sweater.

"You look just like him," he said more to himself than anyone else. "But if you're not Altaïr - then who are you?"

Not turning around, I repeated that this was not the time to talk about it. Seemingly not happy, the boy reluctantly accepted the answer and let go of me.

"You were right. We need to convince Malik of your innocence, before he reports this to the Brotherhood," he said thoughtfully. Relief washed over me. This sounded like he intended to keep his promises.

When he stood in front of the entrance, he turned around once and smiled at me

"By the way, my name is Khalil," he said, whilst continuing smiling. With a swift motion, he opened the entrance and jumped down.

And all I could do was follow him, not knowing what would happen next.


Here are some translations (correct me if I'm wrong):

escape = الفرار

answer =جواب

and Khalil means 'friend' ^-^

Fyi: If you have any wishes/ ideas pls pm me and share them with me. :) Multiple minds are always better than one. ^^

LG from Germany :3